scholarly journals Subsídios para o planejamento estratégico em bibliotecas públicas: estudo de caso na Biblioteca Municipal de Palhoça/SC

Jéssica Vilvert Klöppel ◽  
Daniela Spudeit

Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico ambiental que sirva de subsídio para um planejamento estratégico em bibliotecas públicas e nesse trabalho foi relatada a aplicação na Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Palhoça Guilherme Wiethorn Filho. Caracteriza-se como pesquisa aplicada, exploratória e descritiva por procurar interferir na realidade da unidade de informação e ser uma maneira de conhecer e descrever o objeto de estudo com profundidade. O tratamento dos dados foi feito de acordo com a análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2009), resultando na distribuição dos dados em seis categorias: função da Biblioteca Pública; gestão da Biblioteca; relação com a Prefeitura Municipal; estrutura física; acervo; e serviços. A partir do diagnóstico foi definido o mandato; a missão; os pontos fortes e fracos; as oportunidades e ameaças; as questões estratégicas; os obstáculos; e as propostas estratégicas adequadas. Ressalta-se a importância do planejamento estratégico para as bibliotecas públicas principalmente por conviverem com recursos limitados e atenderem um público heterogêneo com diversos perfis de usuários. Espera-se que esse trabalho sirva de referência para a construção de diretrizes e ações para outras bibliotecas públicas.AbstractThis study had the objective to perform an environmental diagnosis that serves as subsidy for a strategic planning in public libraries and in this work it was reported the application in the Guilherme Wiethorn Filho Palhoça Town Public Library. It is characterized as applied research, exploratory and descriptive for trying to interfere in the unit reality of information and for being a way to know and describe the object of study in depth. The data processing was done according to the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2009), resulting in the distribution of data in six categories: function of the Public Library; Library management; relationship with the Town Hall; infrastructure; Library collection; and services. From this diagnosis it was defined the mandate; the mission; the strong and weak points; the opportunities and threats; the strategic issues; the obstacles; and the appropriate strategic proposition. The work emphasizes the importance of strategic planning for public libraries mainly for having to maintain itself with limited resources and serve a heterogeneous public with diverse user profiles. It is the expectation that this work serves as a reference for the construction of guidelines and actions for other public libraries.KeywordsStrategic planning. Public libraries. Public libraries – Diagnosis

1981 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 271-281 ◽  
L. Talyor Harrington ◽  
R.M.L. Carruthers ◽  
M. Moffat

This paper describes comparative studies, an aspect of library management in which there is growing interest. The paper is in three Parts. The first outlines in general terms the objectives of 'interfirm' or 'inter-organisation' comparisons for management. It refers to some important features of effective comparisons, and distinguishes between 'true' interfirm comparisons and general statistical surveys. Part 2 describes the programme of work so far undertaken in the development of inter-library comparisons as a man agement tool. The stages of this work (funded by the British Library R & D Department) are described, together with the findings which emerged as the work progressed. Part 2 ends with a brief assessment of the results of the public library 'pilot' comparison, which involved 27 library systems, and describes plans for further action in this field. Reference is also made to the substantial development work undertaken in 1980 relating to comparisons for academic libraries; and to the possibility of future development work relating to special libraries. The third Part describes the scope and con tent of the main ('pilot') comparison so far undertaken for public libraries; examples of the format of the results of that comparison are given in the Appendices.

2018 ◽  
Pedro Lázaro-Rodríguez

Una de las principales virtudes de los estudios de satisfacción de personas usuarias en bibliotecas es que sitúan el foco de las acciones de evaluación para la mejora precisamente en lo que dichas personas creen y estiman que es necesario mejorar. Si se acepta que la persona usuaria es lo más valioso de una biblioteca, dichos estudios adquieren definitivamente un valor incuestionable a tener en cuenta en los modelos de gestión de las bibliotecas. Con todo, en esta comunicación se presentan los resultados e implicaciones de estudios de satisfacción de personas usuarias llevados a cabo por el laboratorio de investigación Secaba-Lab. Se parte de las conclusiones alcanzadas en estudios a bibliotecas universitarias y, desde ahí, se presentan los resultados del estudio llevado a cabo a la biblioteca pública de Jovellanos (Gijón) en 2017. Las conclusiones son claras: de acuerdo a la valoración de las personas usuarias, la dimensión sobre la que más se desea mejora es la de la biblioteca como espacio frente a las del valor afectivo del servicio y el control de la información. Desde ahí, se plantea y se reflexiona en torno a la necesidad de incluir las implicaciones de dichas conclusiones en los modelos de gestión en bibliotecas públicas, situando a la dimensión de a biblioteca como espacio como eje vertebral prioritario en los futuros modelos de gestión. [The main characteristic of the studies about libraries and user’s satisfaction is that the focus for the evaluation is placed on what the users believe it is needed to improve. If it is accepted that the user is the essence of libraries, user’s satisfaction studies acquire an unquestionable value to be taken into account for the library management models. In this communication are shown both the results and implications of user’s satisfaction studies carried out by the Secaba-Lab research laboratory. All is based in the conclusions reached in several studies carried out in university libraries and the results of the study carried out in the public library of Jovellanos (Gijón). According to the users, libraries need to improve the dimension of the library as place rather than the affect of service and the information control. Thus, it is needed to include the implications of those conclusions in the management models for public libraries, placing the dimension of the library as place as the priority to improve the quality of libraries.]

2016 ◽  
Vol 65 (6/7) ◽  
pp. 404-419 ◽  
Masanori Koizumi ◽  
Michael M. Widdersheim

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to compare the characteristics of the public sphere with those of a shared value approach and better understand the value that public libraries can offer to management theory. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses two methods. First, this study uses a systematic literature review to identify sources relevant to shared value and the public sphere in public libraries. Next, this study uses comparative theoretical analysis using data gathered from the systematic review to analyse the two theories. Findings This study successfully describes the similarities and differences between “shared value” and the “public sphere in public libraries”. Originality/value This study elucidates public library innovation from the perspectives of library management and the public sphere concept.

IFLA Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 034003522095802
Shamim Aktar Munshi ◽  
Mehtab Alam Ansari

The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of district-level public libraries in West Bengal, India. The study focused on staff as well as services against the backdrop of collection development policy. It also investigated the problems faced by librarians and suggested measures to overcome these difficulties. The researchers used a mixed-methods approach – quantitative and qualitative methods – to obtain the data. However, the primary means of data collection was a survey method using a structured questionnaire. Additionally, interviews were carried out with librarians in order to bring more subjectivity to the results. The findings suggest that no selection committees have taken place to recruit new staff in different public libraries; hence, libraries have been suffering from a shortage of staff. Due to severe shortage of library staff, book database has not been completed in Libsys library management software in any surveyed library. Public libraries are established to provide a variety of services to their users. Thus, services are the main product of the public library system. The findings reveal that different kinds of services – such as children’s, career guidance and community information services – are provided by the surveyed libraries to benefit their user communities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Amber Matthews

While contemporary revisionist narratives frame the public library as a benevolent and neutral community resource, it has existed for over two centuries and has a deeply shaded past. Particularly, public libraries played key roles in projects tied to the industrialist mission of states and the education of select social groups during key historical times. In no uncertain terms, these were inherently racist and colonial projects in which libraries helped proffer socially constructed and politically motivated ideas of race and class. This work draws on relevant and important work in anti-oppression studies, Black studies, critical diversity studies, and Critical Race Theory (CRT) to trouble contemporary revisionist perspectives in public librarianship to show how they further entrench monocultural normativity and structural racism. It also draws on scholarship in anti-racism studies to reimagine possibilities for public librarianship that genuinely reflect its core values of equity and justice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Lisbeth Worsøe-Schmidt

The aim is to investigate how digitisation and in particular e-books have changed relations between private players and public institutions within the Danish book world through a case study of eReolen, a private-public partnership functioning as common platform for public libraries’ lending of e-books in Denmark. Traditional and new models of the book world are discussed as the basis of understanding relations between the players. A new way of analysing the field outlined by literary sociologist, Professor Johan Svedjedal, is adopted. The main conclusions are that the lending of e-books has disrupted the traditional understanding and interaction between the public library system and the commercial book market. In addition, the Danish library system through the partnership has taken on a new function in relation to the commercial market, namely acting as the engine in building a market for Danish e-books.

IFLA Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-47 ◽  
Claudia Șerbănuță

For almost half a century Romania was under a totalitarian regime. In times of severe censorship and information control the communist regime promoted public libraries. This paper will present the main phases of the public library system development and discuss how the state’s emphasis on providing large collections of books influenced library services. As part of an oral history project, this paper will use memories of people who worked in public libraries of various sizes in the 1970s and the 1980s, archival documents and secondary sources to contribute to a more nuanced discussion about the recent history of Romanian public libraries. What were the phases of the development of the national library system and how important was the library collection for the institutional survival of the public library? The paper will also discuss the collection development policy and contrast it with the impoverished professional development within the library system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Matthew Kelly

A new model of the public library is outlined that explicitly links it to its role in support of civil society. The model argues that the ongoing “chaining” of public libraries to direct government oversight and control is deleterious to their ability to actualize their potential. Collateral argument is made that that it is the civil society character rather than the simply free nature of these libraries which needs to be harnessed to help move the conceptualization of the sector away from a reactive model of client service toward a dynamic approach that integrates with the life experiences of clients.

2009 ◽  
Vol 30 (4/5) ◽  
pp. 253-265 ◽  
Petros A. Kostagiolas ◽  
Christina Banou ◽  
Evangelia‐Maria Laskari

PurposeThe purpose of the paper is twofold: to provide an overview of the present situation at the Greek central public libraries and to identify strategic development areas in regard to education and training, social and economic development, e‐government, reading policy, cultural cohesion and identity.Design/methodology/approachA survey was conducted in January and February 2008 through extensive semi‐structured interviews with all the 29 Greek central public libraries.FindingsThe paper finds that a formal strategic plan is becoming necessary for the Greek central public libraries in order to understand themselves, redefine their policies and priorities, and further consider the needs and expectations of their users and of the society as a whole.Practical implicationsThis paper contributes to the discussion on the development of strategic planning aimed at the central public libraries in Greece and may assist in providing evidence for strategic planning in a national and/or in an institutional level.Originality/valueIt is one of the very few studies in Greece providing empirical evidence for the strategic planning and management of the central public libraries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 117 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 186-200 ◽  
Siobhan A Stevenson

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to draw attention to one specific upper-level government policy document in which a discourse of perpetual innovation and customer service is promoted, and the kinds of questions such discursive interventions raise for the future of work in public libraries; and second, to demonstrate the explanatory potential of the concept of immaterial labour for questions relating to emerging labour processes in libraries. The concepts of “prosumer” and Web 2.0 are included as discursive resources of relevance to any discussion of immaterial labour. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents a critical discourse analysis of a public policy visioning document for public libraries in Ontario, Canada, with reflections on related literatures. Findings – The concept of immaterial labour provides an additional analytic tool suitable for questions of relevance to public librarians and library scholars. Within the government text under review which deals specifically with the future of the public library to 2020, the identity of the public librarian is alarmingly absent. Conversely, the library patron as a producer and consumer is privileged. Research limitations/implications – Failure to attend to the broader policy arena within which the public library resides creates dangerous blind spots for public library professionals, educators and researchers. Practical implications – This paper demonstrates the value of a discourse analysis for uncovering the ideological dimensions of policy documents, while simultaneously modelling the method using the kind of policy text commonly produced in governments around the world. Social implications – This paper shows how failure to attend to the broader policy arena within which the public library resides creates dangerous blind spots for the public library community. Originality/value – This paper contextualizes the immaterial and volunteer labour of the public library user as producer/consumer in the context of the future of the frontline professional and waged librarian.

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