scholarly journals Typification of permafrost rocks in the area of the projected Elegest–Kyzyl–Kuragino railway

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-74
Yuliya Yur’evna NADEZHDINA ◽  

The relevance of the research. Natural conditions of the construction area of the Elegest–Kyzyl–Kuragino railway are extremely difficult. The territory under development is located in two regions: the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Tyva Republic and crosses the complex mountain system of the Western Sayan Mountains. The climate of the territory under consideration is sharply continental, the average annual air temperature is –5.4 °С, the distribution of precipitation is uneven (northern part is 290–300 mm, southern part is 400–420 mm). Moreover, research is complicated by the length of the object, which is more than 400 km. For the Republic of Tuva, the projected railway will play an important role in the development of the fuel and energy complex, as well as in the development of the country’s economy as a whole. The study area is poorly studied, but it is characterized by the development of various geological processes, including permafrost. There is very little information on the distribution of permafrost, and it is scattered. The purpose of the work is to summarize and analyze information on the distribution of permafrost in the study area. The material examines the relationship of elevation marks with the spread of permafrost, and also gives a brief description of the geological conditions of the study area, relief, and possible dangerous geological processes. Methods of research. Generalization and construction of the map was carried out using AutoCAD and ArcGIS software products. As a result of the work, an analysis of literature sources on the distribution of permafrost and seasonally frozen rocks was carried out, information was generalized and a map of the distribution of permafrost by type (continuous, island, discontinuous) was constructed, and the boundaries of the distribution of permafrost were clarified in accordance with the altitude and type of permafrost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 764-773
Sabir I. Shukurov

The relevance of this article is due to the advantageous geostrategical position of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Caspian region, which makes it a significant and attractive location for neighbouring states both politically and economically, causing not only partnership relations between the countries but also the probable insecurity of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the complex of geostrategic relations in the Caspian region on the example of the relationship of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The leading method for the study of this topic is, first of all, a deep and detailed analysis of the geostrategic and geopolitically advantageous position of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the method of comparing its relations with neighbouring states, which makes it possible to imagine as accurately as possible the general geopolitical picture of the Caspian region. 

V. V. Sidorova ◽  
V. V. Zhivisa ◽  
А. I. Suvorov ◽  
А. А. Arizer

The article selects and analyzes scientific literature sources and regulatory documents on the reconstruction of public spaces within the boundaries of coastal territories. It analyzes global experience in the reconstruction of embankments and the modern specifics of urban development of coastal areas in terms of the relationship of coastal areas with urban development. It investigates the architectural and planning problems of embankment spaces and the problems of their reconstruction. It formulates the principles of reconstruction of public spaces of the coastal territories of the locality. It provides practical recommendations for their use. It analyzes the history of the development and current state of the embankment of the urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoye in the Republic of Crimea. It provides proposals and recommendations for the reconstruction of the specified embankment urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoye. On the basis of the conducted research, an experimental design model for the reconstruction of the embankment of urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoye is proposed.


This study aims to determine the relationship between workload and self-efficacy with burnout. The study was conducted at the mobile brigade police of the Republic of Indonesia North Sumatra. The number of respondents in this study were 196 members of the mobile brigade with non probability sampling techniques. Based on Spearman rank data analysis obtained a significant level between workload with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0,05, meaning that there is a partial relationship between workload and burnout. While the relationship of self-efficacy with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0.05. This proves that there is a partial relationship between self efficacy and burnout. While the significance level of the workload and self efficacy with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0,05 are related simultaneously, then the hypothesis in this study is accepted. The correlation between workload and self efficacy with burnout on members of the mobile brigade, North Sumatra is 90%. The conclusions of this research are workload and self efficacy have relationship significant with burnout. Keywords: Burnout, workload, self-efficacy.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja dan efikasi diri dengan burnout. Penelitian dilaksanakan di satuan brigade mobile kepolisian daerah Sumatera Utara. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 196 anggota satuan brigade mobile dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling. Berdasarkan analisis data rank spearman diperoleh taraf signifikan antara beban kerja dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05, artinya membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan secara parsial beban kerja dengan burnout. Sedangkan hubungan efikasi diri dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan secara parsial konsep diri dengan burnout. Sedangkan taraf signifikasi beban kerja dan efikasi diri  dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05 berhubungan secara simultan, maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Besar korelasi hubungan beban kerja dan efikasi diri dengan burnout pada anggota satuan brigade mobile kepolisian daerah Sumatera Utara sebesar 0.90%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah beban kerja dan efikasi diri berhubungan signifikan dengan burnout.   Kata Kunci: Burnout, beban kerja, efikasi diri.

V. V. Zhivitsa ◽  
E. N. Privalova ◽  
E. N. Privalova

The article deals with the problem of transport infrastructure development in modern cities. The relationship of mass motorization with the quality of the urban environment and the development of the transport framework is analyzed. Examples of the modernization of the transport system and the humanization of the urban environment from the world urban planning practice are given. The authors formulated a number of recommendations for the reconstruction of the transport infrastructure on the example of the Crimea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 244-251 ◽  
G. Berdimuratova

This work is devoted to the consideration of the constitutional directions of interaction and interdependence of the judiciary of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. As a result of studying the issues under consideration, the author concludes that the importance and significance of the role and place of the judicial branch of the government in the mechanism of separation of powers is precisely in ensuring the rule of law, avoiding violations of the principle of legality and the rule of law based on it.

Иван Владимирович Севастьянов

Статья посвящена анализу особенностей традиции гостеприимства у кряшен, самобытного этноконфессионального сообщества, характеризующегося сочетанием татароязычия и православного вероисповедания. Изыскания автора основываются как на письменных источниках, так и на оригинальных полевых материалах, касающихся преимущественно двух этнографических групп кряшенского населения Республики Татарстан, молькеевской и заказанской, каждая из которых обладает собственной этнокультурной спецификой. Этнографический материал, анализируемый в статье, относится к хронологическому отрезку от рубежа к. XIX – нач. XX вв. до настоящего дня. Ставится задача, во-первых, исследовать проявления гостеприимства в конкретной этнической среде в его функциональных разновидностях; во-вторых, проследить трансформацию этого обычая в условиях современности. Показана саморефлексия автора-исследователя по поводу проблемы взаимовлияния объекта и субъекта изучения (этнографического наблюдения) и роль субъективности в научном постижении иной этнической культуры. Отношения диалога между исследователем и информантом рассматриваются как значимый приоритетный аналитический подход. В этой связи на примере опыта полевой работы в среде кряшенского населения Республики Татарстан выявляется воздействие, которое традиция гостеприимства в ее современном бытовании оказала на полевые исследования ученых-этнологов. Важнейшим ресурсом в процессе работы, по мнению автора, оказались взаимная расположенность и доверие, во многом базирующиеся на обычае гостеприимства. The article is devoted to the analysis of the tradition of hospitality among the Kryashens, an authentic ethno-confessional community, characterized by a combination of the Tatar-speaking and Orthodox faith. The research is based on both written sources and original field materials concerning mainly two ethnographic groups of the Kryashen population of the Republic of Tatarstan – Molkeevskaya and Zakazan, each of them having its own ethno-cultural specificity. The ethnographic material analyzed in the article refers to the period from the turn of the XIX – early XX centuries to the present day. The task is, firstly, to study the manifestations of hospitality in a specific ethnic environment in its functional varieties; secondly, to trace the transformation of this custom in modern conditions. The self-reflection of the author-researcher on the problem of the mutual influence of the object and the subject of study (ethnographic observation), the role of subjectivity in the scientific comprehension of another ethnic culture is shown. Understanding the relationship of the dialogue between the researcher and the informant is considered as a significant analytical approach. In this regard, the experience of fieldwork among the Kryashen population of the Republic of Tatarstan reveals the impact that the tradition of hospitality in its contemporary form had on the field research of ethnologists. Mutual disposition and trust, largely based on the custom of hospitality, turned out to be the most important resource in the process of an ethnological study.

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-16 ◽  
Tudor Lupascu ◽  
Pavel F. Vlad ◽  
Aculina Aricu ◽  
Maria Cocu

This communication deals with the appearance and development of the research in the field of chemistry in the Republic of Moldova; at the beginning - in chemistry sections of Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and then - at the Institute of Chemistry, founded in 1959. The dynamics of changes in the structure and research subjects is traced. Data are presented concerning the research results in the fi eld of the chemistry of coordination compounds, fine organic synthesis, natural products chemistry, physicochemical analysis, quantum chemistry, mineral resources, chemistry of natural water and purifi cation of waste water, the preparation and utilization of active carbons, and ecological chemistry. A detailed account both of basic research and applied investigation is given. The collaboration of our scientists with their colleagues from abroad is considered. Information is presented related to the scientific schools at our institute, its guidance and laboratory′s leaders. The scientific equipment of the institute is mentioned. The relationship of the institute with higher schools, as well as training of young researchers will be presented.


This study aims to determine the relationship between workload and self-efficacy with burnout. The study was conducted at the mobile brigade police of the Republic of Indonesia North Sumatra. The number of respondents in this study were 196 members of the mobile brigade with non probability sampling techniques. Based on Spearman rank data analysis obtained a significant level between workload with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0,05, meaning that there is a partial relationship between workload and burnout. While the relationship of self-efficacy with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0.05. This proves that there is a partial relationship between self efficacy and burnout. While the significance level of the workload and self efficacy with burnout with a significant value of 0,000 <0,05 are related simultaneously, then the hypothesis in this study is accepted. The correlation between workload and self efficacy with burnout on members of the mobile brigade, North Sumatra is 90%. The conclusions of this research are workload and self efficacy have relationship significant with burnout. Keywords: Burnout, workload, self-efficacy.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja dan efikasi diri dengan burnout. Penelitian dilaksanakan di satuan brigade mobile kepolisian daerah Sumatera Utara. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 196 anggota satuan brigade mobile dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling. Berdasarkan analisis data rank spearman diperoleh taraf signifikan antara beban kerja dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05, artinya membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan secara parsial beban kerja dengan burnout. Sedangkan hubungan efikasi diri dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan secara parsial konsep diri dengan burnout. Sedangkan taraf signifikasi beban kerja dan efikasi diri  dengan burnout dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05 berhubungan secara simultan, maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Besar korelasi hubungan beban kerja dan efikasi diri dengan burnout pada anggota satuan brigade mobile kepolisian daerah Sumatera Utara sebesar 0.90%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah beban kerja dan efikasi diri berhubungan signifikan dengan burnout. Kata Kunci: Burnout, beban kerja, efikasi diri.

David Kettler ◽  
Colin Loader

This chapter examines the status of the fledgling but burgeoning field of sociology from the waning days of the Kaiserreich through the last moments of the Republic. Two intellectual giants who did not live very long into the Republic's founding, Max Weber and Georg Simmel, set the agenda for the study of society in Weimar. The chapter suggests that it was the early demise of Weber and Simmel that permitted their heirs, most prominently Karl Mannheim, to render their writings canonical and to pursue the questions of modernity, rationalization, capitalism and the relationship of ideas and ideology to those phenomena with something like a common language—if not a language that facilitated intellectual consensus on any of these themes.

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