Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal
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Published By Budapest International Research And Critics Institute

2685-3868, 2685-1989

Mohammad Zaim Zen ◽  
Hari Setijono ◽  
Nining Widyah Kusnanik

The purpose of this study was to investigate and examine the effect of using the Single Leg and Double Leg Bounding Exercise Program (BEP) on the Improvement of Physical Strength and Agility. The subjects of this study were physical education students class 2017 STKIP PGRI Jombang with 42 people. This type of research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental technique (quasi-experimental). Sampling used the solvin formula and purposive sampling technique. The process of collecting data for the initial and final tests used a leg dynamometer test to determine leg muscle strength and the side-step test for agility. The study results on normality and homogeneity tests showed normal and homogeneous data results with a significance value above 0.05. The mean difference test was carried out using the paired test and the Manova test. The method of increasing the ability of strength and agility has a significant improvement with the two experimental methods.  

Oktarianus Kurniawan ◽  
Ronaldi ◽  
Rizki Setyobowo Sangalang ◽  
Alvin Nur Aulia

During the covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia, which affected the economic sector, there were many layoffs by employers, except in Banturung Village, Bukit Batu District, Palangka Raya City. In Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, it is explained about the rights and obligations of a worker in carrying out his work, in which the Act serves to protect and limit the status of the rights and obligations of workers from employers (entrepreneurs) in accordance with human dignity in the scope of work. In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, both employers and workers are disadvantaged, because the weak economy makes people's purchasing power decrease and employers cannot rotate their business capital and take steps to unilaterally terminate employment relations. In Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, workers who experience termination of employment must be given severance pay.

Azwar Gunawan

Based on Article 2 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, that the implementation of child protection is based on Pancasila and is based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the basic principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. children include: 1) Non-discrimination; 2) The best interests of the child; 3) Right to life, survival and development, and 4) Respect for children's opinions, it can be analyzed and concluded that everything that is urgent for children is their right that is protected by law. Positive law or also called ius constitutum is a collection of written legal principles and rules that are currently applicable and binding in general or specifically and enforced by or through the government or courts in the Indonesian state. Civil Rights, Right to Education and Maintenance, Children's Rights To get Welfare, Children's Right to Take Care of Legal Affairs, it can be analyzed and concluded that children's rights are not only schooled. But civil, welfare, even if he stumbles into a legal case, he has the right to be protected. Protection of children's rights in Law no. 35 of 2014 which states that parents are obliged and responsible for: nurturing, nurturing, educating, and protecting children, developing children according to their abilities, talents, and interests and preventing marriage at the age of children. Children are a mandate and gift from God Almighty, in whom the dignity of being fully human is attached. When polygamy is unavoidable, one of the problems that often arises is that children often become victims. Both in terms of love, education and attention. Of all the rights of children, the most urgent for children is education. Children have the right to get education from an early age as contained in the juridical basis in the body of the Constitution Chapter XIII Article 31 paragraphs 1 and 2 of 1945 which reads: every citizen has the right to receive instruction (paragraph 1) the government seeks and organize a national teaching system regulated by law.  

Shobirin ◽  
Guntur Dwi Purwanto ◽  
Naqiyah ◽  
Mohamad Anton Athoillah

This article discusses the Hadith of Al-Bukhari's history about the differences and relevance of the role of Islamic educational institutions in building religious plurality in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country that has the motto bhinneka tunggal ika. The plurality of plurality is highly upheld and respected. This study was written using a qualitative method with a literature study as an approach. The type of data in this article is in the form of written narratives or documents contained in the publication of Hadith History of Al-Bukhari about the differences and related scientific works that have been published. The technique of collecting data is by tracing some related scientific publications. The analysis technique used is through the use of the takhrīj al-hadīth application which is followed by sharh al-hadīth, both al-turathi and al-mu'āsir. This article describes that the Hadith of Al-Bukhari's history regarding differences is seen as relevant to the role of Islamic educational institutions in building religious plurality in Indonesia.

Siti Hawa Lubis

The implementation of policies in Mandaling Natal Regency is that policies are formulated into certain action programs and projects that are designed and financed. The program is implemented according to plan. policy Policies or programs are broadly influenced by the content of the policy and the context of its implementation. The whole policy is evaluated by measuring the level of success of the program based on the policy objectives. Policy is seen through its impact on the intended targets, both individuals and groups as well as society. Government policies, ranging from colonial rule, early and post-independence to the entry of the New Order seemed "irritating", isolated and even almost abolished the Islamic education system because "Indonesia is not an Islamic country".  

Muhammad Aidil Hanafi ◽  
Md. Yadi Harahap ◽  
Ramadhan Shahmedi Siregar

Waqf is one of the Islamic philanthropy that carries the common interest. In the order of life, the Muslim community in the district of Berampu, Dairi district, is a Muslim minority. But even so, the spirit and practice of carrying out their religion is very strong. In this regard, including the concern is the spirit of the community to develop and increase the benefits of ulayat land, ulayat land is also waqf.This research aims to Knowing the position of ulayat land as an object of waqf by the people of Berampu sub-district, Dairi district in terms of Law No. 41 of 2004. To answer these problems, a field research was conducted with a qualitative research analysis model which was analyzed through a positive legal theory approach and Islamic law. Based on the results of the study it is known that the implementation of customary land waqf carried out by the people of the Berampu sub-district, as the researchers described earlier is not in accordance with Law No. 41 of 2004 concerning waqf. This is because 1)Customary land is not an object of waqf. This can be seen in PP No. 24 of 1997 in lieu of PP No. 10 of 1961 which states that customary land is not the object of land registration, while in PP no. 24 of 1997, waqf land is the object of land registration. So from this it can be seen that ulayat land is not actually an object of waqf. Because the object of waqf is land that has been registered in accordance with applicable regulations. 2) The practice of waqf carried out by the community of Berampu sub-district, Dairi Regency, is still mostly done verbally and not before PPAIW and is only based on mutual trust without any irar waqf deed as authentic evidence that the land has been waqfed for use in the public interest. As for the factors that cause the practice of waqf of ulayat land in Berampu sub-district, Dairi district are 1) Lack of public knowledge about waqf regulations in Indonesia. 2) The community still holds strongly to customs and habits that have been passed down from generation to generation. 3) The desire of the community to do charity through waqf institutions but not accompanied by knowledge.  

M. Yoserizal Saragih

This paper reviews the role of journalism in preventing hate speech or hate speech that is currently rife in various media. The purpose of this paper is to increase knowledge about what is happening at this time. This paper is a descriptive analysis which aims to describe, take an inventory, and analyze the conditions being investigated in a systematic, factual and accurate manner, and then a conclusion can be drawn from the results of the study. The results of the discussion show that Islamic journalism is known as a journalist based on values and norms that adopt principles from the Qur'an and Hadith. Islamic journalism is also known as the enforcer of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. In preventing hate speech or hate speech, there are several steps to counteract it,carry out awareness activities in the community to be wiser and smarter in using the media, cultivate tabayun attitudes, establish cooperation, and provide sanctions/fines. In addition to these steps, the role of Islamic journalism in warding off hate speech is in the form of providing education, broad knowledge, and providing direction in media wisely, wisely.ethics, manners, and full of courtesy, in using the media by adopting or applying the principles of sidhhiq, amanah, tabligh and fhatonah based on the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

Risfandi Setyawan ◽  
Hari Setijono ◽  
Nining Widyah Kusnanik

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of floor exercises and swiss ball exercises with the circuit training method on balance, strength, flexibility and muscle endurance. This research uses a quasi-experimental, floor exercise treatment and Swiss ball exercise using the circuit training method with 10 training posts. The population in this study was students of physical education and sports of STKIP PGRI Jombang 2015, with a total population of 80 male students, with an average age of ±19 years, height ± 166.31cm, weight ± 58.63kg. From the test of each group (paired sample) obtained a significant difference between the pretest and posttest on each variable (p-value> 0.05). Meanwhile, from the ANOVA test was found out that there was a difference in the average results of the physical condition of each variable in each exercise method. The study concluded that: 1) there was an effect of floor and swiss ball exercises aided circuit training method, there is a significant enhancement of balance, strength, flexibility and muscle endurance; 2) in conventional training there was also a significant enhancement on balance, strength and flexibility. There was no significant enhancement in abdominal muscle strength, abdominal muscle endurance, and leg muscle endurance; and 3) there were significant differences between the three groups in balance, strength, flexibility and muscle endurance.

Edison Musa Kayoi ◽  
Bonifasia Elita Bharanti ◽  
Sri Listyarini

The Department of Education and Culture of the Yapen Islands Regency as an extension of the local government in dealing with education has attempted to provide maximum public services. However, in its implementation, there are several obstacles, including not optimal services provided due to less-than-optimal employee performance. The objective of the study is to analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of the Yapen Islands Regency. Collecting data used a questionnaire. The research sample was calculated using the Slovin formula and obtained a total sample of 60 employees of the Department of Education and Culture of the Yapen Islands Regency. The data were tested with research instrument tests, classical assumption tests, and multiple linear regression tests using SPSS software version 25. The results showed that 1) leadership style had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, 2) organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees, 3) job satisfaction has no effect on employee performance

Mohammad Zaim Zen ◽  
Hari Setiono ◽  
Nining Widyah

The objectives of this study are to study and test the effect of using the effect of the single leg and double leg bounding exercise program (BEP) on the improvement of physical agility, strength, balance, and leg muscle power. The subjects of this study were 42 students of Physical Education class 2017 STKIP PGRI Jombang.This type of research is quantitative with quasi-experimental techniques. Sampling using the Solvin formula and purposive sampling technique. The process of taking data from the initial test and the final test uses the leg dynamometer test to determine leg muscle strength, side step test for agility, force plate test for leg muscle power, and balance beam test for balance.The results of the study on the normality and homogeneous tests showed normal and homogeneous data results with a significance value above 0.05. The mean difference test was carried out using the paired test and the Manova test. The method of increasing the agility, strength, balance and leg muscle power has a significant improvement with the two experimental methods.The conclusion of this study is that the bounding exercise program can significantly increase the agility, strength, balance and leg muscle power. However, from the two exercises the increase was greater in the group using the single leg bounding type of exercise.

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