scholarly journals A Conversation Analysis on Interview with Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Sky News Australia Channel

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 441
Eka Yanualifa Telomensi Sitepu ◽  
Ridwan Hanafiah ◽  
T. Thyrhaya Zein

<em>The aims of this research are to identify and analyze how the aspects of conversational interactions are realized in the conversation. In collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher uses documentation method and qualitative content analysis. The utterances which used by the interviewer and interviewees are as the data of this research, while the video of the interview which downloaded from Youtube with 29:44 minutes is as the source of data in this research. The data are analyzed by using Paltridge theory. This research results are, five aspects of conversational interactions are used by the interviewer (Peter Vanillin) such as, Opening Conversation, Adjacency Pairs, Preference Organization, Turn Taking and Closing Conversation, while the interviewer does not use Feedback and Repair. However, five of seven aspects are used by the interviewees (Paul Kelly and Julia Gillard) such as, Adjacency Pairs, Preference Organization, Turn Taking, Feedback and Repair, while the interviewees do not use Opening and Closing Conversation. Thus, all of seven aspects of conversational interactions are used with different realization. The realization of those aspects of conversational interactions used by the interviewer and interviewees are different. The interviewer does not use Feedback and Repair, while the interviewees do not use Opening and Closing Conversation.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
T. Thyrhaya Zein ◽  
Ronobel Boston Silalahi ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

The aim of the study is to determine how the aspects of conversational interactions are realized in the conversation. The researcher collects and analyzes data by applied qualitative content analysis through documentation technique. The data of this study were the utterances while the source of data is a video of the interview between the interviewer (Kevan Kenney) and the interviewee (Agnez Monica a.k.a Agnez Mo) in Build Talk Show. The source of the data was downloaded from the official Youtube channel of Build Talk Show with a duration of 27:03 minutes. The data analysis is based on the theory of conversation analysis proposed by Paltridge. The results of this study show that the interviewer (Kevan Kenney) employed the aspects of conversational interactions in asking and responding to the questions of the interviewee. The aspects of conversational interactions such as opening conversation, adjacency pairs, preference organization, turn taking, and feedback were used. Where as, closing conversation and repair categories were not used by interviewer throughout the conversation. On the other hand, the interviewee used Turn Taking, Feedback and Repair, but Opening and Closing Conversation, Adjacency Pairs, and Preference Organization were not used by the interviewee throughout the conversation. So, five of seven aspects of conversational interactions in conversation are applied. Those aspects of conversational interactions are realized in this conversation because it is the standard in conversation, and the interviewer and interviewee applied the aspects of conversational interactions in order to seek the information from the interviewee, to give the clarification of the issues and make a good communication in that conversation.

Zemfira K. Salamova

The popularity of digital content about make-up and self-care has been steadily growing during the recent years. Most of its producers and consumers are young people. The article analyzes three Russian YouTube-channels (“Arina Viscera”, “ND Beauty Channel” and “Gev Mua”) to study how their hosts construct their personal brands in the context of beauty content production. The article employs the technique of discourse analysis and a qualitative content analysis. The research results show that the beauty vlog format provides users with various ways of presenting themselves to the audience as they can choose different ways of demonstrating their expertise, comparing themselves to viewers, manifesting their passion for makeup and showing emotional and physical resources that are used in the production.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-104
Siti Tarwiah ◽  
Uwes Fatoni

This study is to know the extent of netizen's response to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham on social media Facebook. The aim is to know the attention, understanding, and acceptance of netizens to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham. This research used qualitative content analysis method, which is analyzing data in the form of comments given by netizens through emoticons, symbol and comment by finding symbols, classifying data, and analyzing. Based on the research results found: 1) attention of netizens in responding to the preaching by writing of ustadz Arifin Ilham in the form of emoticons and comments responses, 2) their understanding are positive, negative, neutral, and inappropriate comments on the theme, and 3) their acceptance are to desire to change for the better, to avoid the aqidah deviant, to more diligent worship, and to better morals.   Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui sejauh mana respon netizen terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham di media sosial Facebook. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perhatian, pengertian, dan penerimaan dari netizen terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi kualitatif, yaitu menganalisis data berupa komentar-komentar yang diberikan netizen melalui simbol emotikon dan komentar dengan cara menemukan simbol, mengklasifikasi data, dan menganalisis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan: 1) perhatian netizen dalam memberikan respon terhadap dakwah bi al-qalam ustadz Arifin Ilham berupa respon emotikon dan komentar, 2) pengertian dalam bentuk komentar positif, negatif, netral, dan tidak sesuai tema, dan 3) penerimaan berupa keinginan untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik, yaitu terhindar dari aqidah yang menyimpang, semakin rajin beribadah, dan semakin baik akhlaknya.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-128
Siti Zakiyah Tifany ◽  
Uwes Fatoni

This article discusses the message of da'wah on Muslimah in the Line @ dakwahmuslimah account both the content aspect and the form format of da'wah messages. The research method used qualitative content analysis with descriptive research type of 53 messages of da'wah uploaded account Line @dakwahmuslimah in November 2015 as many as messages. Based on the research results found that there are three message categories of da'wah, namely aqidah, syari'ah and akhlak. The format of the da'wah message include posters, memes, comics and stickers. From the format of this da'wah message found variations of content and format of visual dakwah messages, namely poster on akidah, poster on syari'ah, poster on akhlak, meme on syari'ah, comics on akidah, comics on morals and stickers on akhlak. Artikel   ini   membahas   pesan   dakwah   visual tentang muslimah   dalam   akun Line @dakwahmuslimah baik dari aspek konten maupun bentuk format pesan dakwah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis isi kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif terhadap pesan-pesan dakwah yang diunggah akun Line @dakwahmuslimah pada bulan November 2015 sebanyak 53 pesan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan kategori pesan dakwah terdapat tiga, yaitu akidah, syari’ah dan akhlak. Adapun format pesan dakwah meliputi poster, meme, komik dan sticker. Dari format pesan dakwah ini ditemukan variasi  konten dan  format pesan dakwah visual, yaitu poster akidah, poster syari’ah dan poster akhlak, meme syari’ah, komik akidah, komik akhlak dan sticker akhlak.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-64

The paper focuses on the analysis of the publicly declared positions of Nikol Pashinian, the Prime Minister of Armenia, in the context of the Karabakh process, examining the impact of the declared position on the negotiation process and identifying the shifts in the leader’s positions on the Karabakh issue over the time. The research is conducted using the qualitative content analysis method. The research demonstrates that Pashinian’s declared positions on Karabakh issues led to the disruption of the negotiation process and identifies that the leader’s declared positions were targeted at preserving public support and staying in power have changed over time due to the changing circumstances. Keywords: conflict resolution, negotiations, leadership, political statements, Karabakh process.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-130 ◽  
Ping Yang

This paper examines the nonverbal aspects of turn taking system in Mandarin Chinese talk-in-interaction. Based on the audio and video data collected from real conversational settings in Chinese universities, this project uses conversation analysis (CA) theory to analyze how university-educated Mandarin Chinese speakers utilize various nonverbal resources with reference to turn yielding, turn up-taking and turn maintaining strategies to achieve effective interpersonal communication . The research results show that the current speaking party (SP) and listening party (LP) use nonverbal tokens such as hand drop in yielding turns, gaze and touch in taking up turns, and non-gaze, thinking face and finger count in maintaining turns. Understanding of these nonverbal cues employed can help prospective intercultural communicators interact with Mandarin Chinese speakers more effectively and successfully.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 716-721
Wim banu Ukhrowi ◽  
Suharsono Suharsono ◽  
Suwono Suwono

This study aims to know the pattern of teacher – student conversation in English class in a single sex class. The data were obtained from a private Islamic bilingual high school Jombang. The study used qualitative approach. The data are based on the observations of the classroom and video recordings during three meetings in each class (female and male class). The theory used in the study was conversational analysis proposed by Paul Ten Have. There are four types of conversation analysis. They are turn – taking organization, sequence organization, repair organization, and preference organization. The result showed that the highest number of conversation analysis type was turn – taking organization followed by sequence organization (adjacency pairs) and the preference organization and the lowest number was repair organization. The pattern of teacher student conversation was influenced by several factors such as the topics discussed, the teaching – learning method used by the teacher, the rules of Islamic regulations and the teacher’s strategy in giving extra score to the students. Method. From the results it can be concluded that there were no marked differences of the pattern of teacher – student conversation found in the class of female student and male student only. The teacher had succeeded in the teaching and learning process without considering the gender of the students.

Sendi Romadhon Simorangkir

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris"><em><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to examine the reporting frame regarding the reunion of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood. The research method was qualitative content analysis with Robert N. Entman. Research results: online Republika constructs news related to the reunion of the alumni fraternity 212 through Islamic ideology. This shows that Republika Online illustrates a positive thing about the implementation and impact of the alumni reunion fraternity 212. It is known that there are also imbalances in the news regarding reunion 212. Based on Robert N. Entman’s framing, which has four: Define Problem, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgement, Treatment Recommendation. It can be concluded that the Online Republika news analysis seems to support the implementation of the alumni brotherhood reunion following the perspective of media ideology, namely Islamic ideology. Suggestion: Republika Online editor to maintain the balance of the news by paying attention to the cover both sides on each issue because some news does not cover both sides. So, readers can find out the entire contents of the information on one news issue</span></em><em><span lang="EN-MY">.</span></em></p><p class="15cKeywordsBInggris"><strong><span lang="IN">Abs</span><span lang="EN-US">trak</span></strong></p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"> </p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak"><span lang="IN">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kerangka pemberitaan terkait reuni persaudaraan alumni 212. Metode penelitian adalah analisis isi kualitatif dengan Robert N. Entman. Hasil penelitian: Republika online mengkonstruksi berita terkait reuni frater alumni 212 melalui perspektif ideologi Islam. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Republika Online menggambarkan hal yang positif tentang pelaksanaan dan dampak dari pelaksanaan reuni alumni 212. Diketahui juga terdapat ketimpangan pemberitaan terkait reuni 212. Berdasarkan framing Robert N. Entman yang memiliki empat yaitu Mendefinisikan Masalah, Mendiagnosis Penyebab, Membuat Penilaian Moral, Rekomendasi Pengobatan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis berita Republika Online tampaknya mendukung terselenggaranya reuni persaudaraan alumni sesuai dengan perspektif ideologi media yaitu ideologi Islam. Saran: Redaksi Republika Online agar menjaga keseimbangan pemberitaan dengan memperhatikan cover kedua sisi pada setiap terbitan, karena ada beberapa berita yang tidak meliput kedua sisi. Jadi, pembaca dapat mengetahui isi berita secara lengkap pada satu edisi berita<strong>.</strong></span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Alvyra Galkiene ◽  
Giedre Puskoriene

This research investigates the possibilities for the development of adaptation tools for pupils on the autism spectrum (AS), studying in the first and second forms, within their microsystems. Five mothers and five teachers of children on the AS participated in the research, and their insights help reveal the process of moving from one microsystem to another for a child on the AS. Children studying in the first and second forms were chosen because children experience a particularly significant social turning-point during this period. The following question is raised: How do synergy-driven processes taking place in the microsystems of pupils on the AS contribute to the development of the adaptation processes in these children? The research data was collected via semi-structured interviews and underwent qualitative content analysis. The research results reveal that the development of adaptation tools in children on the AS is determined by a mesosystem that covers various combinations of microsystems, and the synergy between the factors of the microsystems creates conditions for a child’s gradual transfer from one microsystem to another, perceiving the mechanisms of its functioning, and adapting within them. A mesosystem, which evolves on the school campus, within a family, and with specialists, not only encourages the development of adaptation tools in a child on the AS but also helps mothers to restore their inner harmony and actively engage in their children’s education process. In the microsystem of their peers, children on the AS acquire fundamental instruments for participation in community activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-31
Aleksandra Marcinkiewicz-Wilk

This paper focuses on the situation of older people in the information society. In the theoretical part of article phenomena of aging population and information society were described. This paper includes results of research conducted in qualitative strategy. The method of collecting data was biographical method. The method for data processing was  qualitative content analysis. In the research 2 older, educationally active people took part. Results of research shows how older people understand the information society and what risk and opportunities they notice in this new reality. Narratives of the respondents indicated that education is of crucial importance for participation in the information society. Older people who take part in lifelong learning cope better with the new reality than people who do not learn. Based on the research results we can point out areas of education which should be development. Moreover, it is visible that educational activity of older people is very important  in adaptation to the information society. Narratives of seniors indicate reasons for the lack of educational activity of other seniors. According to this, it can be specified what action should be undertaken to prevent the exclusion of older people in this new reali

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