scholarly journals FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA NA EDUCAÇÃO DE JOVENS E ADULTOS: aula andragógica e as implicações na (re)construção da prática

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 167
Maria da Glória Carvalho Moura ◽  
Djanira do Espírito Santo Lopes Cunha

O presente estudo é parte de uma pesquisa sobre a Andragogia e da Teoria Experiencial, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Piauí. Objetiva analisar como a prática pedagógica do professor, a partir dos princípios andragógicos e da teoria experiencial de Kolb, contribui para a aprendizagem de pessoas jovens e adultas, nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação colaborativa, fundamentada nos pressupostos teóricos de Desgagné (2007), Thiollent (2011). O corpus desta investigação é constituído por dados a partir de questionário e encontros formativos por meio dos Ciclos de Estudos Colaborativos (CEC) com base organizacional no ciclo de Kolb, realizados com professores que atuam no ensino fundamental na modalidade de EJA, estão organizados em eixos temáticos e interpretados à luz da técnica da Análise de Discurso, a partir das concepções de Bardin (2009), Pêcheux (2008). Nossa investigação está fundamentada nas formulações teórico-conceituais de Knowles (2009), Finger e Asún (2003), DeAquino (2007); Kolb (2014), Freire (1987,1996); Moura (2007), entre outros. A análise desenvolvida o papel da aula andragógica como orientação didática. Os resultados apontam para a reflexão da prática pedagógica visando à qualidade do ensino oferecido as pessoas jovens e adultas, e apontam para a necessidade de redimensionar essas práticas no contexto escolar.CONTINUED EDUCATION IN YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION: the class based on andragogyand its implications in the (re)construction of the practice Abstract: This present study is part of a research with on Andragogy and Experiential theory, linked to the Postgraduate Program of National University of Piauí. It aims to analyze how the teacher’s pedagogical practice from andragogy principles and the experimental theory of kolb, contributes to learning of young and adults, in the initial years of Elementary School level. This is a collaborative action research, based on the theoretical assumptions of Desgagné (2007), Thiollent (2011). The corpus of the research consisted of data from questionnaires and formative through the Cycles of Collaborative Studies, with an organizational basis in Kolb cycle, carried out with teachers teaching Youth and Adult Education. Such data is organized into thematic axes and interpreted based on Discourse Analysis, according to the conceptions of Bardin (2009), Pêcheux (2008). These investigations are based on the theoretical-conceptual formulations of Knowles (2009), Finger and Asún (2003), DeAquino (2007); Kolb (2014), Freire (1987, 1996); Moura (2007), among others. The analysis developed highlights the role of the andragógica class as didactic orientation in the EJA. The results point to the reflection of the pedagogical practice aiming at the quality of teaching offered to students young and adults and point to the need of resize pedagogical practices in the school context.Keywords: Youth and Adult education. Formation. Andragogy. Pedagogical practice.LA FORMACIÓN CONTINUADA EN LA EDUCACIÓN DE JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: la clase andragógica y las implicaciones en la (re)construcción de la prácticaResumen: El presente texto es parte de una pesquisa sobre Andragogia y la Teoría Experiencial, vinculada al l Programa de Pós-Graduación en Educación de la Universidade Federal do Piauí. Objetiva analizar como la práctica pedagógica del profesor, a partir de los principios andragógicos y de la teoría experiencial de Kolb, contribuye para el aprendizaje de personas jóvenes y adultas, en los años iniciales de la enseñanza fundamental. Se trata de una pesquisa- acción colaborativa, fundamentada en los presupuestos teóricos de Desgagné (2007), Thiollent (2011). El corpus de la investigación es constituidao por dados a partir de cuestionarios y encuentros formativos por medio de los Ciclos de Estudios Colaborativos (CEC) con base organizacional en ciclo de Kolb, realizado con profesores que actúan en la enseñanza fundamental en la modalidad de EJA, están organizados en ejes temáticos e interpretación a la luz de la técnica de Discurso a partir de las concepciones de Bardin (2009), Pêcheux (2008). Nuestra investigación está fundamentada en las formulaciones teórico – conceptuales de Knowles (2009), Finge e Asún (2003), DeAquino (2007), Kolb (2014), Freire (1987, 1996), Moura (2007), entre otros. El análisis desarrollado destaca el papel de la clase andragógica como orientación didáctica en la EJA. Los resultados apuntan para la reflexión de la práctica pedagógica visando la cualidad del enseño ofrecido a las personas jóvenes y adultos, y apuntan para la necesidad de redimensionamiento de las prácticas pedagógicas en el contexto escolar.Palabras Llaves: Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos. Formación de Profesores. Clase. Práctica Pedagógica.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 375-386
Debbie Kramer-Roy ◽  
Denise Hashim ◽  
Nighat Tahir ◽  
Areeba Khan ◽  
Asma Khalid ◽  

Introduction Occupational therapists around the world increasingly seek to support the participation of children with disabilities and special educational needs in mainstream education. Contemporary school-based occupational therapy practice is progressing from an individual, impairment focus towards collaborative, universal interventions at the whole class and whole school level. Participation-focused practice and collaboration is particularly important, but uncommon, in low-resource contexts such as Pakistan. Methods This article reports on collaborative action research that developed the role of occupational therapy in inclusive education in Karachi, Pakistan. A research team consisting of occupational therapists and teachers worked with five local primary schools, using the action research cycles of plan–implement–observe–reflect to develop practical strategies, materials and inclusive lesson plans to facilitate the participation of all children in all school-based occupations. Findings Support from school management and interdisciplinary collaboration were crucial for implementing change. In addition, strategies like inclusive lesson planning were found to benefit all children in class. Collaborative action research led to increased professional confidence in the teachers and occupational therapists, and skill development through developing a resource guide, running workshops and presenting at (inter)national conferences. Conclusion Collaborative action research was an effective means to develop the occupational therapy role in inclusive education practices in Pakistan, develop culturally appropriate educational resources, and upskill local therapists and teachers.

Е.Н. Прокофьева

В современной методологии образования основным является подход «ориентация на человека», что порождает вектор экосистемности образования как новую норму образовательной деятельности. Сейчас только формируются и отрабатываются стратегии создания и развития образовательных экосистем и ее педагогических практик, как в цифровом пространстве, так и вне его. Обосновывается роль трансформационных процессов в научно-образовательной сфере, которые предопределяют необходимость формирования в вузах образовательных экосистем. В статье автор раскрывает предпосылки развития образовательной экосистемы с позиций реализации когнитивной парадигмы образования. Автором рассмотрены проблемы представления образовательных экосистем при отсутствии ориентира на гуманитаризацию обучения, недостаточно развитых системах управления, ориентире на человекоцентризм вместо человеко- и природосообразности. Представлен анализ результатов пилотного исследования факторов организации образовательных экосистем. Выделены основные ориентиры формирования образовательных экосистем. Описана сущность образовательной экосистемы через призму: отношений, педагогических взаимодействий, образовательной среды, ориентации на качество образования, образовательных стратегий и технологий. На основании выделенных предпосылок развития образовательных экосистем, делается вывод о том, что университетская экосистема – это гибкий механизм взаимодействия всех акторов образования, который позволяет своевременно и адекватно реагировать на внешние и внутренние изменения. Статья предназначена для педагогов, руководителей образовательных организаций, исследователей, занимающихся вопросами образовательной экосистемы. In the modern methodology of education, the main approach is "human orientation", which gives rise to the vector of ecosystem education as a new norm of educational activity. Strategies for the creation and development of educational ecosystems and its pedagogical practices both in the digital space and outside it are just being formed and worked out. The role of transformational processes in the scientific and educational sphere, which predetermine the need for the formation of educational ecosystems in universities, is substantiated. In the article, the author reveals the prerequisites for the development of the educational ecosystem from the standpoint of the implementation of the cognitive paradigm of education. The author considers the problems of representing educational ecosystems in the absence of a focus on the humanitarization of learning, insufficiently developed management systems, a focus on humanocentrism instead of human- and nature-conformity. The analysis of the results of a pilot study of the factors of the organization of educational ecosystems is presented. The main guidelines for the formation of educational ecosystems are highlighted. The essence of the educational ecosystem is described through the prism of: relationships, pedagogical interactions, educational environment, orientation to the quality of education, educational strategies and technologies. Based on the identified prerequisites for the development of educational ecosystems, it is concluded that the university ecosystem is a flexible mechanism for the interaction of all actors of education, which allows timely and adequate response to external and internal changes. The article is intended for teachers, heads of educational organizations, researchers dealing with the issues of the educational ecosystem.

2019 ◽  
pp. 147-156
Pedro Martínez Osorio ◽  
Eder García Sánchez

The pedagogical practices developed in articulation with the extension office called "architectural consulting" attached to the architecture program of Caribbean University Corporation in Sincelejo, Colombia, are presented in order to reflect on the exercises developed in the light of one of the functions inherent in the university in the 21st century: innovation, specifically speaking of recent trends in social sustainability and its relationship with pedagogical practice in architecture. The adopted methodology, with a participatory approach, was developed in 4 phases: problem identification, work criteria, conceptualization, and implementation. Examples of the participatory works developed by students of the architecture program are shown, which generate alternatives for local development in the city, in places where the municipal administration and its planning structures do not reach to arrive in an effective way. Changes are identified in the role of pedagogical practices focused on social innovation and the new functions they assume, students, teachers and communities involved in the critical construction of the new citizenship.

Vilma de Camargo Guimarães ◽  
Keila Mourana Marques Silva ◽  
Sônia Maria Souza Ferrari

Pretende-se discutir aqui um caminho para Educação de Jovens e Adultos- EJA para além da escolarização pautando-se na experiência da Região Metropolitana de Campinas, fundamentando-se nos documentos da VI CONFINTEA- Conferência Internacional de Educação de Adultos. À luz desse documento reflete-se o modelo de Educação de Jovens e Adultos posto hoje, trazendo as reflexões de alguns autores com o objetivo de rediscutir o papel da EJA para além da escolarização - para quem, para que e como educamos? Apresenta-se uma proposta de inclusão escolar dentro de um projeto, que contempla uma massa marginalizada de sujeitos que não teve acesso à escola e tão pouco vislumbrava isso como possibilidade, apontando os benefícios de uma educação ampla garantindo a humanização, reinserção escolar e social, mais qualidade de vida, acesso aos bens públicos, conscientização social, política e ambiental. Discutem-se as dificuldades administrativas e pedagógicas de uma educação sociocomunitária para além da escolarização esbarrando desde as políticas públicas até a formação dos professores, trazendo um pouco a trajetória da educação sociocomunitária no Brasil com a filosofia de Paulo Freire e propondo a construção de novas formas de atuação. Aponta se para os desafios da EJA, o modelo de alfabetização e ensino hoje e a compreensão da educação ao longo da vida que pressupõe a construção de Projetos Pedagógicos diferenciados. Questiona-se ainda às propostas assistencialistas que apenas tem como finalidade ocupar o tempo dos sujeitos. A construção de uma sociedade melhor passa necessariamente pela educaçãoque continua formando e educando os sujeitos em todas as idades para serem construtores ativos dessa sociedade que deve ser de todos.Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Inclusão. Educação Sociocomunitária. AbstractThe Challenges of Youth and Adult Education: include path beyond schoolingWe intend to discuss here a path for Youth and Adults - EJA beyond schooling basing on the experience of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas , basing itself in thedocuments of CONFINTEA VI International - Conference on Adult Education . In light of this document reflects the model of Youth and Adult Education office today, bringing the reflections of some authors in order to revisit the role of adult education beyond schooling - to whom, for what and how we educate? We present a proposal for inclusion in a school project, which includes a mass of marginalized subjects who did not have access to school and envisioned it as little as possible, pointing out the benefits of a broad education ensuring humanization, school and social reintegration better quality of life , access to public goods, social awareness, and environmental policy. We discuss the administrative and pedagogical problems of a socio- communitarian education beyond schooling bumping from public policy to teacher training, bringing a bit of the trajectory socio-communitarian education in Brazil with the philosophy of Paulo Freire and proposing the construction of new forms of action. Pointing to the challenges of adult education, the model of literacy and education today and understanding of lifelong education which presupposes the construction of differentiated pedagogical projects. Still questioned the welfare proposals that only aims to occupy the time of the subject. Building a better society necessarily requires education that continues forming and educating the subjects at all ages to be active builders of that company that should be everyone.Keywords: Youth and Adult Education. Inclusion. Socio-communitarian Edu- cation. ResumenLos retos de la juventud y la educación de adultos: hacia la inclusión más allá de la educaciónLa intención es discutir aquí un camino para Jóvenes y Adultos-EJA allá de la enseñanza, basándose en la experiencia de la FUMEC en la Región Metropolitana de Campinas, y en el Documento de la CONFINTEA VI- Encuentro Internacional sobre Educación de Adultos. A la luz de este documento refleja el modelo de jóvenes y adultos hoy en día, con lo que las reflexiones de algunos autores con el fin de revisar el papel de la educación de adultos más allá de la educación - ¿A quién, para qué y cómo educamos? Se presenta una propuesta para su inclusión en un proyecto de la escuela, que incluye una gran cantidad de temas marginados que no tienen acceso a la escuela y lo imaginó lo menos posible, señalando los beneficios de una amplia educación garantizando la humanización, la escuela y la reintegración social, mejor calidad de vida, el acceso a los bienes públicos, la conciencia social y la política ambiental. Se discuten las dificultades pedagógicas y administrativas de una educación socio-comunitaria más allá de la escolarización, golpes de la política pública para la formación del profesorado, con lo que un poco de historia de la educación en Brasil con la filosofía socio-comunitaria de Paulo Freire y proponer la construcción de nuevas formas de la acción. Señala los desafíos de la EJA, el modelo de la alfabetización y la educación de hoy como también la comprensión de la educación permanente que requiere una construcción de proyectos pedagógicos diferenciados. Se preguntó propuestas de bienestar que sólo tiene como objetivoocupar el tiempo del sujeto. La construcción de una sociedad mejor pasa necesariamente por la educación que sigue formando y educando a las personas en todas las edades para ser constructores activos de esa empresa que debe ser de todos.Palabras-clave: Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos. Inclusión. Educación Socio Co- munitaria. Revisor do inglês: Prof. Ms. Wellington da Silva OliveiraRevisor do espanhol: Prof. Lilian de Souza

Oleksandra Liashenko ◽  

One of the challenges of the 21st century is changing the requirements for adult education.The system of adult education becomes especially relevant because the quality of human capital is on the agenda, development of personality, man as the center of development of society, which must constantly develop and improve. The aim of the article is to identify the advantages and prospects of adult education. Мethods of research: scientific analysis and synthesis, semantic analysis in combination with the use of Google Trends and Ahrefs search tools, comparative analysis, expert method. Adult education is a phenomenon characteristic of the highly developed countries of the world. The expediency of its development is a well-known fact, as the vast majority of countries in some sense owe their technological, socio-cultural, and economic progress to adult education. Adult education is an important civilized (non-violent, humanistic, and democratic) factor in the harmonization of relations. The fundamental role of adult education in increasing economic capacity and strengthening democratic values must be recognized at all levels. From here there is a need to identify the advantages, obstacles, and prospects of adult education in Ukraine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 323
Marilda Gonçalves Dias Facci ◽  
Kleia Naiara Peixoto

O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como finalidade analisar como a criatividade do professor tem sido compreendida atualmente, tendo como referência a Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfi ca, tomando como referência produções indexadas no período de 2010 a 2015, em três bases eletrônicas: a Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações; o Scientifc Eletronic Library Online – Scielo; e o Google Acadêmico. A primeira parte do artigo destina-se a explanação do desenvolvimento da criatividade, tal como posta pelos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. A seguir, discorreremos sobre a forma como alguns autores, mencionados na bibliografi a pesquisada, compreendem o desenvolvimento da criatividade, assim como o que estes autores consideram como fatores determinantes a criatividade na prática pedagógica. Na sequência, serão apresentados exemplos de práticas pedagógicas tidas como criativas. Informações a respeito da qualidade das apropriações dos professores e a consequência das mesmas sobre a possibilidade de atuações criativas serão colocadas no tópico posterior. Concluindo, analisamos que, geralmente, o desenvolvimento da criatividade é considerando como resultado de mero esforço individual, sem que haja uma discussão aprofundada sobre quais os fatores responsáveis por sua existência, ou ausência, e de que modo estes se desenvolvem. Defendemos a criatividade como função psicológica superior, portanto, esta deve ser compreendida como uma capacidade que se desenvolve a partir da apropriação da cultura elaborada historicamente pelos homens e não apenas pela presença ou ausência de um conjunto de comportamentos ligados a um estereótipo.Palavras-chave: Criatividade. Professor. Psicologia histórico-cultural.Creative pedagogical practice: analysis of brazilian productions from historical-cultural psychologyAbstractThe result of a research on the manner teachers´ creativity is currently understood, is provided, foregrounded on Historical and Cultural Psychology. A bibliographical research has been performed with regard to productions indexed between 2010 and 2015, in three electronic databases, namely, The Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), and Academic Google. The first section deals with the development of creativity posited by Historical and Cultural Psychology. The manner some authors, mentioned in the bibliography, comprehend the development of creativity and what they consider determining factors of creativity in pedagogical practice is discussed. Examples of creative pedagogical practices are given. Information follows on the quality of appropriations by teachers and their consequences on the possibility of creative practices. Results show that, as a rule, the development of creativity is the result of mere individual effort without any in-depth discussion on the factors that cause its presence or absence and the manner they develop. The author holds that creativity, as a higher psychological function, should be understood as the capacity developed through the appropriation of historically elaborated culture and not as the presence or absence of a set of behavior types linked to a stereotype.Keywords: Creativity. Teacher. Historical-cultural psychology.Práctica pedagógica creativa: análisis de producciones brasileñas a partir de la psicología histórico-culturalResumenEn este artículo se tuvo por objetivo presentar resultados de una investigación que tuvo finalidad analizar cómo la creatividad del profesor ha sido comprendida actualmente, teniendo como referencia la Psicología Histórico-Cultural. La metodología utilizada fue la investigación bibliográfica, tomándose como referencia producciones indexadas en el período de 2010 a 2015 en tres bases electrónicas: la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Tesinas; el Scientifc Eletronic Library Online – Scielo; y el Google Académico. La primera parte del artículo se destina a la explanación del desarrollo de la creatividad tal como puesta por los teóricos de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural. A seguir, explanaremos sobre la forma como algunos autores, mencionados en la bibliografía investigada, comprenden el desarrollo de la creatividad, así como lo que estos autores consideran como factores determinantes de la creatividad en la práctica pedagógica. En la secuencia serán presentados ejemplos de prácticas pedagógicas consideradas como creativas Informaciones a respeto de la calidad de las apropiaciones de los profesores y la consecuencia de ellas sobre la posibilidad de actuaciones creativas serán colocadas en el tópico posterior. Concluyendo analizamos que, generalmente, el desarrollo de la creatividad es considerando como resultado de puro esfuerzo individual, sin que haya una discusión profundizada sobre cuales los factores responsables por su existencia o ausencia y de qué modo estos se desarrollan. Defendemos la creatividad como función psicológica superior, por lo tanto, esta debe ser comprendida como una capacidad que se desarrolla a partir de la apropiación de la cultura elaborada históricamente por los hombres y no solo por la presencia o ausencia de un conjunto de comportamientos ligados a un estereotipo.Palabras clave: Creatividad. Profesor. Psicología histórico-cultural. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 09010
Gulden Manarbek ◽  
Gulnaziya Zhakupova ◽  
Assem Kaliyeva ◽  
Huang Hezi

The purpose of the study is to discuss the role of employers’ engagement in the educational process of universities in assuring the quality of educational services and preparing quality graduates. Realization of the principle of integrating education, science and industry in modern conditions ensures a balance between the content of educational programmes, results of R&D and industry. Thus, the paper discusses the current launched mechanisms of Kazakh National University in Kazakhstan aimed at promoting an establishment of mutual trust between the university and the employer community to ensure the quality of provided educational services. The results of the paper could serve as a guide to the most necessary aspects of cooperation practices between universities and employers for potential academy managers and practitioners in quality management processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-121
Victor I. Silenkov ◽  
Maria I. Tarasova ◽  

The article reflects the main stages of the formation of additional professional education. The authors analyze Russian and foreign scientific works, provide normative legal sources, and reveal the role of education as an element of continuous adult education. The article evaluates the current socioeconomic conditions for the reproduction of the professional educational potential of the society, using the example of the organization of professional education by employees of the penal system, as well as monitoring the quality of educational services provided in the Russian State Social University, according to the results of which the authors identified the need to develop new approaches to assessing the quality of additional professional programs. Based on the results of the study, the authors propose to optimize the system of additional professional education by improving the regulatory framework and requirements for the structure and content of programs.

Н. Саханский ◽  
N. Sakhanskiy

The article deals with innovative technologies of educational consulting in support of preparation and conduct of teaching practice, the role of the teacher consultant academic group, consulting pedagogical practice of future teachers, the contradictions and benefi ts of innovative technologies in key consulting services, organizing and conducting practices, improving the quality of management of the pedagogical practice of the students, the functions of educators, pedagogical conditions of realization of activity of a curator of academic groups, aimed at improving the quality of management of teaching practice, there are concerns the interaction with the “network consultants” .

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