scholarly journals Islamic Law Analysis of Criminal Sanctions for Abortion in the Criminal Code: A Call for Reform

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 5398-5407
Ishaq, Maratun Saadah

This study aims to contribute to Islamic law regarding the criminal sanction of abortion in the Criminal Code (KUHP) as an effort to reform Indonesian criminal law. The method used is comparison, with data collection carried out by library research, by studying Islamic legal literature, interpretation of the Quran (tafsir), hadith, Criminal Code, and the Draft of Criminal Code. The sanctions for abortion in articles 346, 347, 348 and 349 of the Criminal Code are only imprisonment, not accompanied by fines. According to Islamic law these sanctions are not sufficient, because they tend to make the perpetrators not deterred, as a result the purpose of punishment is not achieved. Therefore, it needs to be updated by including the value of Islamic legal sanctions in the form of fines (diat), so that the purpose of punishment can be achieved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
I Made Arya Utama ◽  
I Nengah Suharta

Water demand continues to increase, while its availability was increasingly limited due to pollution. Therefore, the issue of legal sanction in the management of water resources was interesting to be examined because of the void of norm related to the sanction of administrative, civil and criminal sanction in Article 87-120 of Act Number 32 of 2009. So, this research was qualified into normative legal research with legal material from result of library research. The type of administrative legal sanctions were more effectively applied to protect water resources from pollution. Administrative Legal Sanction was not implemented through the judges, more easily and quickly implemented in providing protection against water resources, compared with sanctions of Criminal Law and Civil Law.

Rechtsidee ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Roby Satya Nugraha ◽  
Sri Ayu Astuti

The purpose of this legal research is to explain the first discussion, namely how to implement law enforcement against criminal conspiracy (samenspanning) which has been regulated in the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. Second How is the imposition of sanctions for criminal conspiracy charges regulated in the Criminal Code in case Number: 293K / Pid / 2016. This type of research is normative research which is descriptive-analytical in nature, using secondary data with data collection techniques through library research and processing data qualitatively, it is concluded that law enforcement against criminal conspiracy is carried out by penal measures, penal measures are one of the efforts to enforce the law or all actions taken by law enforcement officials that focus more on eradication after a crime is committed under criminal law, namely criminal sanctions which constitute a threat to the perpetrator. The stages in this way include investigation, further investigation, prosecution, and so on, which in this case is part of criminal politics. The functionalization of criminal law is an effort to tackle crime through rational criminal law enforcement with the aim of creating the fulfillment of a sense of justice and efficiency. The imposition of sanctions Criminal sanctions imposed if a person has been proven to have committed a criminal act of treason can be punished with a criminal sentence contained in Article 106 of the Criminal Code with the threat of life imprisonment or twenty years in prison.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 334-363
Junaidi Abdillah

The formulation of hudûd law has been more synonymous with criminal and punishment forms. Such formulations and construct are recognized to distort the true concept of hudûd. It also implicates on the theoretical debate in Islamic penal law. The main goal of this paper is to explore and elaborate the hudûd discourse in the study of Islamic law. This paper is a library research with a hermeneutical approach. The data collection technique used in this research is a documentary study (historical) which is elective-eliminative historic in nature. The analysis methods used in the research are the general methodical elements such as interpretation and deductive-inductive also personal reflection. This paper produces several conclusions: (1) The discourse of hudûd penal in the Islamic criminal law studies has experienced a paradigm shift as a dynamic entity from time to time. And the stipulation of hudûd penal is an Islamic Juristic formulation (fuqahā’) and (2) As a product of ijtihad, stipulation of hudûd or its existence is open with criticism using contemporary epistemology. (Rumusan hudûd yang selama ini ada lebih identik dengan bentuk pidana dan hukuman. Rumusan dan konstruksi yang demikian diakui telah mendistorsikan konsep sebenarnya tentang konsepsi hudûd. Paper ini bertujuan mengupas serta mengelaborasi diskursus hudûd dalam studi hukum Islam. Disamping itu, tulisan ini juga melacak pergeseran- paradigma terkait konsepsi dan rumusan hudûd yang muncul sepanjang sejarah. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika-tematis melalui studi dokumenter bersifat historis elektif-eliminatif.  Data akan dibandingkan, dianalisis serta disaring hingga tersisa satu teori yang paling relevan. Paper ini menyimpulkan bahwa diskursus hudûd dalam hukum Islam telah mengalami pergeseran paradigma (paradigm shift) dari waktu ke waktu. Dan, rumusan hudûd yang identik dengan bentuk-bentuk pidana (al-ꞌuqûbât al-muqaddarah) merupakan ijtihad para fuqahâ’ atas tradisi kenabian (Sunnah). Sebagai hasil ijtihad, rumusan hudûd yang ada merupakan ruang ilmu yang terbuka dengan kritik)

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Zulfanur Fitri

Forests are an invaluable asset of the nation and state. The state based on its authority has made several legal products to protect forests from human actions. As happened in the jurisdiction of the Muaro Bungo District Court who has imposed a criminal offense against the perpetrators of forest fires in the ruling No.159 / Pid.B / LH / 2018 / PN.Mrb. and Decision No.201 / Pid.B / LH / 2017 / PN.Mrb. The problems to be studied are how the application of criminal sanctions, and Judges considerations in issuing criminal decisions against perpetrators of forest fires. The approach used is a normative approach. The data used are secondary data. The data used is only secondary data. The technique of data collection is through library research and document study in the form of Judge's Decree No.159 / Pid.B / LH / 2018 /PN.Mrb and Judge's Decree No. 201 / Pid.B / LH / 2017 / PN.Mrb. The data is then analyzed normatively and presented in a descriptive qualitative form. The results of the study showed that: First, the application of punishment by the judge in the decision No.159 / Pid.B / LH / 2018 / PN.Mrb. and Decision No.201 / Pid.B / LH / 2017 / PN.Mrb. that Article 56 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 108 of Law Number 39 Year 2014 concerning Plantation in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code. Second, the judge's consideration in making a decision No.159 / Pid.B / LH / 2018 / PN.Mrb. and Decision No.201 / Pid.B / LH / 2017 / PN.Mrb. are: considerations of a juridical nature indictment, witness testimony, defendant's letter, evidence, non-juridical considerations: the defendant's physical and spiritual condition, as a result of the defendant's actions.

Temida ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Dragan Jovasevic

New criminal legislation got into force in Serbia at the beginning of 2006. In that way, Serbia got unique Criminal Code which includes all provisions of material criminal law except provisions related to the criminal position of juveniles. System of criminal sanctions for juvenile off enders, procedure for their imposition and the way, procedure and terms for their execution are regulated by the provisions of the separate law - the Law on juvenile off enders and criminal protection of juveniles. Some of the most important novelties introduced by new juvenile criminal law are system of diversion, i.e. system of diversion orders, which aim at excluding the imposition of criminal sanctions in the cases when criminal sanction is not necessary from the perspective of crime suppression. Bearing that in mind, this paper is dedicated to forms of diversion orders as a form of measures that lead to more efficient system of restorative justice within our new juvenile criminal legislation. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 354-358
Tia Nur Larasati ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya

It can be said that the conviction of perpetrators of same-sex rape can be said to still contain obscure normsand that the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations or the KUHP does not contain specific provisions that clearly regulate it. Article 292 of the Criminal Code is the only article of the Criminal Code that provides regulations regarding the crime of same sex rape. However, Article 292 of the Criminal Code only regulates the criminal act of same sex rape against minors as it can be categorized as an element of the crime of rape as stipulated in Article 285 of the Criminal Code, a criminal act of rape must be committed by men against women. The purpose of this study was to determine the criminal act of same sex rape according to Article 292 of the Criminal Code and to determine the legal sanctions against the perpetrator of the crime of same sex rape in Indonesia. The research method used is normative research, this type of normative research focuses on the collection and in-depth analysis of legal materials and also searches for their meaning in order to find solutions to the problem. Legal sanctions for perpetrators of the crime of rape of the same sex in Indonesia refer to the provisions of Article 292 of the Criminal Code, which is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of five years, as with the weight of the crime of a criminal act of rape whether committed against the opposite sex or of the same sex, punishment a maximum sentence of 5 (five) years is deemed not to contain a sense of justice, the formulation of criminal sanctions for rape in Articles 285 and 292 of the Criminal Code can be considered to be out of date or outdated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Besse Muqita Rijal Mentari

Studi komparasi sebagai metode penelitian terhadap artikel sanksi pidana pembunuhan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dengan Hukum Islam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kabupaten Wajo dengan menggunakan Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara serta Observasi sedangkan Sampel yang dipergunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Purposive sampling, kemudian Data dianalisis secara Normatif, dimana bertujuan untuk Mengetahui “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut KUHP Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah diatas, maka permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah : “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut  hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tindak pidana pembunuhan ialah kejahatan yang dilakukan berupa penyerangan terhadap nyawa orang lain. Tindak pidana pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dalam KUHP diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XIX Pasal 338 sampai dengan Pasal 350 mengenai Kejahatan Terhadap Nyawa. Sedangkan pada tindak pidana pembunuhan yang tidak sengaja diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XXI KUHP Pasal 359. Hukum Islam membagi tindak pidana pembunuhan menjadi tiga macam, yaitu pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja, pembunuhan yang dilakukan tidak dengan sengaja dan pembunuhan yang dilakukan menyerupai sengaja. Landasan hukum mengenai tindak pidana pembunuhan ini diatur dalam beberapa ayat dalam Al Quran dan juga diatur dalam Hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW.       Hukum pidana Indonesia maupun hukum pidana Islam menguraikan unsur kesengajaan adalah berupa perbuatan yang dikehendaki pelakunya akan menimbulkan suatu akibat tertentu. Dalam hal tindak pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja, akibat yang dikehendaki oleh pelaku adalah meninggalnya orang lain. Sedangkan pada pembunuhan yang tidak disengaja pelaku tidakmenghendaki akibat yang akan terjadi. Oleh sebab itu dalam KUHP maupun hukum Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja akan lebih berat daripada yang tidak disengaja. Sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang diatur dalam KUHP dapat berupa pidana mati, pidana penjara, pidana kurungan dan pidana tambahan. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan dapat berupa hukuman qishash, hukuman diyat, kifarat, dan hukuman ta’zir. Hukum pidana Indonesia merupakan mutlak hukum publik (hukum Negara), yaitu hukum yang mengatur hubungan antara orang/perseorangan (warga negara) dengan Negara. Abstract:Comparative study as a research method for articles of criminal sanctions for murder in the Criminal Law Act with Islamic Law. The study was conducted in the Wajo Regency using data collection methods used were interviews and observations while the sample used was using purposive sampling, then the data were analyzed normatively, which aims to find out "How criminal sanctions for murder according to the Criminal Code Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem to be examined in this study is: "What about criminal sanctions for murder according to Islamic law. The results showed that the crime of murder is a crime committed in the form of an attack on the lives of others. The criminal acts of murder committed intentionally in the Criminal Code are regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XIX Article 338 to Article 350 concerning Crimes Against Life. Whereas the murder crime which is unintentionally regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XXI of the Criminal Code Article 359. Islamic law divides the crime of murder into three types, namely murder committed intentionally, murder committed unintentionally and the murder committed resembles intentionally. The legal basis for the crime of murder is regulated in several verses in the Koran and also in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Indonesian criminal law and Islamic criminal law outline the element of intent is in the form of an act that the desired culprit will have a certain effect. In the case of an intentional murder crime, the desired result by the perpetrator is the death of another person. Whereas in unintentional killings the perpetrators do not want the consequences that will occur. Therefore both in the Criminal Code and Islamic law, the sanctions of intentional murder will be more severe than those unintentional. Penalties for murder which are regulated in the Criminal Code can be in the form of capital punishment, imprisonment, confinement and additional penalties. Whereas in Islamic criminal law sanctions for murder can be in the form of qishash, diyat, kifarat, and ta'zir penalties. Indonesian criminal law is public law (state law), which is the law that governs the relationship between individuals / individuals (citizens) and the State. Keywords: sanction; crime; murder;

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Asih Puspo Sari

Abstract In the Criminal Code there are several differences that are the reasons for the review of theories and the application of reasons for clemency or forgiveness. The theories that form the basis of forgiveness will lead to different views. In connection with sources of clemency (Positive Criminal Law) and forgiveness (Islamic Criminal Law) have differences. Where clemency is the prerogative of the president as the temporary head of state, forgiveness can only be given by the heirs of the victim as the party who lost the victim. This study aims to find out where the justice is if the granting of pardon/ apology is given by the president with only consideration from the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, in Islamic Law also regulates the apology for the perpetrators of the crime of murder which is the right of the heirs of the victim. This research is a qualitative research with the type of research used is library research. It is said as library research or document study because this research is mostly conducted on written regulations or other legal materials which are secondary in the library. Keyword: Pardon, Forgiveness, and Crime of Murder

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-38
Besse Muqita Rijal Mentari

Studi komparasi sebagai metode penelitian terhadap artikel sanksi pidana pembunuhan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dengan Hukum Islam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kabupaten Wajo dengan menggunakan Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara serta Observasi sedangkan Sampel yang dipergunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Purposive sampling, kemudian Data dianalisis secara Normatif, dimana bertujuan untuk Mengetahui “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut KUHP Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah diatas, maka permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah : “Bagaimana  sanksi pidana pembunuhan menurut  hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tindak pidana pembunuhan ialah kejahatan yang dilakukan berupa penyerangan terhadap nyawa orang lain. Tindak pidana pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dalam KUHP diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XIX Pasal 338 sampai dengan Pasal 350 mengenai Kejahatan Terhadap Nyawa. Sedangkan pada tindak pidana pembunuhan yang tidak sengaja diatur dalam Buku Kedua Bab XXI KUHP Pasal 359. Hukum Islam membagi tindak pidana pembunuhan menjadi tiga macam, yaitu pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja, pembunuhan yang dilakukan tidak dengan sengaja dan pembunuhan yang dilakukan menyerupai sengaja. Landasan hukum mengenai tindak pidana pembunuhan ini diatur dalam beberapa ayat dalam Al Quran dan juga diatur dalam Hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW.       Hukum pidana Indonesia maupun hukum pidana Islam menguraikan unsur kesengajaan adalah berupa perbuatan yang dikehendaki pelakunya akan menimbulkan suatu akibat tertentu. Dalam hal tindak pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja, akibat yang dikehendaki oleh pelaku adalah meninggalnya orang lain. Sedangkan pada pembunuhan yang tidak disengaja pelaku tidakmenghendaki akibat yang akan terjadi. Oleh sebab itu dalam KUHP maupun hukum Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang disengaja akan lebih berat daripada yang tidak disengaja. Sanksi pidana pembunuhan yang diatur dalam KUHP dapat berupa pidana mati, pidana penjara, pidana kurungan dan pidana tambahan. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana Islam sanksi pidana pembunuhan dapat berupa hukuman qishash, hukuman diyat, kifarat, dan hukuman ta’zir. Hukum pidana Indonesia merupakan mutlak hukum publik (hukum Negara), yaitu hukum yang mengatur hubungan antara orang/perseorangan (warga negara) dengan Negara. Abstract:Comparative study as a research method for articles of criminal sanctions for murder in the Criminal Law Act with Islamic Law. The study was conducted in the Wajo Regency using data collection methods used were interviews and observations while the sample used was using purposive sampling, then the data were analyzed normatively, which aims to find out "How criminal sanctions for murder according to the Criminal Code Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem to be examined in this study is: "What about criminal sanctions for murder according to Islamic law. The results showed that the crime of murder is a crime committed in the form of an attack on the lives of others. The criminal acts of murder committed intentionally in the Criminal Code are regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XIX Article 338 to Article 350 concerning Crimes Against Life. Whereas the murder crime which is unintentionally regulated in the Second Book of Chapter XXI of the Criminal Code Article 359. Islamic law divides the crime of murder into three types, namely murder committed intentionally, murder committed unintentionally and the murder committed resembles intentionally. The legal basis for the crime of murder is regulated in several verses in the Koran and also in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Indonesian criminal law and Islamic criminal law outline the element of intent is in the form of an act that the desired culprit will have a certain effect. In the case of an intentional murder crime, the desired result by the perpetrator is the death of another person. Whereas in unintentional killings the perpetrators do not want the consequences that will occur. Therefore both in the Criminal Code and Islamic law, the sanctions of intentional murder will be more severe than those unintentional. Penalties for murder which are regulated in the Criminal Code can be in the form of capital punishment, imprisonment, confinement and additional penalties. Whereas in Islamic criminal law sanctions for murder can be in the form of qishash, diyat, kifarat, and ta'zir penalties. Indonesian criminal law is public law (state law), which is the law that governs the relationship between individuals / individuals (citizens) and the State. Keywords: sanction; crime; murder;

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-212
Noercholis Cholis Noercholis Rapid A

AbstractThis study discusses diyat‎ comparison of criminal sanctions in criminal law. This study aims to determine the essence of criminal sanctions for murder in positive law and Islamic criminal law.This type of research is library research using data that are qualitative (non-statistical). This research is a review of the written works of legal experts, both Islamic law and national law. Normative theological approach, which is the approach used by referring to laws that originate from the Quran and Hadith and the juridical approach, that is, the approach used by referring to the applicable laws.This research implies that criminal sanctions for murder in national criminal law contain two principles, namely the principle of certainty and the principle of justice does not contain the principle of benefit, in this case, the benefit for the victim's family. Whereas Islamic criminal law contains all three principles because it provides maslahah for the victims' families.Keywords: Benefits; Criminal; The killing.AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang diyat perbandingan sanksi pidana dalam hukum pidana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui esensi dari sanksi pidana pembunuhan dalam hukum positif dan hukum pidana Islam.            Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (Library research) dengan menggunakan data-data yang bersifat kualitatif (non statistic). Penelitian ini merupakan penelaahan terhadap karya-karya tertulis dari para ahli hukum, baik hukum Islam maupun hukum nasional. Pendekaatan teologis normatif, yaitu pendekatan yang digunakan dengan merujuk pada hukum-hukum yang bersumber pada al-Qur’an dan Hadis dan pendekatan yuridis, yakni pendekatan yang digunakan dengan merujuk pada kitab perundang-undangan yang berlaku.            Implikasi penelitian ini bahwa sanksi pidana bagi pembunuhan dalam hukum pidana nasioan mengandung dua asas yaitu asas kepastian dan asas keadilan tidak mengandung asas manfaat dalam hal ini manfaat bagi keluarga korban. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana Islam mengandung ketiga asas tersebut karena memberikan maslahah kepada keluarga korban.Kata Kunci: Manfaat, Pidana, Pembunuhan

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