scholarly journals Géomatique appliquée à la géomorphologie littorale : Contribution à la connaissance théorique des techniques d’analyse spatiale de l’évolution du linéaire côtier

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (28) ◽  
pp. 101
Mamadou Thior

L’analyse de l’évolution du trait de côte en cinématique du littoral exige tout d’abord le choix d’un indicateur linéaire. En effet, il existe plus d’une douzaine de lignes de référence matérialisant la position du trait de côte. Cette diversité d’indicateurs induit la recherche et la mise au point de nombreuses méthodes pour détecter, extraire et suivre la mobilité du trait de côte. Ces approches méthodologiques reposent sur la compilation et la comparaison de données acquises, soit sur le terrain par des instruments de topométrie (niveau de chantier, théodolite, tachéomètre électronique, lidar, récepteur DGPS, etc.), soit en laboratoire par le traitement numérique d’images satellites ou aériennes. Le but de ce travail est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de l’approche cartographique et statistique qui permet de calculer les taux de variation historique du trait de côte à travers les outils la géomatique: Télédétéction et Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). La technique faisant l’objet d’étude dans cette approche est une méthode statistique d’extrapolation et de calcul de tendances basée sur le traitement des images géospatiales. Dans un cadre théorique, le sujet discute la définition de la ligne de référence, du protocole méthodologique de son extraction et de la cartographie de l’évolution du trait de côte du littoral.   The analysis of coastline evolution in coastal kinematics requires first of all the choice of a linear indicator. Indeed, there are more than a dozen reference lines materializing the position of the coastline. This diversity of indicators leads to the research and development of numerous methods to detect, extract and monitor coastline mobility. These methodological approaches are based on the compilation and comparison of data acquired either in the field by topometry instruments (site level, theodolite, electronic tacheometer, lidar, DGPS receiver, etc.) or in the laboratory by digital processing of satellite or aerial images. The aim of this work is to contribute to a better knowledge of the cartographic and statistical approach that allows the calculation of historical coastline variation rates through geomatics tools: Remote sensing and GIS. The technique studied in this approach is a statistical method of extrapolation and calculation of trends based on the processing of geospatial images. In a theoretical framework, the subject discusses the definition of the reference line, the methodological protocol of its extraction and the mapping of the coastline evolution.

2016 ◽  
Vol 183 ◽  
pp. 250-264 ◽  
Magdalena Benza ◽  
John R. Weeks ◽  
Douglas A. Stow ◽  
David López-Carr ◽  
Keith C. Clarke

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 122-139
Katia Mazzucco

There is no evidence of a consistent theoretical position of Aby Warburg regarding photography, but his scattered notes on the subject allow for a deductive evaluation. The considerable use of photographs that he made in his work suggests a wide range of methodological approaches, with significant implications for the disciplinary and methodological definition of art history and the development of photographic documentation at the turn of the 20th century. This essay provides examples of Warburg’s early attention to photography, both as a research tool and a required piece of equipment for any research institute.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
Nur Aulia Rosni ◽  
Norzailawati Mohd Noor ◽  
Alias Abdullah

In the global era, more than half of the world population live in urban area. With rapid urbanisation growth where the highest percentage concentrates in Asia, a relevant approach is needed to eliminate the possible threat that occurs after urbanisation took place; the urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is a popular term in academic discourse and has a long history but until these days, the concrete definition of this term is not yet configured. Many studies of sprawl have rooted back in non-Asian countries making the solution for sprawl is not suitable to be implemented in term of theories and practice. This research attempts to study the measurement of sprawl by using these geospatial indexes with Remote Sensing and GIS approach. The SPOT-5 images with 2.5 meters resolution were used to analyse the growth of sprawl in Kuala Lumpur metropolitan due to its high urbanisation rate. The findings show that Kuala Lumpur is a sprawling city. It is anticipated that this research will provide a new direction in urban sprawl studies and represent a robust analytic approach for characterizing urban development on the city scale at once as well as promoting a city via Remote Sensing and GIS technology.

Tetiana Mulyk ◽  

The article examines the procedure and organization of the analysis of deposit operations of the bank. It is noted that the analysis of deposit operations plays an important role in the field of effective management, which is a sign of quality banking management, and an indisputable condition for competitiveness, stability, liquidity and profitable activities of the bank. The analysis of the bank's deposit operations should be understood as a set of methodological approaches, techniques and methods for assessing the volume, structure and dynamics of deposits of their value and efficiency in the mobilization and use of its deposit resources to improve the overall strategy of the bank. The purpose of the analysis of deposit operations of the bank is to assess and determine areas for optimization, the object of analysis are banks, their branches or divisions that carry out deposit operations, the subject - is the activities of a commercial bank related to deposit operations and the subjects of analysis are commercial banks and other credit institutions. The main objectives of the analysis of deposit operations of the bank are: assessment of the share of deposit operations in the structure of liabilities and liabilities of the bank; analysis of time deposits of their volume, structure, dynamics; analysis of deposits to the question of their volume, structure, dynamics; assessment of the bank's deposit policy by indicators: term of use and currency of deposits; the level of settlement of funds received on deposits; deposit utilization rate; value of deposits, etc.; analysis of the development of the customer base of banks; analysis of the effectiveness of the formation and use of bank deposits. To form an effective deposit policy, it is necessary to: focus on potential depositors; develop new competitive products targeted at different categories of investors; develop a separate deposit policy for VIP-clients; pursue an active advertising policy; improve and implement remote customer service systems. It is noted that the definition of theoretical and practical principles of the procedure for conducting and organizing the analysis of deposit operations of the bank, will provide management with the necessary and important information for making quality management decisions in the field of deposit policy of the bank.

2020 ◽  
M.V. Loginova

В статье дан анализ проблемы границы в актуальном контексте формирования категориального аппарата культурологии. Материал исследования работы М.М. Бахтина, В.В. Кандинского, М. Хайдеггера, в которых граница анализируется с философских позиций. Автор понимает границу как смысловую единицу паракатегорию (В.В.Бычков), фиксирующую изменчивость современной культуры. Определение границы как становящейся паракатегории позволяет выделить ее специфические моменты: пространственность (граница место-топос соприкосновения мира и человека) антиномичность (разделение/объединение Своего и Другого, Я и Не-Я, внутреннего и внешнего, чуждости и близости) ценностную доминанту (интенциональная напряженность выражения границы как определенного смысла) функциональность, определяющую ее смысловое разнообразие в зависимости от культурного контекста антропологизм в понимании человеком своего места в мире, в котором современное искусство находит новые формы мировосприятия и способы выражения.The article analyzes the problem of the border in the modern philosophical and cultural context. The main feature of the 21st-century culture is its being in the field of formation, processuality. Consequently, the explanation of the meaning of modern culture is impossible without defining its categorical apparatus, which is formed in the comprehension of relevant art processes and, therefore, is also in formation. Studying the processes of the meaning-making of culture and the formation of its conceptual field are among the urgent tasks for cultural studies, emphasizing thereby the significance of the border problem for researchers. The research material is works by M.M. Bakhtin, V.V. Kandinsky, M. Heidegger, in which the border is analyzed from philosophical positions in various aspects of its problems. The use of ontological, dialectical, axiological, dialogical, philosophical, anthropological, historical and culturological methodological approaches in the course of the study contributed to the formation of the theoretical understanding of the essence of the border, as well as its specific features. The author understands the border as a semantic unit, paracategory (V.V. Bychkov), which fixes the changing existence of modern culture. In the research, the border is considered as a forming paracategory which gravitates to the substantiation of its categorical status and is actively used in the humanitarian knowledge of the 20th21st centuries. The established definition of the border made it possible to single out a number of specific points, such as: spatiality (the border as a place/topos of contact between the world and man) antinomicity (separation/unification) of self and other, me and not-me, internal and external, alien and close) value dominant (intentional tension of expressing the border as a definite meaning) functionality (the semantic diversity of the border is determined depending on the cultural context) anthropologism in mans understanding of their place in the world, in which contemporary art finds new forms of perception of the world and the corresponding ways of expression. As a result, the author draws the conclusion about the emerging nature of the border as an ontological category, which, no doubt, is relevant for the analysis of modern culture. The border as an inseparably divisible basis for the design of cultural being in its various forms (art, philosophy, religion, etc.), in essence, becomes the subject of a search for meanings, since a modern person perceives the extremeness of their existence in an emotionally sensitive way, as a certain intentional tension.

Nur Aulia Rosni ◽  
Noorzailawati Mohd Noor ◽  
Alias Abdullah

In the global era, more than half of the world population live in urban area. With rapid urbanisation growth where the highest percentage concentrates in Asia, a relevant approach is needed to eliminate the possible threat that occurs after urbanisation took place; the urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is a popular term in academic discourse and has a long history but until these days, the concrete definition of this term is not yet configured. Many studies of sprawl have rooted back in non-Asian countries making the solution for sprawl is not suitable to be implemented in term of theories and practice. This research attempts to study the measurement of sprawl by using these geospatial indexes with Remote Sensing and GIS approach. The SPOT-5 images with 2.5 meters resolution were used to analyse the growth of sprawl in Kuala Lumpur metropolitan due to its high urbanisation rate. The findings show that Kuala Lumpur is a sprawling city. It is anticipated that this research will provide a new direction in urban sprawl studies and represent a robust analytic approach for characterizing urban development on the city scale at once as well as promoting a city via Remote Sensing and GIS technology.

Ю. М. Оборотов

В современной методологии юриспруденции происходит переход от изучения состо­яний ее объекта, которыми выступают право и государство, к постижению этого объек­та в его изменениях и превращениях. Две подсистемы методологии юриспруденции, подсистема обращенная к состоянию права и государства; и подсистема обращенная к изменениям права и государства, — получают свое отображение в концептуальной форме, методологических подходах, методах, специфических понятиях. Показательны перемены в содержании методологии юриспруденции, где определяю­щее значение имеют методологические подходы, определяющие стратегию исследова­тельских поисков во взаимосвязи юриспруденции с правом и государством. Среди наи­более характерных подходов антропологический, аксиологический, цивилизационный, синергетический и герменевтический — определяют плюралистичность современной методологии и свидетельствуют о становлении новой парадигмы методологии юриспру­денции.   In modern methodology of jurisprudence there is a transition from the study the states of its object to its comprehension in changes and transformations. Hence the two subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence: subsystem facing the states of the law and the state as well as their components and aspects; and subsystem facing the changes of the law and the state in general and their constituents. These subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence receive its reflection in conceptual form, methodological approaches, methods, specific concepts. Methodology of jurisprudence should not be restricted to the methodology of legal theory. In this regard, it is an important methodological question about subject of jurisprudence. It is proposed to consider the subject of jurisprudence as complex, covering both the law and the state in their specificity, interaction and integrity. Indicative changes in the content methodology of jurisprudence are the usage of decisive importance methodological approaches that govern research strategy searches in conjunction with the law and the state. Among the most characteristic of modern development approaches: anthropological, axiological, civilization, synergistic and hermeneutic. Modern methodology of jurisprudence is pluralistic in nature alleging various approaches to the law and the state. Marked approaches allow the formation of a new paradigm methodology of jurisprudence.

Denis Tikhomirov

The purpose of the article is to typologize terminological definitions of security, to find out the general, to identify the originality of their interpretations depending on the subject of legal regulation. The methodological basis of the study is the methods that made it possible to obtain valid conclusions, in particular, the method of comparison, through which it became possible to correlate different interpretations of the term "security"; method of hermeneutics, which allowed to elaborate texts of normative legal acts of Ukraine, method of typologization, which made it possible to create typologization groups of variants of understanding of the term "security". Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the understanding of the term "security" in various regulatory acts in force in Ukraine. Typological groups were understood to understand the term "security". Conclusions. The analysis of the legal material makes it possible to confirm that the issues of security are within the scope of both legislative regulation and various specialized by-laws. However, today there is no single conception on how to interpret security terminology. This is due both to the wide range of social relations that are the subject of legal regulation and to the relativity of the notion of security itself and the lack of coherence of views on its definition in legal acts and in the scientific literature. The multiplicity of definitions is explained by combinations of material and procedural understanding, static - dynamic, and conditioned by the peculiarities of a particular branch of legal regulation, limited ability to use methods of one or another branch, the inter-branch nature of some variations of security, etc. Separation, common and different in the definition of "security" can be used to further standardize, in fact, the regulatory legal understanding of security to more effectively implement the legal regulation of the security direction.

Ingrid Diran

Agamben describes his posture as a reader as one of seeking a text’s Entwicklungsfähigkeit, or capacity for elaboration.1 In examining Agamben’s practices of reading, we can attend to the opposite phenomenon: the counter-elaboration that a text, in having being read by the philosopher, performs upon Agamben’s own thought. This reciprocal elaboration might constitute a paradigm for Agamben’s use of reading, according to his own idiosyncratic definition of use as an event in the middle voice, in which (according to a definition of Benveniste) the subject ‘effects an action only in affecting itself (il effectue en s’affectant)’ (UB 28). With this definition in mind, we could say that Agamben effects a text (he writes) only to the extent that he is also affected by another text (he reads). This is why Agamben’s position as a reader proves particularly important to any assessment of his work, quite aside from the problem of influence or intellectual genealogy. For this same reason, however, assessing Agamben’s relation to Antonio Negri – a figure with whom, by most measures, he is at odds – poses an unexpected challenge: how can Agamben’s thought be a use of Negri? Answering this question means not only assessing the critical distance between the two thinkers, but also taking this distance as a measure, in the Spinozan sense, of mutual affection.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-187
E. S. Burt

Why does writing of the death penalty demand the first-person treatment that it also excludes? The article investigates the role played by the autobiographical subject in Derrida's The Death Penalty, Volume I, where the confessing ‘I’ doubly supplements the philosophical investigation into what Derrida sees as a trend toward the worldwide abolition of the death penalty: first, to bring out the harmonies or discrepancies between the individual subject's beliefs, anxieties, desires and interests with respect to the death penalty and the state's exercise of its sovereignty in applying it; and second, to provide a new definition of the subject as haunted, as one that has been, but is no longer, subject to the death penalty, in the light of the worldwide abolition currently underway.

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