Nursing Current Jurnal Keperawatan
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Published By Universitas Pelita Harapan

2621-3214, 2089-922x

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Anugerah Ruben Ananda ◽  
Desi Friska Dela Zalukhu ◽  
Firdaus G Junior ◽  
Marisa Junianti Manik ◽  
Swingly Wikliv D

<p><em>Cardiac arrest is a significant cause of death worldwide, and an estimated 17.9 million people die from heart disease. In 2016, cardiac arrest represented 31% of all global deaths, and heart attacks and strokes caused 85%. In the treatment of cardiac arrest, health providers must perform cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, a combination of chest compressions, and assistance for the victim's breathing. Nurses must be able to provide high-quality CPR to the patients for optimal outcomes. This study aimed to describe the knowledge of nurses in six private hospitals in Indonesia about high-quality CPR. This research was quantitative descriptive using a modified questionnaire regarding the theory of high-quality CPR. The population in this study were nurses from adult inpatient wards at six private hospitals in Indonesia with a total sample of 86 respondents through convenience sampling technique. The results showed that 79.1% inpatient nurses at six hospitals in Indonesia had good knowledge about high-quality CPR. Nurses are expected to maintain and improve their knowledge and ability to provide high-quality CPR so that the basic life support provided will be of high quality and provide optimal results for cardiac arrest patients in hospitals.</em><strong><br /><br />BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Henti jantung merupakan penyebab kematian yang signifikan di dunia dan diperkirakan 17,9 juta orang meninggal karena penyakit jantung. Pada 2016, henti jantung mewakili 31% dari semua kematian global, dan 85% disebabkan oleh serangan jantung dan stroke. Dalam penanganan henti jantung, perawat harus melakukan resusitasi jantung dan paru yaitu kombinasi dari kompresi dada dan bantuan terhadap pernafasan korban. Tenaga kesehatan harus mampu memberikan<em> high-quality</em> CPR kepada korban untuk hasil yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan perawat tentang high-quality CPR di enam rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner mengenai teori <em>high-quality</em> CPR yang telah dimodifikasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat ruang rawat inap dewasa di enam rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 86 responden melalui teknik sampel konvenien. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 79.1% perawat rawat inap di enam rumah sakit di Indonesia memiliki pengetahuan tentang <em>high-quality</em> CPR pada tingkat yang baik. Perawat diharapkan untuk tetap mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan pemberian <em>high-quality CPR</em> sehingga bantuan hidup dasar yang diberikan akan berkualitas dan memberikan hasil optimal bagi pasien henti jantung dalam rumah sakit.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Alvian Josua Editya ◽  
Aryanto Juvendi Kaburito ◽  
Donal Hariman Pasaribu ◽  
Juniarta Juniarta ◽  
Lenny Angelina Harefa

<p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Perawat merupakan kelompok tenaga kesehatan yang berisiko mengalami tekanan kerja, apabila tidak dapat diadaptasi akan menimbulkan stress kerja dan jika berlangsung lama dengan intensitas yang tinggi dapat berujung pada burnout. Oleh sebab itu, perawat membutuhkan resiliensi untuk dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah dan tuntutan pekerjaan di rumah sakit. Penelitian tentang resiliensi pada perawat di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit, begitu juga di satu rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta penelitian mengenai resiliensi belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran <em>resiliency quotient</em> pada perawat di rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat di satu rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 156 perawat dengan menggunakan metode <em>Convenience Sampling</em>. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner R<em>esiliency Quotient</em> (RQ) Russell dan Russell (2007) dengan jumlah pertanyaan sebanyak 32 item (<em>Cronbach’s Alpha </em>0,951). Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas perawat masuk dalam kategori resilient yaitu sebanyak 137 perawat (87,82%),18 perawat (11,54%) sangat resilient, dan satu perawat (0,64%) sedikit resilient. Pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk menggali lebih dalam faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi resiliensi pada perawat.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INGGRIS </strong><em>Nurses are a group of healthcare workers who are at risk of experiencing work pressure which mightl cause job stress and in turn might lead to burnout. Therefore, nurses need to be resilient to be able to face various problems and work demands in the hospital. Research on resiliency of nurses in Jakarta is still insufficient, as is in a private hospital in western Indonesia where research on resiliency has never been done. Purpose: This study aimed to describe nurse’s resiliency quotient. This was a descriptive quantitative study. The population was nurses in a private hospital in western Indonesia, obtaining 156 respondents. The instrument used was Resiliency Quotient (RQ) questionnaire by Russell and Russell (2007) with 32 questions. The result showed that the majority (87,82%) of nurses were resilient, 18 (11.54%) nurses were very resilient, and only 1 (0.64%) who was slightly resilient. It is expected that the next study will explore in depth about factors contributing to nurses’ resiliency.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Septa Meriana Lumbantoruan

<p>Sodium restriction effect on hospital readmission in patients with heart failure (HF) has been questioned for decades. Readmission related to low sodium intake recommendations should be changed as well as mortality. A literature review is needed to summarize the effect of low sodium, especially on readmission and mortality. This literature review aimed to summarize the prevalence of hospital readmission and mortality regarding low sodium intake in patients with HF. The searching process involved four databases; MEDLINE, Embase, EBSCO Health, Cochrane was explored for experimental studies of sodium restriction. Of 77 screened citations from 2000 to 2019 invested in patients with HF, four studies were included. Four studies from four databases were included and explained and it was found that hospital readmission was the outcome of implementing sodium restriction in patients with HF. Low sodium restriction (800 mg – 1800 mg/day) results in higher hospital readmission. Moreover, 1800 mg/day of sodium was followed by higher mortality and higher sudden death in patients with HF. Low sodium restriction did not lower hospital readmission as well as mortality of patients with HF. This article provides the reason, effect, and amount of sodium restriction in patients with HF. The recommendation from this literature review is low sodium restriction has no beneficial effect on readmission and mortality in HF conditions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Cintia K.D.L Telaumbanua ◽  
Mario Aditya Pratama Pohus ◽  
Zefanya Setya Andika ◽  
Yakobus Siswadi ◽  
Dwi Yulianto Nugroho

<p><em>These days, things are developing rapidly, especially in the field of education. One of developments is in the </em><em>use of technology in education. Online learning is one of important technology-based learning methods in </em><em>today's world that requires people to do learning activities from home through online learning. The Covid-19 </em><em>pandemic requires all fields including Education to implement online learning to prevent transmission. The </em><em>objective of the study was to determine the relationship between online learning satisfaction level on Nursing </em><em>Theory and Practice course and nursing student academic achievement. This study employed quantitative </em><em>correlation. The research population is 335 active students Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan </em><em>batch 2019. Purposive sampling technique and Solvin’s formula were used in this study which involved 185 </em><em>students. The results show that there is a significant and unidirectional relationship between the level of online </em><em>learning satisfaction and student learning outcomes (p=0,001). Most students have a level of satisfaction of </em><em>Nursing Theory and Practice online subjects (68%), with an average learning achievement (final grade) of </em><em>81.40. Student satisfaction with online learning methods is related to academic achievement, the higher the </em><em>level of student learning satisfaction the better students’ academic achievement.</em></p><p><strong><em></em>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Belakangan ini, banyak hal berkembang dengan pesat, terutama di bidang pendidikan. Salah satu perkembangan tersebut adalah dalam hal penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan. Online learning merupakan salah satu metode belajar berbasis teknologi yang penting dalam keadaan dunia sekarang yang mengharuskan kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan dari rumah melalui pembelajaran online. Pandemi Covid-19 menuntut semua bidang termasuk pendidikan untuk menerapkan pembelajaran online untuk mencegah penularan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kepuasaan pembelajaran online pada mata kuliah<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>Nursing Theory and Practice</em><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>dengan prestasi akademik mahasiswa keperawatan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa aktif Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Pelita Harapan angkatan 2019 berjumlah 335 mahasiswa. Tehnik<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>purposive sampling</em><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>dan rumus Slovin diterapkan dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 185 mahasiswa. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dan searah antara tingkat kepuasan pembelajaran online dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa (p=0,001). Sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki tingkat kepuasan terhadap pembelajaran<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>Nursing Theory and Practice online</em><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(68%), dengan rata-rata prestasi belajar (nilai akhir) 81,40. Kepuasan mahasiswa akan metode pembelajaran online berhubungan dengan prestasi akademik, semakin tinggi tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran menunjukkan semakin baik prestasi akademik yang dicapai mahasiswa.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Ballsy Cicilia Albertina Pangkey ◽  
Fendy Yesayas ◽  
Fatima Ura Pabane

<p><em>Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the diseases associated with symptoms or disability that requires </em><em>long-term management. One of the interventions that can be done in patients with CKD is Continuous </em><em>Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). Self-care for patients with CKD requires optimal services for </em><em>medical, social, mental, and emotional problems. Telenursing can be used as a process of providing </em><em>management, coordination of care, and health services through information technology and </em><em>telecommunications, so that patients’ problem related to treatment can be resolved and the quality of life of </em><em>patients can be improved. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of telenursing on the quality of </em><em>life of patients with CKD undergoing CAPD. PICOT framework was utilized to find related journals. The data </em><em>sources of this researchwere taken from the e-resources database of National Library of Indonesia, PubMed </em><em>and Google Scholar and then selected using the PRISMA flow diagram to produce nine articles. Each article </em><em>had been described and criticized in the form of a matrix table using a simplified approach method. Three </em><em>themes then emerged from the analysis, namely the quality of life of CKD patients who were running CAPD </em><em>was good, the quality of life of CKD patients who were running CAPD was better than patients who were </em><em>undergoing hemodialysis, and the quality of life of CKD patients who were running CAPD by telenursing had </em><em>increased. Telenursing can facilitate patient access in seeking health services and increase the effectiveness of </em><em>patient time, so that the patient's quality of life can improve.</em><strong><br /><br />BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Penyakit Ginjal Kronik (PGK) merupakan salah satu penyakit yang berkaitan dengan gejala-gejala atau kecacatan yang membutuhkan penatalaksanaan jangka panjang. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan pada pasien dengan PGK adalah<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)</em>. Perawatan diri pada penderita PGK membutuhkan layanan yang optimal terhadap masalah-masalah yang bersifat medis, sosial, mental, dan emosional. Telenursing dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu proses pemberian manajemen, koordinasi asuhan, dan layanan kesehatan melalui teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi, sehingga masalah-masalah yang ada pada pasien terkait pengobatan dapat teratasi dan kualitas hidup pasien dapat meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh telenursing terhadap kualitas hidup pasien dengan PGK yang menjalani CAPD. Dalam strategi mencari jurnal framework yang digunakan adalah PICOT. Sumber data yang digunakan diambil dari database e-resources Perpusnas, PubMed dan Google Scholar kemudian diseleksi dengan menggunakan flow diagram PRISMA sehingga menghasilkan sembilan artikel. Setiap artikel telah dijabarkan dan dikritisi dalam bentuk tabel matriks menggunakan simplified approach method. Hasil penelitian ditemukan tiga tema yaitu kualitas hidup pasien PGK yang menjalankan CAPD baik, kualitas hidup pasien PGK yang menjalankan CAPD lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pasien yang menjalankan hemodialisis, dan kualitas hidup pasien PGK yang menjalankan CAPD dengan telenursing mengalami peningkatan. Telenursing dapat mempermudah akses pasien dalam mencari pelayanan kesehatan dan menambah efektivitas waktu pasien, sehingga kualitas hidup pasien dapat meningkat.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Angelika Quissesa ◽  
Juhdeliena Juhdeliena ◽  
Eva Chris Veronika Gultom

<p>Ineffective mucous airway clearance is identified as the main concern in obstructive pulmonary disease. An impaired mucociliary mechanism and hyper secretive are leading to mucous retention. High-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) offers a great practical advantage for obstructive pulmonary disease treatment. A literature review was conducted to summarize the existing research evidence assessing the effectiveness and benefits of HFCWO as an airway clearance management among people with obstructive pulmonary disease. Literature was limited to accessible articles in the English language and sourced from electronic databases, PubMed and EBSCO, from their published date through 2010. Seven studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in the analysis. Two themes were identified from the summary of included studies, namely respiratory function improvement and quality of life outcomes. The overall results of the studies indicate that HFCWO positively affects health status and wellbeing in patients with excessive mucous production and impaired airway clearance mechanism. It also can be performed independently and enhances self-satisfaction. Thus, it will be advantageous to include the HFCWO in pulmonary rehabilitation. Further studies are needed to validate the effectiveness of HFCWO in obstructive pulmonary disease patients and develop better treatments in this field.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 214
Elysabeth Sinulingga ◽  
Agung Waluyo ◽  
Sri Yona

<p><em>Background: People infected with HIV (PIWH) are increasing in number in Karo Regency every year. Therefore, all sub-districts or villages contribute the incidence of HIV / AIDS. While the HIV prevention </em><em>program already exists at KPA GBKP (Commission on HIV /AIDS Prevention of Batak Karo Protestant Church) but has not seen its effect. Methods: Literature review are conducted using the PRISMA model. All studies reviewed were quantitative, with most studies using cross sectional studies (14.29%), using literature reviews (9.52%), using experiments (28.57), using quasi experiments (33.33%, and using Randomized Control Trial/RCT (14.29%). Sample sizes varied from 134 to 1444 participants. The dependent variable is HIV/AIDS prevention. Independent variables are church members, family support, and increased self-awareness. Of the 1173 articles, 21 that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. The articles were collected from 4 database sources including Proquest, EBSCO-CINAHL, Springer Link and Google Scoler. Result: HIV/AIDS prevention was influenced by self awareness (18.1%), church members (9%), family support (54.5%), and interventions to prevent HIV/AIDS (27.2%). Although some countries had revealed that the promotion of HIV/AIDS health and prevention was improved and the concern of all communities to reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS. Conclusion: Increased HIV/AIDS prevention was influenced by the role of church members, community, family support, and increased self awareness.</em></p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Latar Belakang: Orang yang terinfeksi dengan HIV (ODHA semakin meningkat jumlahnya di Kabupaten Karo setiap tahun. Oleh karena, semua wilayah kecamatan atau desa ikut menyumbangkan angka kejadian penyakit HIV/AIDS. Sementara program pencegahan HIV sudah ada dilakukan di KPA GBKP (Komisi Penangulangan HIV/AIDS Gereja Batak Karo Protestan) tetapi belum terlihat pengaruhnya. Metode: Kajian literatur dilakukan dengan menggunakan model PRISMA. Semua studi yang ditinjau adalah kuantitatif, dengan sebagian besar studi menggunakan studi cross sectional (14,29%), menggunakan tinjauan literatur (9,52%), menggunakan eksperimen (28,57), menggunakan quasi eksperimen (33,33%, dan menggunakan <em>Randomized Control Trial/RCT</em> (14,29%). Ukuran sampel bervariasi dari 134 hingga 1.444 peserta. Variabel dependen adalah pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Variabel yang tidak tergantung adalah anggota gereja, dukungan keluarga, dan peningkatan <em>self awareness</em>. Dari 1.173 artikel, 21 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang dipilih untuk penelitian ini. Artikel-artikel tersebut dikumpulkan dari 4 sumber basis data meliputi Proquest, EBSCO-CINAHL, Springer Link dan Google Scoler. Hasil: Pencegahan HIV/ AIDS dipengaruhi oleh <em>self awareness</em> (18,1%), anggota gereja (9%), dukungan keluarga (54,5%), dan intervensi untuk mencegah HIV/AIDS (27,2%). Meskipun beberapa negara telah mengungkapkan bahwa promosi kesehatan dan pencegahan HIV/AIDS ditingkatkan dan kepedulian semua masyarakat untuk mengurangi stigma HIV/ AIDS. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan pencegahan HIV/ AIDS dipengaruhi oleh peran anggota gereja, komunitas, dukungan keluarga, dan peningkatan <em>self awareness</em>.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Devina Tambunan ◽  
Innes Putri Maharani ◽  
Sri Wahyuni Barasa ◽  
Lani Watania ◽  
Shinta Sihaloho

<p><em>Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. The most common complication of DM is diabetic neuropathy which causes an increase in further complications, including diabetic ulcers and often leads to amputation. In Indonesia, about 15% of DM patients have diabetic ulcers, 30% have a risk of amputation and 32% mortality. There are several types of wound care techniques, but the most used are the wet to dry and moist techniques. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of diabetic ulcer treatment with wet to dry and moist techniques. The research method used is thematic analysis: a simplified approach, by searching for articles using the Google Scholar database, EBSCO, Science Direct, JSTOR. The data selection process uses the PRISMA Flow Diagram and the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist. The keywords used were "Wet to dry dressing AND moist dressing AND diabetic ulcer stage III", and "wet to dry dressing AND moist dressing AND grade III diabetic ulcer". The results showed that the moist wound dressing technique was more effective than wet to dry dressing in the treatment of diabetic ulcers, in terms of cost, dressing change, absorbency, basic ingredients and ingredients, pain caused and duration of wound healing. This study recommends that future researchers can conduct quantitative research on diabetic ulcer patients using both treatment techniques.</em></p><p><strong><em></em>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Diabetes Melitus merupakan gangguan metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia. Komplikasi DM paling umum adalah neuropati diabetik yang menyebabkan peningkatan komplikasi selanjutnya, diantaranya luka ulkus diabetik dan tidak jarang berlanjut pada amputasi. Di Indonesia sekitar 15% penderita DM mengalami ulkus diabetik, 30% memiliki risiko amputasi dan 32% mortalitas. Terdapat beberapa jenis teknik perawatan luka, namun yang paling sering digunakan adalah teknik <em>wet to dry</em> dan <em>moist</em>. Tujuan penelitian untuk membandingkan efektivitas perawatan luka ulkus diabetik dengan teknik <em>wet to dry</em> dan teknik <em>mois</em>t. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu <em>thematic analysis: a simplified approach</em>, dengan pencarian artikel menggunakan database Google Scholar, EBSCO, Science Direct, JSTOR. Proses penyeleksian data menggunakan Flow Diagram PRISMA dan JBI <em>Critical Appraisal Checklist</em>. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu “<em>Wet to dry dressing AND moist dressing AND diabetic ulcer stage III</em>”, dan “balutan basah ke kering <em>AND</em> balutan lembab <em>AND</em> ulkus diabetik derajat III”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik <em>moist wound dressing</em> lebih efektif dari pada <em>wet to dry dressing</em> dalam perawatan luka ulkus diabetik, dilihat dari biaya, pergantian balutan, kemampuan menyerap, kandungan dan bahan dasar, nyeri yang ditimbulkan dan durasi penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian kuantitatif pada pasien ulkus diabetik yang menggunakan kedua teknik perawatan.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Lani Natalia Watania ◽  
Eva Gultom ◽  
Chriska Sinaga

<p>As the future of health care providers, nursing students need to have the quality of knowledge and respond to rapid changes in every situation such as in the COVID-19 pandemic, in which these students' condition reflects the readiness of nursing students to face the increasing cases in the country. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice among nursing students in a private university during the pandemic. This research applied a descriptive quantitative design. A total sampling technique was conducted. The sample of this study was 290 nursing students who had experience in the clinical practice and agreed to participate in the study. The instrument consisted of 53 survey questions that have been adapted and modified from World Health Organization guidelines related to COVID-19. Data collection was carried out in November 2020, using a self-administered online questionnaire. A univariate analysis was used to analyze the variables using frequency distribution. This study revealed that students’ knowledge about COVID-19 was 55.9% in high level, the student's attitude towards COVID-19 reported 63.8% in moderate level and 79% of the students practice moderately in preventing COVID-19 during the pandemic. Therefore, there is a need to provide a follow-up program to support the knowledge, attitude, and practice of nursing students during the pandemic.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
V. E Salvera Arnoldy ◽  
Julianus Yudhistira Tan ◽  
H Haris Pastiyanto

<p>Hypoxemia is a condition when there is a lack of oxygen levels in the blood, especially from the arteries. In the early stages of COVID-19, several mechanisms such as intrapulmonary shunting, loss of pulmonary perfusion regulation, intravascular micro thrombus, and impaired diffusion capacity can contribute to the development of arterial hypoxemia, although there is no increase in respiratory work. The prone position is one of the most widely used therapies for patients with hypoxemia because the dorsal area has a large number of alveolar units that are not compressed by the weight of the abdominal cavity and mediastinum, thus creating a more efficient area for gas exchange. This study aimed to determine the effect of the prone position on changes in respiratory parameters of COVID-19 patients. This study used the descriptive correlation method on 27 respondents with purposive sampling. Each respondent was given a prone position for three hours and being observed before, during the three-hour, and after one hour of the prone position administration”. The results of the descriptive analysis of this study showed that the majority of respondents were middle adulthood (63%) with 70% of the respondents being male, 59% having a history of hypertension, and 85% experiencing coagulation disorders. The change in the mean respiratory rate during one hour of supination after three hours of prone position in males was greater than that in females although the mean decrease in oxygen saturation was the same. This shows that the prone position for three hours accompanied by oxygen therapy made an improvement in respiratory status in COVID-19 patients, although it needs further investigation with more respondents and different research methods.</p>

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