2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Shahibah Yuliani ◽  
Nova Scorviana Herminasari

The purpose of this research is to know the community participation management of mangrove forests in PAL Jaya Beach, Segarajaya Village Tarumajaya District, Bekasi. This study uses descriptive method, which aims to find information from  by using the questionnaire (closed questionnaire), direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study were 25 people consisting of members of the Supervisory Society Group (POKMASWAS), Ikatan Pemuda Putera Daerah (IKAPUD), and other communitie. The results showed that community participation management of mangrove forests is relatively high from the aspects of planning and activities implementation (restoration). Community participation is also supported by several institutions cooperate such as socialization, mangrove planting, and development of mangrove forest area. However, community involvement in treating mangroves have been low. Related to community participation in utilizing mangrove forests is still educatiobal tourist area

Jurnal Zona ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi ◽  
Yusni Ikhwan Siregar ◽  
Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini

Mangrove forest area, Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh in Dumai City has been developed into the ecotourism forests. Empirical experience as well as issues about Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh such as: tourist motivation mangrove ecotourism activity, environmental pollution and is deemed necessary taken a study to the development of potentials. The main purpose of this research is: (1) to analize factor that attract tourist to conduct mangrove ecotourism activity in mangrove forest Bandar Bakau Puteri Tujuh area (2) calculate carrying capacity mangrove forests area (3) to provide sustainable mangrove forestsecotourism in Puteri Tujuh area. Survey on qualitative and descriptive  approachwere done this study.Data were collected in the questionnaire and deep interview method. The research was carried out in August-Oktober 2015. It appeared that: factor attracting tourists to visit included the hospitality with result 91% tourists argues. Characteristics of the are were of suitable for education ecotourism activity and scenery enjoy ecotourism activity. It is suggestedto create sustainable mangrove ecotourism in Bandar BakauPuteriTujuh (1) Which need to developing more ecotourism activity for tourist. 2) Goverment with area organizer must be add to availability and repair facilities ecotourism mangrove activity (3) Need to Dumai City goverment regulations allotment status area and space arrangement plan Bandar BakauPuteriTujuh sphere as ecotourism mangrove area. 4) Hand over construct and specifically training for organizer about ecotourism development in cohesiveness

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Komang Iwan Suniada

Study of the function of mangrove forests as a sediment trap has been largely undertaken using field measurement methods, but only a few researches that fully utilize remote sensing data to find out the influence of mangrove forest’s area changes against the Total Suspended Matter (TSM) making this study very interesting and important to do.  This research was conducted in Perancak estuary area which is one of mangrove ecosystem area in Bali besides West Bali National Park, Benoa Forest Park and Nusa Lembongan. The data used to generate TSM information and change of mangrove forest area in this research is medium resolution satellite image data, Landsat.  Tidal data and rainfall data were used as a supporting data. The information of TSM concentration obtained by using Budhiman (2004) algorithm, shows that along with the increasing of mangrove forest area has caused the decreasing of TSM concentration at mouth Perancak river. The decline was caused by sediments trapped and settled around trees or mangrove roots, especially the Rhizophora mangroves. In addition to the increasing of mangrove forest area, the tidal oceanography factor also greatly influences the TSM fluctuation around Perancak river mouth. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
D Diarto ◽  
Boedi Hendrarto ◽  
Sri Suryoko

ABSTRAK Potensi dan keunikan sumber daya alam pada Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Tugurejo (KHMT) memiliki peran sangat signifikan dalam pengembangan ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lingkungan masyarakat pesisir. Pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mendukung pengembangan wilayah pesisir secara optimal, bijaksana, dan bertanggung jawab, tentunya dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan berbagai pihak yang terkait serta dengan tetap memperhatikan daya dukung lingkungan KHMT. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan  KHMT. Antusiasme, keinginan, dan harapan serta adanya kepedulian sosial masyarakat setempat merupakan bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT.  Adanya partisipasi masyarakat menjadi faktor pendukung dalam upaya pengembangan wilayah pesisir Kota Semarang. Gambaran partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan KHMT ditunjukkan dengan tingginya keinginan masyarakat untuk menjaga dan melestarikan serta adanya harapan terhadap upaya perlindungan atau perbaikan KHMT. Bentuk partisipasi masyarakat adalah partisipasi sukarela atau swakarsa. Kata Kunci: Kawasan hutan mangrove tugurejo, Pengelolaam lingkungan, Partisipasi masyarakat ABSTRACT The potency and uniqueness of natural resources in Mangrove Forest Area of Tugurejo (KHMT) has a very significant role in developing economic, social, cultural, and environmental of coastal communities. Environmental Management of KHMT is one of effort to support the developing coastal areas optimally, wisely, and responsibly, of course, with the community participation and other stakeholders and also by considering the carrying capacity of KHMT. The objective  of this research was to provide an overview of community participation to environmental management of KHMT. The enthusiasm, desires, and expectations as well as the social concerns of local communities was a form of community participation in environmental management of KHMT. The community participation become a contributing factor in developing the coastal area of Semarang City. The overview of community participation to environmental management of KHMT was indicated by strong desire of the communities to maintain and preserve it and also the presence of community expectation for the protection or improvement of KHMT. The form of community participation was voluntary or spontaneous participation. Keywords: Mangrove Forest Area of Tugurejo, Environmental Management, Commuunity Participation

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Adam Adam

Kelurahan Tangjung Sengkuang berada di pinggir pantai dengan luas pantai 120,6 km², yang mana di pinggir pantai Tanjung Sengkuang ini ditumbuhi pohon mangrove. Berdasarkan data Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Kota Batam menyatakan wilayah Batam kehilangan sekitar 800 hektar hutan mangrove sepanjang tahun 2015. Hal ini senada dengan kondisi pohon mangrove di Kelurahan Tanjung Sengkuang yang kelihatan sudah mulai punah dan tidak terpelihara akibat perusahaan-perusahaan yang berada disekitar pantai Tanjung Sengkuang menebang hutan bakau semena-mena ditambah warga yang mempunyai kapal-kapal menebang pohon mangrove untuk dijadikan lahan tempat bersandarnya kapal. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini diantaranya, untuk menanamkan rasa peduli masyarakat terhadap lingkungan hidup khususnya pohon mangrove, disamping itu juga kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan membangkitkan motivasi  masyarakat akan pentingnya pelestarian hutan bakau untuk keberlangsungan hidup habitat laut dan juga untuk kesehatan warga sekitar pantai. Adapun metode kegiatan yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini menggunakan metode, ceramah, diskusi, simulasi, dan penyuluhan. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini yaitu KSM Tanjung Sengkuang Bersih, Karang Taruna Tanjung Sengkuang, Anak-anak sekolah, dan masyarakat sekitar pantai. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut, penanaman pohon mangrove berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, hal ini terlihat jumlah pohon mangrove yang 1.200 batang 1 bulan setelah selesai kegiatan terlihat tumbuh dengan baik. Disamping itu juga masyarakat terlihat sangat antusias dalam menjaga lingkungan setelah kegiatan selesai.  Kata Kunci : Konservasi pantai, Penanaman Mangrove, Tanjung Riau       Abstract                    Tangjung Sengkuang is located on the beach with an area of 120.6 km², which on the coast of Tanjung Sengkuang is overgrown with mangrove trees. Based on the data from the Environmental Impact Management Agency of Batam City, the Batam area lost about 800 hectares of mangrove forest throughout 2015. This is in line with the condition of mangrove trees in Tanjung Sengkuang Village which appear to have become extinct and not maintained due to companies located around Tanjung Sengkuang cutting down the mangrove forests arbitrarily and the residents who have ships cutting down mangrove trees to be used as land for ships to lean on.                    The aims of this programs are, to instill a sense of community care for the environment, especially mangrove trees, in addition to to provide knowledge and generate community motivation for the importance of preserving mangrove forests for the survival of marine habitats and also for the health of coastal communities .                    The method used in this activity are, lectures, discussions, simulations, and counseling. The targets of this activity are KSM Tanjung Sengkuang Bersih, Tanjung Sengkuang Youth Organization, students, and the community around the beach.                    From the results of these programs, planting mangrove trees went smoothly as planned, it was seen that the number of mangrove trees 1,200 stems 1 month after the completion of the activities seemed to grow well along the beach. Besides that, the community looks very enthusiastic in protecting the environment after the activities are finished. Keywords: Beach Conservation, Mangrove Planting, Tanjung Riau Village

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-336
Aprilia Kukuh Dwijayati ◽  
Djoko Suprapto ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

ABSTRAK Desa Pasar Banggi memiliki potensi pariwisata hutan mangrove yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi potensi, kesesuaian ekowisata dan menentukan strategi pengembangan ekowisata pada kawasan hutan mangrove Desa Pasarbanggi Kabupaten Rembang. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 3-27 Juli 2016 di kawasan hutan mangrove Desa Pasar Banggi, Kabupaten Rembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksloratif, dengan menggunakan metode survei dalam bentuk data primer dan skunder. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis kesesuaian lahan dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity dan Thread). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa ketebalan hutan mangrove 100-150 ha dengan kerapatan bernilai 35-40 ind/m2. Potensi ekowisata yang terdapat pada kawasan hutan mangrove desa Pasarbanggi adanya jenis satwa dalam hal ini jenis burung yang dilindungi seperti kuntul kecil, dan kuntul kerbau.Hasil analisis kesesuaian ekowisata mangrove menunjukan pada stasiun I, II, dan III masing-masing adalah 67%, 78%, dan 70% bahwa kawasan hutan mangrove dukuh Kaliuntu termasuk dalam kategori sesuai untuk dijadikan kawasan ekowisata di Kabupaten Rembang.Menurut hasil analisis SWOT, yang menjadi prioritas utama di Desa Pasar Banggi adalah: a) Penentuan zona dalam kawasan konservasi ekosistem mangrove dan b) Peningkatan partisipasi stakeholder terhadap program konservasi ekosistem mangrove. Kata Kunci: Ekowisata; Hutan Mangrove; Pasar Banggi  ABSTRACT Pasar Banggi Village has tourism potential of mangrove forests to be developed. The purpose of this research was to identify the potential,analysis comformity of ecotourism and estabilsh the strategy of ecotourism development in the mangrove forest at Pasar Banggi area Rembang Regency. The research was conducted on July 3 - 27th 2016 in the mangrove forest  Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive explorative, by using survey method in a form of primary and secondary data. The collected data was then analyzed the conformitu of the land and SWOT analysis (Strangth, Weakness, Opportunity, and Thread). The result of the research showed that the thickness of mangrove forest is 100-150 ha with the density of 35-40 ind/m2. The ecotourism potential that can be found in the mangrove forest at Pasar banggi village is the existence of protected bird such as little egrets and egrest buffalo. The result of the analysis comformity of ecotourism mangrove was shown in the station I, II, and III respectively are 67%, 78%, and 70% that the mangrove forest area of Kaliuntu Village was include in suitable catagory to be targetted as the ecotourism area in Rembang Regency. Based on the SWOT analysis, the major priority in Pasar Banggi Village are: a) Determining zone in mangrove ecosystem concervational area, and b) The increase of stakeholders participation to the mangrove ecosystem concervational program. Keywords: Ecotourism; Mangrove Forest; Pasar Banggi

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
Kamaruddin Eddiwan ◽  
Abu Hanifah

One of the coastal ecosystems that have experienced a high level of degradation due to its utilization pattern which tends not to pay attention to its sustainability aspects is the mangrove forest in Rangsang District, Meranti Islands Regency, and Riau, Indonesia. Seeing the symptoms of mangrove forest destruction for various purposes, it is necessary to manage mangrove forests sustainably. To be able to carry out sustainable management of mangrove forests, management efforts are needed ber of strategic value and right. Management of community-based marine resources is one management strategy that can improve efficiency and fairness in the utilization and management of natural resources. The research aims to identify and analyze the condition of mangrove forests, reviewing mangrove forest management, and the development of community-based mangrove forest in the district of stimuli. The approach used in this study is an analytical descriptive approach with survey methods. This research was conducted in Rangsang sub-district, Meranti Islands regency, Riau. The results showed that the mangrove vegetation found included 7 species from 3 families, namely Avicenniaceae (Avicennia alba and Avicennia marina), Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) families, and Sonneratiaceae family (Sonneratia alba) , with the value of diversity index (H ') of mangrove vegetation in Rangsang sub-district at each station ranged from 0.91 to 1.69 and the environmental parameters of mangrove vegetation in Rangsang sub-district were obtained from clay sand, sandy clay and sandy clay; Soil pH ranges from 6.6-7.1; temperatures range from 29-31˚C; salinity ranges from 27-31 ppt; and organic matter content between 1.09-7.65. At the very least, there are three factors of decision making on community participation in mangrove forest management, namely management factors, knowledge factors and attitude factors. Meanwhile, mangrove forest management carried out by the community in Rangsang District in the form of rehabilitation, care and supervision. Therefore, in an effort to manage community-based mangrove forests active community participation is required by taking into account management factors, knowledge factors and attitude factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Murni Djabar

Coastal women, especially housewives generally in Indonesia, including in the district of Buol has a very big role in the activities of earning a living for his family. The participation of coastal women in mangrove forest rehabilitation activities is an effort to empower coastal women to become one of the driving forces of successful mangrove forest rehabilitation. This research aims to examine the participation of Coastal Women in supporting Mangrove forest rehabilitation in Inalatan Village Bunobogu District Buol Regency viewed from the aspect of community understanding about rehabilitation mangrove forest and the form of participation or community participation in mangrove forest rehabilitation activities. The community participation studied in this research is related to individual community participation in mangrove forest rehabilitation activities, the target of the community taken in this research is from 30 female respondents through questionnaire interview technique. This research was conducted in coastal area of Inaktif Village Bunobogu District Buol Regency for 2 months tehitung from January until February 2018. The method of analysis used in this research is using qualitative descriptive analysis method.The results of this study can be seen based on the daily activities of the community in the household for 24 hours, the understanding of the women community on the rehabilitation activities, the participation of women in planning activities, implementation activities and evaluation activities of reforestation of mangrove forests, the fifth form of community participation in this research is including in the category of high forms of community participation because all forms of partipasi exceeds the average percentage above 50%

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-29
Rita Sugiarti ◽  
Achyani Achyani ◽  
Muhfahroyin Muhfahroyin

Abstrak: Conservation efforts undertaken by the Sriminosari community have oncreased in the mangrove forest area from 1995 to the present. The need for sustainable conservation efforts to develop the potential of existing resources in mangrove forest. Human and nature live side by side and can not separated so that humant as creatyres that interact with mangrove forests directly in the effort of utilization should have useful knowledge to improve capabilities. This study will discuss the efforts that can be made by the Sriminosari villagers in the preservation of mangrove forests. An extensice literature review was undertaken to abtain conslusions about efforts that could be made to conserve forests. Implecations that can help further research will be discussed in this journal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
A. Ibnu Rahmatullah Qamal

ABSTRACT                This study aims to find out how changes in mangrove forest area and how the density of mangrove forests in Panikiang Island changes from 1998 to 2018. Analysis of changes used is the analysis of remote sensing images. The image used is satellite imagery LANDSAT 5 TM acquisition 1998 and LANDSAT OIL imagery acquisition in 2018. The guided classification method with the maximum like-lihood method is used to determine changes in mangrove forest area, while for non-guided classification using NDVI formula.                The results obtained in 1998 mangrove vegetation covering an area of 6.93 hectares experienced changes in land cover to non-vegetative mangrove and elsewhere on the island became 3.24 hectares of mangrove vegetation. Changes in the area of mangrove forests from 1998-2018 were 3.92 hectares.The density of the Pannikiang Island mangrove forest in 1998 with the class of meetings decreased by 34.56 hectares, the density class increased by 23.67 hectares and the density rarely increased by 7.2 hectares.

Handri Suting ◽  
Hamsiah Hamsiah ◽  
Danial Sultan

The mangrove forest community has a unique and important role. Mangrove forests are very vulnerable to damage if the environment is not balanced, even the destruction of mangroves is not only caused by natural processes, but also due to human activities, it needs direction and solutions in sustainable mangrove management. One of the efforts made in sustainable marine management is the development of community-based mangrove tourism potential. The purpose of this research (1) Evaluate social, economic and ecological empowerment, (2) Determine community empowerment strategies through mangrove ecotourism. Data collection instruments were carried out using questionnaires and field observation, then analyzed descriptively and then analyzed using a SWOT analyst. Based on the research conducted, it is found that the achievements of social, economic and ecological empowerment in the tourism area have not been achieved. And to achieve this success there are 3 strategic directions that are carried out in the development of community-based ecotourism (1) Development of community-based mangrove ecotourism with the assistance of institutions and government (2) Conduct training and development of local products and community skills to support mangrove forest ecotourism (3) Increasing socialization and community involvement in planning

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