2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 307
Siti Asdiqoh

<p>Abstract: THE ROLE OF PARENTS IN THE CHILDREN’S SOCIAL ETHICS<br />UNDERSTANDING. Many parents have difficulty in understanding the<br />behavior of their children who often seem illogical and incompatible with<br />healthy feelings. This article tries to describe the roles and approaches<br />parents make in shaping child behavior. To understand children, foster<br />physical life, moral development, social development, and personality<br />development, parents are required to have knowledge about their<br />behavior. Child social development is strongly influenced by the process of<br />treatment or guidance of parents to children in introducing various<br />aspects of social life, or norms of community life and encourage and give<br />an example to their children how to apply these norms in everyday life.<br />Parents who want to change their child's behavior first make a change in<br />him. When parents have successfully adopted a positive approach to<br />encourage children, there will be significant improvements in the behavior<br />of their children, so that they will develop self-confidence, responsibility,<br />cooperation, and independence in their children.</p><p>Abstrak: Banyak orang tua mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami<br />perilaku anak-anaknya yang seringkali terlihat tidak logis dan tidak<br />sesuai dengan perasaan sehat. Artikel ini mencoba mendeskripsikan<br />peran dan pendekatan yang dilakukan orang tua dalam membentuk<br />perilaku anak. Untuk memahami anak, membina kehidupan jasmaniah,<br />perkembangan moral, perkembangan sosial, dan perkembangan<br />kepribadian, orang tua dituntut memiliki pengetahuan tentang perilaku<br />mereka. Perkembangan sosial anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses<br />perlakuan atau bimbingan orang tua terhadap anak dalam mengenalkan<br />berbagai aspek kehidupan sosial, atau norma-norma kehidupan<br />bermasyarakat serta mendorong dan memberikan contoh kepada<br />anaknya bagaimana menerapkan norma-norma tersebut dalam<br />kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang tua yang ingin mengubah perilaku anaknya<br />pertama-tama melakukan perubahan dalam dirinya. Bilamana orang tua<br />berhasil menerapkan pendekatan yang bersifat mendorong anak berbuat<br />positif, pasti akan terjadi perbaikan-perbaikan yang berarti dalam<br />perilaku anak-anaknya, sehingga akan berkembang rasa percaya diri,<br />tanggung jawab, kooperatif, dan kemandirian dalam diri anak-anaknya.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
St Rahmah

Family is a small community in society. Every Muslim is required to live in order to live the demands of Islamic teachings. The family is the most important unit for the development process of the ummah. a good personality is formed from a family that instills good manners. The concept of family in Islam is quite clear even Islam is very priority of individual and family coaching. Because the family is a good prerequisite for a nation and Country, especially if all families follow the guidelines submitted religion, in addition the family is also the closest environment with children, since children are born, in this family the children will have much experience to grow and developing for the future.  Inside the family parents can give examples of behaviors that will be imitated by children, because in the family is the most effective place to membelajarkan value of religion to the child. The role of parents in the family as guides, caregivers, teachers, mentors, and example in the family. Parents are very big role in inculcating the values of Sufism as the foundation of his children, With the inculcation of the values of mysticism by parents, it is expected that in the next stage of development the child will be able to distinguish good bad, right wrong, so that children can apply it in everyday life

Tonio Hölscher

Regarding the role of images in social life, three fundamental categories are to be distinguished: representation, decor, and objects of discourses. Representation was a major aim, because ancient societies consisted not only of their living members but also of two other social groups, their dead ancestors and their gods and heroes. Community life developed in interactions, through rituals and other cultural practices, between these social partners, of which those that were, in fact, absent could be made present by images within the society’s living spaces. Specific groups of images, such as cult statues, votive images, athletes’ statues, and honorary portraits, had their specific places, in sanctuaries, public spaces, and necropolises, where they were dealt with according to specific rules of “living with images.”

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 922-950 ◽  
Stanley Blue

The practice turn in social theory has renewed interest in conceptualising the temporal organisation of social life as a way of explaining contemporary patterns of living and consuming. As a result, the interest to develop analyses of time in both practice theories and practice theory-based empirical research is increasing. Practice theorists draw on theories of time and ideas about temporal rhythms to explain how practices are organised in everyday life. To date, they have studied how temporal experiences matter for the coordination of daily life, how temporal landscapes matter for issues of societal synchronisation, and how timespace/s matter for the organisation of human activity. While several studies refer to, draw on, and position themselves in relation to ideas about temporal rhythms, those working with theories of practice have yet to fully utilise the potential of Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis for explaining the constitution of, and more specifically, changes within, social life. I argue that rhythmanalysis can be effectively combined with practice theory to better articulate the ways in which practices become connected through what I describe as processes of institutionalisation. I argue that this combination requires repositioning the role of time in theories of practice as neither experience, nor as landscape, but, building on Schatzki’s work on The Timespace of Human Activity, as practice itself. Drawing on Lefebvre’s concepts of arrhythmia and eurhythmia, and developing Parkes and Thrift’s notion of entrainment, I illustrate how institutional rhythms, as self-organising, open, spatiotemporal practices emerge, endure, and evolve in ways that matter for both socio-temporal landscapes and temporal experiences.

An Ras Try Astuti ◽  
Hardiyani Herman ◽  
Rabiatul Hadawiah ◽  
Nurul Ardiyanti

The birth of X, Y, Z and Alpha generations cannot be denied, given the rapid development of technology. The formation of the character of Alpha Generation or Gen-A which was born in 2010 is a concern and a challenge for parents in shaping the personality of a civilized and humanitarian child. This article is motivated by a critical review of the conditions of intolerance among religious people. Where the soul of intolerance that arises in a person is due to the absence of a sense of humanity and civilized human elements in themselves. One of the main causes is the influence of misuse of technology which has led to the birth of the Alpha Generation that is enslaved by technology. A person's social life deteriorates so that he does not respect differences. The use of technology well can avoid the anti-tolerant nature and be able to form prospective generations who are civilized and humane in accordance with Islamic values. The provision of technological education for children of old age can not be separated from the role of parents as the first madrasa for children. The habit of children will be difficult to change when from the beginning parents do not do education in the family through parenting education. Parenting education is one of the efforts made by parents in educating, nurturing and teaching children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55
Sue Swenson

The role of parents in placement decisions is not mentioned in the foundational paper written by Agran et al. This essay explores the various ways parents are absent in the bureaucracy and in the everyday life of schools and communities. Some of the principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are thought to be at the heart of the problem, along with attitudes of ableism and a general neglect of human rights. An inclusive education of the heart is recommended.

2012 ◽  
Vol 164 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-205

At the beginning the authors present two opposing trends related to the understanding of the nature and the role of war in society: first, that these phenomena are embedded in the nature of human beings and humanity (which means that without war there is no human being, culture and civilization, its life, society or state, so war is natural and necessary for life); second, war is not embedded in human nature, is a distortion in community life and relations between people; this means that if wars occur, they show the degradation of human beings and society. These trends are observed in the eternal debate on war and the authors show numerous examples in which war is perceived in this way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-39
Ruat Diana

This article discusses the role of parents in educating children in the industrial revolution era 4.0 based on Christian principles. The author analyzes several library sources both books and journals related to the topic of discussion. From the results of the analysis of several literature sources, children's education is God's mandate given to parents. Parents have a role to educate them to become mature Christians. Spiritual maturity is the provision for children to face challenges in the era of the industrial revolution. Parents also play a role in educating about love and fairness. Love and fair moral values need to be instilled so that children can compete in a healthy manner in the era of the industrial revolution. The next role is to provide guidance to be able to live in groups. The development of digital media causes behavior changes that become increasingly individualistic, therefore children need to be educated to live in groups because humans cannot escape social life. Education in the era of the industrial revolution was done by example. Children need a model that is a role model for living in the digital age.Abstrak: Artikel ini memembasan tentang peran orang tua mendidik anak di era revolusi industri 4.0 berdasarkan prinsip Kristen. Penulis melakukan analisis beberapa sumber pustaka baik buku maupun jurnal yang terkait dengan topik bahasan. Dari hasil analisis beberapa sumber pustaka, pendidikan anak merupakan mandat Allah yang diberikan pada orang tua. Orang tua memiliki peran untuk mendidik mereka untuk menjadi orang Kristen dewasa. Kedewasaan rohani adalah bekal untuk anak-anak menghadapi tantangan di era revolusi industri. Orang tua juga berperan utnuk mendidik tentang kasih dan adil. Nilai moral kasih dan adil perlu ditanamkan agar anak-anak dapat bersaing secara sehat di era revolusi industri. Peran selanjutnya adalah memberikan bimbingan untuk dapat hidup dalam kelompok. Berkembangnya media digital menyebabkan perubahan perilaku yang menjadi semakin individualistis, oleh sebab itu anak-anak perlu dididik hidup dalam kelompok sebab manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kehidupan sosial. Pendidikan di era revolusi industri dilakukan melalui teladan. Anak-anak membutuhkan model yang menjadi teladan untuk hidup di era digital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 550
Pamela Hendra Heng ◽  
Naomi Soetikno ◽  
Amala Fahditia

In an effort to improve the progress of the Indonesian nation, it is necessary to pay attention to all levels of society, especially the young people who will be the pillars of the Indonesian nation in the future. One fourth of Indonesia's population is children and adolescents. Other studies have shown that parenting can influence a child's level of self-confidence, academic performance, and children's behavior. This research was to examine the "Role of Parents’ Parenting towards Urban Adolescents’ Quality of Life". A quantitative method with non-experimental was used and attended by 381 State High School students (SMAN), ages of 14-19 years in schools of X and Y in X city, namely 234 girls and 147 boys. Measuring instruments used are Youth Quality of Life (YQOL) and parenting measuring instruments that have been adapted. Based on the results of different tests on parenting parents with One-way Anova obtained values of F = 10,203, p = .000 <.05 for mothers’ parenting, and F = 6,146, p = .000 <.05 for fathers’ parenting, so there are significant differences between quality of life with parenting styles. The results showed that "authoritative" parenting has a high quality of life, where parents encourage, also provide limits, adolescents become independent individuals. Meanwhile, “neglectful” parenting has a low quality of life, lacks involvement in the lives of children, adolescents do not become independent individuals, less competent in socializing and lack of self-control. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia perlu diperhatikan semua lapisan masyarakat, khususnya para remaja yang akan menjadi tiang tonggak bangsa Indonesia di masa mendatang. Seperempat dari penduduk Indonesia merupakan anak-anak dan remaja. Penelitian lainnya menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh orangtua dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan diri anak, performa dalam akademik, dan perilaku anaknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji “Peranan Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Kualitas Hidup Remaja Perkotaan.” Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan non eksperimental dan ini diikuti oleh 381 siswa SMAN berusia 14-21tahun di sekolah X dan Y di kota X, yakni 234 wanita dan 147 pria. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Youth Quality of Life (YQOL) dan alat ukur pola asuh yang telah diadaptasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji beda pada pola asuh orangtua dengan Oneway Anova diperoleh nilai F = 10.203, p = .000 < .05 untuk pola asuh ibu, dan F = 6.146, p = .000 < .05 untuk pola asuh ayah, sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kualitas hidup dengan pola asuh orangtua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, remaja dengan pola asuh orangtua yang “authoritative” memiliki kualitas hidup yang tinggi, dimana orang tua mendorong, juga memberikan batasan, remaja menjadi pribadi yang mandiri. Sementara, remaja dengan pola asuh orangtua yang “neglectful” memiliki kualitas hidup yang rendah, dimana kurang keterlibatan orangtua dalam kehidupan anak, remaja menjadi pribadi tidak mandiri, kurang kompeten bersosialisasi dan kurang pengendalian diri. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Adpriyadi Adpriyadi ◽  
Sudarto Sudarto

ABSTRAKPendidikan yang utama dan pertama didapat anak dari orang tua. Orang tua memiliki peran penting dalam hal ini sebab orang tua adalah teladan pertama yang dikenal oleh anak. Peran orangtua yang demokratis menerapkan orang tua yang menjadikan anak-anak menjadi orang yang mau menerima kritik dan menghargai orang lain, memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi dan mampu bertanggung jawab atas kehidupan sosial mereka. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pola asuh orang tua dalam pengembangan diri dan karakter anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang  tua dalam penggembangan potensi dan karakter anak usia dini dengan pola asuh demokratis. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan metode yang diterapkan orang tua  dalam penggembangan potensi diri dan karakter anak antara lain: a) memberikan pujian dan penghargaan kepada anak, b) menyediakan waktu bermain bersama anak, c) memberikan kasih sayang dan perhatian, d) memberikan keteladanan yang baik.Kata kunci: Pola Asuh, Potensi Diri, Karakter ABSTRACTFirst and foremost education is obtained by children from parents. Parents have an important role in this case because parents are the first examples known by children. The role of democratic parents applies parents who make their children willing to accept criticism and respect others, have high self-confidence and are able to take responsibility for their social lives. The problem raised in this study is how parenting parents in self-development and character of early childhood. This study aims to determine the role of parents in developing the potential and character of early childhood with democratic parenting. This research was analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the methods applied by parents in developing children's potential and character include: a) giving praise and appreciation to children, b) providing time to play with children, c) giving love and attention, d) giving good role models.Keywords : Parenting, Self Potential, Character 

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