2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Valiantsina L. Blishch ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the representation of Belarus and Belarus, recreated by foreign guides. The author considers foreign tourist guides to Belarus, published in 1994-2014, from the point of view of postcolonial theory and describes the ideological attitudes of colonial discourse, according to which Belarus is a passive object that is characterized by lack of development (backwardness), permanent dependence and victimhood. Such a representation strategy fits into the scheme of colonial discourse, the object of which is the Other, presented in the categories of local, ethnographic, backward (non-historical), non-independent, static. At the same time, it would seem that positive and innocent images strengthen ideological asymmetry and record the colonial image of the local population as primitive and submissive people. The representation of local residents in tourist texts as obedient and harmless romanticizes the image of a fearless and slightly naive savage, which is part of colonial discourse. Such a strategy of representation of Belarus and Belarusians is connected with the motives of cultural colonialism. The article describes the techniques by which these motifs are revealed: verb in a passive voice, multiple enumeration of words and expressions with negative connotations, use of various types of artistic trail, reception of comic. The revealed features allow us to consider foreign guides to Belarus, with the exception of the guide “Minsk: A Historical Guide and Brief Administrative, Professional and Commercial Directory”, as texts that reproduce ideological colonial asymmetry due to the presence of power relations between the West and Belarus, Russia and Belarus, an

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 67-80

The article deals with the topics related to the national-state construction on the Terek River and in Dagestan in 1917–1920. Attention is paid to the problems of creating regional governments of various political orientations. The question of the confrontation between the Terek Cossacks, mountain leaders and Islamists is raised. Special attention is paid to the foreign policy factor that influenced the course of events in the region. The relevance of the research topic of the realities of the beginning of the XX century. It is caused not only by the 100th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917–1922, but also by the extreme similarity of the events of a century ago with what is happening in the region at the present time. It is noted that the mountain leaders of the liberal-democratic sense could not create a full-fledged statehood, which alienated the bulk of the local population. It is shown that the White Guards in the eyes of local residents were associated with the old regime and could not consolidate them around themselves. The Sharia reflected the point of view of a small part of the mountain population, and were critically dependent on the Bolsheviks and the external factor (Georgia, Azerbaijan, and the Turks). It is proved that only the final Sovietization of the region saved it from self-destruction and returned it to the creative path of development.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 411
Abu Bakar Ramadhan Muhamad

AbstrakHegemoni kolonialisme dalam budaya poskolonial merupakan alasan penelitian inikemudian mengkaji wacana kolonial dalam novel Max Havellar (MH) khususnya dampakditimbulkannya. Dampak dimaksud adalah posisi keberpihakan pemikiran tersirat darikarya tersebut. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan, secara temporal maupun permanen MHmenyuarakan ketidakadilan dalam kondisi-kondisi kolonial menyangkut penindasan sangpenjajah terhadap terjajah. Hanya saja, upaya mengatasnamakan atau mewakili suarakaum terjajah terbukti mengimplikasikan ciri ideologis statis kerangka kolonialisme(orientalisme); yakni cara pandang Eropasentris, di mana “Barat” sebagai self adalah superior,dan “Timur” sebagai other adalah inferior. Dalam konteks poskolonialisme, MH dengan sifatkritisnya yang berupaya “menyuarakan” nasib pribumi terjajah, justru menampilkan stigmapenguatan kolonialitas itu sendiri secara hegemonik. Artinya, “menyuarakan” nasib pribumidimaknai sebagai keberpihankan kolonial yang kontradiktif, di mana stigma penguatankolonialitas justru lebih terasa, ujung-ujungnya melanggengkan hegemoni kolonial. Tidakmembela yang terjajah, tetapi memperhalus cara kerja mesin kolonial.AbstractThe hegemony of colonialism in the culture of postcolonial society is the reason this studythen examines the colonial discourse in the novel Max Havellar (MH) in particular the impactit brings. The impact in question is the implied position of thought in the work. The resultsof the discussion show that, temporarily or permanently, MH voiced injustice in the colonialconditions regarding the oppression of the colonist against the colonized. However, the effort toname or represent the voice of the colonized has proven to imply a static ideological characterin the framework of colonialism (orientalism); ie Eropacentric point of view, in which “West” asself is superior, and “East” as the other is the inferior. In the context of postcolonialism, MH withits critical nature that seeks to “voice” the fate of the colonized natives, actually presents thestigma of strengthening coloniality itself hegemonicly. That is, “voicing” the fate of the pribumiis interpreted as a contradictory colonial flare, where the stigma of strengthening colonialityis more pronounced, which ultimately perpetuates the hegemony of colonialism. No longerdefending the colonized, but refining the workings of the colonial machinery.

1993 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 300-334 ◽  
Gary Reger

Earlier work has tended to view Delos as an entrepôt for the larger Hellenistic grain trade, but during the years of independence (314-167 B.C.) the island relied on the import of grain to satisfy local demand, and this was certainly the more important aspect of the trade in grain, at least from the Delians' point of view. This study explores several issues connected with the local supply of grain. From prices for grain reported in inscriptions and estimates of the local population, the aggregate annual demand for grain is estimated, and the price structure of grain derived; the ratio of wheat and barley prices on Delos is found to differ considerably from that known from Athens and Roman Egypt. The shortage of 282 B.C., assumed by earlier scholars from prices recorded for that year, is shown instead to be a period of atypically low prices. The impact of the sailing season on shipments of grain is explored, and an annual rhythm in grain prices and availability linked to the closure of the sea and the agricultural year is revealed. The Delians tried to reduce the impact of these fluctuations by the public purchase of grain on an irregular basis in the late fourth and third century, as attested through public loans; by the last quarter of the third century they had established a regular sitōnia fund to buy grain for resale at reduced prices. Comparison of funds available, grain prices, and the estimated aggregate demand suggest that the Delian sitōnia was able to cover a significant fraction of local demand; this contrasts with evidence from other cities. Some of the implications of these results for our understanding of the Hellenistic economy are briefly explored.

GeoTextos ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wendel Henrique Baumgartner

As universidades apresentam um importante papel social na promoção do desenvolvimento social, cultural e econômico. Em diversos países sua instalação está ligada também ao desenvolvimento urbano e regional, especialmente de cidades médias e pequenas, promovendo, com relativo sucesso, a modernização da estrutura urbana e econômica dessas cidades. A base empírica desse estudo são as cidades sede dos campi da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (instalados em 2006) e Passau (Baviera/Alemanha), sede da Universidade de Passau, desde 1978. Nosso objetivo é propor uma abordagem metodológica que dê suporte para pesquisas focadas na integração, na fragmentação e nos conflitos entre a cidade da população local e aquela das universidades. Nossas conclusões principais indicam uma grande dinamização do mercado imobiliário, diversificação das atividades comerciais e de serviços, ampliação do papel regional, mas também, do ponto de vista social, conexões fracas e pontuais com a cidade, gerando conflitos entre estudantes/professores e a população local. Abstract PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AS AGENTS IN URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIUM AND SMALL-SIZED CITIES: A THEORETICAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND EMPIRICAL APPROACH The universities have an important role in our society to promote social, cultural and economical development. In many countries universities has been installed in small and medium-sized cities since the 70’s to promote the development and ‘modernization’. Some of them are very successful and the economical development is visible and unquestionable. Our empirical study focuses the cities of the Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia (installed in 2006) and Passau/Bavaria/Germany (University of Passau, installed in 1978). Our goal is to propose methodological approach to support a research based on the integration, fragmentation and conflicts between the city of the local population and city of the Universities. Our major conclusions are connected with the increase of the real estate market, diversification of commercial and service activities, intensification of regional role. From the social point of view, however, there are weak and punctual connections with the cities, promoting spatial and cultural conflicts between the students/professor and the local population.

2021 ◽  
Liubov Ostapenko ◽  

The article is based on materials from a study carried out by employees of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2017–2019. The study was conducted among young people living in two small towns in Central Russia – Belev, Tula region and Staritsa, Tver region. The issues of local-territorial identity of young residents of the Russian province, their attitude to their native city and the local environment are analyzed. An analysis of the sociological survey data made it possible to conclude that at present, territorial identity and love for their city were characteristic of a considerable part of the provincial youth, but these indicators varied markedly. The prevalence of young people’s orientations towards their city decreased in more developed, urbanized, open cities, with a rolling stock of the local population, wider contacts with the ”outside world”, a higher level of education, etc. In less urbanized cities, local-territorial identity and love for their city were more frequent. At the same time, local residents experienced less satisfaction with living conditions and showed more pronounced migration activity.

2018 ◽  
pp. 18-25
Boyko Ranguelov ◽  
Fathimath Shadiya

A new idea about the fractal nature of Maldives archipelago is under investigation. The origin of this famous Maldivian islands’ country is still questionable from geodynamic point of view. The present study is focused to the assessment of the fractal properties and the coefficients of the nonlinearity (fractal dimensions) of the areal spatial distribution of the major atolls of the Maldives. This is the most vulnerable area in the world from point of view of the global warming and the possible negative consequences to the country and population from the ocean level increase. From another side the natural hazards (tsunamis, storms, etc.) are common negative phenomena attacking the country. The strongly developed tourism – more than 30% of the GDP and the increased urbanization is another factor creating ecological problems to the local population. The relationships between the fractal nature and the possible ways to avoid the pollution are also in the focus of this research.

2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-145 ◽  
S. Husseini de Araújo ◽  
P. Kersting

Abstract. After the postcolonial critique, dealing with the power of speaking and self-reflexivity belong to the great challenges of academic work. In this article, we derive the necessity to accept these challenges from our own projects and discuss their practical consequences as well as the difficulties of integrating them in development studies of human and physical geography. We argue that the propositions of postcolonial theory cannot be transferred in practice without contradictions. Therefore, we try to grasp these contradictions with the concept of translation. From the point of view of Translation Studies, contradictions do not necessarily lead to failure, but they have the potential to create new knowledge and give voice to new perspectives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-70

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities and peculiarities of the city environment from the point of view of providing the necessary conditions for the active city lifestyle and active tourism. Cities are interested in the develop- ment of tourism, as an industry that actively attracts investments in the economy, creating a huge variety of workplaces and selfemployment, contributing to the growth of the tax base, preserving local uniqueness and historical and cultural heritage that stimulates creative industries. Obviously, it is impossible, and it is not necessary to create two different cities – “for tourists” and “for citizens”. It means that infrastructure, including transport, street network, cafes and restaurants, entertainment and shopping centers, parks and embankments are actively used by both citizens and tourists. Moreover tourists are attracted by the same objects and events that are in demand among local residents. Accordingly, the creation of a comfortable, safe, friendly city environment is a prerequisite for development, both in terms of improving the quality of life of citizens and attracting tourists. Cities are interested in diversifying the offer for tourist and should contribute to the formation of material and unmaterial factors for the active tourism development. Material factors include the corresponding infrastructure, high-quality ecological situation and a number of others. Unmaterial factors are formed on the basis of city culture, one of the values of which is the active way of life. Priority should be given to the development of the infrastructure of safe school routes, stimulating active modes of movement in the daily regime, creating accessible and safe areas for various sports and outdoor activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-155 ◽  
Eduardo Parra-López ◽  
José Alberto Martínez-González

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to synthesize the published works about tourism in the island. Island destinations, especially smaller ones, suffer the negative effects of tourism more than other destinations. This is because of the characteristics of island destinations and the negative impacts arising from their inadequate management by different stakeholders. For these reasons, and conversely because tourism favors the social and economic development of islands, there has been a great deal of research published on insular tourism in the literature at a global level. Despite the number of studies carried out from different approaches, none have synthesized this scientific production. Thus, the main contribution of this paper is the use of a bibliometric and descriptive approach to carry out a thorough review of studies published on tourist development in island destinations.Design/methodology/approachThe authors use a bibliometric and descriptive approach to carry out a comprehensive review of the published studies on tourism development in island destinations in the past decade with special emphasis on the items analyzed, places of analysis and scientific journals that have addressed this topic.FindingsThe results of the analysis of the literature show the interest of the study of tourism in island destinations. This interest is partly due to the attraction that tourists have for this type of destinations and the need to promote their sustainable management as tourism destinations (Cusick, 2009, Hall, 2011, Cave and Brown, 2012, López, Orgaz, Marmolejo and Alector, 2016). In addition, tourism in island destinations constitutes an opportunity for economic development and benefits both the local population and its visitors (Fabinyi, 2010; Porter et al., 2015).Research limitations/implicationsThe main limitation of this paper is the great diversity of tourist destinations made up of islands, the complex nature of these destinations and tourism and the quantity and diversity of research carried out into them. This aspect has already been highlighted by other authors and makes it complex to determine which research should be included or excluded in this review.Practical implicationsImportantly, the results allow researchers and decision-makers to identify the main areas of interest in the study of island tourism and the reasons for this interest. They also indicate new areas of interest and in-depth studies. Thus, professionals have a map that shows the most relevant factors in tourism development for this type of destination and the variables that, both from a positive and a negative point of view, influence its development.Social implicationsThis research shows that the main areas of interest is island destination are the quality of life of the local community, stakeholder collaboration, sustainability, diversification and seasonality, marketing, consumer behavior/perception and segmentation, planning of tourism activity, information and technology, competitiveness and efficiency.Originality/valueAs evidenced by the amount of research carried out, there is a great deal of interest in tourism in island destinations. This interest arises from the specific characteristics and the interest of tourists themselves in this type of destination, as well as from the negative impacts and opportunities generated by island tourism. Nevertheless, the number of references obtained for tourism in island destinations (N= 949) represents only 0.2 per cent of the total number of studies referring to only “island” in the SCOPUS consultation (339,607 studies). Thus, one of the contributions of this paper has been to highlight the need to continue studying and reviewing in greater depth research on insular tourism.

2015 ◽  
Vol 75 (4 suppl 2) ◽  
pp. 10-15
C. Schemes ◽  
D. Castilhos-Araujo ◽  
M. Lima-Magalhães

This article presents a reflection on the past and current history, uses, and significance of the Luiz Rau creek to the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul. Its waters have always been important to the region, quenching the thirst of the local population and their livestock and providing venues for shared social interactions, but also as a destination for municipal industrial and household waste, which has polluted the waters of the creek. Our primary objective is to present and discuss these aspects with the purpose of elucidating the historical importance of this watercourse to the city of Novo Hamburgo. Toward that end, we conducted an exploratory survey to obtain the necessary inputs for such a discussion. We also employed texts from the now-defunct Jornal 5 de Abril and from Jornal NH, the highest-circulating newspaper in the region, to illustrate some situations experienced by the community. We found that municipal waste continues to be dumped into the creek, which has made it rather unloved by the local residents, but it remains firmly present in their daily lives.

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