scholarly journals Nuevas Masculinidades Alternativas, la lucha con y por el Feminismo en el Contexto Universitario

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 44 ◽  
Mar Joanpere Foraster ◽  
Teresa Morlà

The participation of men in the feminist movement and the solidarity struggle with victims has been repeatedly questioned by both sexes, as well as their contributions and their solidarity with women. Despite this questioning, throughout history there was men who have positioned themselves against sexism and gender violence, in favor of affective or emotional/sexual or sexual relations, totally free of violence. This article is developed through an auto narrative of a case of overcoming sexual harassment thanks to the interaction and masculine intervention in support and solidarity to the victims of gender-based violence. The narrative is evidenced with the scientific contributions of the main feminist researchers on the new masculinities’ topic. The specific case that succeed in the context of university constitutes a reference of action for men who are positioned with women in the fight against gender violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 319-334
Mauro Machado do Prado ◽  
Ana Paula de Castro Neves ◽  
Nathália Machado Cardoso Dardeau de Albuquerque

O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo qualitativo das representações sociais de imigrantes venezuelanas na América do Sul no período de 2016 a 2019, a partir de manchetes de notícias divulgadas em jornais digitais brasileiros. O objetivo é verificar a ocorrência ou não de veiculações que constituam de forma explícita ou implícita uma violação à dignidade e aos direitos dessas mulheres, ao fomentar ou incitar a xenofobia e a violência de gênero na sociedade através de palavras, frases ou expressões capazes de provocar um aniquilamento simbólico. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico e documental acerca das vulnerabilidades sociais presentes nos processos imigratórios contemporâneos, que foi consubstanciado com a análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2009), em abordagem qualitativa, de manchetes publicadas em jornais digitais brasileiros. A partir da análise realizada, foi possível inferir que estes veículos de comunicação vêm frequentemente descrevendo a migração venezuelana como um problema, mas em conotação negativa, sem o cuidado de descrição do contexto de forma mais clara e abrangente da questão a ser noticiada.   Xenofobia y violencia de género: un análisis de los titulares de las mujeres venezolanas en el periodismo web brasileño El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio cualitativo de las representaciones sociales de los inmigrantes venezolanos en América del Sur en el período de 2016 a 2019, a partir de titulares de noticias publicados en periódicos digitales brasileños. El objetivo es verificar la ocurrencia o no de colocaciones que constituyan explícita o implícitamente una violación a la dignidad y derechos de estas mujeres, al promover o incitar la xenofobia y la violencia de género en la sociedad a través de palabras, frases o expresiones capaces de provocar una aniquilación simbólica. Para ello, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico y documental sobre las vulnerabilidades sociales presentes en los procesos migratorios contemporáneos, el cual fue fundamentado con análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 2009), en un enfoque cualitativo, de titulares publicados en diarios digitales brasileños. Del análisis realizado, se pudo inferir que estos medios de comunicación han venido describiendo muchas veces la migración venezolana como un problema, pero en una connotación negativa, sin preocuparse por describir de manera más clara y completa el contexto del tema a reportar. Palabras clave: Derechos humanos de la mujer. La violencia de género. Xenofobia. Periodismo web.   Xenophobia and gender violence: an analysis of headings broadcasted in brazilian webjornalism on venezuelan women The present work consists of a qualitative study of the social representations of Venezuelan immigrants in South America in the period from 2016 to 2019, based on news headlines published in Brazilian digital newspapers. The objective is to verify the occurrence or not of placements that explicitly or implicitly constitute a violation of the dignity and rights of these women, by promoting or inciting xenophobia and gender violence in society through words, phrases or expressions capable of provoking a symbolic annihilation. To this end, a bibliographic and documentary study was carried out on the social vulnerabilities present in contemporary immigration processes, which was substantiated with content analysis (BARDIN, 2009), in a qualitative approach, of headlines published in Brazilian digital newspapers. From the analysis carried out, it was possible to infer that these media outlets have often been describing Venezuelan migration as a problem, but in a negative connotation, without taking care to describe the context more clearly and comprehensively of the issue to be reported. Keywords: Women’s human rights. Gender-based violence. Xenophobia. Webjournalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-64
Ina Yosia Wijaya ◽  
Lidya Putri Loviona

Tulisan ini—dengan merujuk kepada tema besar “Kekerasan Gender Berbasis Online di Era Pandemi”—mencoba memaparkan bagaimana kontribusi sistem kapitalisme, budaya patriarki, dan globalisasi dalam mendukung lestarinya kekerasan gender secara daring yang sedang marak terjadi di tengah pandemi. Temuan pada tulisan menunjukkan bahwa sistem kapitalisme memegang peranan kunci dalam mendorong terciptanya budaya patriarki dan globalisasi, yang pada akhirnya mendorong langgengnya kekerasan berbasis gender. Berangkat dari perspektif marxist-feminism dengan premis utama bahwa sistem kapitalisme melakukan aksi eksploitasi atas kaum proletar dengan melegalkan segala cara termasuk membangun kesadaran palsu—false consciousness, temuan pada tulisan akan dielaborasikan lebih lanjut melalui tiga bahasan utama. Pertama, akan dipaparkan temuan bahwa opresi terhadap kaum wanita di tengah lingkungan yang patriarki merupakan salah satu upaya manifestasi elit kapitalis untuk melanggengkan sistem kapitalisme. Kedua, komodifikasi wanita—seperti isu human trafficking— dipercaya sebagai konsekuensi dari sistem kapitalis yang memberikan kebebasan komodifikasi atas segala sumber daya. Terakhir, akan dipaparkan fenomena globalisasi—sebagai salah satu produk liberalisme-kapital—yang dipercaya telah mendorong masifnya aksi human trafficking berbasis daring. Pada akhirnya, melalui temuan dan bahasan terkait kapitalisme sebagai sistem kunci yang telah melanggengkan kekerasan berbasis gender, diharapkan akan muncul kesadaran publik sehingga muncul aksi emansipasi dalam mendorong runtuhnya sisi eksploitatif sistem kapitalisme secara umum dan kekerasan berbasis gender secara khusus. ===== This paper—referring to the big theme of “Online-Based Gender Violence in the Pandemic Era”—tries to explain the contribution of the capitalist system, patriarchal culture, and globalization in supporting the sustainability of gender-based violence that is currently rife in the midst of a pandemic. The findings in this paper show that the capitalist system plays a key role in encouraging the creation of a patriarchal culture and globalization, which in turn encourages the perpetuation of gender-based violence. Departing from the perspective of marxist-feminism with the main premise that the capitalist system exploits the proletariat by legalizing all means, including building false consciousness, the findings in this paper will be further elaborated through three main topics. First, the findings will be presented that the oppression of women in a patriarchal environment is one of the manifestations of the capitalist elite to perpetuate the capitalist system. Second, the commodification of women—such as the issue of human trafficking—is believed to be a consequence of the capitalist system that provides freedom for the commodification of all resources. Finally, we will describe the phenomenon of globalization—as one of the products of capital-liberalism—which is believed to have encouraged the massive action of online-based human trafficking. In the end, through findings and discussions related to capitalism as a key system that has perpetuated gender-based violence, it is hoped that public awareness will emerge so that emancipation actions emerge in encouraging the collapse of the exploitative side of the capitalist system in general and gender-based violence in particular.

Alexandra Columban ◽  
Mihail Buse ◽  
Cornelia Macarie

Academia is one of the main hubs for promoting gender equality and non-discrimination, yet very few programs in Romania actively tackle the topic. An assessment of students’ perceptions is thus necessary in order to identify the level of awareness around gender issues and potential barriers hindering an inclusive academic environment. The present exploratory study aims to fill this gap by providing information on four dimensions of gender equality: attitudes towards gender equality, prevalence of gender stereotypes, gender-based violence and sexual harassment, and gender-based discrimination. The questionnaire was applied online and offline between October 2018 and March 2019 to 275 students enrolled in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies at BabeșBolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. The study found that students had a rather high awareness about gender issues in general and held favorable views towards gender equality and its enforcement. However, female students were more prone to stereotype, claiming more traits for themselves, and were more likely than their male counterparts to experience sexual harassment and discrimination regarding professional promotion. A series of implications for practitioners and recommendations are also discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 152483801988173
L. B. Klein ◽  
Sandra L. Martin

Increased attention to Title IX and the #MeToo movement has led to more interest in developing strategies to prevent forms of gender-based violence beyond acquaintance rape, including sexual harassment (SH). This study reviewed the extant literature published since 2000 on SH of college/university students ( n = 24) to determine (a) study methods, (b) sample sociodemographic characteristics, (c) prevalence, (d) risk and protective factors, and (e) consequences of campus SH. These studies shared the view that overall SH rates are high, but their findings were difficult to cross-evaluate due to variations in their study designs. Generally, unwanted sexual attention and gender harassment were more commonly experienced in campus SH occurrences than sexual coercion. Findings indicated that being White, a woman, or a sexual minority increased a student’s likelihood of experiencing SH while at a college/university. Student SH survivors rarely filed official reports but often faced a variety of mental and physical health consequences. Women of color experienced lower rates of SH but more severe consequences in the aftermath. This review concludes by detailing several implications for future research, as well as possible campus SH prevention, intervention, and policy protocols.

M. Mejía Paredes ◽  
S. Veloz Miño ◽  
R. Saeteros Hernández

Talking about gender-based violence and sexual harassment at the Ecuadorian university has been considered by many as an uncomfortable subject, and for some years it has been silenced. It is only recently that this situation has become an essential topic to investigate, so that currently several universities have struggled to explore through studies the problems of gender violence, discrimination and sexual harassment in the university context. In this sense, the present study has tried to develop a review of all the investigations that have been carried out to identify cases or situations of gender violence in universities at international, national and local level, as well as to determine the role of education institutions superior in the prevention and eradication of this problem. Keywords: gender violence, sexual harassment, university. Resumen Hablar de violencia de género y acoso sexual en la universidad ecuatoriana ha sido considerado por muchos como un tema incómodo por lo que durante algunos años ha permanecido silenciado. No es sino hace poco que esta situación se ha vuelto una temática imprescindible de investigar, por lo que actualmente varias universidades se han esforzado en explorar a través de estudios los problemas de violencia de género, discriminación y acoso sexual en el contexto universitario. En este sentido, el presente estudio ha pretendido desarrollar una revisión de todas las investigaciones que se han realizado para identificar los casos o situaciones de violencia de género en universidades a nivel internacional, nacional y local, así como determinar el rol de las instituciones de educación superior en la prevención y erradicación de esta problemática. Palabras clave: violencia de género, acoso sexual, universidad.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Abdul Hadi

Sexual harassment in workplace is a reflection of unequal power relationship among genders and should not be seen as isolated cases emanating from psychological or criminal roots. The practice of sexual harassment in the workplace occurs in occupations and industries which turns working environment for women into stressful, damaging, and hostile and make it difficult for them to achieve their rightful place in employment. Sexual harassment in the workplace is the most frequent form of gender-based violence occurring in Pakistani society characterized by patriarchy and gender segregation. When women attempt to join workforce and take economic responsibilities of family in opposite to predominating social norms, they have to suffer from sexual harassment. This speaks not just to the structure of the work place, but the entrenched culture of female objectification, which quite often paints women as mere recipients for male desire – views that are reproduced and perpetuated in a work place. This study is an endeavor to spot the causes of sexual harassment in the workplace in Pakistan; and what are the underlying factors which lead to under-reporting of the incidences of sexual harassment in the workplace. This study asserts that the patriarchal values prevailing in Pakistani society breed sexual harassment in the workplace also preclude victims to report the incidence by not giving them appropriate moral, cultural and legal support. This study argues that in an environment like Pakistan where rule of law is not prevalent in entire society so just having policies and awareness regarding these policies could not be a valid and significant element for lowering the sexual harassment experience in the workplace. Sexual Harassment in the workplace reflects the unequal power relationships between genders in patriarchy society of Pakistan and cannot be combated until patriarchal mindsets are changed which can be achieved only by transforming the existing patriarchal society itself that is producing such mindsets.

Clare Wenham

Zika was framed globally as a ‘crisis’ with a narrative demonstrating a paternalistic approach to policymaking and failing to take local contexts into consideration. This chapter examines structural and gender-based violence in juxtaposition to the framing of Zika as a global health crisis at the local level. Despite being invisibilised by global health security and responsibilised by domestic governments, women most susceptible to the Zika outbreak, while providing for their children’s needs, were fighting everyday challenges of financial security, increasing community and gender violence, poverty, and state structural failures in provision of routine health, sanitation, and housing. Zika became just one of a string of individual security threats these women had to battle. This disjuncture needs to be exposed and counteracted, and the lived reality of those infected must be addressed to meaningfully respond to these health crisis events.

Emanuela Cardoso Onofre de Alencar

Resumen. El presente trabajo estudia la estereotipia de género en el sistema de justicia en casos de violencia contra las mujeres por razón de género en la pareja. En primer lugar, investiga qué son los estereotipos de género, cuáles son sus principales efectos e identifica algunos de los estereotipos más frecuentes en casos de violencia en la pareja. Luego analiza la contribución del Comité de la CEDAW a ese tema. El Comité ha sido pionero en señalar los vín­culos entre el uso de estereotipos, la discriminación y la violencia de género y, en los últimos años, ha demostrado cómo la estereotipia de género en el sistema de justicia, especialmente en casos de violencia en la pareja, vulnera derechos humanos y discrimina. Su trabajo ofrece estándares internacionales para combatir ese tipo de violencia y para guiar el desarrollo ju­rídico de esa materia, y proporciona argumentos para poner de manifiesto que la estereotipia obstaculiza el acceso de las mujeres a la justicia en igualdad de condiciones.Palabras clave: violencia de género, violencia en la pareja, discriminación, sistema de justicia, Comité de la CEDAW.Abstract. This paper studies gender stereotyping in the justice system in cases of inti­mate violence. First, it examines what are stereotypes, what are their main effects and points out some of the most frequent stereotypes in cases of intimate violence. Then it analyses the contribution of the CEDAW Committee on this subject. The Committee has a ground-breaking work in the linkages between stereotyping, discrimination and gender-based violence, and in the last years has underlined how gender stereotyping in the justice system, especially in cases of intimate violence, undermines human rights and discriminate. Its work offers international standards to address this kind of violence, leads legal development on this subject, and gives arguments to take seriously stereotyping in the justice system.Keywords: gender violence, intimate violence, discrimination, justice system, CEDAW Committee.

AJIL Unbound ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 115 ◽  
pp. 272-277
Rachel Sieder

Since the early 1990s, the law and development paradigm of “violence against women” (VAW) has framed gender-based violence against girls and women, especially intimate partner violence, as a grave violation of women's fundamental human rights and a major public health problem demanding concerted state action. Although women of all ages, social classes, races, religions, and ethnicities suffer gender-based violence, international law recognizes that VAW affecting indigenous women is compounded by historical and ongoing racial discrimination. This essay signals the contributions of indigenous women and allied anthropologists in Latin America who draw on decolonial, intersectional, and locally-grounded feminist perspectives to consider the challenges of addressing gender-based VAW. Working in collaboration with different women's collectives and organizational processes, anthropologists have conceptualized and documented the specific, myriad forms of violence affecting indigenous women. In their efforts to understand the origins, nature, and effects of violence, and to envisage possible remedies, they privilege indigenous women's voices, standpoints, and demands for collective self-determination. In this way they have contributed to international legal debates on VAW by highlighting the shortcomings and limitations of universal constructs of women and gender violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 5-14
Bruna Aparecida Rodrigues Duarte ◽  
Fernanda Galvão ◽  
Glaucia Nunes Diniz de Oliveira Esmeraldo ◽  
Et Al

A violência de gênero tem perdurado há anos gerando a necessidade de discutir os fatores desencadeadores e comuns nesse cenário, como, a relação de poder e a relação íntima com o agressor. Nesse sentido, levando em consideração o contexto atual, o presente estudo objetivou apresentar as discussões de um grupo de estudo a respeito da relação da pandemia e aumento do índice de violência de gênero. Foram levantadas algumas categorias para discutir o assunto, sendo: As faces da violência baseada no gênero; Isolamento social e violência de gênero; Estratégias para constatação e diminuição dos casos de violência. É perceptível que o fenômeno da violência sempre existiu, porém, devido a alguns fatores do isolamento o deixou mais aparente e discutível. Paravras-chave: Violência de Gênero. Pandemia Covid 19.Relação de poder.   Abstract Gender-based violence has persisted for years, generating the need to discuss the triggering and common factors in this scenario, such as the power relationship and the intimate relationship with the aggressor. In this sense, taking into account the current context, the present study aimed to present the discussions of a study group regarding the relationship of the pandemic and the in crease in the rate of gender violence. Some categories  were raised to discuss the subject being: The faces of gender-based violence; Social isolation and gender violence; Strategies for finding and reducing cases of violence. It is notice able that the phenomenon of violence has always existed, but due to some isolation factors it has become more apparent and debatable. Keywords: Gender Violence. Pandemic Covid 19. The Power Relationship.

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