scholarly journals From the Research approach in teaching to the lessons of historical Memory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-107
Tatyana Anatolyevna Fayn ◽  
Svetlana Vladimirovna Tyastowa ◽  
Ekaterina Evgenievna Netesanaya ◽  

The article presents a brief methodological and methodological justification of the research approach in teaching as a technological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education. The article reveals the instrumental possibilities of the research approach in teaching to ensure project activities in the educational space of a modern school. The metasubject and polyfunctionality of the research approach are actualized, through which the developing nature of training is practically ensured and metasubject connections of educational and extracurricular activities are realized at all levels of general education. The research approach in teaching shows how the technology of forming the research culture of students in a modern school. Correlation of lessons of historical memory and project activity of students as the most important component of the research approach in training is proved. The presentation of pedagogical experience in studying the lessons of historical memory through a research approach in teaching MBOU "V. I. Peller Center of Education" of Birobidzhan district, Jewish Autonomous Region was carried out. Also in the article, the mentor reflects the experience of implementing project activities, presented in the framework of the scientific and practical conference " 85 years of the EAO. Ethnography in socio-humanitarian, natural-science education: essence, technology, prospects", organized by the education Committee of the Jewish Autonomous region, Institute of qualification increasing of pedagogical workers, Institute for complex analysis of regional problems Feb RAS, public organization "the Heritage of the Jewish Autonomous region". The article also presents a research paper that shows the result of project activities. The choice of this topic is due to the fact that the school c. The birdhouse of the Birobidzhan district of the EAO was named after Vladimir Izrailevich Peller, a full knight of the Order of Glory, and the school received the status of the MBOU "V. I. Peller Education Center". The fate of the legendary countryman became the subject of research. Official website of MBOU "V. I. Peller Center of Education"

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-32
S.B. Dagbaeva

We discuss the means and methods of public education in ethnic socialization of modern school students. We reveal the subject and objectives of ethnopedagogics, disclose the possibility of such means of public education as verbal actions (proverbs, songs, tales, legends, traditions), traditional folk games, folklore, customs, traditions, etc. We show that the positive experience gained by folk pedagogy is insufficiently used in modern practice of educational institutions. We emphasize that the transition to the new federal state educational standards of general education will create conditions for ethnic and cultural education of schoolchildren through the organization of extracurricular activities on the basis of national traditions and values of Russian and world culture. The analysis provides a basis for concluding that the it is necessary to allocate the value bases of the folk experience of children socialization, suitable for the present time, and the implementation of the best achievements of folk pedagogy in the practice of modern educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 220-226
Мария Александровна Шабельник

В статье поднимается актуальный вопрос о необходимости формировании медиаобразовательной среды школы в условиях цифровизации образования в контексте новых федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов общего образования. Дается обзорное определение понятиям «образовательная среда», «медиобразование» и «медиаобразовательная среда». Научной новизной статьи является рассмотрение новых подходов к развитию образовательной среды общеобразовательной школы. Предлагается модель медиаобразовательной среды и основные условия для ее формирования: организационно-педагогические, материально-технические, кадровые, финансовые и др., в том числе сетевое взаимодействие, возможности формирования медиаобразовательной среды с использованием ресурсного обеспечения «Точек Роста» − центров образования цифрового, естественнонаучного, технического и гуманитарного профилей в сельских школах, реализуемых в рамках федерального проекта «Современная школа». Приводится положительный региональный опыт создания медиаобразовательной среды в системе общего образования на примере Томской области. The article raises an urgent question about the need to form a media educational environment of a school in the context of digitalization of education in the context of new federal state educational standards of general education. An overview definition of the concepts of "educational environment", "media education" and "media educational environment" is given. The scientific novelty of the article is the consideration of new approaches to the development of the educational environment of a secondary school. The model of the media educational environment and the main conditions for its formation are proposed: organizational, pedagogical, logistical, personnel, financial, etc., including networking, the possibility of forming a media educational environment using the resource provision of "Points of Growth− - centers of education of digital, natural science, technical and humanitarian profiles in rural schools implemented within the framework of the federal project "Modern School". The positive regional experience of creating a media educational environment in the general education system is given on the example of the Tomsk region.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-51
Татьяна Ивановна Киселёва

В статье рассматривается внеурочная деятельность как средство развития познавательных интересов младших школьников. Автор сравнивает такие понятия как «внеурочная» деятельность, «внеучебная» деятельность и «внеклассная» работа. В соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования (Приказ Министерства просвещения РФ от 31 мая 2021 г. № 286 “Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования”) (далее ФГОС НОО - 21), образовательная организация должна создать условия для максимально полного обеспечения образовательных потребностей и интересов обучающихся. При этом наличие у обучающихся познавательного интереса считается важным критерием эффективности достижения результатов освоения учебных предметов, курсов и внеурочной деятельности. Внеурочная деятельность в составе основной образовательной программы начального общего образования является важным средством по развитию познавательного интереса школьников. Под познавательным интересом младших школьников в нашем исследовании понимаем направленность личности на процесс познания, которая характеризуется положительным эмоционально-ценностным отношением к процессу или предмету познания, проявляется в интеллектуально-творческой деятельности, благотворно влияет на развитие одарённости, на воспитание инициативности и самостоятельности, но в силу особенностей возраста отличается неустойчивостью и динамичностью. Особая роль в развитии познавательных интересов младших школьников отводится внеурочной деятельности. При этом значения «внеклассная», «внеурочная» и «внеучебная» деятельность в последнее время часто отождествляют. Постараемся разобраться в отличиях данных понятий и уточним определение «внеурочная деятельность». The article examines the possibilities, methods and conditions of organizing extracurricular activities as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. The author considers the difference between such concepts as "extracurricular", "extracurricular" activity, "extracurricular" work. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2021 No. 286 "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general Education") (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard NOO - 21), an educational organization must create conditions for the fullest possible provision of educational needs and interests of students. At the same time, the presence of cognitive interest in students is considered an important criterion for the effectiveness of achieving the results of mastering academic subjects, courses and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities as part of the basic educational program of primary general education are an important means of developing the cognitive interest of schoolchildren. Under the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren in our study, we understand the orientation of the personality to the process of cognition, which is characterized by a positive emotional and value attitude to the process or subject of cognition, manifests itself in intellectual and creative activity, has a beneficial effect on the development of giftedness, on the education of initiative and independence, but due to the peculiarities of age, it is unstable and dynamic. Extracurricular activities play a special role in the development of cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. At the same time, the meanings of "extracurricular", "extracurricular" and "extracurricular" activities have often been identified recently. We will try to understand the differences between these concepts and clarify the definition of "extracurricular activities".

2021 ◽  
pp. 41-48
Иноккентий Александрович Маланов ◽  
Ольга Андреевна Сотникова

Актуальность исследования связана с тем, что в последнее время проявляется повышенный интерес к теме социально-педагогической адаптации человека в стремительно меняющейся культурной и социально-экономической среде. Сфера образования, несмотря на свою консервативность, также претерпевает сильные изменения и требует новых подходов. В связи с этим изучается роль внеурочной деятельности в социально-педагогической адаптации кадетов, поскольку условия обучения и проживания в кадетской школе-интернате существенно отличаются от обычных общеобразовательных школ. Отмечается, что понятию «внеурочная деятельность» уделяется большое внимание в федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах нового поколения. Рассматриваются цель, задачи, результат данного вида деятельности, а также место в образовательных программах в разные периоды времени. Большое внимание уделяется построению индивидуальных программ внеурочных занятий. На авторский взгляд, каждая форма внеурочной деятельности соответствует определенным индивидуальным и возрастным особенностям учащихся. Описана комплексная программа, включающая не только анализ портфолио, успеваемости и беседу с родителями, но и рекомендации по полной психолого-педагогической диагностике для выявления способностей школьников, которые будут соответствовать той или иной форме внеурочной деятельности. Как показывают результаты, такой подход способствует более успешному прохождению процесса адаптации. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that recently there has been an increased interest in the topic of social and pedagogical adaptation of a person in a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic environment. The sphere of education, in spite of its conservatism, is also undergoing drastic changes and requires new approaches. In this regard, in our study, we study the role of extracurricular activities in the socio-pedagogical adaptation of cadets, since the conditions of education and living in a cadet boarding school differ significantly from ordinary general education schools. Also, it should be noted that the concept of “extracurricular activities” is given great attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. Therefore, the article discusses in detail the purpose, objectives, result of this type of activity, as well as the place in educational programs at different periods of time. Much attention is paid to the construction of individual programs for extracurricular activities. In our opinion, each form of extracurricular activity corresponds to certain individual and age characteristics of students. The article describes a comprehensive program that includes not only portfolio analysis, academic performance and conversation with parents, but also recommendations for a complete psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to identify the abilities of schoolchildren that will correspond to one or another form of extracurricular activities. The results show that this approach contributes to a more successful passage of the adaptation process.

10.12737/2888 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Виноградова ◽  
Natalya Vinogradova

Main elements of lesson structure that meets requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Primary General Education (FSES of PGE) and corresponds to new tasks set for modern school are revealed in this paper. The special attention has been paid to planned personal, meta subject and subject results which introduction assumes a search of new methodical approaches to junior school pupils’ teaching organization, changes in traditional lesson structure, and in the nature of interaction between teacher and pupils.

10.12737/7838 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27 ◽  
Стручаева ◽  
Tamara Struchaeva

The paper highlights the experience in realizing the local history module “Belgorod Studies” within the “World Around Us” course in the 1st–4th grades in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FGOS NOO). The program of extracurricular activities for primary school classes, based on the local history material, is characterized in detail.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-37
������ ◽  
N. Ivanov ◽  
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Irina Ivanova

The authors present their insights on the structure and substantive content of the unified information and educational system, which is a software product named �Information and Educational System to Support Self-Development�, which has been approbated in terms of implementing the scientific project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Government of the Kaluga region at the premises of rural schools of the Kaluga region (The project �14-16-40007 a (r)). The unified information system maintenance is aimed to facilitate the work of teachers at different stages of methodological and psycho-pedagogical support of learners self-development in the course of extracurricular activities, to help with performance analysis, to provide maximum automation of the testing process in order to eliminate the human factor, which can distort the results analyzing process, and also to provide convenience of making recommendations on how to work with learners. Among the structural components of the software are: the analytical system, which includes students� self-development monitoring unit editor; accounting and analysis system, represented by the student�s individual profile; statistical processing block with results presentation and development of psychological and pedagogical recommendations; the block for analyzing the learners� self-development dynamics, etc. The system allows to maintain an individual profile for each learner; to run diagnostics of learners� self-development; to process and store diagnostics outcomes; to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations and routes of individual self-development for each student; to plan individual educational path for each learner dependent on testing outcomes, interviews with the parents and the learner himself and recommendations of psychologists and educators. The system is capable to maintain both the results records of a single learner within different time domains and statistical analyses of group results, to sort and analyze results against the required criteria. The said system can be used widely in educational practices of extracurricular activities in the context of mastering the standards of primary general education. The paper can be of interest for supplementary education teachers, for primary school teachers, psychologists, as well as teaching staff of educational institutions responsible for monitoring learners� self-development in the course of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 16-25
I. N. Shegay

The new Federal State Educational Standards of General Education pay special attention for extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. The article substantiates the possibility and expediency of using 3D modeling and 3D printing technologies to increase the effectiveness of extracurricular project activity of schoolchildren; offers an approach to training using the technology of computer 3D modeling; considers the relationship of teaching methods and the use of 3D modeling technology in the framework of extracurricular project activities of students.

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