The Autobiographical Subject and the Death Penalty

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-187
E. S. Burt

Why does writing of the death penalty demand the first-person treatment that it also excludes? The article investigates the role played by the autobiographical subject in Derrida's The Death Penalty, Volume I, where the confessing ‘I’ doubly supplements the philosophical investigation into what Derrida sees as a trend toward the worldwide abolition of the death penalty: first, to bring out the harmonies or discrepancies between the individual subject's beliefs, anxieties, desires and interests with respect to the death penalty and the state's exercise of its sovereignty in applying it; and second, to provide a new definition of the subject as haunted, as one that has been, but is no longer, subject to the death penalty, in the light of the worldwide abolition currently underway.

В.Р. Аминева

На материале произведений современной татарской писательницы Р. Габдулхаковой выявляются конститутивные черты жанра парча в современной татарской литературе. Охарактеризованы жанровые разновидности парчи в творчестве Р. Габдулхаковой, которые соответствуют двум направлениям сюжетного движения: от внешнего к внутреннему или от единичного к универсальному и двум типам повествования - от 1-го или от 3-го лица. Художественное завершение в парчах первого типа определяется постижением некой нравственной истины, вытекающей из лично пережитой лирическим субъектом ситуации, в парчах второго типа оно создается переходом от отдельных явлений к их суммирующему итогу. Сделан вывод о том, что внутреннюю меру жанра определяет характер соотношения повествовательной фабулы и обобщающей ее «концовки». Описаны свойственные этому жанру пространственно-временные отношения и принципы организации субъектной сферы. Структурообразующая роль в парчах Р. Габдулхаковой отводится субъективно-лирическому началу в повествовании. В произведениях писательницы проявились как особенности ее творческой индивидуальности, так и типологические черты женской прозы в целом с ее повышенной эмоциональностью, автобиографичностью и проникновенностью. Большинство миниатюр Р. Габдулхаковой написаны от первого лица и представляют сознание женщины, сосредоточенной на переживании своего одиночества и «холода жизни», безответной любви и позднего раскаяния, боли утраты, преследующей каждого человека после ухода матери. Парчи, написанные от третьего лица, раскрывают сознание человека, знающего о существовании объективных закономерностей и пытающегося найти личный выход из безнадежных ситуаций. В творчестве Р. Габдулхаковой парча функционирует как синтетический жанр, вбирающий в себя элементы других жанровых форм. On the material of works of the modern Tatar writer R. Gabdulhakova the constitutive features of the genre of the parcha are revealed. Genre varieties of parcha in the work of R. Gabdulkhakova are characterized, which correspond to two directions of plot movement: from the external to the internal or from the individual to the universal, and two types of narrative-from 1 or 3 persons. Artistic completion in the parcha of the first type is determined by the realization of a certain moral truth arising from the situation personally experienced by the lyrical subject, in the parcha of the second type it is created by the transition from individual phenomena to their summing result. It is concluded that the internal measure of the genre determines the nature of the relationship between the narrative plot and its generalizing "ending". Space-time relations and principles of organization of the subject sphere peculiar to this genre are described. The structure-forming role in the parcha of R. Gabdulkhakova is assigned to the subjective-lyrical beginning in the narrative. The works of the writer manifested both the features of her creative individuality and the typological features of female prose in general with its increased emotionality, autobiography and penetration. Most of R. Gabdulhakova’s miniatures are written in the first person and represent the consciousness of a woman focused on experiencing her loneliness and “cold life”, unrequited love and late repentance, the pain of loss that haunts every person after leaving her mother. Рarcha written in the third person reveal the consciousness of a person who knows about the existence of objective laws and tries to find a personal way out of hopeless situations. Allegorical or symbolic imagery at the same time turns a personal scenario - into a typical, universal human one. In the work of R. Gabdulhakova parcha functions as a synthetic genre, incorporating elements of other genre forms.

2020 ◽  
pp. 20-32
Volodymyr HOLOVACH ◽  

The issue of the subject and objects of accounting are constantly in the center of attention of scientists and is being investigated in various aspects. At the same time the conducted researches are predominantly sustainable and don't exceed the traditional accounting concepts and ideas. It is the definition of the content of the object and the subject of accounting as a science that doesn't agree with the philosophical concept of the interaction of the subject with the object in cognitive activity process. Traditionally in accounting publications the idea of the subject is considered more meaningful than the idea of the object. At the same time the various economic resources, means, sources of their formation, etc. are included to the category of objects. Considering these comments, in the article with using the achievements of modern gnosiology, economic theory, scientific concepts of accounting an attempt is made to determine the content of its subject and objects. With this purpose the analysis of existing researches on the issues of accounting subject and objects in regard to their relationship with the categories of goods and property is done. According to the conceptual provisions of gnosiology, the phenomena and processes of economic activity in regard to accounting in the aspect of interaction of subject with the object are primary, and the acquired knowledge about them is secondary. Therefore it is logical to call the knowledge in regard to goods and property as the subject of accounting as a science. This doesn't contradict the fact that the individual phenomena and processes of economic activity in regard to their self-knowledge can be studied as an object, and the results of scientific research can be called subject when agreement with their inherent commercial properties and property relations, which in their totality form the subject of accounting as a science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Natalia Pytel

Wypalenie zawodowe nazywane jest chorobą XXI wieku. Nie ma jednej, ogólnej, międzynarodowej definicji tego zjawiska. Przyczyn wypalenia doszukiwać można się w sferze indywidualnej, interpersonalnej oraz organizacyjnej. Syndrom wypalenia zawodowego niesie za sobą negatywne konsekwencje nie tylko dla samej jednostki, ale także dla jej rodziny i przyjaciół. Przedmiotem badań w poniższym artykule są przyczyny i skutki wypalenia zawodowego wśród osób wykonujących zawody służebne. Causes and effects syndromeof burnout among people to perform profession servants The syndrome of burnout is called a disease of the 21st century. There is no one general, international definition of this phenomenon. The causes can be found in the individual, interpersonal and organizational sphere. Burnout syndrome has negative consequences not only for the individual, but also for his family and friends. The subject of the research in the article below are the causes and effects of burnout among people working in the profession service.

Oleksandra O. Kohut

The relevance of the study is determined by the ambiguity of the interpretation of the concept of “stress resistance”, as a result of which there are difficulties in providing assistance to persons suffering from extremely difficult situations. The purpose of the study is to provide the author's interpretation of the category “personality stress”, which summarises the various definitions. To achieve this goal, the author relies on a methodology of a systematic approach that provides clarity in the understanding of the studied category, order and the ability to summarise research information that existed in the form of disparate elements of the disclosure of something more holistic. The author's definition of stress resistance as a complex integrative systemic property of personality, where the components of its structure (psychophysiological, emotional, cognitive, volitional) are in a certain ratio and form a holistic structure – a stable internal organisation that determines the quality and development of the system. It has been found that different definitions of the term are used in relation to the conditions of stress and areas of mental personality. It is confirmed that vitality is used to denote the adaptive properties of a person who overcomes extremely difficult living conditions. It is substantiated that stress resistance in extreme conditions indicates physiological endurance and depends on the skills of self-regulation to restore homeostasis in life-threatening situations. It is noted that the term “resilience” is better used in difficult communication, which violates the emotional balance of the individual. It is stated that spiritual stability determines the strength of will of a person seeking freedom. The practical value of the research is that the scientific developments on the subject matter have received a clear structural and systemic basis, which makes provision for opportunities to more objectively and holistically approach the solution of problems related to stress

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (esp. 1) ◽  
pp. 432-445
Walfrido Kühl Svoboda ◽  
Noeli Kühl Svoboda ◽  
Ellen de Souza Marquez ◽  
Roberth Steven Gutiérrez-Murillo ◽  
Josefa Emilia Lopes Ruiz ◽  

In an attempt to verify the points of convergence between One Health, Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) and aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a critical essay was proposed, through a qualitative approach that aimed to bring an interdisciplinary, interprofessional and intersectoral reading on the subject. To better understand the concepts and practical aspects of One Health and ICT, it was proposed the adaptation of One Health Umbrella’s figure, with elements of the ICT. The approach of One Health and ICT in face of globalization, the aspects of its complexity and the individual and collective empowerment to reach the administrative spheres, both in the elaboration of the planning and in the definition of the protocols that, as a rule, touch the citizen's skin. Therefore, One Health and ICT are articulated around a unique and fraternal vision of life.

2018 ◽  
Анастасия Сергеевна Шабанова

The right to life is the highest value, is the basis of all other human rights and freedoms, but Russian legislation does not contain a definition of a person's life. In legal science, the right to life is interpreted as the right of the individual to freedom and personal integrity, health protection, reducing the problem to the abolition of the death penalty and euthanasia. The article deals with issues that are especially relevant in connection with the development of artificial methods of reproduction: from when does the right to life arise and whether the embryo has a legal value.

Krzysztof Kozłowski

This article aims at analyzing the right to diplomatic and consular protection in the context of the standard resulting from international law. It tries to give a definition of this institution, pointing to its public and subsidiary nature. It also points out that diplomatic and consular assistance is carried out in a situation of conflict between the interests of the individual and the country of origin, and that of the host country. The article also discusses the subject and subject matter of consular and diplomatic care.                 Moreover, the study comments on the specific features of this right from the point of view of the complexity and effectiveness of the protection of rights at the international level. In this context it was pointed out that the right to diplomatic and consular protection is not a classic right, but can be considered as an instrument for the operation of other rights or freedoms. The right to consular and diplomatic care is devoid of homogeneous regulation, but also depends on the legal standard of care offered by the home state and must be within the limits set by the host country. The scope of its application may be related to any legal event that may occur when the entity is in a situation of contact with the legal system of the receiving state.                 The discussions under consideration highlighted the subsidiarity of the right to diplomatic and consular assistance for the exercise by the individual of his or her rights and freedoms. However, There is no complete protection standard in this respect, which is conducive to the lack of exhaustive regulation at the convention level, which, in extreme cases, can jeopardize the exercise by the individual of his or her subjective rights, that is to ensure its adequate protection standard in the territory of the host country.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 211-238
Vyacheslav M. Golovko

<p>The subject of scientific reflection is the contemplation and action as ways of the human attitude to the world, existence, substantiated and accomplished in the ontology of human life by I.&nbsp;S.&nbsp;Turgenev, thinker and artist. The presence of a &ldquo;thought&rdquo; and &ldquo;will&rdquo;, consciousness and action, knowledge and transformation is considered by the writer as a fundamental characteristic of the human way of existence, which becomes the semantic core of the philosophical and anthropological concept of the article-speech &ldquo;Hamlet and Don Quixote&rdquo; (1860), fundamental for the research on Turgenev's creative work at the level of historical poetics. The activity approach to the person, strengthened at the turn of the classical and non-classical stages of development of philosophical thought,&nbsp;&mdash; the time of formation of Turgenev&rsquo;s world outlook, explains converging of the points of opposite &ldquo;native types&rdquo;, their transition from the ideal existence into the real one, their equally weighted opposition to the &ldquo;evil and lies&rdquo;. As a result, according to Turgenev's view the images of Hamlet and Don Quixote come together on the ground of &ldquo;worship to the Truth&rdquo; and the &ldquo;idea of high merits&rdquo; of the individual, in which the human &ldquo;nature&rdquo; and &ldquo;quintessence&rdquo; are objectified. Therefore, the analysis of the hamletian and don-quijotian types could be carried out by Turgenev just within the universal socio-cosmic lay of the interrelation of the opposites inherent in centripetal and centrifugal natural forces and their tendency to synthesis. The &ldquo;tragic aspect of human life&rdquo; engendered by the inaccessibility of such synthesis may be overcome by means of comprehension of the Truth, the &ldquo;true meaning of nature&rdquo;. Moreover, Turgenev&rsquo;s ontological idea of the &ldquo;Conciliation and absorbtion of everything existing in the other&rdquo;, argued at the attitudinal and aesthetic levels, is the basis for the definition of the meaning of human life. This meaning is found in the balance between the content of all human life and the world, society, other people in the name of the &ldquo;ideal&rdquo;, establishment of the truth and justice. Hence, contemplation and action as forms of a morally responsible attitude to life in Turgenev&rsquo;s artistic ontology are directly related to the problem of &ldquo;high levels&rdquo; and quality of human existence.</p>

1998 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 130-133
R. Sarah Shoaee

In this thought-provoking and insightful book, ten psychologists, coW1selors,and educators have provided a ground-breaking study on multicultural counseling,a subject still fairly new to the field. Based on the work of Division 17open meeting of the Committee of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, 1982, theauthors present guidelines for identifying monoculturalism and multiculturalism,proposing methods for achieving change at the individual, organizational,and professional levels.The authors argue that European-American traditions and research oftenfocus on the impact of intrapsychic factors on human development, ignoringinfluences of culture. They further argue that psychologists, who are aware ofand sensitive to other worldviews, should not only emphasize the knowledgeof such worldviews but should also incorporate them into the psychotherapeuticprocess. Multicultural Counseling Competencies is a timely book that couldbe used as a guide for mental health professionals.Chapter 1 of the book presents a definition of "multiculturalism" and a workingguideline upon which mental health professionals should base their knowledge,skills, and practice. Chapter 2 deals with "ethnocentric monoculturalism,"providing historical background on the emergence and development of aEuro-American worldview and highlighting how mental health professionalssubscribe to such a worldview without questioning its validity and applicabilityin a multicultural society.The profession's response to multiculturalism is the subject of the third chapter.This chapter identifies the "Seven Deadly Resistances" that are often ...

A.A. Nasonov ◽  
O.A. Nasonova

The article proves that the concept of "Prosecutor's supervision over the activities of law enforcement agencies" is used in several aspects. This approach allows us to consider this phenomenon as a system of norms regulating public relations for checking the implementation of laws by law enforcement agencies; as criminal procedural relations; as criminal procedural activities of the prosecutor's office. The article examines the structure of the implementation of prosecutor's supervision over law enforcement agencies, which includes the following elements: the subject of implementation, the object of implementation, the means of implementation. Arguments are given in favor of the fact that the object of implementation of the prosecutor's supervision over the activities of law enforcement agencies is the activities of the prosecutor's office aimed at verifying the accuracy of the law enforcement agencies, including the application of measures of the prosecutor's response to them. The subject of implementation of the prosecutor's supervision of law enforcement agencies, which is represented by the prosecutor's office, is being studied. The article describes the means of implementing prosecutor's supervision over the activities of law enforcement agencies. The definition of this implementation process is formulated and its features are revealed, which include: the course of this implementation within the framework of prosecutor-supervisory relations; implementation in the interests of society, the state and the individual; manifestation in the form of lawful actions; reliance on a complex legal framework, the core of which is the Law on the Prosecutor's Office.

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