scholarly journals Reposicionamento Estratégico para Diferenciação por Meio da Educação Inovadora ## Strategic Positioning Differentiation by Innovative Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Sandra Cristina Silva Lorette Janguiê ◽  
Márcia Athayde Moreira

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar os resultados decorrentes da implantação de uma estratégia para a competitividade voltada à educação inovadora, em uma instituição privada de ensino básico brasileira. O levantamento dos aspectos teóricos possibilitou a delimitação metodológica para a realização da pesquisa de campo, o estudo de caso, para o que foram recolhidos documentos, além da observação in loco, da realização de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários, em um esforço de campo com duração de três meses, no período de outubro de 2019 a janeiro de 2020. Como resultados, pode-se observar que a escola caso foi uma escola tradicional cuja missão era preparar alunos para o vestibular, mediante ensino convencional em disputa de preços com as instituições concorrentes. Com a mudança de posicionamento, a escola caso repensou seu projeto pedagógico, implantou novas metodologias, trazendo o aluno para ser protagonista de sua aprendizagem, vivendo experiências que desenvolvem competências cognitivas e socioemocionais. Sob o ponto de vista estrutural, reformulou o projeto arquitetônico e investiu em novas tecnologias para ensino-aprendizagem. As estratégias de reposicionamento estratégico da escola caso em implantar uma educação inovadora se mostraram eficientes para atrair e fidelizar seus clientes, em um case de sucesso.AbstractThis research aimed analyze results arising from a strategy implementation for competitiveness aimed at innovative education, in a private institution of basic education in Brazil. 

Bárbara Antunes Rezende ◽  
Mery Natali Silva Abreu ◽  
Ada Ávila Assunção ◽  
Adriane Mesquita de Medeiros

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (31) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Joysi Moraes ◽  
Bruno Francisco Batista Dias ◽  
Sandra R. H. Mariano

The analysis of educational systems involves four central dimensions: economic, pedagogical, political and cultural. This paper focuses on the economic perspective, which has gained strength with the creation of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), and facilitates comparative analyzes of the performance of Brazilian educational systems. This research uses a linear least squares regression in which the dependent variables were the Ideb scores of Brazilian states and the independent variables were the corresponding investments in the maintenance and development of education (MDE), in the period 2005-2015. The results allow a comparative picture to be drawn of the effectiveness of the use of state resources invested by the states. It is verified that the investments in basic education in the states only partially explain the improved learning rates measured by the Ideb. Three distinct situations were observed. In 23 states there was an increase in investment in education accompanied by improvement in the Ideb. In 18 states, the increase in investments accompanied the improvement in the Ideb over a certain period, although this effect was not sustained throughout the historical series. In only 05 states, the relationship between investment and improvement in the Ideb remained positive throughout the analyzed period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jailma Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Jéssica Prata ◽  
Martin Lindsey Christoffersen

The teaching of zoology, although recent in basic education, is questioned methodologically. The main criticisms are that zoology teaching still follows an Aristotelian essentialist view. It is based on traditional expositions in the classroom, and it fragments and decontextualizes contents. All this hinders learning, especially when we are dealing with such a complex area with a wide variety of names and concepts. Thus, through bibliographic research, we seek to identify, analyze, and describe some study trends in Brazil, during the period 2010-2020. We also verify the challenges involved in attaining improvement in pedagogical practices. A total of 197 articles, 32 dissertations, and one thesis were identified. The following descriptors were used: a) type of production; b) temporal distribution; c) geographic distribution; d) institution of origin of the publications; e) levels of education; f) thematic focus; g) type of research. With this, it was possible to describe the main aspects related to the teaching of zoology in basic education in Brazil, providing an insight into the direction of academic productions towards this theme, thus serving as a basis for other investigations

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 65
Silvia Camara Soter da Silveira ◽  
Monique Andries Nogueira

This paper discusses the dispute over the teaching of dance in basic education in the fields of dance/art and physical education in Brazil during the last 20 years. It presents a brief history of the situation of dance in Brazilian basic education and of the tensions surrounding the fields of art and P.E. and their responsibility for teaching dance in schools. The authors suggest, based on Félix (2011), that conceptualizations of a dual presence of dance in schools based on distinction, and not opposition, so that each field clarifies the specificities of its approach, might be an interesting approach.

Noemia Carneiro de Araujo Resende ◽  
André Luiz Cardoso Coelho ◽  
Elisandro dos Santos Lima ◽  
Maria Raidalva Nery Barreto ◽  
Jocelma Almeida Rios

This chapter presents entrepreneurial education as a source of social transformation in relation to the urgent need to adapt to the new modus operandi, influenced by economic and social forces. The goal is to provoke reflections on the theoretical conception of being an entrepreneur, the education, the entrepreneurial activity that drives changes, the growth and the development of the local and global economies based on the analysis of entrepreneurial education in Brazil as a methodic journey through a literature review and critical analysis by the authors, who gather solid experience in the area of education for entrepreneurship. As a result of the study, there is the need for intensive investments which offer entrepreneurial education from basic education, in order to attend the continuous training directed to students, beginner and experienced entrepreneurs, and to individuals in immigration situations.

2008 ◽  
Vol 6 (spe) ◽  
pp. 01-09 ◽  
Jorge Alberto dos Santos

This paper is concerned with how students describe their experiences of the Practice Firms Network learning environment (PFN) within a management course in a private institution of higher education in Brazil (Faculty Pitágoras-Mg). The work is derived from a broader study where I investigated the PFN concept as it is used in the Brazilian context. The students' description of their relationship with the PFN model is made the object of study in a phenomenographic perspective (Marton, 1986; Marton and Booth, 1997). The paper discusses the data and results of the research and concludes that the model is potentially effective to link participants in management education but that it has yet to learn how to use more effectively the power of information technology. From students' descriptions, flaws in the model derive from the following features: a) The model itself does not stress networked learning; b) The infrastructure does not support the design; and c) The teachers' approach to the model is not congruent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (65) ◽  
pp. 118
Sávio Siqueira

<span lang="EN-US">It is a fact that ELT practices around the world have historically been </span><span lang="EN-US">ENL-oriented and inner-circle emulating. It is also a fact that such <em>status quo</em> has been overtly challenged in many contexts. Despite signs of resistance and the chronic lack of dialogue between Academia and school realities, it is plausible to say that ELF and its research findings are slowly gaining ground in regular ELT classrooms, especially due to the inclusion of ELF-related issues in teacher education programs, both at pre-service and in-service levels. This article is based on a brief study conducted in a pre-service teacher education program at Bahia Federal University (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil, whose objective was to</span><span lang="EN-US"> analyze how a few English textbooks approved by the </span><span lang="EN-US">National Textbook Program (<em>Programa Nacional do Livro Didático</em>) for local public high schools are linguistically, methodologically, and ideologically conceived, and to what extent their activities were adaptable to an alternative ELF-aware orientation. It then aims to share and discuss some of the results of the referred study, including examples of activities, assuming that an ELF-aware pedagogy in EFL-oriented contexts is perfectly viable, even when departing from pre-existing materials which already take into consideration features of the local reality and how English can be realistically used by these specific speakers.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Cristiane Machado ◽  
Edson Francisco de Andrade

O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as injunções da legislação educacional no movimento de democratização do direito à educação no Brasil. À luz da literatura da área, concebe-se a democracia e a ação colaborativa como fundamentos basilares tanto à garantia de direitos aos cidadãos, quanto à efetivação de incumbências por parte do Poder Público. Aborda-se, inicialmente, o advento da educação básica como nova configuração organizativa das etapas e modalidades de ensino obrigatórias no país. Em seguida, analisa-se os dispositivos legais que modificam, especificamente, o Título III da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional – LDBEN, nº 9.394/1996, Do Direito à Educação e Do Dever de Educar. Os resultados do estudo reconhecem a expansão e diversificação da oferta da educação básica como construto favorável à garantia do direito à educação. Foi possível também inferir que a delimitação da obrigatoriedade e da gratuidade do ensino, ao período dos 04 aos 17 anos de idade, conforme consta na letra da lei, ao mesmo tempo em que estabelece o interstício ideal para a efetivação Do Direito à Educação, também oferece margem interpretativa para eventual flexibilização Do Dever de Educar por parte do Poder Público. Com efeito, a defesa da educação como direito humano fundamental, além de demandar o cumprimento da incumbência Estatal, constitui, sobremaneira, corresponsabilidade a ser protagonizada pela sociedade civil organizada.Palavras-chave: LDBEN/1996; Direito à educação; Dever de educar; Democratização do ensinoDEMOCRATIZATION OF THE RIGHT TO BASIC EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: some considerationsAbstractThis article aims to analyze the injunctions of educational legislation in the movement to democratize the right to education in Brazil. In the light of the literature in the area, democracy and collaborative action are conceived as basic foundations both in guaranteeing citizens' rights and in carrying out tasks on the part of the government. Initially, the advent of basic education is approached as a new organizational configuration of the stages and modalities of compulsory education in the country. Then, the legal provisions that specifically modify Title III of the Law of Directives and Bases of Education are analyzed National - LDBEN, nº 9.394 / 1996, From the Right to Education and the Duty to Educate. The results of the study recognize the expansion and diversification of the offer of basic education as a construct favorable to guaranteeing the right to education. It was also possible to infer that the delimitation of mandatory and free education, from 4 to 17 years of age, as stated in the letter of the law, while establishing the ideal interstice for the realization of the Right to Education, also it offers an interpretive margin for eventual flexibility of the Duty to Educate by the Public Power. Indeed, the defense of education as a fundamental human right, in addition to demanding compliance with the State's mandate, is, above all, co-responsibility to be played by organized civil society.Keywords: LDBEN / 1996; Right to education; Duty to educate; Democratization of educationDEMOCRATIZACIÓN DEL DERECHO A LA EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA EN BRASIL: algunas consideracionesResumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los mandatos de la legislación educativa en el movimiento para democratizar el derecho a la educación en Brasil. A la luz de la literatura en el área, la democracia y la acción colaborativa se conciben como pilares básicos tanto en la garantía de los derechos ciudadanos como en el desempeño de las tareas de gobierno. Inicialmente se aborda el advenimiento de la educación básica como una nueva configuración organizativa de las etapas y modalidades de la educación obligatoria en el país, luego se analizan las disposiciones legales que modifican específicamente el Título III de la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación. Nacional - LDBEN, nº 9.394 / 1996, Del derecho a la educación y el deber de educar. Los resultados del estudio reconocen la expansión y diversificación de la oferta de educación básica como un constructo favorable para garantizar el derecho a la educación. También se pudo inferir que la delimitación de la educación obligatoria y gratuita, de los 4 a los 17 años, como se establece en la letra de la ley, al tiempo que se establece el intersticio ideal para la realización del Derecho a la Educación, también ofrece un margen interpretativo para una eventual flexibilización del Deber de Educar por parte del Poder Público. En efecto, la defensa de la educación como derecho humano fundamental, además de exigir el cumplimiento del mandato del Estado, es, ante todo, una corresponsabilidad de la sociedad civil organizada.Palabras clave: LDBEN / 1996; Derecho a la educación; Deber de educar; Democratización de la educación

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