scholarly journals A EDUCAÇÃO DO CAMPO E O FIM DAS POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS COMO AS CONHECEMOS: questões para reflexões de futuro

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 501
Clarice Aparecida Santos

O presente ensaio propõe-se a analisar a Educação do Campo no seu triplo signo – Campo – Educação – Políticas Públicas, com ênfase no processo de institucionalização de políticas públicas num contexto histórico de abertura na construção da democracia como regime que institui direitos, em relação ao contexto atual de regressividade nas políticas educacionais. O projeto de empresariamento da educação em todos os níveis impõe um conjunto de medidas visando o encolhimento dos espaços de luta dos/as trabalhadores/as, especialmente dos 3camponeses, indígenas e quilombolas e elimina os mecanismos garantidores das condições de acesso e permanência ao ensino público e gratuito por estas populações. Apresenta ainda um conjunto de questões para reflexão dos/as educadores/as e movimentos sociais populares na perspectiva da resistência ativa e ampliação do espaço público.Palavras-chave: Educação do campo. Políticas públicas. Empresariamento. Resistência.FIELD EDUCATION AND THE END OF PUBLIC POLICIES AS WE KNOW IT: questions for future reflectionsAbstractThis essay proposes to analyze Field Education in its triple sign - Field - Education - Public Policies, with emphasis on the process of institutionalization of public policies in a historical context of openness in the construction of democracy as a regime that establishes rights, in relation to the current context of regressivity in educational policies. The project of entrepreneurship of education at all levels imposes a set of measures aimed at shrinking the spaces of struggle ofworkers, especiallypeasants, indigenous and quilombolas and eliminates the mechanisms guaranteeing the conditions of access andpermanence to public education and free by these populations. It also presents a set of questions for the reflection of educators and popular social movements in the perspective of active resistance and expansion of the public space.Keywords: Field education. Public policies. Entrepreneurship. Resistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 44
Adriana Aristimuño ◽  
Pablo Landoni-Couture ◽  
María Inés Vázquez

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the management of public education policies in Uruguay, taking as a reference time frame, two relevant milestones: (i) the period 1995-2004, which we will call “Rama Reform,” and (ii) the period 2005-2018, which we will call "FA Administration". To analyze both periods we have used a model developed by Joan Subirats, which defines a series of moments in the public policy cycles,which in this case, we will associate with the educational ones. From this perspective, public policies are considered a “continuous flow of decisions and procedures that are intended to make sense” (Subirats et al., 2012, p. 33). This perspective allows us to establish some common parameters from which to analyze two different historical moments: identify the hierarchical issues as "relevant" or "problematic" that require solution; place the place that these issues took on the national public agenda; analyze the formulation and management of programs that emerged, and identify the evaluation proposals that were defined and implemented to monitor and evaluate their impact. This model addressed substantial issues on the educational agenda within the mandatory range. For their implementation, all the analyzed innovative components required  the revision of current regulations and the strengthening of management. This study identifies articulation and disruption processes that were generated between both cycles, as a way of analyzing local capacities to produce synergies between the different innovative processes implemented during the last decades.

Antonio Fernando Silveira Guerra ◽  
Raquel Fabiane Mafra Orsi

O artigo trata de reflexões apresentadas na mesa redonda do XVI EPEA sobre as políticas públicas, particularmente da Educação Ambiental (EA). Aponta a importância da resistência dos educadores e educadoras, dos movimentos sociais, em articular suas ações por meio de políticas públicas que viabilizem a possibilidade de reverter a insustentabilidade e a racionalidade instrumental que vivenciamos. Destaca como condição de possibilidade de transformação o movimento dos educadores e educadoras em torno da Consulta Pública do Programa Nacional de Educação Ambiental – ProNEA, uma oportunidade de estabelecerem processos dialógicos para o enraizamento da EA em seu território. The article approaches reflections presented at the round table of the XVIth EPEA related to public policies, particularly the ones related to Environmental Education (EE). It points out the importance of the resistance of teachers, social movements when articulating their actions through public policies that make possible the reversal of unsustainability and instrumental rationality in which we presently live. It highlights as a condition of possibility of transformation the movement of teachers related to the Public Query of the National Program of Environmental Education – (ProNEA) – an opportunity to establish processes of dialogue for the rooting of EE within the territory.

Safira Rego Lopes ◽  
Cacilda Rodrigues Cavalcanti

The Degree in Rural Education is part of the context of public education policies that are connected to rural social movements. However, in face of the advancement of neoliberalism with its recent ultra-conservative version, the operationalization of this course has encountered challenges that are found from the formulation of educational policies in a market perspective to the structures of the State that shape the execution of these policies. Thus, this article aims reflecting on the perspectives and dilemmas of graduation courses in Field Education in the context of advances of ultraconservatism and neoliberalism, based on a bibliographic study. In this sense, the concept of trainer of the Degree in Rural Education is taken as a reference, from the analysis of the relationship between the State, social movements and public policies, seeking to identify the challenges these courses face in the current context so as to carry out its conception. Our reflections lead to the conclusion that the Degree in Rural Education, as formulated by the rural education movement, is threatened in the context of ideological persecution, budget cuts and regulatory frameworks that contradict its prospects for training educators and they can only assert its existence as an action against hegemony.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 6 ◽  
Andrea Aguilar- Barreto ◽  
Ysehidi Rocio Velandia –Riaño ◽  
Clara Paola Aguilar- Barreto ◽  
Gerson Rincón Álvarez

Resumen Este artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación que se propuso identificar las principales tendencias en materia educativa que se han implementado en Colombia en el transcurso del siglo XX. Para ello se contextualiza la evolución histórica de las políticas públicas educativas colombianas durante el período e identificar las reformas educativas de mayor trascendencia en el país a fin de situar en un contexto más general las políticas públicas educativas actualmente vigentes. El trabajo se desarrolló mediante una revisión documental. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa por cuanto estudia la realidad tal y como sucede y se procura otorgar sentido e interpretar los fenómenos de acuerdo con los significados que tienen para las personas implicadas. Del estudio se concluye que las políticas públicas del estado colombiano en torno a la educación han respondido a los propósitos de integración nacional, de valoración de la formación técnica como medio para potenciar la capacidad de la fuerza de trabajo, así como de homogenización de valores ideológicos básicos.Palabras clave: políticas públicas, políticas educativas públicas, calidad educativaEducation Management: Trends in public education policies implemented in ColombiaAbstractThis article shows the results of a research that aimed to identify the main trends in education that have been implemented in Colombia during the course of the 20th century. For this purpose, the historical evolution of Colombian public education policies during the period is contextualized and the most important educational reforms in the country are identified in order to place the current public education policies in a more general context. The work was developed through a documentary review. The methodology used was qualitative as it studies reality as it happens and seeks to give meaning and interpret the phenomena according to the meanings they have for the people involved. The study concludes that the public policies of the Colombian state regarding education have responded to the purposes of national integration, of valuing technical training as a way to enhance the capacity of the workforce, as well as the homogenization of ideological values basic.Keywords: public policies, public education policies, educational quality Gestão educacional: Tendências nas políticas de educação pública implementadas na ColômbiaResumoEste artigo mostra os resultados de uma pesquisa que visou identificar as principais tendências em educação que foram implementadas na Colômbia no decurso do século XX. Para tanto, a evolução histórica das políticas coloniais de educação pública durante o período é contextualizada e as mais importantes reformas educacionais no país são identificadas para colocar as políticas atuais de educação pública em um contexto mais geral. O trabalho foi desenvolvido através de uma revisão documental. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa na medida em que estuda a realidade como acontece e procura dar sentido e interpretar os fenômenos de acordo com os significados que eles têm para as pessoas envolvidas. O estudo conclui que as políticas públicas do estado colombiano em matéria de educação responderam aos propósitos da integração nacional, a avaliação do treinamento técnico como meio de aumentar a capacidade da força de trabalho, bem como a homogeneização dos valores ideológicos básicos.Palavras-chave: políticas públicas, políticas de educação pública, qualidade educacional

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Ramofly Bicalho ◽  
Sebastiana Ferreira Bezerra

O presente artigo é fruto das pesquisas realizadas em educação do campo na sua estreita articulação com os movimentos sociais. Ele é parte da dissertação de mestrado no PPGEA – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Agrícola, na UFRRJ – da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, cujo objetivo principal foi investigar as políticas públicas de educação do campo, na interface com as lutas históricas dos camponeses por terra, educação popular e formação dos educadores, enquanto seres históricos e culturais. Utilizamos, predominantemente, a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Ela permitiu explorar a diversidade de materiais bibliográficos vinculados aos movimentos sociais camponeses, além de legislações, decretos e portarias que tratam das políticas públicas de educação do campo no Brasil, formação docente, projetos político-pedagógicos emancipadores, agricultura familiar, orgânica e agroecológica. Concluímos que as políticas públicas em educação do campo, como práxis libertadora, são utilizadas no processo de compreensão das lutas e demandas educacionais defendidas pelos movimentos sociais do campo, num estreito diálogo com os gestos, desejos, valores e luta pela terra.Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas; Educação do Campo; Movimentos Sociais. ABSTRACT: This article is the result of the research carried out in peasant education in its close articulation with social movements. He is part of the master's dissertation at the PPGEA – Graduate Program in Agricultural Education, UFRRJ – Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, whose main objective was to investigate the public policies of peasant education, in the interface with the historical struggles of peasants by land, popular education and training of educators, as historical and cultural beings. We use predominantly bibliographical and documentary research. It allowed exploring the diversity of bibliographic materials linked to peasant social movements, as well as legislations, decrees and ordinances dealing with public policies of peasant education in Brazil, teacher training, emancipatory political-pedagogical projects, family, organic and agroecological agriculture. We conclude that public policies on peasant education, as a liberating praxis, are used in the process of understanding the struggles and educational demands defended by peasant social movements, in a close dialogue with gestures, desires, values and struggle for land.Keywords: Public Policies; Peasant education; Social movements.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 11
Paulina Elena Villasmil Socorro ◽  
Samuel Hilcías Carvajal Ruíz ◽  
Arlete Ramos dos Santos ◽  
Claudio Pinto Nunes

ResumenEse artículo trae un recorte analítico del proceso de formulación y aplicación de las políticas públicas neo-liberales implementadas en América Latina con impactos en los sistemas públicos educativos con destaque al desarrollo de dichas políticas en los sectores rurales, y foco en la Educación del Campo, observando específicamente Brasil y Venezuela. La metodología utilizada fue la cualitativa, y los datos fueron recolectados por medio de la revisión bibliográfica y análisis documental, principalmente el análisis de la legislación en los países citados. Los resultados demostraran que en el caso de Venezuela, hasta los fines del siglo XX el acento de las políticas públicas estuvo afianzado en la urbanización de lo rural, con una educación subordinada a la cultura del petróleo. Y en Brasil, la educación para los pueblos del campo ha sido una disputa constante entre agro-negocio y la población campesina, pero logró numerosas conquistas del punto de vista de las políticas educacionales.PUBLIC POLICIES OF PEASANT EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF LATIN AMERICA: notes on BRAZIL and VENEZUELAAbstract: This article brings an analytical cut of the process of formulation and application of neoliberal public policies implemented in Latin America with impacts on public education systems, highlighting the development of such policies in rural sectors, and focus on field education, specifically observing Brazil and Venezuela. The methodology used was qualitative, and the data were collected through bibliographic review and documentary analysis, mainly the analysis of the legislation in the countries mentioned. The results showed that in the case of Venezuela, until the end of the 20th century, the focuse of public policies was consolidated in the urbanization of rural areas, with education subordinated to the petroleum culture. And in Brazil, education for the people of the countryside has been a constant dispute between agribusiness and peasantry, but has achieved numerous conquests from the point of view of educational policies. Keywords: Latin America. Field Education. Rural Education. Educational policies.POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS EDUCATIVAS CAMPESISNAS NO CONTEXTO DA AMÉRICA LATINA: apontamentos sobre Brasil e VenezuelaResumoEste artigo traz um recorte analítico do processo de formalização e aplicação das políticas públicas neoliberais implementadas na América Latina com impactos nos sistemas educativos com destaque para o desenvolvimento de tais políticas nos setores campesinos, e foco na Educação do Campo, observando especificamente Brasil e Venezuela. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa e os dados foram coletados por meio da revisão bibliográfica e análise documental, principalmente a análise da legislação nos países citados. Os resultados demonstraram que no caso da Venezuela, até o fim do século XX, o assento das políticas públicas esteve afincado na urbanização do rural, com uma educação subordinada à cultura do petróleo. E no Brasil, a educação para os povos do campo tem se dado num contexto de disputa constante entre o agronegócio e a população camponesa, mas tem conseguido numerosas conquista do ponto de vista das políticas educacionais.Palavras-chave: América Latina. Educação do Campo. Educação Rural. Políticas Educacionais.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Diego Da Costa Vitorino

Neste trabalho apresenta-se um conjunto de pesquisas que têm como foco de suas análises projetos de cursinhos pré-vestibulares populares com o recorte étnico-racial. A proposta evidencia o contexto histórico de surgimento dos cursinhos pré-vestibulares populares, que hoje são uma reivindicação social e uma política compensatória, ou seja, suas experiências são serviços ou demandas que estão para além da boa vontade de entidades de assistência social, religiosas, movimentos sociais ou entidades não governamentais. Essas são experiências que podemos caracterizá-las, portanto, como propostas de ação afirmativa no âmbito das políticas educacionais, que também são exemplos de educação popular e de práticas pedagógicas antirracistas.Palavras-chave: Cursinhos pré-vestibulares; Movimento negro; Educação antirracista. ABSTRACT: This paper presents a set of studies that have focused their analyzes in preparatory courses projects and the ethnic-racial perspective. The proposal highlights the emergence the historical context of preparatory courses, which are now a social claim and a compensatory policie, their experiences are services or demands that are beyond the goodwill of social assistance entities, religious, social movements and non-governmental entities. These are experiences we can characterize them, so as affirmative action proposals in the context of educational policies, which are also examples of popular education and anti-racist teaching practices.Keywords: Preparatory courses; Black movement; Anti-racist education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. a13en
Airton Cardoso Cançado ◽  
Fabiane Santos Barros ◽  
Fernando Santos Barros

The present study aims to analyze the Evolution of public policies in Brazil from 2010 to 2019, on the perspective of their development, actors and social movements involvement and of the development of the public policies cycle phases. It were identified thirty relevant studies that were also relevant and in accordance to the approached issue. The analysis enabled the Division of the articles in thematic axes, and thus a better presentation of the results and discussion, being them: context of public policies in Brazil, actors and social movements and public policies cycle. The analysis of public policies in Brazil can be considered recent, however with great advances that survived since the Federal Constitution.

Federico VAZ ◽  

Described as units developing public policies in a design-oriented manner, Policy Labs are tasked to innovate to gain in policy effectiveness and efficiency. However, as public policymaking is a context-dependent activity, the way in which these novel organisations operate significantly differs. This study discusses the emergence of design approaches for policy innovation. The purpose is to map how Policy Labs in Europe introduce design approaches at distinct stages of the policymaking cycle. For this study, 30 organisations in Europe operating at various levels of government were surveyed. Based on the public policymaking process model, it investigates which design methods are Policy Labs deploying to innovate public policies. The study exposed a gap in the awareness of the utilised methods' nature. It also showed that the use of design methods is of less importance than the introduction of design mindsets for public policy innovation, namely ‘user-centredness’, ‘co-creation’, and ‘exploration’.

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