scholarly journals Covid-19 Vaccination Options for Immunosuppressed Cancer Patients

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
I Dewa Agung Panji Dwipayana ◽  
I Dewa Ayu Agung Diah Sutarini

Background: Currently, many COVID-19 vaccine candidates are being developed to end the pandemic; however, immunosuppressed cancer patients have been excluded from the participating criteria. It is important that they are able to examine their options for achieving immunity against COVID-19. Purpose: This review aims to discuss the available options that can be taken to vaccinate immunosuppressed cancer patients when no vaccine is being developed for their safety. Method: A literature study was conducted using Google Scholar, DOAJ, and GARUDA Library on November 2, 2020, focusing on articles examining vaccination guidelines for immunosuppressed cancer patients. Results: The search found 200 articles, which were curated to obtain 13 articles that satisfied all inclusion criteria. These consist of four guidelines, five reviews, and four research articles. Based on the literature, immunosuppressed cancer patients have the option to use the vaccines currently under development, with precautions set for live attenuated and potentially infectious vaccines. Vaccination timing also needs to be adjusted so as to fall at a certain time before or after the immunosuppressive condition. Moreover, a more complete COVID-19 immunity can be achieved through a synergy between individual vaccination and the construction of herd immunity. Conclusion: Most of the vaccines currently under development may be safe for cancer patients, being mindful of several considerations. Here, herd immunity can serve as a complement to individual immunity.

JKEP ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-158
Nanda Agustia ◽  
Gamya Tri Utami ◽  
Fathra Annis Nauli

Head injury is a type of trauma that is commonly found in emergency departements, this is evidence by the large number of deaths resulting from the incidence of head injuries. if the patient survives and they will have physiological or anatomical disorders that affect to the quality of life. The purpose of this literature study is to find out the quality of life of patients after suffering a head injury. The method used is a literature study obtained from scientific reseach article that searches in accordance with the inclusion criteria, start from 2015 up to 2019 using Google Scholar,Science Direct, and Pubmed. The keyword used are Quality of life, Head Injury. Based on 7 research articles, it was found that 6 out 7 articles stated that there was a decrease in quality of life in post-injury patients with duration of 3, 6, and 12 months, evaluation quality of life the domain of assessment of quality of life that experienced the most decrease was in the physical, psychological, social and cognitive domains, 1 research article stated that there was increase in quality of life after head injury. Based on result there was a decrease in quality of life in post-injury patients

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Delia Amalia ◽  
Ermiati Ermiati ◽  
Eka Afrima Sari

Teenage pregnancy is one of the health problems in developing countries that has not been resolving yet. Adolescent perception is one of the factors that influence the incident of teenage pregnancy. At present, there are still limited research articles about adolescent perceptions toward teenage pregnancy. The purpose of this literature study is to find out how adolescent perceptions toward teenage pregnancy. This literature study used a scoping review method. There were 6 articles was analyzed after sorting by inclusion criteria consisting of the article contained an explanation or description of adolescent perceptions of teenage pregnancy, the year 2015-2020, English or Indonesian, full text, samples aged 10-19 years. The result of the study found out that adolescents had negative perceptions such as pregnancy among adolescents is too young, teenage pregnancy caused by several factors, and has various negative impacts toward adolescents, parents, and infants. Furthermore, adolescents had positive perceptions such as teenage pregnancy in adolescent is normal, life will not differ, her boyfriend will be responsible to her pregnancy. The conclusions from this literature review were the difference in perceptions between adolescents towards pregnancy in adolescents is influenced by adolescent environmental culture and believed.

2021 ◽  
Setiyo Adi Nugroho

Self Reported very rarely considered as intervention resolve Pandemic COVID 19 in Indonesia. A literature study was conducted to serve as a reference for the importance of self-reporting in overcoming this pandemic. This literature study uses an electronic database through national and international journals such as science directx, elsiver, NEJM, Google scholar. Inclusion criteria used by the author is to limit or journal article that appeared in the last two years starting in 2019 until 2021. The keyword used for the search was Self reported COVID 19. The results of the Literature Review of 29 journals (Google Scholar 8 articles, science directx 6 articles, Elsiver 7 articles, NEJM 8 articles) 17 published journals did not match the topic of discussion. There were 11 articles that met the criteria and were selected to be used as case studies. The results of the research as a whole show that self-reported is able to provide an overview of COVID 19 in the community and make it easier to find out people with COVID 19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Belet Lydia Ingrit

<p>Infertility is the failure to get a pregnancy after at least one year of sexual intercourse without using contraception. Many efforts that have been made by infertil women to get pregnant but not a few have failed treatment. Perception will affect the adaptation and quality of life of a woman. Therefore the purpose of this literature review is to explore perceptions and quality of life of women with infertility. Research articles were obtained from two databases namely EBSCO and Google Scholar. Literature search uses keywords (Indonesian and English), namely Perception and quality of life of women with infertility with inclusion criteria for research articles from 2009-2019, primary articles, full text and research subjects are infertil women (both primary and secondary). From 464 research articles, six articles were reviewed that met all the inclusion criteria and objectives of this literature review. Six articles obtained were then made critical appraisals which were then analyzed using simplified thematic analysis. The theme that emerged from this literature review was the negative impact, quality of life and handling of infertility. Based on the results of the review of this article, it is necessary to support both social and emotional systems for infertility women to achieve a better quality of life.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: </strong>Infertilitas adalah kegagalan untuk mendapatkan kehamilan setelah setidaknya satu tahun berhubungan seksual tanpa menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Banyak upaya yang sudah dilakukan perempuan infertil untuk bisa hamil namun tidak sedikit yang gagal dalam pengobatan. Persepsi akan memengaruhi adaptasi dan kualitas hidup seorang perempuan. Oleh karena itu tujuan kajian literatur ini adalah untuk menggali persepsi dan kualitas hidup peremuan dengan infertil. Artikel penelitian didapatkan dari dua database yaitu EBSCO dan Google Scholar. Pencarian literatur menggunakan kata kunci (bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris) yaitu persepsi (Perception) dan kualitas hidup perempuan dengan infertilitas (Quality of life women with infertility) dengan kriteria inklusi artikel penelitian dari tahun 2009-2019, artikel primer, fulltext dan subjek penelitian adalah perempuan infertil (baik primer maupun sekunder). Dari 464 artikel penelitian didapatkan enam artikel yang direview yang memenuhi semua kriteria inklusi dan tujuan dari kajian literatur ini. Enam artikel yang didapatkan kemudian dilakukan penilaian kritis (critical appraisal) yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan simplified thematic analysis. Tema yang muncul dari kajian literatur ini adalah dampak negatif, kualitas hidup dan penanganan infertilitas. Berdasarkan hasil review artikel ini, dibutuhkan support system baik sosial maupun emosional bagi perempuan infertilitas untuk mencapai kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Gandi Iswanto ◽  
Rini Rachmawaty ◽  
Julianus Ake

One of the most common problems among patients with cancer is anxiety and it can cause other physiological problems caused by anxiety. This literature review aimed to review the literature on the effect of hypnosis on reducing anxiety in cancer patients. The research design used was a literature review. The search for articles used several databases, including Pubmed, Google Scholar, with the keyword Hypnosis, Hypnosis in cancer patients, the effectiveness of hypnosis, hypnosis to lower reports. The type of article used was research articles. Collected articles were reselected based on inclusion criteria, namely: 1) The purpose of the article was to analyze the effect of hypnosis on reducing anxiety in cancer patients, 2) experimental and qualitative research. Exclusion Criteria, namely: 1) not a full text article, 2) Articles that use languages other than Indonesian and English. After searching based on keywords, we obtained 791 articles from the entire database used. Then the article selection was carried out, 6 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria, 5 articles showed the effect of hypnosis on reducing anxiety in cancer patients, 1 article stated that hypnosis with 3 stages was more optimal for reducing anxiety, namely; self hypnosis, suggestion, visualization offers restraint. Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that hypnosis has an effect on reducing anxiety in cancer patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Sani Ega Priani ◽  

Background: Enhancing the immune system is very important during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent infections and reduce the risk of disease severity. Therefore, it is necessary to use natural products with an immunostimulant effect. In Islam, there is a system of treatment or disease prevention based on Al-Quran and Hadith, which is called Tibb an-Nabawi or prophetic medicine. Objective: This research aims to conduct a literature study of Tibb an-Nabawi, which has proved to be able to increase the immune system, based on Islamic and scientific approaches. Method: The research was based on a systematic literature review using research articles from the last ten years. The inclusion criteria were articles discussing the immunostimulatory activity of Tibb an-Nabawi, while the exclusion criteria were immune system enhancing herbs that were not Tibb an-Nabawi. Results: Based on the literature studies, it is known that at least six natural products based on Tibb an-Nabawi have scientifically proved to increase the immune system, namely black cumin, honey, dates, ginger, garlic, and pumpkin. The mechanism of immune system enhancement is different in each substance, but in general, they can increase humoral or cellular immunity. The active compounds contained in each of these ingredients contribute to the resulting immunostimulant activity. Conclusion: Black cumin, honey, dates, ginger, garlic, and pumpkin are natural products based on Al-Quran and Hadith, which have scientifically proved to enhance the immune system. Keywords: Tibb an-Nabawi, Thibbun Nabawi, immune system, immunostimulant, pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1396-1399
Disha Bhatero ◽  
Punam Sawarkar ◽  
Gaurav Sawarkar

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by novel Coronavirus. The overall prevalence rate of Covid-19 in Worldwide ( 9.94M )& it is (529 K) & (153 K) in India and Maharashtra. This situation can be considered under JanapadodhwansaVyadhi in Ayurveda. The primary purpose of Ayurveda  is the prevention of the disease in healthy individuals and eradication of disease, which are curable. Immunity comes under the Vyadhikshamatva. Further, Covid-19 infection is correlated with Vataj-Kaphaj Jwara. In Ayurveda Rasayana therapy to boost up immunity (Bala  & Vyadhikshamatva). The present study aimed to explore the concept of infectious disease and its prevention through different lifestyles described in Ayurveda. The above need-based information is collected from various Ayurvedicliterature (Laghutrayee, Bruhatryayi) along with numerous research articles from databases, such as PubMed, Google Scholar. All collected data were depicted in narrative form and tabular manner under different heads. Considering the above aspect in the prevention of Covid-19, the role of Ayurveda intervention may be proved more beneficial in Covid-19. Further, adoption of code of conduct may efficiently overcome the current pandemic situation by maintaining good immunity & implementation of Ahar, Vihar Vidhis, Dincharya, and Rutucharya& Sadvritta  for improving disease resistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 01 ◽  
Carla Pires ◽  
Ana Fernandes

Background: Natural products are commonly used for treating health problems. These products may be associated with adverse events, which are defined as "noxious and unintended response to a medicinal product" by the European Medicine Agency. Objectives: To identify studies describing at least one adverse event (or with potential to promote an adverse event) related to the use of natural products, as well as to describe the involved product(s) and adverse event(s). Methods: A pre-systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses criteria. Keywords: "natural product(s)" and ["adverse drug reaction(s)" or "adverse effect(s)"]. Screened databases: PubMed, SciELO, DOAJ and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria: papers describing at least one adverse event associated with the use of natural products and published between 2017 and 2019. Exclusion criteria: Repeated studies, reviews and papers written in other languages than English, Portuguese, French or Spanish. Results: 104 studies were identified (20 PubMed; 0 SciELO; 2 DOAJ; 82 Google Scholar), but only 10 were selected (4 PubMed and 6 Google Scholar): 1 in-vitro study; 2 non-clinical studies, 1 study reporting in-vitro and clinical data and 5 studies were cases reports. Globally, 997 reports of adverse drug reactions with natural products were identified, mainly non-severe cases. Conclusion: Since a limited number of studies was found, we conclude that adverse events due to natural products may be underreported, or natural products may have a good safety profile. This review contributes for assuring the safety of natural products consumers, by evaluating the knowledge/information on the potential adverse events and interactions of these products.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532098831
Zoe Brown ◽  
Marika Tiggemann

Celebrities are well-known individuals who receive extensive public and media attention. There is an increasing body of research on the effect of celebrities on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Yet, there has been no synthesis of the research findings. A systematic search for research articles on celebrities and body image or eating disorders resulted in 36 studies meeting inclusion criteria. Overall, the qualitative, correlational, big data, and experimental methodologies used in these studies demonstrated that exposure to celebrity images, appearance comparison, and celebrity worship are associated with maladaptive consequences for individuals’ body image.

Hiroko Takedatsu ◽  
Shigeki Shichijo ◽  
Kouichi Azuma ◽  
Hidetoshi Takedatsu ◽  
Michio Sata ◽  

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