scholarly journals Cooperation between Medicine and Food Supervisory Agency (BPPOM) in Padang and Institutions of Food Processing of Medicinal Medicine and Cosmetics of Indonesian Ulama Council (LPPOM MUI) in West Sumatera Province Concerning the Halal Status of Packaged Food Products

Dilla Ayuna Letri ◽  
Yaswirman Yaswirman ◽  
Zefrizal Nurdin

Indonesia is a country with muslim mayorities, therefore the state must protect the community to make ends meet, including of halal food according to the faith of every Muslim. In reality, many products in the community are not guaranteed with halal licence. In Indonesia, there is many packaged food products with unclear halal status, producer of these products is needed to be safe for consumption by all people, especially those who are Muslim. Writing this thesis uses an empirical juridical research approach method. The data collected is in the form of primary data obtained from related parties in the supervision of packaged food products, as well as secondary data obtained from primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. From the results of the study it was found that the authority of the BPOM in conducting oversight of the halal packed food products contained in 2 (two) things, namely: supervision of pre-market and post market. The authority of LPPOM MUI in conducting supervision is carried out by Halal Auditors and Internal Halal Auditors in a company. Until now, BPOM still has not cooperated with LPPOM MUI or BPJPH as stated in a cooperation agreement. So that these agencies only work in accordance with the tasks specificly in the regulations made by their respective agencies and until now it is still difficult to create good coordination or cooperation, including in overseeing the halal of packed food product.

Nadya Salsabila Haqqoni ◽  
Fitria Putri Aprilia ◽  
Indah Nur Maulina

The emergence of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in China at the end of 2019 has caused a large international outbreak that threatens public health. COVID-19 is a new type of virus that has not been previously identified in humans. This study aims to determine whether this virus affects the public in consuming halal food products and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Islam itself has introduced the terms halal and haram where when this is not prioritized it will cause harm to human health. This study uses descriptive-quantitative methods, with data collection techniques using primary data sourced from a questionnaire with a total of 101 respondents through purposive random sampling technique with the SPSS program and secondary data sourced from literature studies as a theoretical reinforcement in finding a solution that can answer the problem. research written. Our results show that there is an increase in awareness of the halal label and the tendency to consume halal food after the occurrence of COVID-19. In order to realize the SDG's goals, it is necessary to increase public awareness of the halal lifestyle and be strengthened by the results of the survey that has been conducted, we recommend a system that is implemented in 3 ways, namely regulation, education, and literacy (REL). The initiative is intended to maintain and increase public awareness of consuming halal food products so as to accelerate the growth of the halal industry in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Agus Hermawan

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to uncover the conditions, dilemmas, and efforts to improve the customer perception of halal food products in Indonesia. The study uses secondary data with a conceptual approach with a study of social theory and facts in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the role of employers, government and consumer protection institutions still needs to be improved to promote consumer rights and obligations regarding halal products. Ongoing socialization efforts to bring intensive awareness are still needed to increase trust in halal food products. The limitations of existing empirical data regarding the behavior of consumers using halal products are the main things that further research is still needed. Consumer awareness of halal products still needs to be encouraged so that consumers are aware of their rights and obligations and are protected from producers who are misconducted. This can be done through mass media massively campaint. Synchronization between related institutions is the key to winning the consumer support, while still opening opportunities for entrepreneurs to honestly provide product information. Government policy in favor of protecting consumers with law enforcement is a picture given in this paper to foster more comprehensive literature in the field of consumer protection of halal products. Keywords: Halal food product, Consumers protection, government policy

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
Nisrina Mutiara Dewi

Abstract:SMF is a secondary housing company that provides refinancing to Islamic banks. SMF financing aims to address housing finance mismatch funding issues in Islamic banks. The application of the contract to this cooperation is the mudharabah contract. With mudharabah contracts, the SMF and Islamic Banks can invest from the profit sharing ratio. The mudharabah contract application in this collaboration must comply with the Fatwa Council National Fatwa regulations NO: 07 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 regarding mudharabah financing. This study uses a qualitative method. The research technique used is content analysis and the research approach method is normative juridical. The data used are primary data taken from interviews and draft secondary data contracts, MUI fatwas, literature studies. The objects studied were the contract formation procedure, the contents of the contract, and the conformity of the contract to the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council NO: 07 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 concerning mudharabah financing. The results of this study can be concluded that the SMF procedure in providing financing to Islamic banks is very concerned about risk and analyzes the business feasibility of sharia banks and the suitability of the mudharabah agreement at the SMF on the National Sharia Council Fatwa NO: 07 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 in SMF in general with the MUI fatwa. However, in bearing losses and profit sharing ratio at the mudharabah contract in SMF, it is less in accordance with the National Sharia Council Fatwa NO: 07 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000.Keywords: Contract, Mudharabah, MUI Fatwa Abstrak:SMF merupakan perusahaan sekunder perumahan yang memberikan refinancing kepada Bank Syariah. Pembiayaan SMF bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah mismatch funding pembiayaan perumahan di Bank Syariah. Penerapan Akad pada kerja sama ini yaitu akad mudharabah. Dengan akad mudharabah, maka SMF dan Bank Syariah dapat berinvestasi dari nisbah bagi hasil. Aplikasi akad mudharabah dalam kerja sama ini harus mematuhi peraturan Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang pembiayaan mudharabah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah conten analysis dan metode pendekatan penelitian adalah yuridis normatif. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer yang diambil dari wawancara dan data sekunder draft kontrak, fatwa MUI, studi kepustakaan. Adapun objek yang diteliti adalah prosedur pembentukan akad, isi akad, dan kesesuaian akad pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang pembiayaan mudharabah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan prosedur SMF dalam memberikan pembiayaan kepada bank syariah sangat memperhatikan risiko dan menganalisis kelayakan bisnis bank syariah dan kesesuaian akad mudharabah di SMF pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 di SMF pada umumnya sudah sesuai dengan fatwa MUI. Namun dalam menanggung kerugian dan nisbah bagi hasil pada akad mudharabah di SMF kurang sesuai  Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000.Kata Kunci: Kontrak, Mudharabah, Fatwa MUI

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Cinde Semara Dahayu ◽  
Ambar Budhisulistyawati

<p>Abstract<br />The article purpose to find out the conformity of the implementation of partnership cooperation agreement to the Government Regulation Number 44 of 1997 concerning Partnership juncto Government Regulation Number 17 of 2013 concerning Micro Small Medium-sized Enterprises. The research object of partnership cooperation was carried out in Brownies Cinta branch in Sragen. The legal writing in the current research employed empirical legal research approach which was initially done by researching secondary data and subsequently researching the primary data in the field or in the society. The research result shows that the implementation of partnership cooperation agreement run by Brownies Cinta branch in Sragen has not met all of the requirements contained in the partnership agreement determined in the Government Regulation Number 17 of 2013. The partnership cooperation agreement of Brownies Cinta branch in Sragen only contains the business critera, contract period, and the settlement of disputes. The agreement has no provision regarding the form of development, the right, and the duty of each party. <br />Keywords: Brownies Cinta; Cooperation Agreement; Government Regulatio; Micro Small Mediumsized Enterprises, Partnership.</p><p>Abstrak <br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian pelaksanaan perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan denganPeraturan Pemerintah Nomor 44 Tahun 1997 tentang Kemitraan juncto Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor17 Tahun 2013 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah. Obyek penelitian kerjasama kemitraandilakukan di Brownies Cinta Cabang Sragen. Penulisan hukum dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian hukum empiris, yaitu penelitian yang berawal dari meneliti data sekunder, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penelitian terhadap data primer di lapangan, atau terhadap masyarakat. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan yang dilakukan oleh Brownies Cinta Cabang Sragen tidak memenuhi semua ketentuan dari isi perjanjian kemitraan yang telah  ditetapkan di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 17 Tahun 2013, isi perjanjian kerjasama kemitraan  Brownies Cinta Cabang Sragen hanya memuat kriteria kegiatan usaha, jangka waktu kontrak, dan penyelesaian perselisihan. Dalam perjanjian tidak adanya ketentuan mengenai bentuk pengembangan, dan hak kewajiban masing-masing pihak. <br />Kata Kunci: Brownies Cinta; Kemitraan; Perjanjian Kerjasama; Peraturan Pemerintah; Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah.</p>

Agus Purwanto ◽  
Masduki Asbari ◽  
Priyono Budi Santoso ◽  
Laksmi Mayesti Wijayanti ◽  
Choi Chi Hyun ◽  

The aim of this research was to identify and investigate the awareness of non moslem consumers as respondents in Indonesia to buy halal-labeled food products. Research on consumer awareness of intention to purchase halal-labeled food products is still inadequate in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method that is an explorative case study. Primary data collection uses a semi-structured interview with 10 (ten) of non-Muslim consumers in Indoenesia who have been determined using purposive sampling method. The results of this research show that majority of respondents have a positive awareness of halal labeled foods, including their benefits and food processing production process. This study can be concluded that the majority of non-Muslim consumer respondents already have good knowledge, understanding and perception of halal food packaging that is safe, hygienic, clean, is produced in a clean and guaranteed quality. Most non-Muslim consumer respondents also have a high interest in buying and consuming packaged food products labeled as halal.

Authentica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Singgih Permana Adhi

The collection of regional taxes and levies must be based on Law Number 28 of 2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies, and for the Banyumas Regency area, it has been regulated in Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes in conjunction with Regional Regulation Number 22 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Second Regulation Region Number 1 the Year 2011 concerning Regional Taxes. One type of tax that is under the authority of the regions is the Fees for Acquisition of Rights on Land and Buildings, hereinafter referred to as BPHTB. The approach method used in thisresearch is the normative juridical approach method. The data used are secondary data and primary data as a complement to secondary data. The results and discussion are the application of BPHTB based on the  sale and purchase of the implementation including the process of filling in the SSPD BPHTB, determining tax objects, tax taxes, calculating taxes, research or validation, and payment. BPHTB is based on the sale and purchase of applications based on the PDRD Law and Regional Tax Regulations, the basis for calculating the BPHTB is the transaction price, therefore based on the Regent Regulation, the RegionalFinance Agency carries out a research procedure (validation) of BPHTB based on buying and selling with the truth of the transaction price value used to calculate BPHTB. PPAT which regulates the deed of transfer of rights, without ta  supervision has been paid and validated giving legal consequences for PPAT in the form of sanctions in the form of fines for each award. Law enforcement of sanctions on administrative fines against PPAT and the procedures for its implementation are not regulated and have not been further regulated in the PDRD Law, Regional Tax Regional Regulations, or in implementing regulations.Keywords: Regional Taxes; Fees for Acquisition of Rights on Land and / or Buildings; Legal Consequencesof Land Deed Making Officials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Adham -

The buy back guarantee agreement in the cooperation agreement aims to protect the bank frombusiness risks in the distribution of machine ownership financing. Buy back guarantee is defined asthe ability of the supplier as a guarantor against the bank, to "buy back" the machine object afterthe debtor is declared in default to the bank. Based on the description, the writer tries to examine theimplementation of the buy back guarantee agreement related to the distribution of machine financing,and legal remedies for the bank applying the contents of the buy back guarantee if there is default onthe debtor. The research method used in this research is normative juridical with analytical descriptivespecifications.The research was carried out through literature study, then looked at the relationshipbetween one law and another and carried out an analysis related to the application of its practice.After getting a description of the research results, the writer analyzes and draws conclusions fromthe research results obtained. Primary data collection is also carried out to support secondary data,which is obtained by documentation and bank interviews related to the machine ownership agreement.The results of the study concluded that the implementation of the buy back guarantee was carriedout in several stages, namely the stage of the debtor's statement of default, the negotiation stage,and the stage of the agreement, the application of the buy back guarantee. Apart from that, the buyback guarantee that applies to PT. BPRS XXX Bekasi, there are two types of definitions: "buy backguarantee" and "help resell" by the supplier. Legal action has never been taken by the bank whenthere is default from the debtor. The bank is more concerned about the good ethics of the supplier tobuy / help sell the machine goods. The suggestions that the writer can give include, banks must applyprudential banking principles more selectively, suppliers do not only pursue sales targets but payattention to the side of the bank so that cooperation remains well established. n addition, research isneeded regarding the perspectives of the bank, supplier and debtor in addressing the problems thatexist in buy back guarantee in more depth and breadth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Jehan M. Malahika ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES)  towards the government organization in Suwaan Village Kalawat Subdistrict North Minahasa Regency. This research using qualitative research approach as using primary data, which were in the form of interview and secondary data. The informants are the village head, the village secretaries, and the head of village government affairs. The result showed that : (1) The implementation of Village Financial System in Suwaan Village has running well (2) The procedure of SISKEUDES utilization done by 4 stages which are : Planning, Implementing, Administrating, and Reporting (3) Village Financial System has been giving the positive influence towards the performance of each employee. Therefore, Village Financial System holds an important role upon village government that impact directly by the employee of village. This is as accordance with the purpose on the implementation of Village Financing System which is to assist the work of villagers’ employee.Keywords: Village Financial System, Village Government

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Romi Mesra ◽  
Yummy Jumiati Marsa ◽  
Mardiati Etika Putri

The author who is directly involved in the consignment trading process sees so many phenomena that occur, whether it is related to the consignment trader, the shop owner, the emotional relationship between the two, business relationships, character, cultural values, and so on. The research approach used in this study is qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by in-depth interviews and observations. The types of data in this study are: primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques in this study use data analysis techniques miles and hubermen, including data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display) and drawing conclusions and verification (conclusion drawing / verification). The results of this study indicate that there are 7 patterns of interaction between consignment traders and shop owners, namely: making mutually beneficial business agreements, cooperation on the basis of mutual trust, mutual understanding of each other's character, respecting different cultures, disputes for breaking the agreement, lack of openness, and conflict of interest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 311
Palupi Sri Wijayanti ◽  
Ganung Anggraeni

This study aims to determine the level of mathematical literacy skills in the integrated thematic book on the theme of saving creatures in grade 6 used by the students. This research approach is descriptive qualitative and the type of research is literature. Primary data sources are integrated thematic books on the theme of saving living beings in grade 6 and secondary data sources are references to support students' mathematical literacy abilities. The data processing technique is done by editing, organizing, and drawing conclusions. The data analysis technique used is the content analysis which aims to provide systematic and printed written information and discussion. The results showed that the mathematics literacy skills of students in grade 6 SD were at level one, two, and three. Level three explains that students can carry out procedures clearly, including procedures that require sequential decisions.

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