scholarly journals Guarantee for the Protection of Human Rights Against Witnesses Criminal Reporters of Corruption According to the Laws of Witnesses and Victims

Ahmad Rumalean ◽  
Moh. Saleh

The type of research used in this research is normative legal research. Implementation of the protection process for reporting witnesses in the corruption court based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 2014 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims, the process mechanism hasn’t been regulated in detail and completely in practice, it cannot be done optimally.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Umbu Rauta ◽  
Ninon Melatyugra

Tulisan ini ingin menjawab dua isu utama mengenai hubungan hukum internasional dan pengujian undang-undang oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi RI (MKRI). Isu pertama adalah legitimasi penggunaan hukum internasional sebagai alat interpretasi dalam pengujian undang-undang, sedangkan isu kedua adalah urgensi penguasaan hukum internasional oleh hakim MKRI. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan historis dalam menjelaskan perkembangan pengujian undang-undang di Indonesia sekaligus menemukan legitimasi penggunaan hukum internasional oleh MK RI. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini menegaskan bahwa hukum internasional memiliki sumbangsih yang penting dalam perannya sebagai alat interpretasi dalam proses pengujian undang-undang oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, khususnya terkait hak asasi manusia. Justifikasi keabsahan praktik penggunaan hukum internasional tersebut ditarik dari tradisi ketatanegaraan yang secara implisit dikehendaki UUD NRI Tahun 1945. Manfaat positif yang diberikan hukum internasional nyatanya harus disertai juga dengan penguasaan hukum internasional oleh hakim MK RI supaya hukum internasional dapat digunakan secara tepat. Pembahasan dalam tulisan ini dibagi ke dalam empat sub bahasan inti yakni, pengujian undang-undang, penggunaan hukum internasional sebagai the interpretative tool dalam pengujian undang-undang oleh MK, legitimasi penggunaan hukum internasional sebagai the interpretative tool dalam pengujian undang-undang, pentingnya penguasaan hukum internasional oleh hakim MK.This article intentionally answers two principal issues regarding the relationship between international law and judicial review by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The first issue is the legitimacy of international use as an interpretative tool in judicial review. The second issue talks about the necessity of urgent international law mastery by the Constitutional Court’s judges. This legal research utilizes both a conceptual approach and a historical approach to explain the development of judicial review in Indonesia, and to find legitimacy of international law by the Constitutional Court. The analysis in this article affirms that international law positively contributes as an interpretative tool in judicial review by the Constitutional Court, particularly pertaining to human rights. A justification of a legitimate international law use is withdrawn from constitutional tradition which is implicitly desired by the Indonesian Constitution (UUD NRI 1945). Since international law has provided better insights into norms, a mastery of international law should be encouraged. There are four main discussions in this article: judicial review, application of international law in judicial review process, legitimacy of international law application in judicial review, and the importance of international law mastering by Constitutional Court judges.

I Ketut Cahyadi Putra

The State of Pancasila Law essentially stems from the principle of kinship, deliberation of consensus based on customary law, and protection of human rights with the principle of balance between the rights and obligations and the function of the law of auxiliary. As contained in the Fifth Precept of Pancasila that is social justice for all Indonesian people, and the opening of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia related to the phrase "advancing public welfare" is the basic formula of welfare state ideology then manifested into the constitution of the state of Indonesia to be made Guidance of nation life and state administration. Negara Hukum Pancasila esensinya berpangkal pada asas kekeluargaan, musyawarah mufakat berlandaskan hukum adat, dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dengan prinsip keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban dan fungsi hukum pengayoman. Sebagaimana yang terkandung dalam Sila Kelima Pancasila yaitu keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, dan pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 terkait frase “memajukan kesejahteraan umum” merupakan rumusan dasar ideologi welfare state kemudian dimanifestasikan ke dalam batang tubuh konstitusi negara Indonesia untuk dijadikan pedoman hidup berbangsa dan penyelenggaraan kenegaraan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Nyoman Satyayudha Dananjaya ◽  
Fuchikawa Kazuhiko

This paper aims to examine the protection of the environment in Indonesia which is part of the realization of a law state that guarantees the constitutional rights of its citizens. It is a legal research that reviews Indonesian constitutional and statutory provisions, besides adding a comparative perspective from a Japanese Constitution and legal system. It is found that the concept of a law state in Indonesia does not specifically follow the concept of a law state like what is meant in “rechtsstaat” or “the rule of law”. It has peculiar characteristics which indeed seem to adopt the noble values ??of those two concepts which clearly confesses in the constitution along with the elements and characters stated in it. One of the most prominent characteristics of a law state is the recognition and protection of human rights. In the Indonesian Constitution 1945, human rights as the fundamental rights of human beings have been arranged and compiled which is legally legitimized become constitutional rights. Among human rights, rights related to the environment include essential rights in array of international human rights formulations. Article 28 letter H of the Indonesian Constitution 1945 expressly states the rights to habitable and wholesome environment for citizen. The protection form can be a normative arrangement in the constitution or in a formal juridical through legislation. Protection of citizens' constitutional rights related to the environment is faced with due process of environmental protection that requires consistency in order to achieve the intention and direction of the Indonesian law state itself.

2020 ◽  
pp. 36-48
Kristina Mikalauskaitė-Šostakienė

The article analyzes the social and legal assumptions that determine the need for the legal regulation of territorial planning. The extent to which the appropriate legal regulation of territorial planning is related to the protection of the environment, ensuring sustainable development and the protection of human rights is assessed. It is concluded that the process of territorial planning is complex and complicated, has different needs and interests of natural and legal persons regarding the use of the respective territories are constantly encountered. Although the reform of the legal regulation of territorial planning has been carried out three times in Lithuania, gaps in the legal regulation of territorial planning have been identified so far.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-21
Natalia Banach ◽  

The issue of exemption from the attorney-client privilege and the nature of this attorney-client privilege is widely discussed both in the literature on the subject and in the doctrine. In order to analyze this subject, it was necessary to interpret the provisions of the Law on the Bar Ac (26 May 1982), the provisions of the Code of Bar Ethics (23 December 2011) the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (2 April 1997), both guarantees enshrined in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of liberty from 1950. The interpretation was made in conjunction with Polish case law common courts and case law of the European Court of Human Rights. This also presents the view of the polish Ombudsman’s Office. Given that the professional secrecy of lawyers is an inseparable element of justice, it would be wrong to omit the generally accepted moral norms of society in relation to the procedural role of a lawyer. The thesis put forward that the professional secrecy of lawyers is part of the implementation of the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private life. The purpose of the work was to emphasize the essence of lawyers’ secrecy as an inseparable element of defense of the parties to the proceedings and to indicate interpretation differences between Polish courts and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Shinta Rhukmi B.

AbstrakSistem peradilan pidana merupakan unsur yang signifikan dalam upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana narkotika. Pengguna narkotika seyogyanya mendapatkan sanksi pidana yang berat, mengingat korban penyalahgunaan narkotika di Indonesia semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, dari segi penegakan hukum Mahkamah Agung melalui Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Yogyakarta Nomor 389/Pid.Sus/2015/PN Yyk hanya memuat formulasi yang tidak didukung dengan teori-teori keilmuan, bahkan putusan tersebut tidak mencantumkan keterangan masa penahanan atau ketentuan Pasal 197 ayat (1) huruf h Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian hukum normatif lebih mengutamakan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan mengikat Pasal 197 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 adalah  mandatory, imperatif dan limitatif dalam putusan hakim, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan nilai-nilai keadilan dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia bagi para pihak. Adapun konsekuensi ketentuan tersebut apabila tidak dipenuhi dalam putusan hakim adalah putusan batal demi hukum.AbstractThe criminal justice system is a significant element in efforts to eradicate narcotics crime. Drug users should get severe criminal sanctions, considering that victims of narcotics abuse in Indonesia are increasing from year to year. However, in terms of law enforcement the Supreme Court through the Decision of the Yogyakarta District Court Number 389 / Pid.Sus / 2015 / PN Yyk only contains formulations that are not supported by scientific theories, even the decision does not include informatio on the period of detention or the provisions of Article 197 paragraph ( 1) letter h of Law Number 8 of 1981. This type of research is normative legal research. Normative legal research prioritizes literature. The results of the study indicate that the binding force of Article 197 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1981 is mandatory, imperative and limited in the judge's decision, which aims to provide values of justice and protection of human rights for the parties. The consequences of these  provisions if not fulfilled in the judge's decision are the verdict null and void.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1102-1115
Botirjon Khayitbayevich Ruzmetov

In this article author had searched the questions devoted the protection of human rights in the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and comparing with the legislation and worldwide experience of the foreign states.The article reveals the ongoing liberalization of the criminal law policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is aimed at expanding human and fair norms, strengthening the protection of the rights, legitimate interests of a person andsociety. Against this background, the significance of investigative actions and the theory of evidence in the country's criminal procedural legislation is being revised. The development of science and technology leads to the improvement of methods of committing crimes using computer technology, taking into account which the timely disclosure and effective investigation of socially dangerous acts requires extensive use of mathematical tools and computer technologies.In this regard, changes are taking place in the investigative practice aimed at increasing knowledge in the field of computer technologies among law enforcement officials and increasing the responsibility of the personal of the investigative and judicial authorities in the implementation of their activities.The author emphasizes that despite significant restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of a person in the conduct of investigative actions, all of them are necessary for obtaining sufficient evidence to expose the guilt of the offender, in the manner prescribed by law.Compliance by investigators, prosecutors and judges of all criminal procedural requirements established by the legislation of the country is a key requirement for the recognition of evidence as lawful and sufficient for a fair sentence.It should be noted that the article highlights that, since 1994, the Criminal Procedure Code of Uzbekistan enshrines the right to defense by involving a lawyer in the case from the moment a person is detained on suspicion of committing a crime, as well as the principle of equality of arms in criminal proceedings. An addition to the liberalization of legislation is the fact that now the courts are freed from such unusual functions as the execution of court decisions.In addition, the article expands on the author's proposals for improving the legislation of Uzbekistan, as well as expanding the power of lawyers, especially in the conduct of investigative actions, aimed at expanding the process of liberalization of criminal law in the country and improving the situation with the protection of human rights in the investigation of criminal cases.

2013 ◽  
pp. 653-665
Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic ◽  
Zdravko Petrovic

The legal basis of state responsibility for damage caused by unfair sentence or unfounded arrest is the need to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and generally accepted international rules. The right to compensation on this basis (although subjective civil right) has a sui generis legal nature, because it is connected with the protection of human rights. Joint public-private legal nature of such a request is expressed in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, because the circle of authorized persons and the conditions under which they may be entitled to compensation is determined by the criminal procedural rules, while the existence of a legally recognized forms of damage and the extent to which the damage may be reimbursed is estimated according to the general rules of Law of obligations. While the legislation is very progressive, it is observed that, in practice, the applications for compensation are usually submitted because of the most unreasonable detention of up to one month or three months, and the inefficiency of the criminal proceedings, suspended upon the expiration of the absolute limitation of prosecution. The state could easily affect these practices. Also, the priority of state must be meeting its financial obligations with regard to final adjustments, and the imposition of demands for compensation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 273
Mauvlyuda Akhatovna AKHMEDSHAEVA ◽  
Makhmud Kamaladiinovich NAZHIMOV ◽  
Khajdarali Melievich MUKHAMEDOV ◽  
Mukhitdinova Firuza ABDURASHIDOVNA

The research considers the processes of formation of the latest legislation on administrative responsibility in the Republic of Uzbekistan its relevance and problems that should receive proper scientific evaluation. The author considers and analyzes the reform in the field of a new model of administrative-tort legislation proceeding from the paradigm of priority jurisdictional protection of human rights and freedoms.

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