development economic
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Jaan Valsiner

AbstractMigration is the basis for development—economic, social, and psychological. In this paper I will examine borders on migration that entail the ambivalent relating by the societal context of migration to the act of movement of the people who become migrants, and their counterparts (“counter-migrants”) who do not. My focus on the issue stems from my theory of Cultural Psychology of Semiotic Dynamics that can deal with the process of becoming, being, and feeling as “migrant” or “counter-migrant”. A societal rule system is fortified by the system of social representations of the people who—by the act of moving from one place to another—are designated to become migrants by the rule systems of the non-migrants. Cultural psychology contributes to the study of the emerging prejudices and ways of their overcoming by the non-migrant local recipients as well as to the ambivalences of the persons who move to the relating with the social role “migrant” and its overcoming. Historically speaking—we as the species of Homo sapiens are all migrants—only at differing times and circumstances.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Wudnesh Honja Angeloa ◽  

The environmental impacts have become a series of problems in today’s construction environments. Environmental conditions can have an adverse impact on the duration, cost, and quality of construction activities. This study is conducted to describe and point out the impact of the environment on building construction projects in sodo town. The contractor can estimate the Productivity loss due to the impact of environment on construction activity can be either partial or complete: partial loss is generally attributed to reduced labor productivity and work stoppage which interrupt those activities. This study organized by using questioners. The research basically focused on identifying and quantifying different environmental impacts that can affect the construction progresses. As the research result the escalation of construction material price, the availability of construction materials around the area and the involvement of different construction parties and the climatic condition of the environments are the main findings that we have got from our analysis. Generally, this research guides to meet future demands for sustainable environmental development, economic development, expansion of different construction infrastructure for sodo town. Many contractors found in this area fall over different environmental challenges. So to overcome these problems, are some requirements expected from different parties. To minimize those environmental impacts the construction parties should make a detail feasible study about the overall environmental conditions of sodo town before they decided to start up any construction works.

Victor Kolodin ◽  
Elizaveta Zaitseva

In the context of global competition, sustainable development of Russian economy is impossible without introduction of innovation technologies. Although the government has taken measures to support the sphere of innovations in recent years, the processes of transferring and commercializing the technologies have not been efficient enough. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons why special technology development economic zones created as means of innovation transfer have not become an effective tool of attracting investments and technologies in presentday Russia. The following tasks have been accomplished in the study: to determine the participants of the technology transfer process; to prove the necessity of its government support, to analyze the basic forms of technology transfer in Russia. Using various research methods, namely, information resources study, data analysis and comparison, the authors have been able to analyze the practices of creating technology development zones in Russia and estimate their efficiency. The results of the study help to determine the key problems and perspectives of improving technology development zones and prove the necessity of government support of technology transfer. The results of the study may be used for transforming the existing special economic and technology development zones in Russia into an efficient tool of attracting private investments in the economy of innovations, which could enable the country to wean itself off the technology dependence and prevent the outflow of highly qualified specialists.

Goloborodko A.

In modern conditions of a transformational economy, the processes of forming partnerships are especially relevant, based on the construction of the concept of digital strategic partnership, which opens up new competitive opportunities in the search for rational behavior of economic microsystems. The article identifies three main stages of globalization and the place of digitalization of all processes of social life. The studied features of the development of digital strategic partnerships made it possible to highlight the prerequisites for creating digital strategic partnerships and the main factors influencing their development: economic, political, social, technical and cultural factors. The controversy of scientific views on the definition of the essence of the concept of "stra-tegic partnership" is considered, two main approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of "strategic partnership" are highlighted – according to the goals of creation and levels of economic relations. According to the goal of creating strategic partnerships, it identifies such classification features as: partnership as an agreement, partnership as a model of competition, partnership as a relational model, partnership as an international alliance of enterprises. According to the levels of economic de-velopment, strategic partnerships are distinguished at the macro level, at the meso level and at the micro level. The author pres-ents the definition of the term "Digital Strategic Partnership" as a set of parties (enterprises) to achieve a certain strategic goal, in particular to increase efficiency, which implies the creation of a common system of values and processes based on the use of resources. and partner competencies based on a single digital platform for business organizations. The basic concepts that reveal the essence of digital strategic partnership are revealed – cooperation, agreement, interaction, integration, partnership, strategy. In the new digital economy, digital strategic partnerships enable businesses to gain new competency benefits by gaining a single, open information network of access to partner resources, including markets, technology, capital, and human resources.Keywords: globalization, partnership, strategic partnership, digital strategic partnership. У статті визначено три основні етапи глобалізації і місце цифровізації всіх процесів суспільного життя. Сформовано передумови створення цифрових стратегічних партнерств і чинники впливу на їх розвиток. Розглянуто полеміку наукових поглядів щодо визначення сутності поняття «стратегічне партнерство», виділено підходи до визначення сутності поняття «стратегічне партнерство» за метою створення партнерства: як угода, як конкурентна модель, як реляційна модель, як міжнародний альянс підприємств і за рівнями економічного розвитку: на макрорівні, мезорівні і мікрорівні. Представлено визначення терміна «цифрове стратегічне партнерство» та основні поняття, що розкривають суть цифрового стратегічного партнерства.Ключові слова: глобалізація, партнерство, стратегічне партнерство, цифрове стратегічне партнерство

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8590
Sergey Zhironkin ◽  
Dawid Szurgacz

Today science faces the task of ensuring the innovative development of the mineral extractive sector of the economy in resource-rich countries, in the context of unfolding two opposite trends [...]

Huang Liang

Scholars stress the importance of leisure sports activities for a healthy body and mind. There is a positive correlation between socioeconomic uplift and leisure sports activities. China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) is the flagship project under the “The Belt and Road” initiative led by the Chines government, with pouring in of huge investment centered around CPEC. It is hoped that it would have positively affected leisure sports activities. Relying on qualitative and quantitative data, the study analyzed the impact of CPEC on leisure sports activities. The findings suggest the positive impact of CPEC on leisure activities. These activities were facilitated with the provision of sports facilities, infrastructure development, economic uplift, and cultural influence.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8242
Aleksandra Pawłowska ◽  
Renata Grochowska

Taking into account the evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), it is wondered to what extent the “green” transformation of this policy and the accompanying change in the distribution of direct payments between farms contributed to the elimination of disproportions in agricultural income. The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in the proclaimed concepts related to the development of the EU agricultural sector in terms of their “green” transformation, and to assess the impact of “green” CAP payments on income inequalities between farms. The research was conducted based on the data representative for Polish commercial farms for the years 2004–2019, covering three financial perspectives of the agricultural policy. The methods of counterfactual modelling and assessment of income inequality were used in the study. The analyses showed that the evolution of the CAP priorities, and hence instruments, towards the pro-environmental (or, more broadly, towards sustainability) have so far had a rather negative impact on the income of Polish farms. In its current form, the support dedicated to environmental and climate protection did not fully compensate farmers for income losses resulting from the use of pro-environmental agricultural practices. Moreover, “green” CAP payments did not play a significant role in shaping income inequalities. Therefore, we can conclude that the CAP instruments do not contribute sufficiently to sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental), because they do not support/motivate farmers to change their production standards.

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