Urszula Kobylińska

Co-production is currently one of the pillars of the public sector reform around the world. The potential of this concept is increasingly recognized in the design and improvement of public services in cities. Co-production is a partnership among citizens, public institutions and enterprises, which enables all the parties to be more involved in the management of the city and contributes to greater control over public resources (Horne, Shirley, 2009). In the subject literature, it is pointed out that these reforms are directed to the implementation of effective public services, are a response to the deficit of active citizenship and active communities and enterprises that are insufficiently involved in the processes of designing and co-creating innovative public services in cities. The basic - and basically still valid today - conceptualization of co-production was carried out in several works published in the first half of the 1980s. The aim of this paper is to analyse the state of research on the issue of co-production in public services and to identify the main research areas related to this subject. The paper was based on a systematic review of literature, which included, among others, the emergence of basic literature and selection of publications, bibliometric analysis and content analysis. The results of the conducted research show that the issue of co-production in public services is a new subject, still not well recognized in the literature and which may constitute a current and interesting area of research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Adriana Grigorescu

Abstract This paper aims at the balance between the citizen and the public authorities with public services as an interface. Public services place themselves at the crossroads of many elements such as: needs of the citizen, social need, public will, public resources, private availability, and civic sense. Without claiming to have identified all factors that converge to defining / structuring the public services (PS) / services of general interest (SGI), the paper tried to highlight some of the most important. The social need is covered at the macro level and it represents what society - as a whole - needs. Citizens’ needs are more specific, individualized and custom-designed, rundown by gender, age, education, social condition, financial strength, religion, living environment etc. The public will is an expression of what the Administration encompasses in mid- and long-term national strategies and addresses in detail the PS / SGI in sectorial policies where responsibility is assumed. Public resources include in our assessment all resources at the disposal of the Administration at some point. Private availability can be expressed through various forms such as public-private partnerships, development of complementary private sponsorships, donations etc. A balanced public service can also benefit of citizens’ civic sense. Even if they are completely satisfied with the services at hand they understand that it would be without sense to unnecessary ask for them just only because it’s free.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Wicaksono Dwi Pamungkas ◽  
Nina Setiyawati

Public services are services, both in the form of public goods and public services which are the responsibility and are carried out by the government in an effort to meet the needs of the community and in accordance with statutory provisions. One of the public services provided by the government is the One-Stop Administration System (SAMSAT). According to SAMSAT data in the city of Magelang, data on motorized vehicle ownership has increased and there has been an increase in the number of taxpayers. However, the tax payment service is considered to be less than optimal because there are still long queues when paying taxes.This also causes many people to make payments past the due date or entrust queues to brokerage services. Therefore, to overcome the problem, a mobile-based application (GO-PAJAK) was built which can be used to make tax payments by means of a vehicle document pick-up to pay motor vehicle taxes connected between drivers (SAMSAT employees) and customers (taxpayers). With this application, it is expected to improve service standards at the SAMSAT office and reduce taxpayer queues also reduce the use of brokers in administering public service administration that can increase public trust.  

1969 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Witra Apdhi Yohanitas dan Teguh Henry Prayitno

One manifestation of good governance is the availability of infrastructure that providing information and take into account of people's expectations, so that it can be used to improvethe performance of government services. Basically, public has the right to use the complaints media if the performance of the government is not in line with public prospects. By giving an example of complaints managements and policiesthat are applied in the city of Bekasi as a benchmark that can be copied or replicated in other agencies. This study utilize exploratory descriptive method that link with regulationin order to explain the complaint in a straightforward and structured. Bekasi city has packed a system of provision of information and public complaints by utilizing technology which is the website and the SMS center. In addition, to support the success of the public services, Bekasi provides clear rules related to the provision of information and public complaints, and organizingtransparency complaint data and simple management. Model that performed by Bekasi Local Government is quite simple, therefore it can be duplicated/ replicated in other local governments.Keywords: complaint management, Bekasi City, website, sms center, community expectationsSalah satu wujud pemerintahan yang baik adalah tersedianya sarana dan prasarana untuk pemberian informasi, mendengar dan memperhatikan harapan masyarakatsehingga dapat menjadi perbaikan pelayanan dan kinerja pemerintah.Masyarakat berhak menggunakan media pengaduan jika kinerja pemerintah tidak sesuai dengan harapannya. Pemberian contoh pola pengaduan yang diterapkan di kota Bekasi dan memberikan beberapa contoh kebijakan yang ditempuh agar pengelolaan pengaduan yang diterapkan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan diharapkan pengelolaan pengaduan kota Bekasi dapat menjadi pembanding yang dapat dicontoh atau direplikasi instansi lain.Melalui Metode deskriptif eksploratifterhadap peraturan dipilih untuk menjelaskan pengaduan secara lugas dan terstruktur. Kota Bekasi telah mengemas suatu sistem pelayanan penyediaan informasi dan pengaduan masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan sarana teknologi yaitu situs web dan sms center.Selain itu, untuk menunjang keberhasilan pelayanannya, kota Bekasi memberikan aturan yang jelas terkait pemberian informasi dan pengaduan masyarakat, dan melakukan transparansi data pengaduan serta manajemen yang sederhana. Model yang dilakukan cukup sederhana, maka pengelolaan pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh kota Bekasi dapat ditiru/ direplikasi didaerah lain.Kata Kunci: pengelolaan pengaduan, Kota Bekasi, situs web, sms center, harapan masyarakat

2008 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 163-180 ◽  
Gregory N. Price

An empirical implication of egalitarianism in the provision of public disaster relief services is that the probability of surviving a natural disaster should not be conditioned on a household's position in the income distribution, or its racial characteristics. In this paper, we utilize data on deaths attributed to Hurricane Katrina in the City of New Orleans to estimate a political economy model of the public provision of disaster rescue services. Parameter estimates reveal that the probability of dying as a result of Hurricane Katrina, at both the census tract and individual level, increased with respect to being black and poor. Our results suggest that there was a departure from egalitarian principles in the provision of public disaster rescue services during Hurricane Katrina, and are consistent with a political economy of race and class governing decisions about the allocation of public resources to ameliorate population environmental risks.

Ivica Lukić ◽  
Zdravko Krpić ◽  
Mirko Köhler ◽  
Tomislav Galba

Smart City public services need detailed and relevant public information to increase their efficiency. To have relevant information, collecting and processing the data about its previous uses are crucial. Clustering is one of the most powerful, yet computationally demanding, tools that can be used to process such information. Since public services data are vast, but usually not accurate, the objects clustered are considered as uncertain. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering method for uncertain objects called Improved Bisector Pruning (IBP), which uses bisectors to reduce the number of computations. We combine IBP with a modified segmentation of a data set area (SDSA) method that enables the parallelization of the clustering process. In the experiments, we show that IBP-SDSA is superior in performance to the most used clustering method UK-means combined with Voronoi or MinMax pruning, regardless of the problem size. We applied IBP-SDSA on clustering the public services data in the city of Osijek and show that the acquired data can be used to improve public services logistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 2204-2219
Orjana Dias Palacio ◽  
Carlos Wagner Oliveira ◽  
Ana Célia Maia Meireles

This study addresses the casual relationship between urban growth patterns and environmental phenomena, which we have in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a powerful tool to support urban planning and decision-making. In this sense, an analysis of susceptibility to flooding of regions through GIS represents important information for the public sector, as support to the urban zoning process, delimitation of risk areas and for the allocation of public resources, with corrective and preventive purposes. Thus, this study aimed to determine areas susceptible to flooding in in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, through geoprocessing techniques. For that purpose, data on slope, elevation, accumulated water flow, curve number, soil type and land use and occupation were used. The results indicated that Juazeiro do Norte is a city of medium susceptibility to flooding, corresponding to 69% of the municipality and compromising 17% in a high susceptibility. The urban area of the Tiradentes neighborhood deserves alert due to its greater potential for flooding, where 79.5% of its area is very vulnerable. The generated map serves as an instrument for managing and monitoring extreme water events that happen routinely in the city. It also signals the community and managers to take measures to prevent and minimize flooding.

2022 ◽  
pp. 191-201
Yasushi Iwabuchi

This chapter shows the characters and problems of local democracy through analyzing local referendums in Japan. The author starts the discussion by posing three questions: (1) Why is the number of local referendums increasing? (2) Is the dialogue between citizens and local councilors efficient? (3) Can transformations in local democracy be observed? This chapter regards the history of local referendums as a lesson of democracy and reveals the necessity of dialogue through campaigns of local referendums. It comprises three parts: (1) the history of local referendums in Japan, (2) a theoretical background on local referendums and representative democracy, and (3) the analysis of a local referendum in the city of Matue in Shimane Prefecture.

2013 ◽  
Vol 869-870 ◽  
pp. 154-161 ◽  
Maria Rosaria Guarini ◽  
Fabrizio Battisti

In Italy, during the last few years (2008-2013), the processes of land development have stalled due to the economic and political situation of the Country. The lack of public resources available to enable the above mentioned processes, as well as a complex and incomplete legislative and regulatory framework are the main causes of the crisis affecting the construction industry. This industry, which has always assured a turnover of 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), should be revived through the development of public-private partnerships (PPP). This paper shows a working model of participatory management, based on PPP, which meets the purpose of supporting public administrations (PA) in a more efficient management of their lands development processes. The proposed model, inspired by the urban management experience developed in the city of Ladispoli (a best practise example), is based on European and International procedural and evaluation models. The models aim is to achieve public-interest objectives, within an articulated development initiative, based on a complex planning vision that involves a plurality of purposes, interventions, actors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-149
Mary Ismowati

Bandung city government's desire to work on various projects with a mechanism of Public Private Partnerships ( PPP ) due to limitations of the government for the city of Bandung well within the capability of funding, human resources , technological capabilities , and so forth . This is done to help realize the " Bandung Champion " . City government 's desire based on the opinion the Government is obliged to fulfill its social responsibility to the community economy , and to ensure that public services can be done to the entire community.The aim in this paper to analyze the cooperation scheme of Public Private Partnerships ( PPP ) what is right for the city government The method used in this paper is a descriptive study with technical literature , ie finding relevant theory reference to the case or the problems found , namely the problem of public private partnership cooperation city government with the private sector in the provision of public services . This type of data is secondary data obtained from the documentation media and internet and also sourced from books and other literature sources that support the discussion in this study.In order for the cooperation of public private partnership city government with the private sector managed a few things that must be considered: this cooperation must be strategically important for both parties , this cooperation are complementary rather than mutually competence , openness to information in both parties , and should this cooperation raises link although the true integration of different cultures . Mutual trust is the main thing. Forms of cooperation of public private partnership with the city government to the private sector in the form of contract maintenance , Leasing ( Lease ) or Contract of Build- Operate- Transfer / BOT or Build Operate and Transfer OwnedIt was concluded that the Public -Private Partnership cooperation is not always a bad connotation and in order to succeed , a lot of terms and conditions must be met . It is intended that the government gets the best results , people also get results commensurate , ie welfare . Thus , the spirit of Public -Private Partnership is to strengthen the government or the public service which is considered inefficient 

Shirley Saunders ◽  
Patricia Alejandra Garbino ◽  
Esteban Fermín Conci ◽  
Adriano Cuadrado

El propósito de este trabajo es encontrar respuestas a la problemática de insatisfacción de los habitantes de la ciudad de Córdoba con los servicios públicos prestados por el Municipio. El objetivo es elaborar un modelo para la medición y evaluación de la satisfacción y la calidad percibida por la población. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work is to find answers to the problem of dissatisfaction of the citizens of the city of Cordoba with the public services provided by the Municipality. The aim is to develop a model for measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction and the quality perceived by the population.

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