scholarly journals Reconaissance Researches of Kemerova Village: on the Issue of the Russian Settlement Archaeology of the XVII–XIX Centuries

2001 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 1154-1166
Aleksei G. Marochkin ◽  
Igor’ Iu. Uskov ◽  
Ivan A. Plats ◽  
Sergei A. Vasiutin ◽  

The subject of this research is the history, chronology and archaeological artifacts from the Kemerova village (Kemirova, Komarova, Temirova). The research is a part of a scientific topic of exploring Russian settlements in the Tom’ River region of the XVII–XIX centuries. The aim of this work is to identify the archaeological layer structure, determine the stages of Kemerovo village site development using stratigraphic data and archaeological objects, to compare the archaeological data with the results of written and cartographic sources. The archaeological research results showed two archaeological layers well stratigraphically recognizable. The lower archaeological layer contains artifacts of the middle of the XVIII century – the cusp of the XIX–XX centuries. So, it is about pre-industrial rural society’ life. The upper layer separated from the lower one by a layer containing some coal dates from the XX century. The artifacts bear witness of how the village was transforming into a industrial township. Comparison of the archaeological data and other historical sources materials highlights the need to find cultural remains of Kemerova village emerging period and a clearer differentiation of the middle of the XVIII–XIX centuries which requires further researches on the site. The area of use of the received results includes not only the history of Kemerovo but also issues of emergence and development of Russian and other ethnic groups’ settlements in the XVII–XIX centuries in the Tom’ River basin. Main conclusions: the received results allow us to determine two periods (pre-industrial and early industrial) in the history of Kemerova village before its inclusion into the territory of Shcheglovsk town (Kemerovo since 27 March 1932). It can be suggested that Kemerova village with the other Kemerovo rural settlements (Krasnaia, Shcheglova-Ust’- Iskitim, Kuchukovy Yurty / Ulus-Mozzhukha, Evseeva, Borovaia and others) formed the urban territory. In this context, the role of Kemerova village is not only in using its name for the mine, the train station and, finally, for the city but the early idea of connection of this rural settlement with the «burnt hill», coal deposits (1721) which defined the further industrial potential of Kemerovo

Balcanica ◽  
2004 ◽  
pp. 91-158
Milos Lukovic

With the partitioning in 1373 of the domain of Nikola Altomanovic, a Serbian feudal lord, the old political core of the Serbian heartland was shattered and the feudal Bosnian state considerably extended to the east. The region was crossed by the Tara river, mostly along the southeast-northwest "Dinaric course". Although the line along which Altomanovic?s domain was partitioned has been discussed on several occasions and over a comparatively long period, analyses show that the identification of its section south of the Tara is still burdened by a number of unanswered questions, which are the topic of this paper. An accurate identification of this historical boundary is of interest not only to historiography, but also to archaeology ethnology, philology (the history of language and dialectology in particular) and other related disciplines. The charters of Alphonse V and Friedrich III concerning the domain of herceg Stefan Vukcic Kosaca, and other historical sources relating to the estates of the Kosaca cannot reliably con?rm that the zupa of Moraca belonged to the Kosaca domain. The castrum Moratsky and the civitate Morachij from the two charters stand for the fortress near the village of Gornje Morakovo in the zupa of Niksic known as Mrakovac in the nineteenth century, and as Jerinin Grad/Jerina?s Castle in recent times. The zupa of Moraca, as well as the neighbouring Zupa of Brskovo in the Tara river valley, belonged to the domain of the Brankovic from the moment the territory of zupan Nikola Altomanovic was partitioned until 1455, when the Turks ?nally conquered the region thereby ending the 60-year period of dual, Serbian-Turkish, rule. Out of the domain of the Brankovic the Turks created two temporary territorial units: Krajiste of Issa-bey Ishakovic and the Vlk district (the latter subsequently became the san?ak of Vucitrn). The zupa of Moraca became part of Issa-bey Ishakovic?s domain, and was registered as such, although the fact is more di?cult to see from the surviving Turkish cadastral record. The zupa of Moraca did not belong to the vilayet of Hersek, originally established by the Turks within their temporary vilayet system after most of the Kosaca domain had been seized. It was only with the establishing of the San?ak of Herzegovina that three nahiyes which formerly constituted the Zupa of Moraca (Donja/Lower Moraca, Gornja/Upper Moraca and Rovci) were detached from Issa-bey?s territory and included into the San?ak of Hercegovina. It was then that they were registered as part of that San?ak and began to be regarded as being part of Herzegovina.

2020 ◽  
pp. 161-167
А. Венгер ◽  
M. Головань

The article deals with the biography of the peasant Andrii Sapsai, whose life came at a time of the great turmoil in the first half of the twentieth century.On the eve of the 1917 revolution his family successfully farmed in the village Pryyut of Katerynoslav province. In the post-revolutionary years they continued to farm: they kept cattle, cultivated land. The turning point for the family was the dislocation and eviction from the village.The whole family was deported to live in the Urals at the Lisna Vovchanka station. There Andrii was sentenced under a political article. On the eve of the German-Soviet war he returned to Ukraine and settled not far from the village Pryyut.With the arrival of German troops he volunteered with the police, moved to the village Pryyut where he settled down in his house. He was responsible for sending local youth to Germany, searching the villages of those in hiding, and sending them to the collection point in the village Friesendorf, and from there escorted to the train station. Aboveall, Andrii Sapsai participated in the execution of the Jews of the village Kamyana in the Berestianabalka.In May 1942, police officers from the area were summoned to the Friesendorf meeting, for a total of 50 men arrived. The police chief Keller ordered everyone to get into two trucks and to go to the village Zlatoustovka.The policemen were brought to the Berestiana balka, which was located near the village, where a hole up to 20 m long, 2 m wide and 2 m deep had already been dug.They were informed that the Jews were going to be brought now and they would have to be shot. Those who would refuse to participate in the shooting would face severe punishment. Following the police the chief of the Friesendorf Gendarmerie, who had organized the whole process, arrived. In 1934 he left the territory of Ukraine together with some German troops, reaching Romania and leaving them there. In the summer of 1944 local authorities gathered those who had retreated with the Germans at the camp and they worked to rebuild the airfield and then they were transferred to the Soviet command. Then Andrii was called to the ranks of the Red Army by the field enlistment office. To the 4th platoon of the 1st military company, 375 special assault battalion 41 rifle regiment of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.He participated in the battles for the liberation of Hungary, in January 1944 became a German prisoner, and in May 1945 in the territory of Austria he was liberated by Soviet troops and again drafted into the army, where he served until 1946.

Анна Шауренко

Ключові слова. побут, селянство, матеріальний добробут, інфраструктура, медицина, культура, освіта. Анотація У статті розглянуто особливості добробуту сільського населення у пострадянський період. Акцентується увага на забезпеченості населення необхідними для життя матеріальними благам. Насамперед, продуктами харчування, промисловими товарами, послугами та умовами, що задовольняють певну потребу людини і відповідають її інтересам. У не найкращому стані перебувала соціальна сфера, комунальне господарство і медицина. Кризові явища, якими супроводжувалися трансформаційні процеси в економіці, завдали відчутних збитків матеріальному забезпеченню селян. За результатами зібраних матеріалів доведено, що економічна криза, швидкі темпи інфляції, проблема дефіциту товарів, затримка коштів для виплати заробітної плати в 90-х рр. ХХ ст. ускладнювали матеріальне становище сільського населення України. Посилання Bakhovskyi, 2003 ‑ Bakhovskyi V. Tsiny na prodovolchi tovary i riven zhyttia naselennia [Food prices and living standards]. // Ekonomika APK. 2003. №12  S.81-87. [in Ukrainian]. Balanovska, 2000 – Balanovska T. Silskyi sektor Ukrainy na rubezhi tysiacholit [Ukraine's rural sector at the turn of the millennium]. T.1. : Potentsial silskoho sektora. Kyiv : Instytut ekonomiky NAN Ukrainy, 2000. 396 s. [in Ukrainian]. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, 1992‑2001 ‑ Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: statystychna informatsiia [State Statistics Service of Ukraine: statistical information]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Ihnatenko, 2009 ‑ Ihnatenko M. Ukrainske selianstvo: pobutova ta kulturno-osvitnia sfera (1991‑1997 rr.) [Ukrainian peasantry: household and cultural-educational sphere (1991–1997)]. // Osvita, nauka i kultura na Podilli: zb. naukovykh prats, prysviachenyi 90-richchiu Kamianetskoi doby UNR. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Opiium, 2009. T. 13. S. 386-394. [in Ukrainian]. Kasianov, 2008 ‑ Kasianov H. Ukraina 1999 – 2007: narysy novitnoi istorii [Ukraine 1999–2007: Essays on Recent History].Kyiv : Nash chas, 2008. 432 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kovpak, 2003 ‑ Kovpak L. V. Sotsialno-pobutovi umovy zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy v druhii polovyni KhKh st. (1945–2000 rr.) [Socio-living conditions of the population of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century (1945–2000)] Kyiv : Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2003. 250 s. [in Ukrainian]. Prokopa, 1996. ‑ Prokopa I. V. Sotsialna infrastruktura sela: formuvannia novoho mekhanizmu rozvytku [Social infrastructure of the village: formation of a new mechanism of development]. Kyiv : NAN Ukrainy, Instytut ekonomiky, 1996. 172 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 ‑ Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [The standard of living of the population of Ukraine]. / za red. L. M. Cherenko. Kyiv : TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Konsultant», 2006. 428 s. [in Ukrainian]. Riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy, 2006 Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy: riven zhyttia naselennia Ukrainy [State Statistics Committee of Ukraine: living standards of the population of Ukraine]. URL: (data zvernennia 25.11.2021) [in Ukrainian]. Sabluk, 2002 ‑ Sabluka P. T., Orlatyi M. K. Materialnyi dobrobut silskykh zhyteliv [Material well-being of rural residents]. Kyiv : Instytut ahrarnoi ekonomiky UAAN, 2002. 369 s. [in Ukrainian]. Smolii, 2006 ‑ Smolii V. A. Istoriia ukrainskoho selianstva: narysy: v 2 t. [History of the Ukrainian peasantry: essays in 2 volumes]. Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 2006. T. 2. 653 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy, 2010 ‑ Statystychnyi shchorichnyk Ukrainy 2009 rik [Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine 2009]. / za red. O.H. Osaulenka. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2010. 567 s. [in Ukrainian]. Statystychnyi zbirnyk, 1997 ‑ Sotsialno-ekonomichne stanovyshche silskykh naselenykh punktiv Ukrainy: statystychnyi zbirnyk [Socio-economic situation of rural settlements of Ukraine: statistical collection]. Kyiv : Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 1997.  175 s. [in Ukrainian]. Zavalniuk, 2004 ‑ Zavalniuk O., Rybak I. Novitnia ahrarna istoriia Ukrainy [Recent agrarian history of Ukraine]. Kamianets-Podilskyi : Abetka-NOVA, 2004. 288 s. [in Ukrainian].

Pertiwih Siahaan ◽  
Budi Agustono

This article discusses the history of the formation of the city of Tarutung. This article answers the problem of how the city of Tarutung developed after the arrival of Western colonialism in the form of religion, military, administration and economy which encouraged the development of Tarutung City. This study uses the historical method through four stages: heuristics (collection of historical sources); verification (source criticism); interpretation (historical analysis and interpretation); and historiography (writing history). Sources as historical data obtained from a number of documents and literature from the colonial to post-colonial period. This study found that the existing Tarutung city was formed into a traditional city which was used as a trading center from a durian tree that grew in the middle of the village with the Batak Toba socio-culture that was implemented before the arrival of Western colonialism. The arrival and colonial influence made the identity of Tarutung City begin to develop both in terms of social, economic, and cultural aspects while maintaining the traditional cultural elements that still exist.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-213
Rusydi Sulaiman

Indonesia is known for its vast territory consisting of thousands of islands. One of them is Pulau Bangka—an  island which also includes many villages in the right and left row of roads with other completeness as the reality of the village in Bangka. Sociologically, the island is harmed because the form of the village in Bangka is more due to colonial policy in the middle of  nineteen century. It was , different from previous village land inherited by the ancestors (Atok-Nek) in Bangka. This article focuses on early village discussions in Bangka named kampung  with qualitative research methods sourced from data  related to the subject matter.  This research produces several sub-discussions, namely: village philosophy, archaeological data in Bangka, the  history of kampung in Bangka,  kampung and strengthening civilization. Kampung does not appear immediately in the history of Bangka, but there were in long process. Early Bangka people inherited some ranges; memarung, panggung, bubung kampung and nganggung. Then adopted by Malay Islam (urang lah. In philosophical Islam, there was a process of strengthening local wisdom values  as a form of kampung civilization in Bangka  island.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-205
Ze’ev H. (Zhabo) Erlich ◽  
Meir Rotter

This paper describes the authors’ discovery of four ancient menorahs inscribed on stone in the village of Hajjeh, Samaria. These four menorahs join another previously menorah discovered in Hajjeh, which has been published by Yuval Peleg in the past, bringing the total number of menorahs we know about in this village to five. This paper combines analyses of the known history of Hajjeh with the rich finds from the ancient inscribed menorahs. These analyses, together with information from historical sources on the village and its surroundings during the Byzantine and early Islamic periods, expand our knowledge about the locality and the use of ancient menorahs inscribed on stone during the Roman and Byzantine periods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 579-595
Jenny Hagenblad ◽  
Jacob Morales

AbstractThe Canary Islands are an archipelago that lies about 100 km west of North Africa. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) has been continuously cultivated since the colonization of the islands. To investigate the agricultural history of the islands, the DNA from multiple individuals of six extant landraces of barley was sequenced, and the resulting data were analyzed with ABC modeling. Estimates of separation times of barley populations on the different islands and the mainland were congruent with archaeological dating of the earliest settlements on the islands. The results of the genetic analyses were consistent with the continuous cultivation of barley on Lanzarote island since it was first colonized, but suggested cultivation was carried out at a smaller scale than on Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Contrary to archaeological evidence and early written historical sources, the genetic analyses suggest that barley was cultivated on a larger scale on Tenerife than on Gran Canaria. The genetic analysis of contemporary barley added support to the dating of the colonization of the islands and pointed to the need for more archaeological data concerning barley cultivation on Tenerife.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Sh M Khapizov ◽  
M G Shekhmagomedov

The article is devoted to the study of inscriptions on the gravestones of Haji Ibrahim al-Uradi, his father, brothers and other relatives. The information revealed during the translation of these inscriptions allows one to date important events from the history of Highland Dagestan. Also we can reconsider the look at some important events from the past of Hidatl. Epitaphs are interesting in and of themselves, as historical and cultural monuments that needed to be studied and attributed. Research of epigraphy data monuments clarifies periodization medieval epitaphs mountain Dagestan using record templates and features of the Arabic script. We see the study of medieval epigraphy as one of the important tasks of contemporary Caucasian studies facing Dagestani researchers. Given the relatively weak illumination of the picture of events of that period in historical sources, comprehensive work in this direction can fill gaps in our knowledge of the medieval history of Dagestan. In addition, these epigraphs are of great importance for researchers of onomastics, linguistics, the history of culture and religion of Dagestan. The authors managed to clarify the date of death of Ibrahim-Haji al-Uradi, as well as his two sons. These data, the attraction of written sources and legends allowed the reconstruction of the events of the second half of the 18th century. For example, because of the epidemic of plague and the death of most of the population of Hidatl, this society noticeably weakened and could no longer maintain its influence on Akhvakh. The attraction of memorable records allowed us to specify the dates of the Ibrahim-Haji pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, as well as the route through which he traveled to these cities.

Corinne Saunders

A properly critical medical humanities is also a historically grounded medical humanities. Such historical grounding requires taking a long cultural perspective, going beyond traditional medical history – typically the history of disease, treatment and practice – to trace the origins and development of the ideas that underpin medicine in its broadest sense – ideas concerning the most fundamental aspects of human existence: health and illness, body and mind, gender and family, care and community. Historical sources can only go so far in illuminating such topics; we must also look to other cultural texts, and in particular literary texts, which, through their imaginative worlds, provide crucial insights into cultural and intellectual attitudes, experience and creativity. Reading from a critical medical humanities perspective requires not only cultural archaeology across a range of discourses, but also putting past and present into conversation, to discover continuities and contrasts with later perspectives. Medical humanities research is illuminated by cultural and literary studies, and also brings to them new ways of seeing; the relation is dynamic. This chapter explores the ways mind, body and affect are constructed and intersect in medieval thought and literature, with a particular focus on how voice-hearing and visionary experience are portrayed and understood.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-219
Aminta Arrington

The Lisu are a largely Christian minority group in south-west China who, as an oral culture, express their faith more through a set of Christian practices done as a group and less through bible reading as individuals. Even so, the Lisu practice of Christianity specifically, and Lisu culture more generally, was profoundly impacted by the written scriptures. During the initial evangelisation of the Lisu by the China Inland Mission, missionaries created a written script for the Lisu language. Churches were constructed and organised, which led to the creation of bible schools and the work of bible translation. In the waves of government persecution after 1949, Lisu New Testaments were hidden away up in the mountains by Lisu Christians. After 1980, the Lisu reclaimed their faith by listening to the village elders tell the Old Story around the fires and reopening the churches that had been closed for twenty-two years. And they reclaimed their bible by retrieving the scriptures from the hills and copying them in the evening by the light of a torch. The Lisu bible has its own narrative history, consisting of script creating, translating, migrating, and copying by hand. At times it was largely influenced by the mission narrative, but at other times, the Lisu bible itself was the lead character in the story. Ultimately, the story of the Lisu bible reflects the Lisu Christian story of moving from missionary beginnings to local leadership and, ultimately, to local theological inquiry.

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