scholarly journals Georg Cantor (1845-1918): la locura del infinito o el infinito de la locura

Vernor Arguedas

<p><strong><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;">Resumen:</span> </strong><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;">Georg Cantor es uno de los más distinguidos matemáticos de mediados del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, en este artículo tocamos algunos aspectos de su vida y su quehacer matemático.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;"><strong>Palabras clave: </strong></span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> Cantor, teoría de conjuntos, infinito, números transfinitos.</span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;"><strong>Abstract:</strong> </span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> Georg Cantor is one of the most distinguished mathematicians of the mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This article refers to some aspects of his life and his mathematical work<br /></span></p><p><strong><span style="font-family: 'Palatino Linotype'; font-size: x-small;">KeyWords:</span><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;"> </span></strong><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: x-small;">Cantor, set theory, infinite, transfinite numbers.</span></p>

2015 ◽  
pp. 169 ◽  
María Sánchez Pérez

<p>Resumen:</p><p>A pesar de que el cuento popular es un género muy conocido y apreciado por los sefardíes, apenas se han conservado relatos sobre animales o fábulas en la tradición moderna y contemporánea. Por este motivo, es bastante destacado que hayamos encontrado algunas fábulas entre las páginas de algunos periódicos sefardíes, publicados entre finales del siglo xix y principios del xx. En el presente trabajo se editan y estudian varias fábulas esópicas que se incluyeron en los siguientes periódicos en judeoespañol: <em>El Amigo de la Famiya</em> (Constantinopla, 1881-1886), <em>La Époka Literaria</em> (Salónica, 1908) y <em>El Rizón</em> (Salónica, 1926-1939).</p><p> </p><p>Palabras clave: judeoespañol, prensa, fábula, sefardíes.</p><p> </p><p>Abstract:</p><p>Despite that folktale is a very well known and appreciated genre by the Sephardim people, barely have been preserved some animal tales or fables in modern and contemporary tradition. For this reason it is noteworthy that we have found some fables among the pages of some Sephardic newspapers which had been published between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In this work we edited and studied several aesopic fables that were included in the following newspapers in djudeo-espanyol (ladino): <em>El Amigo de la Famiya</em> (Constantinople 1881-1886), <em>La Époka Literaria</em> (Thessaloniki, 1908) <em>El Rizón</em> (Thessaloniki, 1926-1939).</p><p> </p><p>Key words: Judeo-Spanish, press, fable, Sephardic.</p>

2019 ◽  
pp. 15-25
Leopoldo Lituma Agüero

Luego de la Independencia, la construcción iconográfica devino en indispensable por la necesidad de educar en la historia patria desde un punto de vista vernáculo. Sin embargo fueron extranjeros los primeros que se abocaron a la investigación y compendio de la historia patria desde sus orígenes.Aquellos textos, sin imágenes aún, se utilizaron en la incipiente educación peruana del siglo XIX. A principios del siglo XX aparecieron en el Perú los primeros textos escolares ilustrados, los uales incorporaron imágenes tomadas de publicaciones foráneas, algunas de ellas con una visióneuropeizante de lo acontecido en estas tierras. Otras publicaciones menos idealizadas contribuyeron,  con sus dibujos y grabados, a la historia visual del país, y cuando fueron incorporados a los libros paraeducación básica coadyuvaron a crear el imaginario colectivo. El presente artículo muestra algunas fuentes iconográficas que sirvieron para instruir a la población escolar de principios del siglo XX, varias tomadas como válido referente en diversas situaciones de la historia del Perú, preguntándose cómo pueden haber influido en la conciencia nacional. Palabras clave: Iconografía, Imaginario, Historia, Educación Básica, Perú   AbstractAfter Independence, the building became iconographic indispensable due to the need for educationin the country´s history from a vernacular perspective. But foreigners were the first to set about theresearch and compilation of national history from its origins. Those texts, no pictures yet, were used inthe emerging nineteenth century Peruvian education. In the early twentieth century came the first illustrated textbooks, witch incorporated images taken from foreign publications, some with a view of what happened European vision in these lands. Other publications less idealized helped with his drawings and print to the visual history of the country, and when they were incorporated into the books for basic education, helped create a collective imagination. This article shows some iconographic sources that served to educate the school population in the early twentieth century, several taken as a valid reference in various situations in the history of Peru, wondering how it may have influenced national consciousness. Keywords: Iconography, Imagination, History, Basic Education, Perú

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (29) ◽  
pp. 240-259

O artigo analisa as condições de vivência do sacerdócio no período Imperial brasileiro, na Província do Piauí. Percebemos os padres na dimensão das virilidades, como homens que tinham vivências cotidianas marcadas pelas condições existenciais no Piauí oitocentista. Desta forma, analisaremos as práticas cotidianas e os discursos com caráter prescritivo, que procuravam definir padrões aceitáveis para os clérigos. Na formatação do argumento, utilizamos livros de memória, relatos literários, obras historiográficas, jornais, ofícios e correspondências trocadas entre o Bispo do Maranhão e autoridades da Província do Piauí, documentos que dão conta de práticas, nem sempre canônicas, dos padres oitocentistas. Ao final, afirmamos que as possibilidades existenciais dos padres sofreram mudanças entre o meio do século XIX, período em que a Igreja gozava dostatusde religião oficial do Império, e o início do século XX, quando, livre da subordinação ao Estado, a Igreja Católica encontrava-se com a difícil tarefa de reinventar-se. Palavras-chave: Igreja Católica no Século XIX. Virilidades. Práticas de Sacerdotes. MEN OF GOD: Catholic priesthood and masculinities in Piauí in the nineteenth century Abstract: The article analyzes the conditions of priesthood living in the Brazilian Imperial period, in the Province of Piauí. We perceive the priest in the dimension of virilities, as men who had daily experiences marked by existential conditions in the nineteenth century in Piaui. In this way, we will analyze dailypractices and prescriptive discourse, which sought to define acceptable standards for clerics. In the formattingof the argument, we use memoirs,literary accounts, historiographical works, newspapers,official lettersand correspondences exchanged between the Bishop of Maranhão, and authorities of the Province of Piaui, documents that report on practices, not always canonical, of the nineteenth century priests. In the end, we affirm that the existential possibilities of the priest changed between the middle of the nineteenth century, when the church enjoyed the status of official religion of the Empire, and theearly twentieth century, when, free from subordination to the state, the Catholic Church had the difficult task of reinventing itself. Keywords: Catholic Church in the 19thcentury. Virilities. Priestly practices. HOMBRES DE DIOS: sacerdocio católico y masculinidades en Piauí en el siglo XIX Resumen: El artículo analiza las condiciones de vida del sacerdocio en el periodo imperial brasileño, en la provincia de Piauí. Percibimos los sacerdotes en la dimensión de las virilidades, como hombres que tuvieron experiencias cotidianas marcadas por condiciones existenciales en el siglo XIX Piauí. De esta forma analizaremos las prácticas diarias y los discursos prescriptivos, que intentaron definir estándares aceptables para los clérigos. En el formato del argumento, usamos libros de memoria, relatos literarios, trabajos historiográficos, periódicos, oficios y correspondencias intercambiadas entre el Obispo de Maranhão y las autoridades de la Provincia de Piauí, documentos que informan sobre las prácticas, no siempre canónicas, de los sacerdotes del siglo XIX. Al final, afirmamos que las posibilidades existenciales de los sacerdotes cambiaron entre mediados del siglo XIX, cuando la Iglesia disfrutó del estatus de religión oficial del Imperio, y principios del siglo XX, cuando, libre de subordinación al estado, la Iglesia Católica tuvo la difícil tarea de reinventarse. Palabras clave: Iglesia Católica en el Siglo XIX. La virilidad. Prácticas de Sacerdotes.

Julian Wright

This chapter asks wider questions about the flow of time as it was explored in this historical writing. It focuses on Jaurès’ philosophy of history, initially through a brief discussion of his doctoral thesis and the essay entitled ‘Le bilan social du XIXème siècle’ that he provided at the end of the Histoire socialiste, then through the work of three of his collaborators, Gabriel Deville, Eugène Fournière, and Georges Renard. One of the most important challenges for socialists in the early twentieth century was to understand the damage and division caused by revolution, while not losing the transformative mission of their socialism. With these elements established, the chapter returns to Jaurès, and in particular the long study of nineteenth-century society in chapter 10 of L’Armée nouvelle. Jaurès advanced an original vision of the nineteenth century and its meaning for the socialist present.

1972 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 609-630 ◽  
R. A. Caulk

Several centuries after firearms had been introduced, they were still of little importance in Ethiopia, where cavalry continued to dominate warfare until the second half of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, they were much sought after by local leaders ambitious to secure their autonomy or to grasp supreme authority. The first of these warlords to make himself emperor, Tēwodros (1855–68), owed nothing to firearms. However, his successors, Yohannis IV (1872–89) and Minīlik (d. 1913), did. Both excelled in their mastery of the new technology and acquired large quantities of quick-firing weapons. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, possession of firearms — principally the breech loading rifle — had become a precondition for successfully contending for national leadership. Yet the wider revolution associated (as in Egypt) with the establishment of a European-style army did not follow. Nor was rearmament restricted to the following of the emperor. Despite the revival of imperial authority effected by Yohannis and Minīlik, rifles and even machine-guns were widely enough spread at the turn of the century to reinforce the fragmentation of power long characteristic of the Ethiopian state. Into the early twentieth century, it remained uncertain if the peculiar advantages of the capital in the import of arms would be made to serve centralization.

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-190
Stefan Knapik

Abstract The pedagogical treatise is generally understood to be a manual of singing or instrumental techniques that is largely practical in approach, yet a critique of violin tutor books dating from the early twentieth century, especially those written by the renowned violinists Joseph Joachim (writing in conjunction with Andreas Moser), Leopold Auer, and Carl Flesch, reveals an extensive engagement with a range of wider ideologies. In a bid to trump the supposedly deadening effects of both a historicism resulting from the availability of earlier treatises, as well as the overly scientific approach taken by contemporaneous treatises, these violinist-authors embrace metaphysical ideals of mind or vitality, and the result is a model of violin playing founded on the concept of “singing tone,” an idea developed out of nineteenth-century notions of song/melody as embodying a vital essence. As did Wagner, in his 1869 essay Über das Dirigiren, writers play with the idea that theoretical and performative categories, such as tempo, phrasing, dynamics, vibrato, and types of bow stroke, both conflict with each other and find a deeper unity in a subjectivist ideal of tone. The approach of these texts is not explorative, however, so much as a rather defensive championing of the idea of mind or vitality: ideologies of self, health, and nationalism ultimately prevail over an engagement with historical evidence in Moser's discussion of ornaments, and Auer's intolerance of any mitigating influence that might qualify the artist's final word on aesthetic matters is reminiscent of a reductive, Nietzschean ideal of vitality. Nevertheless, writers struggle to reconcile it with the messier realities of performing, as an embodied and collaborative activity, and subsequently what speaks louder in their texts are anxieties over affronts to notions of self, expressed using pathological notions common to the era. Whereas at times writers encourage students of the violin to share in their lauding of vitalistic ideals, more often than not they try to impose disciplinary measures as a means of inculcating them.

David M. Rabban

Most American legal scholars have described their nineteenth-century predecessors as deductive formalists. In my recent book, Law’s History : American Legal Thought and the Transatlantic Turn to History, I demonstrate instead that the first generation of professional legal scholars in the United States, who wrote during the last three decades of the nineteenth century, viewed law as a historically based inductive science. They constituted a distinctive historical school of American jurisprudence that was superseded by the development of sociological jurisprudence in the early twentieth century. This article focuses on the transatlantic context, involving connections between European and American scholars, in which the historical school of American jurisprudence emerged, flourished, and eventually declined.

Paul Franks

This article examines three moments of the post-Kantian philosophical tradition in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Kantianism, Post-Kantian Idealism, and Neo-Kantianism. It elucidates the distinctive methods of a tradition that has never entirely disappeared and is now acknowledged once again as the source of contemporary insights. It outlines two problematics—naturalist scepticism and historicist nihilism—threatening the possibility of metaphysics. The first concerns sceptical worries about reason, emerging from attempts to extend the methods of natural science to the study of human beings. Kant’s project of a critical and transcendental analysis of reason, with its distinctive methods, should be considered a response. The second arises from the development of new methods of historical inquiry, seeming to undermine the very possibility of individual agency. Also considered are Kant’s successors’ revisions of the critical and transcendental analysis of reason, undertaken to overcome challenges confronting the original versions of Kant’s methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-46 ◽  
Matthew Himley

In Peru, development dreams have not infrequently been hitched to the expansion of mining and other extractive activities. While the Peruvian state pursued strategies to stimulate mining expansion during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the geography of capitalist mining that emerged mapped poorly onto the national development imaginaries of the country’s elites. State-led efforts to mobilize subsurface resources in the service of national-level development conflicted with the tendency for extractive economies to exhibit uneven and discontinuous spatialities. Attention to the long-run unevenness of extractive investment in global resource frontiers such as Peru promises to deepen understandings of both world environmental history and the contemporary politics of resource extractivism. En el Perú, los sueños de desarrollo han sido enganchados con frecuencia a la expansión de la minería y otras actividades extractivas. Mientras que el estado peruano siguió estrategias para estimular la expansión minera a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX, la geografía de la minería capitalista que surgió no se proyectó bien en los imaginarios de desarrollo nacional de las élites del país. Los esfuerzos dirigidos por el estado para movilizar los recursos del subsuelo al servicio del desarrollo a nivel nacional contradijeron la tendencia de las economías extractivas a mostrar espacialidades desparejas y discontinuas. La atención al carácter desparejo a largo plazo de la inversión extractiva en las fronteras de recursos globales, como Perú, promete profundizar el entendimiento tanto de la historia ambiental mundial como de la política contemporánea del extractivismo de recursos.

2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-15
William Gibbons

In December 1907, Gluck's opera Iphigénie en Aulide was produced in Paris at the Opéra-Comique, the last of his major operas to be revived in France. The ensuing critical reception pitted Vincent d'Indy, who harshly criticized the production, against its director, Albert Carré; d'Indy further responded by conducting the overture to Iphigénie only a few weeks later as a musical corrective to the performance at the Opéra-Comique. This unusual event highlights the historiographie problem Gluck presented to early twentieth-century critics in France: did his music look backwards to the tragédies lyriques of Lully and Rameau, or did it prefigure the Wagnerian music-dramas of the nineteenth century? The 1907 Opéra-Comique production of Iphigénie and its aftermath encapsulate the struggle to incorporate Gluck into newly developing and often competing narratives of music history.

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