2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Leni Marlina ◽  
Dora Samaria ◽  
Theresia Theresia

The exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not yet reached the national level target. Data from Private Hospital in West Jakarta found that there were only 60% of mothers who gave exclusive breast feeding in 2016, 38% of whom said they were unsuccessful due to low breast milk. The method that can be used to increase milk production is Hands on Pumping (HOP) technique, HOP is a technique of flushing the breast milk by relying on the strength of our thumb and index finger. To observe the effect of HOP on breast milk production in post partum mothers. We employed a quasi experimental design with pre and post test design, with the control group. The sample size was 68 mothers post multiparous partum with criteria 34 as the HOP experimental group and 34 post partum mothers as the control group (without HOP). On the third day of the intervention group there was a significant increase in breast milk production from the first day. The experimental group received HOP intervention (34 mothers) with a rise of 121.08 ml. This means that there is a difference in milk production before and after treatment. On the third day, the results of the p value are 0,000, with p value <0.05, which brought to the conclusion that there was an influence of HOP on breast milk production. HOP can significantly increase milk production. Next researcher is recommended to conduct similar research by paying attention to other factors that also affect breast milk production, such as psychological, nutrition, maternal breast conditions, and hormones.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 416
Anita Liliana ◽  
Melania Wahyuningsih

Abstract Adequacy of milk production in the newborns will affect the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Not all postpartum mothers are able to increase milk production in the postpartum period. Acupressure at the meridian points is one way to increase milk production in postpartum mothers. This study aims to determine the effect of acupressure therapy on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers at PKU Muhamadiyah Bantul. This study was a quantitative study  a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group. The number of respondents in each group was 17 people. The treatment given was acupressure at the meridian points for 5 minutes on days 2 and 3of poatpartum. Breastfeeding adequacy was assessed before treatment and on day 4 postpartum. Data were analyzed by Mc Nemar analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference in breast milk production before and after acupressure with p value of 0.000 (p value <0.05). There was a significant difference in breast milk production in the control group before and after being given the breastfeeding technique leaflet p value 0.001 (p value <0.05). Conclusion: There is no significant difference in breast milk production after being given acupressure and after being given leaflets about breastfeeding techniques at PKU Muhamadiyah Bantul p value 0.100 (p value> 0.05).  Keywords: acupressure, breast milk production, postpartum

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Bunga Tiara Carolin ◽  
Jenny Anna Siauta ◽  
Irma Damayanti

ABSTRAKASI mengandung gizi tinggi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan bayi, bahkan WHO merekomendasikan bayi untuk mendapatkan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan. Pencapaian ASI eksklusif di Indonesia belum mencapai angka yang diharapkan. Menurut Kemenkes RI pada  (2018) cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif hanya 36% yang akan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap status kesehatan gizi, serta tingkat kecerdasan anak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian buah papaya muda terhadap produksi ASI pada ibu post partum. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experiment dengan two group with pretest and postest design. Sampel berjumlah 30 ibu post partum yang melahirkan normal. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah paired T-Test dan Independet T-Test. Rata-rata skor kecukupan ASI pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum diberikan buah pepaya muda adalah 5,93 dan sesudah adalah 14,60. Rata-rata kecukupan ASI pada kelompok kontrol sebelum adalah 6,60  dan sesudah adalah 7,86. Analisis bivariat menggunakan Independent t-test diperoleh p value = 0,00. Hal ini berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan kecukupan ASI pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Buah pepaya muda terbukti menstimulasi produksi ASI. Oleh karena itu diharapkan bagi bidan unuk dapat memberikan penyuluhan tentang manfaat buah pepaya muda guna meningkatkan produksi ASI agar ibu memberikan ASI eksklusif. Kata Kunci : kecukupan ASI; buah pepaya muda; ibu post partum ABSTRACTBreast milk contains high nutrition which is very beneficial for the health babies, even WHO recommends babies to get exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. The achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not reached the expected number. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2018) the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is only 36% which will have a negative impact on the nutritional health status and the level of intelligence of children. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of papaya fruit on breast milk production in post partum women. This study used a quasy experiment with two groups with pretest and posttest design. A sample of 30 postpartum women who gave birth normally. Data analysis had been done by paired T-Test and Independent T-Test. The average adequacy rate of postpartum women in the experimental group before being given raw papaya fruit was 5.93 and after 14.60. The mean postpartum breastfeeding adequacy rate in the control group before was 6.60 and after 7.86. Bivariate analysis using Independent t-test obtained p value = 0.00. There is a significant difference in the adequacy of breast milk in the experimental group and the control group. Papaya fruit is proven to stimulate breast milk production. Therefore, it is hoped that midwives can provide counseling about the benefits of young papaya fruit to increase milk production so that mothers provide exclusive breastfeeding Key words : adequacy breat milk, young papaya fruit, postpartum women

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Endah Widhiastuti ◽  
Bambang Yunianto ◽  
Sri Sugiyartiningsih

Background of Study: Herbs as Indonesia’s cultural heritage have been used hereditary in many generations. One of them is temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb). The immunomodulator (Immunostimulant) is a compound that can boost the immunity mechanism of the body, specifically as well as non-specifically. Rahman (2007) stated that temulawak is taken from rhizomes which consists of 64% starch, 1,6 – 22% curcumin and 1,48 – 1,63 % essential oil that believed to be able to improve the kidney’s work and to serve as anti-inflammatory. Because of these many benefits of temulawak and the phenomena of drinking herbs habits by postpartum women particularly in Javanese culture, then the researchers were encouraged to do a research on temulawak as a breast milk booster. Objective: To study the effect of giving temulawak on the breast milk production of postpartum mothers at independent midwife NINGSIH with the indicator of the babies’ weight gain, urination frequency, breastfeeding frequency and the length of babies’ sleep after being breastfed. Method: The research is a quasi-experiment and the research design is a Static Group Comparison in which observation method is applied. The population of this research is women in their postpartum time until the 14-day period after childbirth in Ningsih independent midwife during the research. The sample is all the qualified population who meets the requirement. The technique of the sampling is purposive sampling. The independent variable is the use of temulawak. The dependent variable is the milk production in breastfeeding in 14-day period after childbirth. The T-test is used for analyzing. The Result of the Study:The result of the study showed that the weight of the babies in the experimental group gained 535 grams in average and in the control group gained 270 in average. The urination frequency of the babies in the experimental group was 7.5 times in average and in the control group was 5.05 times. The breastfeeding frequency in the experimental group was 9.35 times in average and in the control group was 6.85 in average. After being breastfed, the babies in the experimental group spent 1.93 hours of sleeping in average, whereas the babies in the control group spent less than normal. In conclusion, there was only 1 person (5%) in the control group who had a good production of breast milk whereas in the experimental group, there were 14 persons (70%). Therefore, it can be concluded from the study that there was a significant effect on the use of temulawak to the production of breast milk of postpartum mothers with p value of 0,000 and alpha value of 0,05. Conclusion : There is a significant effect on the use of temulawak in increasing milk production in lactation in postpartum period

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Fadilah Widyaningsih ◽  
Tri Marini SN

Banana blossom is a food that has many benefits and is easily obtained by the community because it can be easily planted in the yard of the house. Banana blossom processing in the community can be done by boiling and steaming. Banana blossom also contains protein, minerals (especially phosphorus, calcium and iron) and a number of vitamins A, B1 and C. There are many reasons for mothers do not give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. However, what is most often found is insufficient breast milk. There are several factors that influence milk production, one of which is the food factor. One of the efforts to increase breastmilk production that will be carried out is by giving Kepok Banana blossom Simplicia. This study aims to determine the effect of Kepok banana blossom simplicia on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers at Nurhayati and Nining Pelawati Midwifery Pratama Clinic, Lubuk Pakam sub district in 2019. This type of research was a Quasi Experiment with a Non Equivalent Control Group design and purposive sampling. Samples were normal postpartum mothers from day 7 to day 21 with parity of 1-2 and were willing to take part in the study through informed consent. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon Rank test and the Mann-Whitney test, it was obtained a p-value of 0.000 (α <0.05), which means that there was a significant effect on the simplicia of Kepok banana blossom on increasing milk production in postpartum mothers and it is expected that it can be used as an effort to increase milk production in postpartum mothers and to meet the needs of babies without having formula milk.      

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Kusumastuti , ◽  
Umi Laelatul Qomar ◽  
Siti Mutoharoh

Abstract: Lactation is the whole breastfeeding process from breastmilk produced to the baby's process of sucking and swallowing milk. The process of lactation is strongly influenced by the hormone prolactin and oxytocin. Expulsion of prolactin and oxytocin hormones can be stimulated by massage one of them with woolwich massage and oxytocin massage. Determine the effect of combination of Woolwich and oxytocin massages on breast milk production of postpartum mother. Thepresent study used quasi non-equivalent control group design experiment with data analysis using chi-square. The study revealed the differences of breast milk production of the Woolwich massage group and the oxytocin massage compared to the control group. The subjects were0-7 days post-partum mothers who breastfed their baby exclusively, amounting to 22 respondents in each group. Variables of breast milk production, the combination of Woolwich and oxytocin massage have p-value of  higher than 0.05 so it is not statistically significant but clinically it showed that the breast milk production of intervention group had 17% higher than the control group. Although there was no significant effect of the combination of Woolwich and oxytocin massage on breast milk production but there was clinically differenceof outcomes that is visible in intervention groups.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Yushida Yushida ◽  
Evi Zahara

Background: Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for babies from birth until they are able to digest other nutritional sources after 6 months of age. Failure in the breastfeeding process is often caused by maternal factors, namely breastfeeding. Actions to facilitate milk production include the oxytocin massage method.Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of oxytocin massage compared to counseling on breastfeeding techniques using leaflets on the milk production of primiparous postpartum mothers.Methods: The study used a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. The sample selection was accidental sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria, which consisted of 30 postpartum mothers who were divided into 2 groups, 15 respondents were given oxytocin massage and 15 respondents were given leaflets. The data analysis method was univariate and bivariate using Paired T-test and Independent T-test.Results: The results showed that the oxytocin massage treatment had a p-value= 0.000 (p < 0.05) meaning that there was a difference between before and after treatment. The control group had a p-value= 0.432 (p > 0.05) meaning that there was no difference between before and after treatment. There was a significant difference between the treatment group compared to the control group.Conclusion: Oxytocin massage has a significant effect in increasing milk production in primiparous postpartum mothers. Oxytocin massage is more effective than counseling using leaflet media to increase breast milk production.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Priharyanti Wulandari ◽  
Kustriyani Menik ◽  
Aini Khusnul

ABSTRACTThe hormone oxytocin plays an important role in the processing of milk. Some post partum mothers on the first day often experience an incompetence in breastfeeding. Some factors that influence breast milk production are breastfeeding behavior, maternal psychology, maternal physiology, socio-cultural and infant, baby's birth weight. One way to increase milk production, one of which is oxytocin massage. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of oxytocin massage on milk production in post partum mothers. Research methodology This study is a quantitative study of quasi experiment with repeated measure approach based on time serries, to determine the increase in spontaneous breast milk production after spontaneous postpartum massage. This research has been in the Test of Ethics Ethical Clearance in Tugurejo Semarang hospital. The results showed that there were significant repeated mean values between breast milk production after the first, second and third oxytocin massage treatments (p-value = 0,000). ASI production after the first treatment had a mean rating of 1.37 cc lower than the average rating after the second treatment of 1.77 cc and the average rating after the third treatment was 2.87 cc. The results of this study indicate that oxytocin massage is able to increase milk production of post partum mothers.Keyword: Mother's milk, Oxytocin massage, spontaneous postpartumABSTRAKHormon oksitosin sangat berperan dalam proses pengeluaran ASI. Beberapa Ibu post partum pada hari pertama seringkali mengalami ketidaklancaran pengeluaran ASI. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi ASI  yaitu perilaku menyusui, psikologis ibu, fisiologis ibu,  sosial kultural dan bayi, berat badan lahir bayi. Salah satu cara meningkatkan produksi ASI, salah satunya adalah pijat oksitosin. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektifitas pijat oksitosin terhadap produksi ASI pada ibu post partum. Metodologi penelitian Penelitian ini merupakan studi kuantitatif eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan pendekatan repeated measure berdasarkan time serries, untuk mengetahui peningkatan produksi ASI ibu post partum spontan setelah dilakukan pijat Oksitosin. Penelitian ini sudah di Uji Etik (Ethical Clearance) di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rerata berulang yang signifikan antara produksi ASI setelah perlakuan pijat oksitosin pertama, kedua dan ketiga (p-value=0,000). Produksi ASI setelah perlakuan pertama memiliki rerata peringkat 1,37 cc lebih rendah daripada rerata peringkat setelah perlakuan kedua 1,77 cc dan rerata peringkat setelah perlakuan ketiga adalah 2,87 cc. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pijat oksitosin mampu meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu post partum.Kata Kunci: Air susu ibu, Pijat Oksitosin, post partum spontan

Hamimatus Zainiyah

During pregnancy, the prolactin hormone from placenta increases but breast milk usually does has come out because it is still inhibited by high estrogen levels. On the second or third day of postpartum, estrogen and progesterone levels drop significantly, so the effect of prolactin is more dominant and secretion of breast milk begins. By breastfeeding earlier the secretion of breast milk gets smoother. Based on a preliminary study, 46.0% of post partum mothers experienced non-breast milk. This study aims to determine the differences in the production of breast milk in post partum mothers who performed acupressure techniques for lactation and breast care techniques. This research is a kind of research of quasy exsperimental design with non equivalent control group design. The samples were 7 post partum mothers that used acupressure techniques for lactation and 7 post partum mothers used breast care techniques from in February to March 2017. The sampling technique used was non probability sampling (consecutive sampling). From the statistic test of Independent T-Test indicates that α = 0.05 and P value 0.03 thus P Value<alpha (0.03 <0.05) so that H0 is rejected and Ha accepted there was a difference in breast milk production in post partum mothers performed acupressure and breast care techniques in the BPM Sri Wahyuni area, S.ST Surabaya. Midwives are able to socialize this acupressure technique to all post partum mothers, so that midwives can help secretion of breast milk production for post partum mothers with acupressure techniques with relatively cheaper costs

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Rohmi Handayani ◽  
Siti Yulaikah

Background: The protein needed by breastfeeding mothers can be supplied from nuts, including green beans. Green beans contain active compounds, namely polyphenols and flavonoids which function to increase the hormone prolactin. When the prolactin hormone increases, milk secretion will be maximized so that the quantity of breast milk will increase and the nutritional content contained in green beans will increase the nutritional content in breast milk (Suskesty, 2017)Purpose of the study: to determine the relationship between the frequency of breastfeeding and the provision of additional nutritional consumption of vigna radiate with milk production in post-partum mothers on the 15th day in Klaten district.Methods: This type of research is pre-experimental design with post test only design with control group design. The population in this study were all mothers who had babies aged 1-3 months and resided in the working area of Puskesmas Klaten from January to September 2020. This study is a mother who has a baby aged 1 - 3 months and breastfeeding exclusively in the working area of Puskesmas Klaten with a sample size of 40 respondents consisting of 20 respondents in the treatment group (consumption of green beans) and 20 respondents in the control group (not consuming green beans). . The data analysis technique is the Spearman Correlation and Independent T-Test.Results: There was a correlation between the frequency of breastfeeding and milk production on the 15th day of postpartum mothers with a P value: .000. There is a difference in the average milk production in the 15th day postpartum mothers who are given additional Vigna Radiata (green beans) food and not given Vigna Radiata with P value: .000Conclusion: The frequency and consumption of additional Vigna radiata (green beans) nutrition can increase breast milk production

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Nurul Azizah Hasibuan ◽  
Evi Desfauza

Introduction: One of the obstacles that occur in postpartum mothers is not giving exclusive breastfeeding. According to UNICEF data (2018) the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in the world is only around 36%. Papaya fruit provision to postpartum mothers is one of the efforts to increase breast milk production, the aim of this study was to find out the effect of papaya juice pudding provision to breast milk production in postpartum mothers at Sugiharti midwifery clinic of Lubuk Pakam in 2020. Methods: This type of research was Quasi Experiment with a Posttest Only Control Group design and the sampling used was purposive sampling. Samples were 30 postpartum mothers, namely 15 experimental groups who gave papaya juice pudding and 15 control groups who were not given papaya juice pudding with the inclusion criteria of normal postpartum mothers, infants who were given early breastfeeding initiation, mothers who did not consume drugs, herbal / Other breastfeeding smoothing supplements, willing to take part in the research through Informed Consent, were given in the experimental group papaya juice pudding while in the control group papaya juice pudding was not given. Results and Discussion: This research on giving papaya juice pudding was conducted for 7 consecutive days and then measured the volume of breast milk using Breastpump. Based on the results of the study showed that the average milk production of the experimental group was 128.00 and the average milk production of the control group was 91.20, so the difference in breast milk production was 36.8. Then it can be seen that the results of the Independent T-Test test obtained a P-Value of 0.000 (α <0.005). Conclusion: The provision of papaya juice pudding has an effect on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers. It is suggested to midwifery clinic to utilize papaya fruit which can be processed into papaya juice pudding to increase breast milk production in postpartum mothers so that mothers give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies.

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