2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Jundiani, Yunizar Prajamufti

<p>object of this research addresses the problem of green constitution concept management in supporting sustainable economic activities. This research applies normative law approach. The result shows that the character of green constitution concept management in running economic activities refers to the essence of human life in nation and state living context which is in line with the five basic principles keeping balance and harmonious relationship with nature. It is the implication of principles in running economic activities based on article 33 of Indonesia State constitution 1945 on forming economic law of Indonesia. hence, it has been a basic change on perception and national development concept which is integrated with sustainable development .As a result, that condition needs a new pattern towards the establishment of sustainable development economic law.</p> <p> </p> <p>obyek kajian penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan karakteristik pengaturan konsep konstitusi hijau (green constitution) dalam mendukung penyelenggaraan kegiatan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan implikasi prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaraan kegiatan ekonomi sebagaimana yang termuat dalam UUD 1945. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan juridis normative. hasil penelitian menunjukan karakteristik pengaturan konsep green constitution dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan ekonomi merujuk pada hakikat kehidupan manusia dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara Pancasila yang senantiasa menjaga hubungan yang selaras dan seimbang dengan alam. hal tersebut berimplikasi prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaraan kegiatan ekonomi menurut Pasal 33 UUD 1945 yaitu telah dilakukan perubahan yang mendasar pada cara pandang dan konsep pembangunan nasional yang terintegrasi sehingga dibutuhkan pola baru menuju penormaan hukum ekonomi berkelanjutan.</p>

Kęstutis Biekša

Economic activities developed in the framework of sustainable development concept have to ensure balanced economic and technological development without weakening the social and natural environmental conditions. Environmental impact assessment using ecological footprint method helps to choose sustainable economic activities and technologies which are appropriate to sustainable development concept and has less impact to environment. This method is usually used as a public ecological and environmental educational tool and sometimes applied for creation of measures and programs for sustainable regional and economic development. The research problem is to determine whether the ecological footprint method is an appropriate tool to measure environmental impact of agricultural entities in accordance with sustainable development aspects. The paper aim is to evaluate the cereal farms using sustainable process index which is a member of ecological footprint method. The analysis was performed by analyzing the cereal farms which are growing wheat, rye and oats crops in Austria and Lithuania. The calculation was carried out using SPIonExcel software program. The results showed that the most significant environmental impacts arise from the use of fertilizers and the use of agricultural machinery (tractors and harvesters and the biggest share from the total ecological footprint goes to the pollution of air and water. The research also showed that if the ecological footprint method is used with a support service this can be a useful instrument for farmers showing how to improve farming from the ecological viewpoint and how to increase energy efficiency and reduce the use of primary resources.

Vladimir Filipovic ◽  
Svetlana Roljevic ◽  
Bojana Bekic

Faculty research is focused on the present state of organic agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia, with emphasis on existing legislation and activities planned in the next period, as well on the parallel between organic agriculture and basic principles of green economy, which represents great perspective of Serbia considering its natural potential. Having in mind that the green economy is recognized by leading world organizations for environmental protection as one of factors that could support realization of sustainable development concept through “greening” economy and opening of new “green” workplaces, the goal of this chapter is to indicate the potential and importance of the larger participation of farmers in organic production as one of the most realistic “green” chances of Serbia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 9342
Nada Denona Bogovic ◽  
Zvonimira Sverko Grdic

Following the global economic crisis of 2008, the concept of green economy has become a significant field of interest for scientific research as well as for specific development policies in various countries around the world. More recently, the transition towards green economy has been considered a desirable model and alternative approach to development encompassing all elements of sustainable development—economic, ecological and social. By adopting the 2019 European Green Deal, the European Union has explicitly opted for a new pattern of development that involves all European countries transitioning their economies, i.e., achieving economic growth while significantly reducing their negative environmental impact. The aim of this paper was to assess the possible effects of Croatian economy transitioning in accordance with the European Green Deal strategic framework and resources planned for Croatia in the following EU budgeting period (2021–2027). Based on the regression analysis results and two developed investment scenarios for the green transition, the authors have shown the potential positive effects of such a process on the gross domestic product and on total employment. These results were further supported by arguments based on examples for specific sectors and economic activities. The authors conclude that transitioning towards green economy, i.e., implementing specific green economy policies can serve to push sustainable development in the EU while simultaneously contributing to the implementation of the strategic goals of the European Green Deal.

2013 ◽  
pp. 769-785
Vladimir Filipović ◽  
Svetlana Roljević ◽  
Bojana Bekić

Faculty research is focused on the present state of organic agricultural production in the Republic of Serbia, with emphasis on existing legislation and activities planned in the next period, as well on the parallel between organic agriculture and basic principles of green economy, which represents great perspective of Serbia considering its natural potential. Having in mind that the green economy is recognized by leading world organizations for environmental protection as one of factors that could support realization of sustainable development concept through “greening” economy and opening of new “green” workplaces, the goal of this chapter is to indicate the potential and importance of the larger participation of farmers in organic production as one of the most realistic “green” chances of Serbia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-143
Chaira Saidah Yusrie ◽  
Siti Aminah ◽  
Iim Wasliman ◽  
R Supyan Sauri

In essence, development is a systematic and planned effort by each or all components of the nation to change a situation into a better condition by utilizing various available resources optimally, efficiently, effectively and accountably, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of human life and society in a sustainable manner. Planning is a process that describes the goals of the organization and determines the strategies that will be used to achieve organizational goals. Planning is an important process of all management functions because without planning, the function of organizing, controlling and directing will not work. The research that the author uses is a type of literature review research or often called library research, Library Research which is research that is focused on collecting a series of quotations from various books or articles and laws / regulations related to the object of study. There are several challenges to realizing sustainable development in a concrete manner in various fields and regions, namely: There is still a need for commonalities and widespread understanding by various stakeholders about the importance of sustainable development in all aspects of life; Development of data and measures of sustainable development and their reflection into concrete activities, both in the environmental, economic and social dimensions reflected in sustainable behavior; The importance of developing and encouraging the implementation of environmentally friendly activities reflected in the efficient use of resources and reducing waste, strengthening pollution monitoring including facilitation and support for its expansion; Development of governance that encourages the use of clean resources and technology, including measures to control pollution and law enforcement efforts accompanied by capacity building of institutions and human resources as a whole. There are five national development priorities in the 2020 RKP: National development and poverty alleviation;  Infrastructure and equitable distribution of areas; Added value in the real sector and industrialization as well as expanding job opportunities; Food, water, energy and environmental security; and Defense stability and security.

1999 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 107-118
Lidija Petrić

The term "eco" originates from the Greek word "oikos" and means "home, household", and the fact is that hotel is a kind o f home (at least for a certain period of time) for both tourists and employees. However, being a certain kind of home (oikos), hotel has to follow the basic principles of good housekeeping and those are the principles based on maximising benefits and minimising costs. These principles are at the same time the main principles of the ecology as a scientific approach and as a global movement aimed at preserving our environment and implementing so called "sustainable development" concept. Accordingly, eco-hotel is a hotel that, acting according the principles of "good housekeeping" keeps the environment clean and improves its quality, rises up the level of satisfaction of more sophisticated and ecologically more conscious guests and reduces costs, which, all together helps promoting the concept of tourism sustainable development. These are the principles of so called "environmental management". The main objective of this paper is aimed at analysis of the results that have been achieved so far in implementing different ecological standards in hotels abroad and in the Republic of Croatia. Attention will also be paid to some examples of how these efforts have been supported by the state through the measures of the economic policy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Adi Sulistiyono

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This writing aims to give explain about the urgentcy of law reform on the development economic. In the next stage the umbrella law that exist will create the conducivity of business climate that also be a demand of economic. On the culmination sustainble economic law development, do develop not again doing ‘disassembly’ clauses in the legislation or making ne statute, but also attent and empower any aspect such as: reforms the substance of economic law, available of dispute resolution mechanism that authoritative and efficient, nationalism of legislator, and legal politics of president and vice president that makes law as general that guide economic activities conduciveness and firmly punish for the offenders destroy economic of nation. The all activities has done consistent based on vision and mission the government today and RPJPM. With this approach be ecpected developing economic law will be able to improve of national competitiveness, make high economic growth and also be law as guiding radar or guide of economic growth quality to decrease of poverty, press unemployment, and welfare the people</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword: law reform, business climate, and conducive.</em></strong><em> </em></p><p align="center"> </p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penulisan berikut bertujuan memberikan penjelasan mengenai urgensi pembaharuan hukum terhadap perkembangan bidang ekonomi. Pada tahap selanjutnya payung hukum yang eksis akan menciptakan kondusifitas iklim usaha yang tentu saja menjadi tuntutan bagi bidang ekonomi. Pada kulminasi inilah pembangunan hukum ekonomi berkelanjutan (<em>sustainable economic law development</em>), melakukan pembangunan tidak lagi sekedar melakukan ‘bongkar pasang’ pasal-pasal dalam perundang-undangan atau pembuatan undang-undang baru saja,  tapi juga  memerhatikan dan memberdayakan aspek yang lain yang mencakup: reformasi substansi hukum ekonomi; tersedianya mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang berwibawa dan efisien; nasionalisme anggota Legislatif;  dan adanya politik hukum presiden dan wakil presiden yang menjadikan hukum sebagai panglima yang memandu aktifitas ekonomi yang kondusif dan tegas menghukum bagi pelanggar hukum yang merusak ekonomi bangsa. Semua aktifitas tersebut dilakukan secara konsisten sesuai visi dan misi pemerintahan saat ini dan RPJMN. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan pembangunan hukum ekonomi akan mampu mewujudkan daya saing bangsa,  menghasilkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi, dan  juga mampu menjadikan hukum sebagai radar  pemandu atau pengarah agar pertumbuhan ekonomi agar berkualitas untuk mengurangi kemiskinan, menekan angka pengangguran, dan  menyejahterakan  rakyat.</p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> pembaharuan hukum, iklim usaha, kondusif.

Oleksandra Karintseva

The article investigates the features of the construction of scientific and methodical approach to the potential assessment of economic activities. Calculated integrated index takes into account the positive impact that each type of economic activity has on economic and social components of national development, as well as a destructive influence of environmental component on sustainable development of the country. The practical calculation of potential of economic activities in Ukraine showed a significant reserve to the increase of this indicator provided to minimize the damage caused to the environment.

2015 ◽  
pp. 147-160 ◽  
S. Bobylev ◽  
N. Zubarevich ◽  
S. Solovyeva

The article emphasizes the fact that traditional socio-economic indicators do not reflect the challenges of sustainable development adequately, and this is particularly true for the widely-used GDP indicator. In this connection the elaboration of sustainable development indicators is needed, taking into account economic, social and environmental factors. For Russia, adaptation and use of concepts and basic principles of calculation methods for adjusted net savings index (World Bank) and human development index (UNDP) as integral indicators can be promising. The authors have developed the sustainable development index for Russia, which aggregates and allows taking into account balanced economic, social and environmental indicators.

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