scholarly journals Comment by a leading organization on the thesis research of Yakushina E.S. “Legal Regulation of Activities of Educational Institutions for Minor Off enders in the Penal System of the Soviet state in 1941-1958 (Historical and Legal Research)”, presented for the Candidate of Legal Sciences’ degree by specialty 12.00.01 — «Th eory and History of Law and State; History of Doctrines of Law and State»

2017 ◽  
pp. 47-48
Stanislav I. Kuzmin ◽  
Shchur Yu.

The purpose of the work. The article is about the personality of a OUN(r) March Groups member Yulian Wojtowych and his work in the field of education in Kherson during the German occupation in particular. The attention is focused on the history of foundingan agricultural school where Yulian Wojtowych taught history and geography. The historiography of the issue embraces works which cover the topic of OUN activities at the South of Ukraine, particularly that of Lev Shankovsky and Yevgen Gorburov, and Mykola Shytiuk. OUN March Groups members’ memoirs and Soviet State Security agencies’investigatoryfiles, as well as operative ones, about OUN activities in Kherson became sources for this research.Results and scientific novelty of the research. It was found out, that educational line was one of the primary ones in the OUN activity in Kherson during the German occupation. Ukrainian nationalists paid special attention to teaching the history of Ukraine in the learning process because this very subject together with geography formed the students’ outlook. As OUN members believed, it was the school which shaped future architects of the Ukrainian State. Yulian Wojtowych who had had complete theological education was actually a teacher of history and geography, participated in composing the history of Ukraine curricula for Kherson schools. In thecrisis situation in education sphere caused by the policy of the Nazi occupational authorities, special (professional) educational institutions, namely agricultural school, were for OUN members of particular interest.The occupational authorities had their own interest in opening such schools which would train mid-level professionals (“help staff”). OUN members considered them as opportunities for Ukrainian youth to obtain education and for themselves to recruit new staff for the struggle for independence of Ukraine. Due to his nationalist underground activities and realization of the organisation leaders’ instructions on the Ukrainian education development, Yulian Wojtowych suffered repressions from the Nazi secret services and had to undergothe “Vodokachka” camp, Buchenwald, Dora and Bergen-Belsen.Key words: Nazi repressions, Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, OUN March Groups, Agricultural School, Kherson. Мета роботи. Стаття присвячена постаті учасника Похідних груп ОУН-р Юліана Войтовича, а саме його діяльності на освітній ниві у Херсоні під час німецької окупації. В центрі уваги історія створення херсонської сільськогосподарської школи, де Юліан Войтович викладав історію та географію. Історіографія проблеми охоплює роботи, в яких висвітлюється питання діяльності ОУН на Півдні України, зокрема Лева Шанковського та Євгена Горбурова й Миколи Шитюка. Джерелами дослі-дження стали мемуари учасників похідних груп ОУН та слідчі й оперативні справи радянських органів державної безпеки щодо діяльності ОУН у Херсоні. Результати та наукова новизна дослідження. З’ясовано, що освітянський напрямок був одним з провідних в діяльності ОУН у Херсоні під час німецької окупації. Важливе місце в освітньому процесі українські націоналісти відводили викла-данню історії України, оскільки саме цей предмет, разом з географією, формував світогляд учнів. На переконання членів ОУН саме школа формувала майбутніх будівничих Української Держави. Юліан Войтович, який мав закінчену вищу богословську освіту, якраз був викладачем історії та географії, брав участь у складенні програм з курсу історії України для шкіл Херсона. В умовах кризи освітянської галузі, спричиненої політикою нацистської окупаційної влади, значний інтерес для членів ОУН представляли спеціальні (професійні) освітні заклади, зокрема – сільськогосподарська школа. Окупаційна влада мала свій інтерес у відкритті подібних шкіл, які мали готувати фахівців середньої ланки («обслуговуючого персоналу»). Члени ОУН вбачали у подібних школах можливості для української молоді отримати освіту, а також залучення нових кадрів для боротьби за незалежність України. Через свою діяльність у націоналістичному підпіллі, реалізації настанов організаційних провідників щодо розвитку української освіти, Юліан Войтович зазнав репресій нацистських спецслужб, пройшовши шлях від табору «Водокачка» до Бухенвальду, Дори й Берген-Бельзен. Ключові слова: нацистські репресії, Організація українських націоналістів, Похідні групи ОУН, Сільськогосподарська школа, Херсон

Anastasiya Tumanova

On October 10, 2019 at the meeting of Council D 203.019.01 on the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences created on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “V.Ya. Kikot’ Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” S.A. Nikiforova defended the dissertation on the topic: “Statelegal views of E.N. Berendts” (specialty 12.00.01– Theory and History of Law and State; History of Doctrines on Law and State) for the degree of candidate of juridical sciences. The Dissertation Council, chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 203.019.01, Doctor of Law, Professor V.P. Malakhov, unanimously decided that the dissertation of S. A. Nikiforova is a scientific and qualification work, which is essential for the science of theory and the history of law and the state and meets the requirements established by the Regulation on awarding scientific degrees, as well as on awarding S. A. Nikiforova the degree of candidate of juridical sciences on specialty 12.00.01. The article is the official opponent’s review of the dissertation. The structure and content of the dissertation of N. S. Nikiforova are analyzed.

Svetlana Dergileva

On October 10, 2019 at the meeting of Council D 203.019.01 on the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences created on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “V.Ya. Kikot’ Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” S.A. Nikiforova defended the dissertation on the topic: “Statelegal views of E. N. Berendts” (specialty 12.00.01– Theory and History of Law and State; History of Doctrines on Law and State) for the degree of candidate of juridical sciences. The Dissertation Council, chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 203.019.01, Doctor of Law, Professor V.P. Malakhov, unanimously decided that the dissertation of S. A. Nikiforova is a scientific and qualification work, which is essential for the science of theory and the history of law and the state and meets the requirements established by the Regulation on awarding scientific degrees, as well as on awarding S. A. Nikiforova the degree of candidate of juridical sciences on specialty 12.00.01. The article is the official opponent’s review of the dissertation. The structure and content of the dissertation of N. S. Nikiforova are analyzed.

2021 ◽  
A.Ya. Petrov

The article on the basis of an analysis of normative legal acts adopted from 1923 to 1928 considers topical legal issues of the institute of labor discipline and labor regulations in the Soviet state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 55-61

The humanization of criminal and penal policy at the present stage is especially clearly manifested in relation to minors, in particular, when they are released from criminal liability through the use of compulsory educational measures. The article examines the history of the formation of the analyzed legal institution, the step-by-step process of its development, draws conclusions about the current state, the number and content of educational measures, provides statistical data on their application, reveals the problems existing in this area. In particular there is an insignificant share of the use of educational measures by the courts, while maintaining a high proportion of juvenile crimes of small and medium gravity. It is stated that the existing judicial practice is due to the presence of gaps in the criminal legal regulation of the use of measures of educational influence, and their implementation is associated with the shortcomings of the legislation that determines the state policy in relation to children and adolescents. On the basis of an analysis of existing problems as well as an assessment of foreign experience in applying similar measures to minors options for their solution are proposed related to the adoption of certain regulatory legal acts or amendments to existing ones that determine the mechanism for implementing measures of educational influence; creation of a state body with appropriate competence; the expansion of the participation of public organizations in the context of the reduction of special educational institutions of a closed type.

Ivan N. Mel'nikov ◽  
Ol'ga A. Smirnova

The article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of the institution of notaries in Kostroma land. The work identifi es the main stages of the development of the institution of notaries in the development of the state and the sources of legal regulation of this area of law enforcement. In the process of the historical and legal analysis, the peculiarities of the practical activity of notaries, refl ected in the documents which are stored in the holdings of the State Archives of Kostroma Region, are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the judicial reform of 1864 and its role in the formation of the Russian notariat. The main purpose of the work was to assess the infl uence of historical experience on the current state of the institution of notaries, as well as to identify lost traditions in this area of jurisprudence. The results of this study may be of interest to specialists in the fi eld of history of law and local history.

Юлия Александровна Борзенко ◽  
Кирилл Викторович Косарев

Актуальность заявленной темы обусловливается следующими детерминантами: 1. необходимостью экономии средств федерального бюджета; 2. распространившейся практикой среди курсантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России неисполнения условий заключенного контракта, как в период прохождения обучения, так и после его завершения в части досрочного расторжения контракта; 3. существующей разноплановой судебной практикой возмещения расходов, затраченных на обучение курсантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России. В статье анализируется сложившаяся судебная практика по возмещению затрат на обучение курсантов образовательных учреждений ФСИН России, аккумулируются проблемы правового регулирования института возмещения затрат средств федерального бюджета на обучение курсантов, предлагаются способы совершенствования существующих норм, направленные на оптимизацию и унификацию существующей практики взыскания денежных средств по неисполненным контрактам о службе в УИС. При написании статьи использован метод майевтики (сформулирован Сократом, суть метода сводится к постановке последовательных вопросов, которые раскрывают суть проблемы и формулирования ответов на них). The relevance of the stated topic is determined by the following determinants: 1. The need to save funds from the federal budget. 2. The common practice among cadets of educational institutions of the FPS of Russia non-fulfillment of the conditions of the concluded contract, both during the training period and after its completion in terms of early termination of the contract. 3. Existing diverse judicial practice of reimbursement of expenses spent on training of cadets of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. In the article, the authors analyze the existing judicial practice of reimbursement of expenses for training cadets of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, accumulate problems of legal regulation of the institute of reimbursement of federal budget funds for training cadets, suggest ways to improve the existing standards aimed at optimizing and unifying the existing practice of collecting funds for unexecuted service contracts in the penal system. When writing an article, the method of maieutics was used (formulated by Socrates, the essence of the method comes down to posing consecutive questions that reveal the essence of the problem and the formulation of answers to them). Keywords: cost recovery; cadets; educational institutions of the FPS of Russia;,

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 328-341
Nataliya O. Davydova ◽  
Volodymyr A. Shatilo ◽  
Alla M. Babiuk ◽  
Mariia V. Levchuk

The urgency of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that the status of the subjects of the educational process has changed significantly throughout the history of Ukrainian statehood, reflecting the type of socio-economic organisation of society, a certain level of civilisation, its degree of humanisation and liberalisation. The purpose of the article is to analyse the various historical stages of formation and development of legal regulation of relations in the field of education in Ukraine. According to the purpose, the leading method of this study was historical, which was based on the study of the origin, formation and development of objects in chronological order and which allowed achieving an in-depth understanding of the legal regulation of relations in education. The article proposes the periodisation of legal regulation of relations in the field of education, concludes that the predominance of public or private law influence on education at different times depends on socio-economic and political conditions. Research materials and formulated conclusions can be used in research activities as a basis for further historical and legal research of relations in the field of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 9-28
Wojciech Bańczyk

The article describes the old-Polish institution of entailed estate, mostly exemplified by the 1589 Zamoyski entailed estate. Firstly, its legal regulation and practice of functioning is analysed within a broader perspective of the overall property and succession law in the times of their establishment. Then the functions, possibilities, but also challenges and problems connected with it are discussed. Finally, the utility of this study is presented for history, history of law, and modern law.

Vladimir Baranov

Strategy, tactics and techniques of state support through legal advantages. Review of A.G. Repyev’s dissertation on the topic “Advantages in Russian Law: Theory, Methodology, and Technology” (Saratov, 2019. 529 p.) Submitted for the degree of doctor of law in specialty 12.00.01 — theory and history of law and state; history of law and state studies

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