scholarly journals The Design of Micro-class of Food Information Technology Based on ADDIE Model

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 361-363
Shangling Song ◽  
Zhen You
Anis Syuhada Shaharom ◽  
Mohd Hishamuddin Abdul Rahman

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan sebuah aplikasi mudah alih, Algoritma Bersama Algo untuk pelajar tingkatan 1 yang mengambil subjek Asas Sains Komputer bagi topik Algoritma. Pembangunan aplikasi ini berasaskan kepada permasalahan yang berlaku dalam kalangan guru mahupun pelajar yang sukar untuk mencari bahan rujukan. Pembangunan aplikasi ini dapat membantu para guru dan pelajar dengan menerapkan elemen-elemen multimedia dan teknologi maklumat. Seterusnya, kajian ini juga mengkaji persepsi pelajar dan guru terhadap penggunaan aplikasi dalam pembelajaran bab Algoritma. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan sebagai panduan dalam pembangunan aplikasi ini adalah ADDIE. Data kajian dikumpul dengan menggunakan soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada guru dan pelajar melalui Google Form. Hasil dapatan kajian memperlihatkan majoriti pelajar dapat menggunakan aplikasi dengan baik dan menarik minat pelajar untuk belajar. Cadangan pada masa akan datang adalah dalam menghasilkan sesuatu produk pembangun perlu kreatif dalam menerapkan elemen multimedia dalam menarik minat pengguna. Kesimpulan daripada kajian menunjukkan pembelajaran yang menarik mampu dijalankan walaupun diluar bilik darjah dengan menggunakan aplikasi mudah alih yang disediakan..   Usefulness of the 'Algoritma bersama Algo' for Learning Algorithm Topic in Asas Sains Komputer Subjects Abstract: This study aim to develop a mobile application, “Algoritma bersama Algo” for Form 1’s student taking “Asas Sains Komputer” in Algorithm topic. This application development based on problem that occurred within both teacher and student that having dificulity in searching reference materials. This application can help both teacher and student to applied multimedia and information technology elements. Next, this study also examines the perceptions of students and teachers to use this application in learning about algorithm. Methodology used as guide in development of this application is ADDIE model. Data collected using questionnaires which distributed to students through Google Forms. The result showed that majority students can use application properly and it attract students to learn. Suggestion for the future is to produce a creative product as developer needs to implement multimedia elements to interest users. As conclusion, the study showed interesting learning can be carried out even outside the classroom using mobile applications that were develop. Keywords: Learning Tool, Algorithm, Mobile Application.

2013 ◽  
pp. 688-700
Johan Eddy Luaan ◽  
Sabariah Shariff ◽  
Zulkifli Mohamed

The change in teaching techniques which applies information technology brings about a paradigm shift in our country’s educational system. However, past researches have shown that the application of information technology in classrooms is still at an unsatisfactory level. This is caused by a group of teachers who haven’t been able to master the basic skills of information technology application even after attending the courses. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the level of skillfulness of primary school teachers - especially those in the interiors – on information technology, and thereafter develop a multimedia learning package (WEDPI Package for Learning) which will hopefully assist these weak teachers to increase their level of skillfulness in information technology. WEDPI refers to the productivity tools, which includes applications for word-processing (Microsoft Word), electronic spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), database (Microsoft Access), presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint) and the Internet. This research adopted the quantitative approach and the ADDIE model was used in the development of this multimedia learning package. To obtain information on the level of skillfulness, the researcher carried out a hands-on test. The pre-experimental designs, which are the pre-test and post-test, were executed to determine if there were any difference in the level of skillfulness of the teachers after using the WEDPI Package for Learning. The research findings showed that teachers involved gave positive comments about the experience in using this stand alone learning material. The respondents also stated that the WEDPI Package for Learning is easy to use, flexible and is able to help them increase their level of skills in information technology. This is supported by the t-test results which show that there is a significant difference in the achievement of teachers’ scores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Raden Ahmad Barnabas ◽  
Siti Jubaidah ◽  
Tutik Cholisotin

This study aims to determine how well the use of information technology-based learning media. The development of information technology is utilized in all aspects of human life, including education. The learning media that will befocused on being developed is Power Point. Power Point is one of the learning media that is already familiar among educators and students, because of its easy and effective use. The method used in this study is a development method based on the ADDIE Model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluate) proposed by Dick and Carey, namely research and development carried out in several stages: 1) Analyzing the needs of educators and students 2) Product design, 3) Product development, 4) Product implementation, and 5) Product evaluation. Based on the stages carried out obtained learning media products that are considered feasible and are needed by students after validating and testing the product. The validation of media experts obtained 92%, and material 99%. Meanwhile, based on user ratings obtained by 86%.

Johan Eddy Luaan ◽  
Sabariah Shariff ◽  
Zulkifli Mohamed

The change in teaching techniques which applies information technology brings about a paradigm shift in our country’s educational system. However, past researches have shown that the application of information technology in classrooms is still at an unsatisfactory level. This is caused by a group of teachers who haven’t been able to master the basic skills of information technology application even after attending the courses. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the level of skillfulness of primary school teachers - especially those in the interiors – on information technology, and thereafter develop a multimedia learning package (WEDPI Package for Learning) which will hopefully assist these weak teachers to increase their level of skillfulness in information technology. WEDPI refers to the productivity tools, which includes applications for word-processing (Microsoft Word), electronic spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), database (Microsoft Access), presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint) and the Internet. This research adopted the quantitative approach and the ADDIE model was used in the development of this multimedia learning package. To obtain information on the level of skillfulness, the researcher carried out a hands-on test. The pre-experimental designs, which are the pre-test and post-test, were executed to determine if there were any difference in the level of skillfulness of the teachers after using the WEDPI Package for Learning. The research findings showed that teachers involved gave positive comments about the experience in using this stand alone learning material. The respondents also stated that the WEDPI Package for Learning is easy to use, flexible and is able to help them increase their level of skills in information technology. This is supported by the t-test results which show that there is a significant difference in the achievement of teachers’ scores

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.29) ◽  
pp. 853
Tuyet Nhung Buon Krong ◽  
Van Ngoc Sang ◽  
Mohamad Bin Bilal Ali

The main purpose of this research is to design and develop the Cham font for Unicode standard and Cham keyboard application. Research sample is divided into two groups and research instrument distributed into three forms of survey. The Cham font Unicode standard and the Cham keyboard (Chamkey) was developed using ADDIE model. This survey, the acceptance of Cham font, and Cham keyboard view by fifty-four respondents and the results showed that 100% respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with every statement. In order to evaluate Cham font typeface, we choose fifty-four participants include academics, experts and students to evaluate the typefaces of Cham font using two forms. All of them totally agreed that the typeface of Cham fonts were designed exactly for all alphanumeric Cham letters with the result for EFEO Cam Times is 99.12% and EFEO Cam Arial is 99.64%. Viewed by sixteen experts using Fuzzy Delphi for Cham keyboard application the results show that percentage of all items are 100%, more than what required (75%), the value of d for total construct is 0.08 (required d ≤ 0.2). Thus, it can be concluded that all sixteen experts have come to a consensus that the Cham keyboard is acceptable. In order to preserve and promote the cultural heritage as well as the language and Cham scripts of the United Nations Charter on Indigenous Peoples, we offer a solution for applying information technology in the issue of preserving the native language of the Cham in Vietnam. Hence, using technologies to design and develop for Cham fonts for Unicode standard and Cham keyboards application is not only theoretically significant but also practically significant.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-116

  The Covid-19 phenomenon has increased the awareness of educators to be able to take advantage of learning media that uses communication information technology so that learning continues well. One of learning media that is easy to make is android-based learning media using appypie. By using appypie, teachers easily create their own learning applications/media that contain content according to the learning objectives to be achieved without having to have knowledge of coding or programming. The purpose of this research is to produce android-based learning media using appypie which can be used as an alternative valid and effective learning media for students. This type of study is research and development (R&D) using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consists of five stages, 1) Analysis; 2) Design; 3) Development; 4) Implementation and 5) Evaluation. The Research instruments is questionnaire, which are used to obtain data on the level of worthiness (validity). The results of the validation by media experts obtained an average of 80.40% which is included in the " feasible" category to be used as learning media. Meanwhile, material experts obtained an average of 86.40% in the "Very feasible" category, and from the student responses, an average of 95.56% was obtained which was also included in the "Very feasible" category to use. Based on the results of the study, the learning media was declared effective and feasible to be implemented in the learning process. ABSTRAKAdanya fenomena Covid-19 semakin meningkatkan kesadaran para pendidik untuk dapat memanfaatkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi komunikasi agar pembelajaran tetap berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu alternatif media pembelajaran yang mudah dibuat ialah media pembelajaran berbasis android dengan mengunakan appypie. Dengan menggunakan appypie, guru dengan sangat mudah membuat aplikasi/media pembelajaran sendiri yang berisi konten-konten sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai tanpa harus memiliki pengetahuan coding atau pemograman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis android dengan menggunakan appypie yang valid dan efektif bagi peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahap, 1) Analisis; 2) Perancangan; 3) Pengembangan; 4) Implementasi dan 5) Evaluasi. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data tingkat kelayakan (validitas). Hasil validasi oleh ahli media diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 80,40% yang termasuk dalam kategori “Layak” digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Sedangkan oleh ahli materi diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 86,40% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”, dan dari respon peserta didik diperoleh rata-rata 95,56% juga termasuk kedalam kategori “Sangat Layak” digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka media pembelajaran ini dinyatakan efektif dan layak untuk diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 205-212
Liliana Nur Kholifah ◽  
Supriyana Supriyana ◽  
Bahiyatun Bahiyatun ◽  
Melyana Nurul Widyawati

To reduce the increase of the impaired child grwoth and development, early detection system is needed. The system designed based on information technology will facilitate the health personnels to achieve the desired outcome. In this study, The Early Detection System was developed using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) instruction model. The evaluation showed that the Early Detection System was effective in terms of completeness (7.2), ease (13.60), timeliness (7.60), accuracy (17.10), and conformity (8.00). This innovation is expected to contribute positively for child growth and development in Indonesia

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