scholarly journals Reflexões sobre a Interdisciplinaridade em Livros Didáticos de História: um Olhar Sobre o Ensino do Regime Ditatorial Brasileiro

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-404
Alison Sullivan de Sousa Alves ◽  
Francisco Vieira da Silva

O conceito e a perspectiva de interdisciplinaridade em conteúdo dos livros didáticos de História nos levam a refletir acerca de como as disciplinas escolares se comunicam entre si no quesito interdisciplinar em suas práticas de ensino e aprendizagem. Desse modo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar alguns conceitos interdisciplinares para o ensino e a aprendizagem escolar. Para tanto, pretende-se comparar alguns conceitos de interdisciplinaridade e a sua aplicação em sala de aula a partir de propostas do livro didático de História no tocante ao Regime Militar Brasileiro. Assim, utilizaremos como referencial teórico Thiesen (2007) e suas proposições acerca da interdisciplinaridade como movimento articulador no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Metodologicamente, trata-se de um estudo descritivo-interpretativo de natureza qualitativa. No que toca especificamente ao ensino de História, observamos que o tratamento dispensado ao regime ditatorial brasileiro poderia lançar mão de reflexões produzidas noutros campos do saber, como os estudos da ciência política e da sociologia. Assim, a temática em foco seria entrevista a partir de diferentes vieses, tornando o ensino de História produtivo e significativo. A quase inexistência da interdisciplinaridade na educação básica é fruto de uma lógica acadêmica pautada na tradição positivista que compartimentou o saber em disciplinas, especializando as ciências e, com isso, fragmentando o conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Educação Básica. Aprendizagem. Autoritarismo. AbstractThe concept and perspective of interdisciplinarity in the content of History textbooks lead us to reflect on how school subjects relate to one another in the interdisciplinary aspect of their teaching and learning practices. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze some interdisciplinary concepts for teaching and learning. Therefore, it is intended to compare some concepts of interdisciplinarity and its use in the classroom based on proposals taken from the History textbook content concerning to Brazilian Military Government. For this purpose, we will use as theoretical framework Thiesen (2007) and his propositions about interdisciplinarity. Methodologically, it is a descriptive-interpretative study of qualitative nature. With regard specifically to the teaching of history, we observed that the treatment of the Brazilian dictatorial regime could use reflections produced in other fields of knowledge, such as the studies of political science and sociology. Thus, the theme in focus would be interview from different biases, making the teaching of history productive and meaningful. The almost nonexistence of interdisciplinarity in basic education is the result of an academic logic based on the positivist tradition that compartmentalized knowledge in disciplines, specializing the sciences and, thus, fragmenting knowledge. Keywords: Basic Education. Learning. Authoritarianism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 515
Paula Lorena C. Albano da Cruz ◽  
Maria Inês S. Stamatto

O presente trabalho tem por objeto de pesquisa o ensino de História no Grupo Escolar Barão de Mipibu -  RN de 1909 a 1920. O seu objetivo é discutir como essa disciplina tornou-se elemento colaborador na formação do imaginário social republicano. As fontes analisadas na pesquisa foram Diários de Classe e o livro didático de História da instituição. O estudo se encontra inserido na História da Educação. Como aporte teórico foi utilizado as contribuições de Carvalho (1990) sobre a formação do imaginário social na República brasileira e Chervel (1990) acerca da História das disciplinas escolares.  O trabalho possibilitou a compreensão da organização da disciplina História no Brasil ao longo dos tempos e de forma particular como via de contribuição da formação do cidadão brasileiro no início da República.Palavras-chave: Ensino de História. Grupo Escolar. Imaginário. AbstractThis study has as research object the history teaching at the school group of Barão de Mipibu - RN from 1909 to 1920. It aims to discuss about how that discipline has become a collaborator element in the formation of the republican social imaginary. The analyzed sources in the research were the classes diaries and the history textbook of the instituition. The study is inserted in the History of Education. As a theoretical framework was used Carvalho's (1990) contributions about the formation of social imaginary in the Brazilian Republic and Chervel  (1990) about the history of school subjects. The work enabled the understanding of the organization of the discipline history in Brazil over time and especially as a way of contribution of the brazilian citizen formation in the beginning of the Republic.Keywords: History teaching. School group. Imaginary. Resumen El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo de pesquisa la enseñanza de Historia en el Grupo Escolar Barão de Mipibu -  RN de 1909 a 1920. Su objetivo es discutir como esa disciplina se ha tornado elemento colaborador en la formación del imaginario social republicano. Las fuentes analizadas en la pesquisa fueron los Diarios de Clase y el libro didáctico de Historia de la institución, bien como la legislación educacional local. El estudio se encuentra inserido en la Historia de la Educación. Como aporte teórico se utilizó las contribuciones de Carvalho (1990) sobre la formación del imaginario social na República brasileña y Chervel (1990) acerca de la Historia de las disciplinas escolares.  El trabajo ha viabilizado la comprensión de la organización de la disciplina Historia en Brasil a lo largo de los tiempos y de forma particular como camino a la contribución para la formación del ciudadano brasileño en el inicio da República.Palavras Clave: Enseñanza de Historia; Grupo Escolar; Imaginario

Abd. Wahab Bin Zakaria

ملخص البحث: يواجه طلبة المدارس الماليزيّة، وخاصةً طلبة التعليم الأساسيّ صعوبات عديدة عند تعلمهم النّحو العربيّ وقواعده، ولمعالجة هذه المشكلة تأتي هذه بصورة ميسرة لطلبة التعليم الأساسيّ، وذلك باتباع استراتيجيات تنفيذ دروس القواعد النحويّة بطريقة إجرائيّة بسيطة. يتبع هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي النظري، مع المنهج الكيفي؛ سيتم إعداد وحدات تطبيقية تهتم بعرض القواعد الأساسيّة لتقويم اللسان وتحقيق سلامة النطق الإعرابي الذي يعمل على توصيل المعاني توصيلاً يكشف عن مقاصد المتكلمين، ويأتي هذا البحث في قِسمين: القِسم الأوّل هو الإطار النظري لهذا المقرر، والإطار التطبيقيّ، ويكون بإعداد وحدات تعليميّة نحوية بما تحتويه من استراتيجيات وطرائق تدريس مقترحة لتنفيذ دروس قواعد النّحو العربيّ الأساسيّ التطبيقيّ بصورة ميسرة وواضحة. توصل البحث إلى عدة نتائج من أهمها ما يأتي: إن النّحو العربي للماليزيين يجب أنْ يُدرس في إطار وظائفيّ؛  ويجب أن يقدّم لهم بطريقة ميسرة لكي يسهم في إيضاح المعاني الوظيفيّة للمفردات وللتراكيب الأسلوبيّة التي يتعرضون لها في مواد الدّراسات الشرعيّة والقرآنيّة. الكلمات المفتاحية: النحو العربي – التطبيقية- الميسر- التعليم - التعلم.     Abstract Students of Malaysian schools, particularly at basic education, face a lot of challenges whilst learning the Arabic syntax and its grammar. In order to get over this drawback, this framed study comes as a result to teach the basic Arabic applied grammatical rules in a simplified way to students of basic education. This is carried out through following strategies of conducting syntactic and grammatical classes in a simple procedural way. This research follows the theoretical descriptive approach alongside the qualitative approach. That is, applied units will be prepared and they are concerned with the basic rules of correct articulation of tongue and achieving correctness of parsing pronunciation which conveys meanings in a way that uncovers the speakers’ intentions. This research falls into two sections: the first section contains the theoretical framework of the material and this includes an overview of the material contents, educational strategies necessary to teach the basic syntactic Arabic rules and simplification applied methods in a simplified way. The second section is the applied framework which is concerned with carrying out syntactic educational units including strategies and suggested teaching methodologies to conduct classes of the basic syntactic Arabic applied rules in a clear and simplified way. The study deduced several results. Some of which are: the Arabic syntax should be taught to Malaysians on function- based framework and it should be presented to them in a simplified way so as to contribute to clarify functional meanings of vocabularies and stylistic constructions which Malaysians are exposed to in religious- based courses.        Keywords: Arabic Syntax, Simplification, Applied, Teaching and Learning.     Abstrak Para pelajar sekola-sekolah di Malaysia khususnya pelajar-pelajar pengajian asas menghadapi kesukaran dalam mempelajari tatabahasa Bahasa Arab serta kaedah-kaedahnya. Untuk itu,Kajian ini cuba menangani masalah ini dengan memamparkan pengajaran tatabahasa secara praktikal yang mudah bagi pembelajaran asas dengan mengikut strategi-strategi perlaksanaan pelajaran tatabahasa dengan cara yang lebih mudah.Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan teori deskriptif dan kualitatif dengan menyediakan unit-unit latihan yang menjurus kepada penyediaan kaedah-kaedah asas dalam proses pembentukan lisan dan memastikan sebutan tatabahasa yang betul seterusnya membawa kepada maksud yang dikehendaki para penutur.Kajian ini terbahagi kepada dua bahagian; teori yang membicarakan tentang pengenalan akan kandungan-kandungan kursus, strategi-strategi pendidikan yang sesuai dalam pengajaran tatabahasa Bahasa Arab serta cara-cara praktikal yang mudah.kedua: praktikal yang memaparkan cadangan unit-unit pembelajaran tatabahasa yang mengandungi stratedi-strategi serta cara-cara pengajaran bagi melaksanakan pembelajaran tatabahasa Bahasa Arab dengan lebih mudah lagi jelas.Kesimpulannya pengkaji membuat keputusan bahawa Tatabahasa Bahasa Arab bagi pelajar-pelajar Malaysia perlu diajar dalam bentuk rangka kerja dengan cara ynag mudah yang dapat membantu memastikan maksud rangka kerja bagi setiap perkataan dan  susunan ayat yang mereka dapati dalam subjek-subjek pengajian syariah. Kata kunci: Tatabahasa Bahasa Arab - praktikal – mudah – pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-68 ◽  
Pia Koirikivi ◽  
Saila Poulter ◽  
Eero Salmenkivi ◽  
Arto Kallioniemi

Tutkimuksessa vastataan kysymykseen siitä, millaista katsomuksellista yleissivistystä eri uskontojen ja elämänkatsomustiedon opetus tarjoaa sekä millaisia eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä niiden välillä on. Tutkimusaineistona on perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden (vuodelta 2014) viiden eri uskonto-oppiaineen sekä elämänkatsomustiedon sisältöalueet, jotka analysoidaan aineistolähtöisesti. Vastaavaa vertailevaa tutkimusta oppiaineiden sisällöistä ei ole aiemmin tehty. Tutkimuksen päätulokset osoittavat, että opetussuunnitelman perusteiden sisällöistä on tunnistettavissa yhteisesti jaettuja näkökulmia mutta myös selviä eroja. Keskeisin jännitteinen kysymys liittyy siihen, miten katsomusaineisiin sisäänrakennettu olettama lapsen omasta taustatraditiosta ja katsomusten keskinäinen erilaisuus vaikuttavat tavoiteltavaan yleissivistykseen. Kysymys liittyy yksittäisiä oppiainesisältöjä laajempaan kysymykseen siitä, millä perustein ja kenen näkökulmista katsomuksellisen yleissivistyksen kriteerit julkisessa koululaitoksessa tulisi määritellä.   Comprehensive general knowledge and literacy of religions and worldviews in national core curricula (2014) of religious education and secular ethics education in Finnish basic education Abstract In the Finnish context, the teaching and learning of religions and worldviews are carried out mainly in the disciplines of religious education or secular ethics education. However, even though these school subjects are parallel to each other, previous studies have not focused on investigating how and in what ways these two school subjects are both similar and different in their approaches to providing the students with comprehensive general knowledge and literacy about religions and worldviews. For filling this gap in knowledge, this study analyses the curricular content areas of five different religious education curricula and the secular ethics curriculum with thematic content analysis. The findings of this study are relevant for developing the role that religious and secular ethics education has within Finnish basic education. Keywords: secular ethics education, comprehensive general knowledge and literacy of religions and worldviews, worldview education, curriculum, basic education, religious education

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-298
Marjana Dolšina

The paper analyses two concepts of art history textbooks for secondary schools. It discusses their role in the learning and teaching process of art history and related school subjects within the formal educational programmes in Slovenia and their didactic structure. The comparison between one Slovenian and two Polish textbooks might contribute to better understanding of the present situation regarding art history textbook production in Slovenia, which is a result of several factors: the historical continuity of textbook writing and research in textbook didactics, the current school policy and fi nancial competition on the textbook market. Its intention is also to clarify the idea of didactic transformation of the art history contents from the challenging scientifi c texts to a form suitable for secondary school students who are textbooks’ main target audience.

Pedagogika ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 121 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-186
Linas Jašinauskas ◽  
Rasa Žiburytė

After restoring Independence in Lithuania, there has not been a separate research carried out which would contain an in-depth analysis of the quality of activities presented in history textbooks used in general education schools. Therefore, the following research problem is raised in this article: whether the activities presented in the history textbooks for 5th–8th grades that are currently in use in Lithuanian general education schools are suitable for developing the achievements in history subject which are defined in the General Curriculum Framework. The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of history textbook activities for 5th–8th grades for developing pupils‘ achievements delineated in the General Curriculum Framework 2008. To reach this aim the following objectives were raised: 1) to discuss the key achievements in history subject as well as the requirements for history learning process that are highlighted in scientific literature and educational programmes; 2) to reveal the role of a textbook and its activities / activities system for improving pupils’ achievements in accordance to Lithuanian education documents and scientific literature; 3) to analyse the suitability of history textbook activities for 5th–8th grades for improving pupils’ knowledge and skills delineated in the General Curriculum Framework for Basic Education 2008 for the subject of history. Methods of research: analysis of education documents and scientific literature, analysis of textbook content. Data of the analysis revealed that more than half of the tasks in the investigated history textbooks for 5th–8th grades require from pupils knowledge and understanding of historical figures, events or cases depicted in a textbook. Fewer than a quarter of the analysed history textbook activities are designed to developing pupils’ ability to put knowledge into practice. Very few tasks presented in textbooks are intended for developing the capacity for more complicated reasoning. Whilst analysing the adaptation of activities in history textbooks for 5th–8th grades for developing pupils‘ competencies in the subject, it became clear that the activities are only partially suitable for developing the competencies delineated in the General Curriculum Framework. The greater part of tasks is designed for developing an understanding of historical evolution and ability to engage in historical analysis and interpretation. Only 4.3 percent of tasks induce the pupils to develop an ability to orientate in historical time and space. The analysed textbooks contain few activities that would motivate pupils to take an integral approach towards Lithuanian and world history.

2020 ◽  
Qatrin Nada Sanya Rossevin

Curriculum administration is the whole process of planned and intentional and deliberate activities as well as ongoing guidance to the teaching and learning situation in order to help the achievement of educational goals effectively and efficiently.In this connection, at any school level the principal task of the school is to ensure that there are good teaching programs for students. Because basically the management or management of education focuses on all its efforts on teaching and learning practices (PBM). This seems clear that in essence all efforts and activities carried out in schools or educational institutions are always directed at the success of PBM.

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-116 ◽  
Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo

By identifying two general issues in recent history textbook controversies worldwide (oblivion and inclusion), this article examines understandings of the United States in Mexico's history textbooks (especially those of 1992) as a means to test the limits of historical imagining between U. S. and Mexican historiographies. Drawing lessons from recent European and Indian historiographical debates, the article argues that many of the historical clashes between the nationalist historiographies of Mexico and the United States could be taught as series of unsolved enigmas, ironies, and contradictions in the midst of a central enigma: the persistence of two nationalist historiographies incapable of contemplating their common ground. The article maintains that lo mexicano has been a constant part of the past and present of the US, and lo gringo an intrinsic component of Mexico's history. The di erences in their historical tracks have been made into monumental ontological oppositions, which are in fact two tracks—often overlapping—of the same and shared con ictual and complex experience.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Andrew M. Wender ◽  
Valerie J. D’Erman

ABSTRACT Teaching and learning in higher education is occurring, unavoidably, within the broader civic context of today’s extraordinarily polarizing political times. We seek to help students situate themselves with respect to and, above all, thoughtfully assess others’ as well as their own perspectives on issues of profound contention, without contributing to exacerbated polarization ourselves. Specifically, we offer students in our first-year exploratory political science course a vital tool—critical rigor—for navigating but not being inundated by the storm. This article discusses our experiences in teaching the course titled, “The Worlds of Politics,” as we attempt to help students deeply engage in cognitive processes of critical thinking and analysis, without undue infringement from their own—and least of all our own—personal political biases. Our focal learning objective is the cultivation of critical-thinking skills that promote students’ drawing of distinctions between advocacy and analysis, as well as their discerning civic engagement.

1992 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 327-334 ◽  
Olugbemiro J. Jegede ◽  
Peter Akinsola Okebukola

The use of computers in education, which has emerged as a result of the considerable growth in information technology, has several implications for the global search for effective strategies in teaching school subjects. In contrast to what happens in the developed world, several developing countries like Nigeria are yet to fully appreciate the full benefits of computers and their usage in every day life. In Nigeria the Federal Government has only just taken the bold step to introduce computers into some selected classrooms as a modest beginning to the full scale use of computers in the society. The literature is replete with accounts indicating that the importation of several ideas into environments other than where they have been developed or meant, has often caused pedagogic and cultural problems. The paradigm of constructivism argues for the need to begin any instructional endeavor with pupils constructing their own knowledge using prior knowledge. This proposition motivated this study with the aim of seeking information that could be relevant to the effective introduction and use of computer in Third World classrooms. What for example, do Nigerian pupils perceive as the role of computers in the classroom? What is their concept of a computer and do they nurse any apprehensions? What sociocultural consequences would this have? This study was designed to gather and provide answers to these and other related questions. Using a four-part questionnaire with a total of 29 items, data were collected from a sample of 200 senior secondary one (grade level 10) students from the Lagos metropolitan area. The results of this study strongly suggest that the majority of Nigerian students: welcome and are enthusiastic about the introduction of computers into their classrooms; are concerned about their socio-economic status; demonstrate possession of computers have significant effect on their attitudes; and most of the students nurse some social and cultural apprehensions regarding the presence of computers in their classrooms.

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