NURSING UPDATE : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN : 2085-5931 e-ISSN : 2623-2871
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Published By NHM Press

2623-2871, 2085-5931

Eni Susanti

 Normally uterus begins to wane after bornplacenta, usually at 1-2 fingers under navel.However, of 8 mother who have born spontan havenormal decrease uterine fundus height while 5 theother people at 7 days have late decrease uterinefundus height. The goal of this reseach is to analysiseffect of early mobilization post partum mother todecrease uterine fundus height in the health centerof lepele district camplong robatal regency.Thisresearch uses analytic method and reseach designuses retrospektiv. The population are post partummothers at first time until 5 days on Agustus –September 2014 taking 32 women. Sample whichtaken 30 respondents who are taken probabilitySampling with simple random sampling. Theindependent variable is early mobilization anddependent variable is decrease uterine fundusheight. The collect of data using observation that beprocessed using cross tabulation and spearman ranktest. The result were obtained almost half motherpost partum do enough early mobilization as muchas 11 people and almost half mother post partumhave enough decrease uterine fundus height asmuch as 13 people. According statistick testspearman rank is gotten ρ<α (0,000<0,05) so Ho isrefuse and Ha is receive so there are effect of earlymobilization post partum mother to decrease uterinefundus height in the health center of lepele districtcamplong robatal regency. Expected from this research to improve toimprove the giving of conseling, information andeducation (KIE) to mother, husband and family andalso as materials and professional framework forhealth personnel for giving couseling to post partummother.  

Ulva Noviana

Sibling rivalry is the natural jealousy or dislike feeling of a children to a new child in the family. Preliminary study result obtained 6 (60%) children have sibling rivalry. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship of parent role in anticipatory guidance sibling rivalry and emotional intelligence with sibling rivalry incident in preschooler. The design of this research is correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. The independent variable is the parent role in the anticipatory guidance sibling rivalry and emotional intelligence, while the dependent variable is sibling rivalry. The unit of analysis of this study is preschool children who have younger siblings, and the source of information is parents, the sample of 37 children with simple random sampling technique. The data collected from these three research variables used questionnaires. The statistical test using spearman rank with α (0,05). The result of the statistical test shows the value of p value with the alpha significance level α (0,05), mean value of p value < α, so H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, it means there is relation of parent role in anticipatory guidance sibling rivalry and emotional intelligence with incident sibling rivalry preschooler. The results of this study is expected parents can perform its role in anticipatory sibling rivalry and improve the emotional intelligence of children to avoid sibling rivalry between siblings

Rahmad Septian Reza

Background: The government through the Minister of Health issued rules, so that hospitals are there in Indonesia have a system, including a model for career development of nurses. Purpose: The model is expected to enhance the nurse in doing his job. Because the results of the previous research found almost the majority, namely, 31.4% of nurses were less motivated and this figure is quite significant. Because of the existence of the required advanced knowledge related research nurse about career development model. The research: methods in this study using study cross sectional descriptive research designs, and correlation. The sample used as many as 68 nurses with appropriate criteria set forth, and tools to measure it with the questionnaire. Knowledge of career development model as a free variable, while the motivation to work as a variable. Analysis using correlation person now moment for variable knowledge of nurses about career development model and motivational work. The results showed that the nurse's knowledge about the model for career development both of 58.8%, less of 41.2%; good work motivation of 63.2%, less work and motivation of 36.8%. There is a relationship between nurse's knowledge about career development model with the motivation of nurses (p = 0.001 <). Discussion: The expectation so that hospitals can maximize the succession system, especially with regard to the existing systems of units therein, i.e., awards, promotions, recognition and development.

Siti Rochimatul Lailiyah

Interpersonal education in pregnancy program is a means to learn together about maternal health in the form of face to face in a group that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of mothers in pregnancy,childbirth, postpartum and newborn care. 8 of 10 mothers have not been able breastfeeding correctly when they have Interpersonal education in pregnancy program. Aim of this study is to identify a picture of the participants, facilitators, facilities and infrastructureclass of pregnant women in the region work of Puskesmas Sukolilo. This research uses descriptive quantitative research with a case study approach. The variables used were input component class pregnant women, participants, facilitators, facilities and infrastructure. The study population is all classes of existing maternal health center working area Sukoliloas many as 13 classes for pregnant women. The data are collected by using questionnaires,observation, and interviews. The results showed that the majority of class participants mom Pregnant aged 21-25 years is 78 respondents (77%). In which The majority of participantsprimary and junior education level that is 84 respondents (83%) and mostly participants as housewife is 67 respondents (66%). Meanwhile the knowledge of participants almost half less that 49 respondents (48%), and class facilitators pregnant women as many as two respondents, both aged > 35 years, educated DIII of midwifery, and trained in facilitating classroom pregnant women. In addition, pregnant mothers-class facilities are available but incomplete and also there are less infrastructure. It is expected that the participants in a class of pregnant women can be group ed according to the level of education and age of pregnancy in order to get the right things, then the facilitator in pregnant mother class should be carried out by midwives in the local area, as well as the means and infrastructure needs to be more completed in order to support class implementation pregnant women to be more optimal and effective.

Ulva Noviana

One aspect of development in preschoolers is personal social development. Preliminary study results conducted on 10 children obtained results 6 children with caution assessment, 2 children with delayed assessment, and 2 children with normal assessment with the Suspect interpretation on the assessment of the Denver II test.The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of play stimulation, the quality of interaction, and verbal abuse with the social development of preschoolers in kindergarten of Al-Djufri VI. This research use Analytical method with Cross Sectional approach with independent variables is play stimulation, interaction quality, and verbal abuse and the dependent variable is personal social development. The population is the parents of preschool children in kindergarten of Al-Djufri VI as many as 38 people with a total sample of 38 people Using total sampling technique. The instruments in this study used questionnaires on independent variables and used the Denver II test on the dependent variable.Statistical test using spearman rank test with significance level of 0.05. The result of this study using spearmen rank shows there is relationship of play stimulation with social development of preschool children with p value 0,000 <0,05 and r = 0,677, There is relationship of interaction quality with social development of preschool age children with p value 0,000 <0,05 and r = 0,724, There is relationship of verbal abuse with social development of preschool age children with p value 0,040 <0,05 and r = 0,334. Play stimulation, interaction quality, and verbal abuse have a relationship with personal social development. Parents and teachers are advised to be able to increase their knowledge as an effort to prevent child development delay in social aspect by doing screening test on health service to measure child development level.

Zuryati M.Kes

Informatio relates to reproductive health from parents and schools is not enough. It was obtaind that teenagers has lack knowledge of reproductive health about personal hygiene. A preliminary study of 10 teenage girls found that 6 teenage girls had less personal hygiene measures. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge about reproductive organs treatment with personal hygiene actions in teenagers in SMP 2 Socah. The method used in this study was analytical with cross sectional approach. The population was 32 girls and the sample was 30 girls in class VII and VIII in SMP 2 Socah. The sampling technique used is Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The independent variable knowledge of reproductive organ care, and the dependent variable of personal hygiene action. The research instrument used questionnaire, then tested with Pearson statistical test with α = 0,05. The results showed that girls of grade VII and VIII mostly had sufficient knowledge about reproductive organ care (53%), while half of the girls were taking enough and less hygiene action (50%). Pearson statistical test results obtained ρ value 0.001 <α 0.05 means Ho rejected there was a relationship between knowledge about reproductive organs treatment and personal hygiene actions teenagers in SMP 2 Socah. Efforts are used to improve knowledge about reproductive organ care by giving counseling as well as expected teenagers add information about reproduction organ care by accessing information from various source in order to prevent the happening of problem at reproduction organ

Qurrotu Aini

Satisfaction is the feeling that arises in the patient when the service has exceeded expectations. Based on preliminary study conducted on March 14, 2017 it was found that the level of patient satisfaction in the category enough as many as 6 (60%) respondents. The purpose of this study was analyzed the relation excellent service nurse to the patient satisfaction in Intensif Care Unit RSUD Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebu Bangkalan. The design of this study was analytic corelative using a “Cross sectional”. The study population was all patiens treated in the Intensif Care Unit RSUD Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebu Bangkalan. The sample was 23 respondents. The sample used non-probability sampling by quota sampling. Independent variables was excellent service nurse and dependent variables is satisfaction patient. The collected data used a questionnare then it was analyzed by Spearman Rank with α = 0,005. The results showed June, 2017 that nurses who did good excellent service and satisfied patient by 8 (34,8%) respondents, and performed excellent service nurse less and patients were unsatisfied as much as 1 (4,3%) respondent. Spearman rank statistical test showed that ρvalue =0,042 < α=0,05 which mean there was a relation between excellent service nurse to the patient satisfaction in Intensive Care Unit RSUD Syarifah Ambami Rato Ebu Bangkalan. For health workers, especially nurses to pay more attention and understand about the excellent service that refers to patient satisfaction. So, the patient can recover from his illnes thanks to the encouragement and support of the nurse and is statisfied with the service provided by the nurse

Mulia Mayangsari

The research design used was Experimental with Kunsekutive Sampling technique. The population in this study were patients who had migraine in Noreh village. The working area of Puskesmas Sreseh was 18 respondents and the result was analyzed using Shapiro Wilk and Wilcoxon test. The results of the study in migraine patients can be seen that the mean pretest scale of migraine pain scale is 4.67 whereas, for the mean posttest of migraine pain scale is 2.22. In the pretest of migraine pain scale the minimum value found is 4 whereas, the maximum value is 6. While in posttest skalanyeri migraine the minimum value found is 1 whereas, the maximum value is 3. In the Shapiro Wilk analysis showed that there were differences in the scale of migraine pain before and after wet bruise therapy. In the Wilcoxon analysis comparing migraine patients, a p-value of 0,000 indicated that there was an effect of wet-brushing therapy on changes in the pain scale. To health workers and educational institutions are expected to use wet brewing therapy as a complementary alternative and as a non-pharmacological treatment that can reduce the scale of pain.

Enggal Sari Maduratna

Language development is the ability to respond to sounds, follow orders and speak spontaneously. Based on a preliminary study in Buluh Socah Polindes from 10 children aged toddler, found 60% of children experience delays in language development caused by lack of stimulation. The purpose of this study to influence of relationship stimulation with the development of toddler children language. The research design used analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. Its population is all toddler age children in Work Area of Polindes Banyuanyar districts Sampang as many as 33 people, total samples are 30 people. Samples were taken by proportionate stratified random sampling method. The independent variables are stimulation, while the dependent variable is language development. Data collection using questionnaires and DDST II sheets were processed using Spearmen Rank statistical test. The result showed that parents who provide good stimulation have all the children with normal language development (100%). Based on Spearmen Rank statistical test with ρ (0.00) <α (0.05) so H_1 is accepted, meaning that there was relationship of stimulation and language development of toddler age children. Based on the result of the study is expected parents are able to interact with children and teach children to speak clearly and easy to understand, so it help children language development optimally. It is suggested that further researchers use more samples to obtain better results

Hamimatus Zainiyah

During pregnancy, the prolactin hormone from placenta increases but breast milk usually does has come out because it is still inhibited by high estrogen levels. On the second or third day of postpartum, estrogen and progesterone levels drop significantly, so the effect of prolactin is more dominant and secretion of breast milk begins. By breastfeeding earlier the secretion of breast milk gets smoother. Based on a preliminary study, 46.0% of post partum mothers experienced non-breast milk. This study aims to determine the differences in the production of breast milk in post partum mothers who performed acupressure techniques for lactation and breast care techniques. This research is a kind of research of quasy exsperimental design with non equivalent control group design. The samples were 7 post partum mothers that used acupressure techniques for lactation and 7 post partum mothers used breast care techniques from in February to March 2017. The sampling technique used was non probability sampling (consecutive sampling). From the statistic test of Independent T-Test indicates that α = 0.05 and P value 0.03 thus P Value<alpha (0.03 <0.05) so that H0 is rejected and Ha accepted there was a difference in breast milk production in post partum mothers performed acupressure and breast care techniques in the BPM Sri Wahyuni area, S.ST Surabaya. Midwives are able to socialize this acupressure technique to all post partum mothers, so that midwives can help secretion of breast milk production for post partum mothers with acupressure techniques with relatively cheaper costs

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