scholarly journals The Existence Of Loyalty In Indonesia Ministery Education Regulation On Electronic Text Book. (Study Of Vocational High School’s Electronic Text Book In Bandung)*)

Zulganef Sutan Sati ◽  
Usin Susanto

The Indonesian government believes that textbooks play a strategic role in improving the quality of primary and secondary education (Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.11 of 2005). Nevertheless, Abdulkarim (2010) revealed that the quality of school textbooks, either in junior or vocational / high school is very low. The contradiction between Regulation of the Minister of National Education Regulation goal and Abdulkarim (2010), and some previous research, such as Heskett et al. (1997), and Dimitriades (2006) motivates this study to analyze the effect of satisfaction to commitment and loyalty of vocational teachers in Bandung. The results showed that there was no correlation between satisfaction and the commitment and between the commitment and loyalty, but there is a significant direct correlation between satisfaction and loyalty. This shows that users of textbooks as the government policy consumers has loyalty in the sense will do its use continuously, but the loyalty is not based on a commitment, but only based on satisfaction.This is suggests that vocational high school teachers are satisfied with the textbook but don’t want to rely on Regulation of National Education Minister, since commitment is defined by Dwyer et al. (1987), Morgan and Hunt (1994), and Pritchard et al. (1999) as a stable seeking and defensive attitude towards not to change a choice. They are easy to change attitudes through using of Electronic Text Boook (ETB) as teaching materials. The Authors also revealed some limitations and recommendations

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Soedijarto Soedijarto

The Republic of Indonesias State Constitution of 1945 adopted a basic policy that obliges the government to run one national education system. It would seem it was the belief of the Founding Fathers when they drafted the constitution that education would be the strategic vehicle for ensuring that the newly independent Indonesian nation would be modern, democratic, prosperous, and with a concept of social justice based on the state philosophy of Pancasila. In implementing the basic policy, a series of education laws (1950, 1954, 1989 and 2003) have been promulgated that were to produce an educated citizenry who would be intelligent, healthy, moral, democratic, and responsible. This policy, and the goals and principles of education formulated in the constitution and in subsequent education laws, is in line with a paradigm followed by many nations that have made education an effective means of supporting their growth and development. Education is seen by some economists and political scientists to have a strategic role in improving the quality of life for Indonesian citizens. However, there has been no serious political determination on the part of the elites who control government and parliament to support the implementation of an education system that accords with the hopes and ambition of the Founding Fathers. The funding necessary for education has not been set aside in national budgets despite the constitutional and legislative requirements and expectations that this be done. The funding for education in Indonesia, compared with other developing nations, is low. The goals and principals adopted in the constitution and education laws have not been seriously and consistently implemented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Yuni Listya Owada Siahaan ◽  
Rini Intansari Meilani

In Indonesia, the existence of non-permanent teachers has become an inseparable part of achieving national education goals. However, a diverse and non-standard compensation system for non-permanent teachers in this country seems to have an impact on the types and amounts of compensation they receive. This triggers, in general, the high level of dissatisfaction in their work and the lack of optimal quality of their work as teachers. This article discusses the results of research aimed at knowing the effect of compensation systems for non-permanent teachers, of a private vocational high school in West Java, on their job satisfaction. Data was obtained through questionnaires distributed to 30 non-permanent teachers. Collected data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results showed that the compensation system was in the category of being quite effective and the level of teacher jobsatisfaction was in low category. This shows that the compensation system has a positive and significant effect on non-permanent teachers’ job satisfaction. The effectiveness of the compensation system for non-permanent teachers, especially the type and amount of incentives, is the main focus that must be improved by schools’ authority and the government, along with the improvement of the quality of psychological aspects, especially in terms of creating an environment that supports non-permanent teachers to feel comfortable and be willing to continue working.ABSTRAKDi Indonesia, keberadaan guru tidak tetap telah menjadibagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pencapain tujuan pendidikan nasional. Namun demikian, sistem kompensasi yang beragam dan belum baku bagi para guru tidak tetap di negara ini nampaknya berimbas pada ketidaktetapan jenis serta jumlah kompensasi yang mereka terima. Hal ini memicu tingginya tingkat ketidakpuasan mereka dalam bekerja dan belum optimalnya kualitas kerja mereka sebagai guru. Artikel ini membahas hasil penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem kompensasi bagi para guru tidak tetap di sebuah SMK Swasta di Jawa Barat terhadap kepuasan kerja mereka. Data diperoleh melalui angket yang disebarkan kepada 30 orang guru tidak tetap. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem kompensasi berada pada kategori cukup efektif dan tingkat kepuasan kerja guru tidak tetap berada pada kategori rendah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja guru tidak tetap. Efektivitas sistem kompensasi bagi guru tidak tetap, khususnya jenis dan besaran insentif menjadi fokus utama yang harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya oleh sekolah dan pemerintah, berikut dengan peningkatan kualitas aspek psikologis dalam hal penciptaan lingkungan yang mendukung para guru tidak tetap agar merasa nyaman dan betah untuk terus bekerja. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Haryanto Haryanto

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">The character education program launched by the Government has not reaped encouraging results, as evidenced by the worsening moral decline that occurs in the midst of the nation's children, such as corruption, drug abuse, LGBT lifestyle, free sex association, fighting between students, students and villagers, intolerance among religious people, separatism that threatens the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, and so forth.  The concept of education in imam al-Tirmiżî's al-Jâmi' al-Ṣaḥîḥ explains in detail the basic potential of man (heart, reason, taste, initiative and body), and explains the relationship between an individual and religious principles, with oneself and with his environment. The concept is very relevant to the purpose of national education, which is noble and morally praiseworthy to be able to improve the quality of individuals, families and communities to build a just and civilized national and state order, to further achieve the ideals of social justice for all Indonesians.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak  </strong>                                </p><p class="16cKataKunci">Program pendidikan karakter yang dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah belum menuai hasil yang menggembirakan, dibuktikan dengan semakin parahnya kemunduran moral yang terjadi di tengah-tengah anak bangsa, seperti korupsi, penyalahgunaan obat-obat terlarang, gaya hidup LGBT, pergaulan seks bebas, tawuran antar pelajar, mahasiswa dan warga kampung, intoleransi antar umat beragama, separatisme yang mengancam keutuhan NKRI, dan lain sebagainya.  Konsep pendidikan adab dalam kitab al-Jâmi’ al-Ṣaḥîḥ karya Imam al-Tirmiżî menerangkan secara terperinci dalam mengembangkan potensi dasar manusia (hati, akal, rasa, karsa dan raga), serta menjelaskan relasi antara seorang individu dengan prinsip-prinsip agama, dengan diri sendiri dan dengan lingkungannya. Konsep sangat relevan dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional, yangmana adab mulia dan akhlak terpuji mampu meningkatkan kualitas individu, keluarga dan masyarakat untuk membangun tatanan berbangsa dan bernegara yang berkeadilan dan beradab, untuk selanjutnya mencapai cita-cita keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.</p>

Franciscus Xaverius Wartoyo ,

<p>Abstract<br />Government has the legal responsibilities in the implementation of national education system to carry out the mandate set out in Section 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 related to the intellectual life of the nation. This is confirmed and applied by The Indonesian Government Regulation 47/2008 regarding compulsory education and Indonesian Government Regulations 48/2008 related to the funding education of elementary school (SD) to high school (SMP) free made by the government through the School Operational Assistance (BOS) to make the education system based on the national human values and justice according to Pancasila ad realize the human rights set out in the Constitution Indonesian 1945 Article28 c paragraph(1) and Article 28d paragraph (3) stated that every citizen has the right to obtain equal opportunities in government. The free primary education can not be realized in a fair and equitable for the presence of education autonomy, every area is not the same policies and management education in many schools that are not transparent even still many schools to collect funds for the reason given by the government budget for operational costs is not enough.In addition, the9-year basic education which should be free up to secondary education (high school) born by either the state of infrastructure, teachers’ salaries, electricity, telephone, computer, books, stationery without distinguishing between public and private schools.<br /><em>Keywords: national education, justice, humanity,Indonesian contitution 1945</em></p><p>Abstrak<br />Pemerintah memiliki tanggung jawab hukum dalam implementasi sistem pendidikan nasional sebagai amanah (mandat) dari Pasal 31 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yakni hak mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Mandat tersebut diturunkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 Tahun 2008 tentang wajib belajar dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 48/2008 tentang Pendanaan Pendidikan dari Sekolah Dasar ( SD ) hingga Sekolah Menengah ( SMP ) yang gratis ditanggung oleh pemerintah melalui Bantuan Operasional Sekolah ( BOS ) dalam rangka untuk menciptakan sistem pendidikan berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan nasional dan keadilan dalam Pancasila, serta dalam rangka penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia berdasar Pasal 28C ayat (1) dan Pasal 28D ayat (3) dimana setiap warga negara memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam pemerintahan. Pendidikan dasar gratis tidak dapat dicapai secara adil dan merata karena setiap daerah miliki kebijakan dan manajemen pendidikan yang berbeda, adanya ketidaktransparanan sekolah dalam mengelola dana, dan faktor alasan ketidakcukupan dana yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada sekolah. Pendidikan Dasar 9 (sembilan tahun) seharusnya gratis sampai pada Pendidikan Menengah Pertama (SMP) baik dalam hal infrastruktur pendidikan, honor guru, biaya listrik, telepon, pengadaan komputer, buku-buku tanpa ada pembedaan sekolah publik dan sekolah swasta.<br /><em>Kata kunci: Pendidikan Nasional, Keadilan, Kemanusiaan, UUD 1945</em></p>

Syarifa Hanoum ◽  
, Anandita Ade Putri ◽  
Ilun Tisrinasari

Human resource plays an important role for the economy. How to obtain human resource quality is by implementing the quality of education system. Education is one of the important considerations sought by the government, as proved by the size of its allocation on budget. Therefore, evaluating the efficiency of its implementation in Indonesia is needed by using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. This paper attempts to develop a new efficiency model of Indonesian education system and implement it to all school’s levels: primary school, junior high school, senior and vocational high school, in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The results show provinces that already have achieved cost, technical and overall efficiency are only 1 and 2 provinces at each levels of education. Regarding the managerial implications, teacher’s equity is a top priority in improving the quality of education system in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Muhamad Faizul Amirudin

The lack of the role of the school committee in education makes it a school partner to improve its management. Because it is clear in Law number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System article 56 paragraph 3 that the school council approves in improving the quality of assistance by providing, directives and support for labor, facilities and infrastructure, and supervision of education at the education level. This paper is a literature study that uses documents related to schools and education suppliers as sources of data and analyzed using qualitative descriptive. Reconstruction of the management of the committee through improvements to the planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating the work program of the school committee and education unit. In addition, training and guidance for school committees also requires building good communication and cooperation between the school committee, the government and other parties. That way it is expected to increase the strategic role of schools in improving the quality of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-129
Anik Susanti ◽  
Dyah Maya Nihayah

The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the willingness to pay (willingness to pay) and fax tor the factors that affect the willingness to pay at Vocational High School in the  of Semarang. The method used is Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and multiple linear regression analysis. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents, the sampling technique was done by purposive sampling and proportional sampling. The results of this study indicate that the average willingness to pay (WTP) of households in Vocational High Schools in Semarang  is Rp. 167.950,00. Factors that have a significant influence on WTP values ​​are income variables, number of household dependents, age and length of access. Whereas the factors that have no effect on willingness to pay (WTP) are parents' education variables. Based on the results of the study, the suggestions that can be put forward are the management or the government to improve the quality of the Vocational School as well as the development of a transparency policy on the collection and allocation of user fees and other resources

I. Made Sudana ◽  
Delta Apriyani ◽  
Sita Nurmasitah

Vocational High School has an essential role in preparing the competent workers for the industry. To encounter the 4.0 industrial revolution era, Vocational High Schools must be able to keep up with developments by revitalizing a roadmap so the graduates have in line competencies with the industry’s needs. The revitalization of the Vocational High School roadmaps is inseparable from the principles of 2013 curriculum, the improvement of teacher’s quality competencies through training in the industry, and the application of student-centred learning models, such as; Project Based Learning (PrBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL) that emphasizes on ability for innovation and creativity, the improvement of education personnel’s competence, and the collaboration with business and industrial world. The fulfilment of eight Indonesia National Education Standards (NES) has become absolute. The finding of this study are four main aspects as the basic of vocational road maps revitalization, namely; (1) synchronizing the curriculum with industry, (2) revitalizing the quality of teaching staff and education personnel, (3) revitalizing facilities and infrastructure, (4) optimizing cooperation with industry, and (5) strengthening soft skills competence.

Felino B Javines

When President Benigno Aquino III signed into law Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, this signals an insistent educational reform that will make academic stakeholders conscious of the quality of graduates they produce.  This goes to show that the government is assertive in improving the quality of our educational system to be at par with international standards.  Thus, Education was significantly prioritized and given importance.  One of the most challenging features of K to 12 is the establishment of the Senior High School program.  It is then the purpose of this paper is to present the Grade 11 and 12 model of the University of San Carlos Basic Education Department under the Technical Vocational (Tech-Voc) Track. The project is collaboration between two institutions with distinct orientation. Tech-Voc Track is one of the four identified tracks of the K to 12 Program under Senior High School with Academic Track, Sports Track and Arts and Design completing the list.  This collaborative technical vocational track is also rooted in the country’s education strategy which is anchored on the National Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan and attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) which aim to provide an overarching policy framework for basic education with a vision that all Filipinos will acquire basic competencies.  Significantly it is also pegged in the objectives of the K to 12 Program specifically the items that state – “ be adequately prepared for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education and “be legally employable with potential for better learnings.

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