Cerai Gugat Akibat Murtad (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Palu No: 0249/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Pal)

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Diana Aristanti ◽  
Dyah Ochtorina Susanti ◽  
Pratiwi Pusphitho Andini

Marriage can be over when one of the parties becomes apostate in which apostate may cause problems of housewifery. In this research, it argues that the judge adopts a verdict according to the Law Number 1/ 1974 and Compilation of Islamic Law. The article uses legal research which accords to the norms in the positive law including the judge decision. It concludes that apostate can affects the marriage and the children right to inheritance. Additionally, divorce may not be renewed except both conducts a new marriage. In pertaining to the children right to heritance, children could not inherit their apostate parent(s) because Islamic law determines that apostate can be the reason of losing the right to inheritance. Keywords: Divorce, Apostate, Adjudication, Children Right to Inheritance.

Yasir Nasution ◽  
Alyasa’ Abubakar ◽  

The development of waqf assets in the form of adding the function of waqf is a new phenomenon in the problems of Islamic law jurisprudence even in positive law in Indonesia. In national law (positive), Indonesia has regulated this issue with the existence of laws and government regulations regarding waqf both movable and immovable waqf assets, even in its development every property in waqf must have an Deed and / or certificate. Whereas in Islamic jurisprudence, the development of waqf assets in the form of additional functions is one of the problems that can be said to be new, it needs legal conclusions and even has to be seen from various theoretical concepts such as maqashidu sharia. Therefore this research will examine the issue of developing waqf assets based on the Waqf Law and maqashid syari'ah. This research is an empirical legal research using a sociological legal approach, with data collection through documentation and interviews. The results of the research show that the development of waqf assets is permitted according to the law, but with the stipulated conditions, besides that the development of waqf assets is also permissible in Islamic jurisprudence as long as it is solely for reasons in accordance with the concept of maqasidu syari'ah and the point is to seek maslahat.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hasan Basri ◽  
Muhammad Azani

<p><em>This article analyzes the inheritance practices carried out by the community in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency Based on Islamic Law. The research method used is a sociological legal research that discusses the application of positive law regarding the practice of community inheritance in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The results showed: a. The community in Bantan Subdistrict turned out to be wrong in understanding the principle of balanced justice which was considered to be contrary to the sense of justice for the heirs. They understand the principle of balanced justice must be in the same sense. Whereas the meaning of the principle is that each heir, both male and female, has the same rights in obtaining inheritance rights. Men get more rights which do not mean unfair, but in Islamic law it stipulates that men are responsible for the burden of the family; b. The community in Bantan District in understanding radd in Islamic law does not fully refer to the KHI which is a reference in determining the law. They divide radd based only on habits that can be shared with the heirs who want it or the mosque; c. The community in Bantan Subdistrict considers that the heirs who passed away first from the heir, cannot be replaced by the heir's child. Whereas based on Article 185 paragraph (1) the KHI position of the heir can be replaced by the offspring of both male and female.</em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Rahmatul Huda

Indonesia is a country that is predominantly Muslim, so that Muslim consumers certainly get the protection of the goods and/or services in accordance with Islamic law. Because the protection of the rights of every citizen of Indonesia. Khiyar is one form of consumer protection in Islam. Surely, khiyar as one of the forms to protect the rights of Muslim consumers are contained in the Consumer Protection Law. This thesis aims to determine: (1) Existence khiyar in Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, and (2) Analysis of the existence of khiyar in Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection. This research is a normative law (normative legal research), namely legal research conducted by examining the legal material. The approach taken in this study is the statute approach and the conceptual approach. Based on the method used produced the conclusion that the existence khiyar in Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection, contained in article 4, which khiyar aib and khiyar syarath with the right to safety (article 4 letter a), khiyar majlis and khiyar ta'yin with the right to choose (article 4 letter b), khiyar tadlis and khiyar aib with the right to be informed (article 4 letter c and h), and khiyar ru'yah with the right to be heard (article 4 letter d ). Existence khiyar in article 4 of the Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection in terms of the Islamic economic law in accordance with the rules of fiqh, maqasid shari'ah, and fiqh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 326-330
I Wayan Pebriyana ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Putu Gede Seputra

Abstract—The use of a nominee agreement was the embodiment of the existence of an Alliance. Embodiment of the nominee is on the letter of the agreement made by FOREIGNERS and CITIZENS as the giver of power, the agreement was intended to give the authority against a FOREIGN NATIONAL as a recipient of the power of the law against doing in respect of land that cannot be He owns that is proprietary. There are two problems in research, namely: (1) the mechanism of the mastery of land rights by foreigners, (2) the power of the law of the Dominion land rights based on loan agreement name (Nominee). The goal of research to understand the mechanisms of domination the land rights committed by foreigners and to know the legal power of the Dominion land rights by foreigners on the basis of the Covenant borrow names (nominee). Research methods used normative legal research library or study of the positive law in force. Based on the research note that: (1) mastery of land rights by FOREIGNERS is done with usage rights and the right of rental, and the existence of an agreement borrowed the name, the name of WNI noted in the certificate property. (2) The force of law pernjanjian borrowed the name seen from Article 1 Paragraph Burgerlijk Wetboek 1338, any agreement made legally valid as legislation.  

2017 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Hasan Basri ◽  
Muhammad Azani

This article analyzes the inheritance practices carried out by the community in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency Based on Islamic Law. The research method used is a sociological legal research that discusses the application of positive law regarding the practice of community inheritance in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The results showed: a. The community in Bantan Subdistrict turned out to be wrong in understanding the principle of balanced justice which was considered to be contrary to the sense of justice for the heirs. They understand the principle of balanced justice must be in the same sense. Whereas the meaning of the principle is that each heir, both male and female, has the same rights in obtaining inheritance rights. Men get more rights which do not mean unfair, but in Islamic law it stipulates that men are responsible for the burden of the family; b. The community in Bantan District in understanding radd in Islamic law does not fully refer to the KHI which is a reference in determining the law. They divide radd based only on habits that can be shared with the heirs who want it or the mosque; c. The community in Bantan Subdistrict considers that the heirs who passed away first from the heir, cannot be replaced by the heir's child. Whereas based on Article 185 paragraph (1) the KHI position of the heir can be replaced by the offspring of both male and female.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 488
Tetty Hariyati ◽  
Wahyuni Retnowulandari

The division of community property is a very essential issue in domestic life. Regarding the positive law taking in force in Indonesia, the division of community property for Islam is regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) where the Compilation of Islamic Law regulates the division of community property for both widowed (widowed and not remarried) and divorced (divorced and not remarried). The widowed is regulated in article 96 of the Compilation of Islamic Law and the divorced is regulated in article 97 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. If examined from these two articles, both equally regulates  if the marriage relationship broke up, the community property is divided for husband and wife, each will get a 50:50 part. However, this is different based upon  Decision Number 197K / AG / 2015 The division is greater for the wife of 60% and 40% for husband. In this case the problem raised here is how the regulation makes an arrangement for division of community property in dead condition without father and children (mati kalalah) under the law of inheritance in Indonesia and how the judge's consideration related to the division of community property in dead condition without father and children (case study: Decision number 197K / AG / 2015)? The author here used normative legal research method that is descriptive and primary and secondary data and also supported by interviews in this study.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Arif Kurniawan

The writings that discuss the practice of forced marriage signifies that the forced marriage is still massively implemented in the community. The phenomenon of forced marriage is right using religious arguments. Forced marriages in fiqh known as ijbār rights. Forced marriage can be a manifestation of the right ijba̅r if the requirements are met in determining ijba̅r, and if it is not in accordance with these concepts then a forced marriage positioned as ikrah. This paper specifically discusses the forced marriage in perspective of Kiai Krapyak. The view of Kiai Krapyak toward forced marriage with opposing views literally. But essentially the view of Kiai Krapyak tend to be similar. They agree that forced marriages should as much as possible to be avoided, though, in the law of Islam , the practice of forced marriages are a valid contract. Islamic law does not condone a forced marriage which connotes as ikrah, although the majority of schools of fiqh agree for the ijbār rights. The majority of schools of fiqh agree that they have their rights with a different perspective of the school of one sect to another. Positive law mentions the consent of both couples as a necessity, then automatically there is no compromise on the permissibility of execution of forced marriage.[Tulisan-tulisan yang membahas tentang kawin paksa menandakan bahwa praktek atau pelaksanaan perkawinan paksa masih masif di kalangan masyarakat. Fenomena kawin paksa menjadi ritus dengan menggunakan hujah agama. Kawin paksa dalam fiqh dikenal dengan istilah hak ijbār.  Kawin paksa bisa jadi manifestasi dari hak ijba̅r apabila terpenuhi syarat-syarat dalam menentukan ijba̅r, dan apabila tidak sesuai dengan konsep tersebut maka kawin paksa diposisikan sebagai ikrah. Tulisan ini khusus membahas tentang kawin paksa dalam perspektif Kiai Krapyak. Pandangan Kiai-kiai Krapyak terhadap kawin paksa mempunyai pandangan yang berbeda secara literal. Akan tetapi secara esensial pandangan para Kiai Krapyak cenderung sama. Mereka sepakat bahwa kawin paksa sebisa mungkin untuk dihindari, meskipun dalam prakteknya kawin paksa merupakan akad yang sah. Hukum Islam tidak membenarkan adanya kawin paksa yang berkonotasi ikrah, kendatipun mayoritas mazhab fiqh sepakat adanya hak ijbār. Mayoritas mazhab fiqh sepakat adanya hak tersebut dengan perspektif yang berbeda antara mazhab satu dengan mazhab yang lain. Hukum positif menyebutkan persetujuan kedua pasangan sebagai suatu keharusan, maka secara otomatis tidak ada kompromi terhadap kebolehan  pelaksanaan kawin paksa.]

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 307
Tyas Sekar Mawarni ◽  
Anjar Sri Ciptorukmi Nugraheni

<p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study is to explain the legal efforts that can be done if the parents do not implement the obligation of alimentation in the perspective of child protection. The method used is the method of legal research normatif (legal research), with the approach of the law (statute approach) and conceptual approach (conseptual approach). The legal substances used in this study include primary and secondary legal materials. The results of this study explain the parental remedies that do not carry out alimentation obligations in theoretical studies can be done by litigation or court and non-litigation or out of court. However, for non-litigation settlement in Indonesia is not yet available for family problems. Legal efforts through litigation may include the filing of livelihood rights and the execution of a permanent judge’s decision regarding the right of alimentation (cost of living).</p><p>Keywords: Legal effort;alimentation obligation; child; and child protection.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan apabila orangtua tidak melaksanakan kewajiban alimentasi dalam perspektif perlindungan anak.Metode yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian hukum normatif (legal research), dengan pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach).Bahan hukum yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi bahan hukum primer dan sekunder.Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai upaya hukum orangtua yang tidak melaksanakan kewajiban alimentasi secara kajian teoritis dapat dilakukan dengan litigasi atau pengadilan dan non-litigasi atau di luar pengadilan.Namun, untuk penyelesaian melalui nonlitigasi di Indonesia belum difasilitasi Negara Mengenai masalah keluarga. Upaya hukum melalui Litigasi dapat berupa pengajuan hak nafkah dan eksekusi putusan hakim yang berkekuatan tetap mengenai hak alimentasi (biaya nafkah).</p><p>Kata Kunci: Upaya hukum; kewajiban alimentasi;anak;dan perlindungan anak.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Jamhuri Jamhuri ◽  
Zuhra Zuhra

Talak merupakan hukum yang disyariatkan bagi satu pasangan yang tidak mungkin lagi membina hubungan keluarga dengan baik. Peluang talak ini dapat dipilih oleh suami dengan memperhatikan tata cara dan prosedur yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Terdapat beberapa hukum yang ulama tidak padu dan berbeda pendapat, khususnya mengenai konsep talak dilihat dari sisi waktu dan jumlah penjatuhannya. Penelitian ini henda mengkaji pendapat Ibn Qayyim. Masalah yang didalami adalah bagaimana pandangan Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah terhadap konsep dan pengaruh hukum talak syar’i dilihat dari segi waktu dan jumlah penjatuhan talak, dan bagaimana metode istinbaṭ yang ia gunakan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pustaka, data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan cara analisis-deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, konsep talak secara umum ada dua bentuk, yaitu talak dari segi waktu dan dari segi jumlah. Dari segi waktu, talak dilakukan saat isteri suci dan tidak digauli saat suci tersebut. Pengaruh suami yang menceraikan isteri saat haid dan telah digauli, itu diharamkan dan talak tidak jatuh. Dari segi jumlah, hak talak suami hanya ada tiga. Tiga jumlah hak talak tersebut digunakan secara bertahap, tidak bisa digunakan sekaligus. Pengaruh suami yang menceraikan isteri dengan talak dua atau tiga sekaligus, talak yang jatuh hanya dipandang satu kali. Adapun dalil yang digunakan Ibn Qayyim yaitu QS. al-Ṭalāq ayat 1, QS. al-Baqarah ayat 229, QS. al-Baqarah ayat 230, dan QS. al-Nūr ayat 6. Adapun riwayat hadis di antaranya hadis dari Nafi’ riwayat Abī Dāwud, dari Sa’di bin Ibrahim riwayat Muslim, dari Abdullah bin Ali bin Sa’ib riwayat Abī Dāwud, dan dari Ibn Wahab riwayat HR. Nasā’i. Metode yang digunakan Ibn Qayyim yaitu bayanī dan metode istiṣlāḥī. Talak is a law prescribed to one spouse that is no longer likely to foster family relationships well. The chance of this Talak can be chosen by the husband taking into account the ordinances and procedures according to Islamic law. There are some laws that scholars do not mix and differ, especially regarding the concept of Talak seen from the time and number of the allotment. This study has studied Ibn Qayyim's opinion. The issue in the matter is how Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah's view of the concept and influence of the law is seen in terms of time and the number of a bailout, and how the Istinbaṭ method he used. This research includes the research of libraries, the collected data is analyzed in a descriptive-analysis way. The results showed that according to Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, the concept of Talak, in general, there are two forms, namely Talak in terms of time and in terms of number. In terms of time, the Talak was performed during the Holy Wife and not in the holy moment. The influence of the husband who divorced the wife during menstruation and has been held, it is haraam and the Talak does not fall. In terms of numbers, the right to the husband is only three. The three total rights of the Board are used gradually, not to be used at once. The influence of the husband who divorced the wife with a two or three talak at once, a talak that fell only considered one time. The evidence that Ibn Qayyim used is QS.  al-Ṭalāq verse 1,  Qs. Al-Baqarah verses 229,  Qs. Al-Baqarah verses 230, and  Qs. Al-Nūr verse 6. The history of Hadith includes hadith from  Nafi ' History of Abī Dāwud,  from Sa'di bin Ibrahim  Muslim history, from Abdullah bin Ali bin Sa'ib  abī dāwud history, and Ibn Wahab narrated by the history of the Christian. The method used Ibn Qayyim was bayanī and the method Istiṣlāḥī. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 496-517
Abdullah Taufik ◽  
Ilham Tohari

The practice of polygamy in Indonesia until now has drawn criticism from some feminists who did not agree. But on the one hand, both Islamic law and positive law permit various conditions. In this case, the Religious Court (PA) becomes the last fence which becomes the determining point for a man to be able to polygamy. For this reason, researchers conducted a study of PA decisions on polygamy, namely Jombang PA Decision No. No. 0899 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA.Jbg . The focus of the problem is (1) the value of gender justice in the decision and (2) reasoning rechtvinding(legal discovery) judge. The method used in this study is a normative-qualitative legal research method with content analysis techniques from Charles Purse. The results showed that the practice of polygamy licensing in the Religious Courts had actually gone through processes that reflected gender justice. This is reflected in the obligation of the Religious Court to summon the longest wife of the applicant for polygamy to be asked for willingness and information. The results of subsequent studies show that PA Jombang judges used hermeneutic techniques in making legal discovery efforts. Because, they not only focus on aspects of legality, but also consider the contextualization.

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