2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Nia Sutisna ◽  
Yeni Rachmawati

Kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh anak cerebral palsy dengan tipe spastik yaitu ia memiliki kesulitan dalam menggunakan otot-ototnya untuk bergerak, disebabkan adanya kekejangan pada otot, akibatnya gerakan tubuh menjadi terbatas dan lambat. Dampak dari kekejangan atau kekakuan yang dialami anak cerebral palsy tipe spastik diantaranya adalah hambatan dalam melakukan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan otot, yaitu kemampuan motorik halus seperti dalam kegiatan bina diri dan belajar. Untuk mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus pada siswa cerebral palsy tipe spastik dibutuhkan suatu metode atau aktivitas pembelajaran yang tepat agar kemampuan motorik halus yang dimiliknya dapat dikembangkan. Salah satunya dengan aktivitas kolase yang dilakukan guna melatih motorik halus anak, koordinasi mata dan tangan melalui sebuah aktivitas yang menyenangkan serta bermanfaat. Kolase merupakan teknik yang kaya akan aktivitas yang memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan motorik halus terutama kelenturan dalam menggunakan jari-jarinya seperti merobek dan menempel. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah aktivitas kolase berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus pada siswa cerebral palsy tipe spastik kelas VII di SMPLB-D YPAC Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Single Subject Research (SSR) dengan desain penelitian A-B-A. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes perbuatan dan teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase, dengan indikator mampu mengambil dan meletakkan benda dalam berbagai posisi, mampu memasang dan melepas resleting celana, serta mampu memasang dan melepas kancing baju. Hasil penelitian diperoleh mean level baseline 1 (A-1) sebesar 50,97%, mean level intervensi (B) sebesar 71,8% dan mean level baseline 2 (A-2) sebesar 85,29%. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa melalui aktivitas kolase dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus pada siswa cerebral palsy tipe spastik (MBY), terbukti dari kenaikan mean level pada setiap sesi. Hasil penelitian ini sekiranya dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi pendidik dalam pemilihan aktivitas pembelajaran pada anak cerebral palsy. Difficulties arising from the child's spastic cerebral palsy type is a person who has difficulty in using his muscles to move that affects muscle spasm. The impact of spasticity or stiffness experienced by children of cerebral palsy type is an obstacle in performing activities related to muscle ability. To develop fine motor abilities in students, the type of cerebral palsy spastic technology or the proper learning activities for fine motor skills that can be developed. This study was conducted to determine whether the collage process can improve fine motor skills in grade VII cerebral palsy spastic students at SMPLB-D YPAC Bandung. The research method used is Single Subject Research (SSR) with A-B-A research design. Data processing techniques through tests and data analysis techniques using percentages, with indicators that can be used in various positions, able to load and finish pants, and able to lift and remove clothes. The result of the research obtained average level of baseline 1 (A-1) equal to 50,97%, mean intervention level (B) equal to 71,8% and mean level of baseline 2 (A-2) equal to 85,29%. The results of this study suggest that through the collage stage can improve fine motor skills in students of cerebral palsy spastic type (MBY), as evidenced by the increase in the average rate in each session.

Samina Ashraf ◽  
Farheen Nisar

Cerebral palsy is a neurological, non-progressive and commonest cause of severe physical disabilities. It affects body movement and muscle coordination permanently and usually appears in early childhood. Children with cerebral palsy have severe problems of fine motor skills. The research was conducted to achieve the following objectives 1) to identify the current level of fine motor skills of students with cerebral palsy studying in the schools, 2)Design  an intervention strategic plan  to enhance the fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy,3)implement the prescribed intervention plan to enhance the fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy.4)improve the fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy by implementing the intervention strategies. It was an experimental research conducted by applying single subject research design (ABA).The researchers used two different checklists to assess the functional abilities of the children with CP before and after intervention. The reliability of all the instruments was checked by using cronbach alpha (.87 and .78) whereas the content validity of the instruments was estimated by taking expert opinions. On the basis of pretest an intervention plan was implemented to enhance the functional abilities of the students. A self-developed test was used after implementing the intervention strategies to see the improvement in the functional abilities of children with cerebral palsy.

1987 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Christopher F. Sharpley

The effects of non-contingent rewards administered both directly and implicitly for a fine motor skills task were investigated under a time-series design. Data were collected from all members of a typical class, with the teacher acting as experimenter to enhance generalizability. Results indicated that non-contingent rewards possessed neutral consequential effects, thus challenging data from some previous studies which have methodological limitations. The ineffectiveness of non-contingent rewards as reinforcers is discussed, with several suggestions made for future research to investigate the issue of previous reward history and its effect upon the non-contingent reward condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-260
Ana Munandar ◽  
Nia Sutisna

AbstrakMMembaca permulaan merupakan kemampuan paling dasar dan penting untuk mempelajari simbol atau kode yang memiliki makna serta dapat diterjemahkan dalam bunyi atau suara. Komponen membaca permulaan yaitu membaca huruf, suku kata, kata dan kalimat sederhana. Membaca sangat penting untuk setiap orang, begitu juga anak berkebutuhan khusus. Cerebral Palsy adalah individu yang mengalami kerusakan otak menetap yang berdampak pada mobilisasi, gerak, komunikasi, dan lain sebagainya. Metode yang digunakan oleh guru di sekolah kurang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan. Oleh karena itu, subjek memerlukan metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaannya. Salah satunya yaitu metode pembelajaran Strukrural Analitik Sintetik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pembelajaran ini untuk melihat pengaruh kepada kemampuan membaca permulaan pada subjek. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, eksperimen Single Subject Research dengan desain A-B-A. Jumlah sesi pada A1 tiga sesi, B tujuh sesi, dan A2 tiga sesi. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu anak cerebral palsy spastik yang mengalami hambatan kecerdasan kelas IX SMPLB. etiap sesinya anak memperoleh rata-rata nilai A1 yaitu 59,06%, B 74,80%, dan A2 84,25%. Kesimpulannya metode struktural analitik sintetik dapat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca permulaan. AbstractPre-reading is the most basic and important ability to learn symbols or codes that have meaning and can be translated in sounds or sounds. The component of pre-reading is reading letters, syllables, words and simple sentences. Reading is very important for everyone, so are children with special needs. Cerebral Palsy is an individual who has permanent brain damage that affects mobilization, movement, communication, and so forth. The method used by teachers in schools is less able to improve pre-reading skills. Therefore, the subject requires learning methods that can improve the ability to read the beginning. One of them is the synthetic analytical structural learning method. This study uses this learning method to see the effect on early reading skills on the subject. The research method uses a quantitative approach, a single subject research experiment with A-B-A design. The number of sessions at A1 is three sessions, B is seven sessions, and A2 is three sessions. The subjects of this study are spastic cerebral palsy children who have intelligence problems in class IX SMPLB. for each session the children obtained an average A1 value of 59.06%, B 74.80%, and A2 84.25%. In conclusion, synthetic analytic structural methods can have a significant effect on improving early reading skills.

2021 ◽  
Eugen Mengel ◽  
Marc C Patterson ◽  
Michael Chladek ◽  
Christina Guldberg ◽  
Christine íDali ◽  

Abstract Background Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is a debilitating condition that impacts patients’ and caregivers’ quality of life (QOL) and reduces the patient’s life expectancy. Since there is little qualitative research from the perspective of patients and family caregivers, this study explored the impact of NPC on patients’ and caregivers’ daily lives to understand the burden of disease.Results A survey of caregivers for patients with NPC and adult patients with NPC (n = 49; patient age: 13 months – 65 years) assessed NPC severity, importance of NPC symptoms, and how symptoms impacted patients’ and caregivers’ activities of daily living (ADLs) and health-related QOL (HRQOL). Follow-up interviews with a subset of survey participants (n = 28) explored the ranking of NPC symptom importance and impact on ADLs and HRQOL.Findings indicated that the most important manifestations of NPC were ambulation, swallowing, speech, fine motor skills, and cognition, which were those that had the most significant impact on ADLs and HRQOL. A wide range of ADLs were affected by NPC, mainly eating/drinking and ability to perform daily tasks, including self-care, communicating, participating in school or work, and moving indoors as well as outside the home. Along with these impacts, there was an increased risk of experiencing dangerous or life-threatening situations leading to loss of patient independence and additional caregiver burden, often requiring changes in lifestyle such as giving up work. All aspects of patients’ and caregivers’ HRQOL were affected. Participants reported feelings of social isolation, loss of enjoyment in activities (patients), and feelings of sadness or worry (caregivers).ConclusionsAmbulation, swallowing, speech, fine motor skills, and cognition are important manifestations of NPC. ADLs and HRQOL were impaired in the majority of patients as well as their caregivers. The findings were independent of current age, age of onset of symptoms, and level of NPC disease-related disability; however, the impact increased at higher levels of disease disability. Knowing the impact of NPC on patients and caregivers is important for understanding the lived experience of NPC and for identifying potential areas of support.Trial registrationNCT02612129. Registered 23 November 2015,

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-264
Inna TARAN ◽  
Nataliia VASYLIEVA ◽  
Antonina GUROVA ◽  

Today there is a need to develop a method of hydrokinesis therapy as a means of gradual formation of motor skills in children with spastic diplegia of cerebral palsy of the chronic-residual stage of the disease in a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation. The purpose of the study is to develop a method of hydrokinesis therapy for children 3-5 years with cerebral palsy of spastic form. The main novelties of the developed technique of hydrokinesis therapy: development of application of complexes of exercises in hydrokinesis therapy, which differs in structure from the generally accepted methods for patients with cerebral palsy of spastic form in the chronic-residual stage of the disease; combination of means of physical rehabilitation with the technique of hydrokinesis therapy during the annual cycle. The study involved 24 children 3-5 years of age with a diagnosis of "cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia" of the chronic-residual stage of the disease of moderate severity. To achieve this goal, theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature were used; pedagogical experiment and observation; medical and biological methods (used anthropometry and Pinier index; goniometry, assessment of basic motor functions (ABMF) on the Likert scale, muscle tone on the Ashfort scale, muscle strength on the Lovett scale; assessment of manipulative activity and speed response of the hands on trapping- the test made it possible to determine the level of development of fine motor skills); sociological methods (surveys of parents on questionnaires of social and emotional state and level of children's play activities); methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the actual experimental material, assess the reliability of the data. There were significant (p <0.01) changes in the indicators of social and emotional state in children with main group (MG) by 15.5%, in comparative group (CG) - by 11.7%, and there was a slight improvement in play activity in children with MG by 9.6%, in CG - by 5.75%. The developed method of hydrokinesiotherapy is effective and helps to improve the functions of general and fine motor skills, socio-emotional state and the level of activity of play activities of children 3-5 years with cerebral palsy of spastic form.

Olha Herus ◽  
Tereza Klymus ◽  
Marta Kozak

Introduction: Cerebral palsy occurs as a result of affecting those parts of the central nervous system that control the muscles and are responsible for the balance and movements arbitrariness. It has a number of forms with varying degrees of damage to the central nervous system and impaired physiological functions. And this certainly affects the perception. Due to perception distortion, sensory interpretation is slowed down and incorrectly analyzed in the cerebral cortex. The improvement of the motor sphere implies the development of general and small motor skills, and the improvement of movements coordination. The correction of motor sphere disorders should be done in a comprehensive, systematic manner, with the involvement of specialists (neurologists, physical therapists, rehabilitologists, sensory therapists). This will help to determine the content of motor sphere correction exercises and define the step-by-step measures for physical condition improvement. Aim: to investigate the impact of physical and sports rehabilitation measures of people with cerebral palsy disabilities on improving the proprioceptive system basing on an analysis of the practical application of the bocce game program. Methodology: SIPT (Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests) breach detection study. Bocce game lessons were tested (as a method of physical and sport rehabilitation) in order to improve the sensory system. Object of the study – 10 people aged 28–35 with a clinical diagnosis of "Cerebral palsy" with impaired mobility, who are using a trolley and are undergoing rehabilitation at the rehabilitation center in Lviv. Results: It was found that 9 out of 10 participants had dysarthric disorders. General somatic attenuation and slow development of locomotor functions are accompanied by a lag in the motor sphere development of the people with cerebral palsy. Conclusion: The study found that engaging in sports and exercise leads to increased physical health and improved gross fine motor skills related to the sensorimotor system

2021 ◽  
Rr. Dina Kusuma Wardhani ◽  
Rusmono Rusmono ◽  
Wuryani Wuryani

Disability can be classified into two types, namely disorders of the function of the orthopedic limb (orthopedic disability) and disorders of the function of the nerve (neurological disability). The purpose of this study was to optimize the fine motor skills of students with cerebral palsy at TKLB SLB D YPAC, South Jakarta, through sewing board media. In this study, the ADDIE Approach (Analysis-Design-Develop-ImplementEvaluate) was used. The sewing board media developed in this study were shown to be effective and can be used in optimizing the fine motor skills of students with cerebral palsy. Keywords: children with special needs, cerebral palsy, fine motor, sewing board media

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