scholarly journals Consumer Protection Perception of Halal Food Products in Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Agus Hermawan

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to uncover the conditions, dilemmas, and efforts to improve the customer perception of halal food products in Indonesia. The study uses secondary data with a conceptual approach with a study of social theory and facts in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the role of employers, government and consumer protection institutions still needs to be improved to promote consumer rights and obligations regarding halal products. Ongoing socialization efforts to bring intensive awareness are still needed to increase trust in halal food products. The limitations of existing empirical data regarding the behavior of consumers using halal products are the main things that further research is still needed. Consumer awareness of halal products still needs to be encouraged so that consumers are aware of their rights and obligations and are protected from producers who are misconducted. This can be done through mass media massively campaint. Synchronization between related institutions is the key to winning the consumer support, while still opening opportunities for entrepreneurs to honestly provide product information. Government policy in favor of protecting consumers with law enforcement is a picture given in this paper to foster more comprehensive literature in the field of consumer protection of halal products. Keywords: Halal food product, Consumers protection, government policy

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Jacobus Jopie Gilalo ◽  
Adi Sulistiyono ◽  
Burhanudin Harahap

Indonesia is a country with the majority Muslims in the world. As Muslims, it is obligatory to comply with religious prohibitions that must be obeyed, namely by not consuming food that are made from / have non-halal contents. Several laws, namely: Consumer Protection Act, Health Act, Food Act and Halal Product Guarantee Act are a form of legal protection for halal food products that can provide guarantees for consumption by Indonesian Muslim communities. This paper is a descriptive qualitative one that seeks to provide an overview of the problem of regulating halal food products in relation to consumer protection and legal protection of consumers in consuming halal food products. The results of this review study that the regulation of halal food products for companies or businesses that will trade their products in Indonesia based on the Halal Product Guarantee Act if related to consumer protection has provided legal certainty for the consumer community (Muslims) to consume halal food, namely by there are Halal Certification marks and Halal Labels. Likewise, several laws and regulations relating to halal food products that have been enacted provide legal protection for consumers in consuming food and beverages. Consumers must get information, safety and a sense of security for a food product that will be consumed according to their choices.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 61-76
Aksamawanti Aksamawanti

Nowdays, muslim in the world are starting to realize the\at the development of science and technology has led to the problem of determination halal food and beverage products become simple. Demands clarity halal staus of a food product has become part of a global issue. It is not because of the Islmaic view of the halal statuse issue has broad implications covering various aspect of life. Thus, eating halal food products become sosial problems in the community as well as a responsibility of the state and the rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of 1945 on the basis of the same idea, namely the insurance of halal products. The purpose of this stydy was to determine whether the regulations set by the goverment, al ready provide proctection to consumers to consume halal food products? In this study used normative juridical method with descriptive nature. Based on the research result and in the accordance with the issues that have been outlined, the regulations set bay goverment is still pasrtial, sectoral and overlap, so it didi not provide consumer protection on food labeled as halal.

Dilla Ayuna Letri ◽  
Yaswirman Yaswirman ◽  
Zefrizal Nurdin

Indonesia is a country with muslim mayorities, therefore the state must protect the community to make ends meet, including of halal food according to the faith of every Muslim. In reality, many products in the community are not guaranteed with halal licence. In Indonesia, there is many packaged food products with unclear halal status, producer of these products is needed to be safe for consumption by all people, especially those who are Muslim. Writing this thesis uses an empirical juridical research approach method. The data collected is in the form of primary data obtained from related parties in the supervision of packaged food products, as well as secondary data obtained from primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. From the results of the study it was found that the authority of the BPOM in conducting oversight of the halal packed food products contained in 2 (two) things, namely: supervision of pre-market and post market. The authority of LPPOM MUI in conducting supervision is carried out by Halal Auditors and Internal Halal Auditors in a company. Until now, BPOM still has not cooperated with LPPOM MUI or BPJPH as stated in a cooperation agreement. So that these agencies only work in accordance with the tasks specificly in the regulations made by their respective agencies and until now it is still difficult to create good coordination or cooperation, including in overseeing the halal of packed food product.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Anak Agung Made Ayu Rai Lidya Astari ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti

E-commerce is a buying and selling activity carried out via the internet with electronic media. Based on this, two problems were raised as follows: 1). What are the aspects of consumer protection against electronic business transactions, 2). How to regulate the control of electronic business transactions in ensuring the implementation of consumer rights. The research method used in the preparation of this research is normative with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach, namely analyzing the problems to be discussed through legal concepts taken from several books and literature that have relevance to the problem. The data sources used are primary data, namely through statutory regulations, secondary data, namely using legal theory and experts, and tertiary data, namely related to legal dictionaries and encyclopedias. The technique of collecting data is through the method of recording legal materials and collecting references used. The data analysis used systematic legal interpretation and legal argumentation based on deductive logic. However, all the benefits that are offered, there is a concern about the responsibility of online companies to online consumers considering so many online companies. The Trade Law and the Consumer Protection Act are the basis for trading in online trading and / or in conventional trading. In this case the need for supervision in order to improve harmony in each application. The results showed that the aspect of protection was carried out by defending the rights of consumers against the disturbance of other parties. In order to increase awareness, knowledge, concern and independence of consumers, especially in choosing, determining and demanding their rights as consumers. There are several principles in consumer protection, namely the principle of benefit, the principle of justice, the principle of security and safety, the principle of balance, the principle of legal certainty.

Firas S. Omari ◽  
Norhidayah Azman ◽  
Roesnita Ismail

In the new global economy, information seeking behavior of halal food products has become a central issue for Muslims. Muslims in Malaysia form two-third of the entire population who makes the significance of consuming halal food products. This paper presents a conceptual framework on the information seeking behavior of Malaysian Muslim consumers while searching for halal food products. This conceptual framework presents the potential factors that might influence the information seeking behavior for halal food products among Malaysian Muslim consumers. This paper assumes that there is a relationship among human information attributes, namely: attitude, habit and awareness of individual and sources of information as factors that may lead to an effective information searching process. This study provides insights into how Malaysian Muslim consumers seek information for a halal food product that offers an effective searching process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 511
Melissa Aulia Hosanna ◽  
Susanti Adi Nugroho

Food is one of the most necessary needs of humans to survive so that everyone is expected to pay more attention to the food products that will be consumed.Indonesia is a country with a predominantly Muslim population. In the teachings of Islam there are orders to consume halal food and prohibition to consume illegitimate food. Halal product is a product that qualifies halal according to Islamic syariat from its substance, its process and its storage and presentation. This study aims to determine the implementation of law number 33 of 2014 on the guarantee of halal products on the registration of halal certificates on food products and what are the constraints faced in registering halal certificates.The guarantee of consumer protection against the circulation of halal labeled food products is already guaranteed according to the prevailing laws and regulations and the products labeled official halal have provided legal certainty to the halal nature of the product itself which can be seen from the authority given by the government to MUI and BPJPH.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-85
Tutik Nurul Janah

The purpose of consumer protection rules is to improve protection against consumers by avoiding the negative effects. Halal certification requirements on food products are also a country protection effort against consumers. Consumers have the right to know the content of food and beverages they will consume. During this time, halal certification is synonymous with Muslim community needs. However, it is not only Muslims who have religious rules regarding food. For example, Christians and Hindus also have rules regarding food.  Indonesia as a multicultural-multireligious country, should attention to this diversity. If the certification of halal products only targets the needs of Muslims only, then how with non-Muslim consumer protection efforts related to their right to know the content of food, cosmetics and medicines are not contradictory Their religious. This research is a research library with a normative juridical approach. This research aims to give readers an understanding of the principles related to halal certification, especially on food products. The research is also important to provide an understanding of the relationship between halal certification and transparency of food product composition with the fulfillment of Muslim and non-Muslim consumer rights.

2021 ◽  
Dwi Bagus Pambudi ◽  
Rany Ekawati

Food safety is one of WHO’s primary concerns during a pandemic. The current Covid-19 pandemic requires us to boost our immune system by eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food consumed by the masses must be free of chemical and biological substances that can be harmful for the body. Nowadays, food products have developed to be more innovative, such as packaged processed food products that can be stored for a long time, generally using Food Additives. The safety of packaged processed food products must be guaranteed by the manufacturers in order to guarantee consumer protection. To ensure this, the government has established the Consumer Protection Law; the Government Regulation on Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition; and the Food and Drug Administration Division. Through the BPOM, the government supervises food products circulating in the community. The supervision carried out by BPOM are preventive and repressive. One form of supervision carried out by BPOM is granting distribution permits for packaged processed food products before they are distributed to the public. Keywords: packaged processed food products, BPOM

2019 ◽  
Danielle. R. Reed ◽  
Joel D. Mainland ◽  
Charles J. Arayata

AbstractMany factors play a role in choosing what to eat or drink. Here we explored the role of sensation to explain these differences, drawing on consumer reviews for commercially available food products sold through an online retailer. We analyzed 393,568 unique food product reviews from Amazon customers with a total of 256,043 reviewers rating 67,553 products. Taste-associated words were mentioned more than words associated with cost, food texture, customer service, nutrition, smell, or those referring to the trigeminal senses, e.g., spicy. We computed the overall number of reviews that mentioned taste qualities: the word taste was mentioned in over 30% of the reviews (N= 142,768), followed by sweet (10.7%, N=42,315), bitter (2.9%, N=11,424), sour (2.1%, N=8,252), and salty (1.4%, N=5,688). We identified 38 phrases used to describe the evaluation of sweetness, finding that ‘too sweet’ was used in nearly 0.8% of the reviews and oversweetness was mentioned over 25 times more often than under-sweetness. We then focused on ‘polarizing’ products, those that elicited a wide difference of opinion (as measured by the ranges of the product ratings). Using the products that had more than 50 reviews, we identified the top 10 most polarizing foods (i.e., those with the largest standard deviation in ratings) and provide representative comments about the polarized taste experience of consumers. Overall, these results support the primacy of taste in real-world food ratings and individualized taste experience, such as whether a product is ‘too sweet’. Analysis of consumer review data sets can provide information about purchasing decisions and customer sensory responses to particular commercially available products and represents a promising methodology for the emerging field of sensory nutrition.

Nadya Salsabila Haqqoni ◽  
Fitria Putri Aprilia ◽  
Indah Nur Maulina

The emergence of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in China at the end of 2019 has caused a large international outbreak that threatens public health. COVID-19 is a new type of virus that has not been previously identified in humans. This study aims to determine whether this virus affects the public in consuming halal food products and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Islam itself has introduced the terms halal and haram where when this is not prioritized it will cause harm to human health. This study uses descriptive-quantitative methods, with data collection techniques using primary data sourced from a questionnaire with a total of 101 respondents through purposive random sampling technique with the SPSS program and secondary data sourced from literature studies as a theoretical reinforcement in finding a solution that can answer the problem. research written. Our results show that there is an increase in awareness of the halal label and the tendency to consume halal food after the occurrence of COVID-19. In order to realize the SDG's goals, it is necessary to increase public awareness of the halal lifestyle and be strengthened by the results of the survey that has been conducted, we recommend a system that is implemented in 3 ways, namely regulation, education, and literacy (REL). The initiative is intended to maintain and increase public awareness of consuming halal food products so as to accelerate the growth of the halal industry in Indonesia.

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