Sulphur and phosphorus transformations in wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs in northeast Brazil

2000 ◽  
Vol 42 (10-11) ◽  
pp. 203-210 ◽  
A. L. Araújo ◽  
R. de Oliveira ◽  
D. D. Mara ◽  
H. W. Pearson ◽  
S. A. Silva

Sulphur and phosphorous transformations were studied in two pilot-scale wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs on the basis of four experiments carried out at EXTRABES in northeast Brazil. The reservoirs were fed with the effluent from an anaerobic pond and after filling they were allowed to rest until faecal coliform numbers dropped below 100 cfu/100 ml (10 times below the WHO guideline for unrestricted irrigation). During the filling periods sulphate was reduced to sulphide which reached high values by the beginning of the rest period, decreasing thereafter due to its oxidation, mainly to sulphate. Based on these results a rest period of at least two months is required for sulphide to fall to safe levels from the point of view of biological toxicity. Total phosphorus removal in the reservoirs was low, 9–33%; soluble orthophosphate concentrations remained virtually unchanged, especially when the initial organic loading was high.

1996 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 243-249
D. D. Mara ◽  
H. W. Pearson ◽  
S. A. Silva ◽  
R. de Oliveira ◽  
A. L. C. Araujo ◽  

The performance of a pilot-scale effluent storage reservoir was evaluated on the basis of data from two experiments carried out at EXTRABES in northeast Brazil. The reservoir was filled with the effluent of an anaerobic pond in 35 and 18 days for Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Once full, the reservoir was allowed to rest until the faecal coliform level reached 100 per 100ml, that is 10 times below the WHO guideline for unrestricted irrigation. After a rest period of 33 and 52 days, in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, faecal coliform numbers throughout the water column were <100 per 100ml, and the unfiltered BOD was also reduced to <25 mg/l.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52 ◽  
Gražina Žibienė ◽  
Midona Dapkienė ◽  
Jurgita Kazakevičienė ◽  
Algirdas Radzevičius

Different kinds of natural and artificial filter media are able to retain phosphorus in the constructed wetlands. Due to the fact that the constructed wetland needs huge amounts of the filter media, it is very important to find locally available material which distinguishes itself by its ability to retain phosphorus. The materials found in Lithuania were considered and dolomite was chosen. Two dolomite fractions, dolomite powder (1–2 mm) and dolomite chippings (2–5 mm), and sand media were used in the laboratory- scale installed for the comparative experiments. The laboratory-scale with dolomite as the filter media was on average by 21% more efficient in total phosphorus removal in comparison with the sand media. Based on the laboratory research pilot–scale vertical flow constructed wetland of 160 m2 was installed and planted with reed Phragmites australis. The dolomite chippings as filter media were chosen in order to avoid the danger of the clogging of constructed wetland. Efficiency of total phosphorus removal in the pilot-scale vertical flow constructed wetland was on average 95.7%, phosphates removal – 94.8% within one year.

1998 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-114 ◽  
S. H. Chuang ◽  
C. F. Ouyang ◽  
H. C. Yuang ◽  
S. J. You

Accumulating and utilizing PHAs (polyhydroxyalkanoates), i.e. a major carbon reserve of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs), is a prerequisite for phosphorus removal in an enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) system. To evaluate phosphorus removal, this study investigates the behavior of PHAs in a hybrid anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process, operating under various sludge retention times (5, 10, 12 and 15 days) and dissolved oxygen conditions (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/l in aerobic stage). PHAs and phosphorus measurements in the pilot-scale experiments demonstrate that the PHAs content of sludge closely relates to phosphorus release and uptake behavios under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, respectively. The aerobic specific-phosphorus-uptake-rate is directly proportional to PHAs content of sludge in the anoxic stage. When the process is under a high organic loading condition, the sludge exhibits a large amount of PHAs having accumulated in the anoxic stage and a high phosphorus uptake rate in the subsequent aerobic stage. However, experimental results confirm that anoxic phosphorus release, leading to a high concentration of phosphorus flow into the aerobic stage, causes deficient phosphorus removal under a high organic loading condition. Moreover, a low PHAs content of sludge causes incomplete phosphorus removal; the phenomenon occurs when the process is under a low organic loading condition. Based on the results presented herein, we can conclude that the organic loading should be carefully controlled for phosphorus removal in the anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process.

1996 ◽  
Vol 34 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
H. Temmink ◽  
B. Petersen ◽  
S. Isaacs ◽  
M. Henze

Activated sludge plants for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are often disturbed by short periods of low organic loading. Depending on the exact nature of the disturbance this may result in a partial or complete depletion of the internal PHB stores. PHB and phosphate measurements in a pilot-scale EBPR process show that recovery from such disturbances is slow and temporarily results in high phosphate concentrations. The measurements strongly suggest that the main reason for this slow recovery is a dependency of P-uptake on a slowly rising level of PHB. In a number of batch experiments this dependency of P-uptake on PHB was clearly shown. Also, based on the results of these batch experiments, a more detailed analysis was made of the effect of organic loading and aeration time on EBPR recovery. It is concluded that to obtain EBPR recovery, the aeration time should be carefully adjusted to the organic loading, particularly if the organic loading is low.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Rina S. Soetopo ◽  
Sri Purwati ◽  
Henggar Hardiani ◽  
Mukharomah Nur Aini ◽  
Krisna Adhitya Wardhana

A continuous pilot scale study has been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of anaerobic digestion of biological sludge. The sludge has a total solid content of 0.53% - 1.1%, pH of 7.20 to 7.32. Its organic content is about 97 %, The research were conducted in two stages, which are acidification (performed in 3 m3 the Continously Stirred Tank Reactor/CSTR at pH of 5.5 to 6.0) and methanation (performed in 5 m3 the Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket/UASB reactor at pH 6.5 to 7.0). The retention time (RT) was gradually shortened from 6 days to 1 day for acidification and from 8 days to 2 days for methanation. The results showed that operating the CSTR at the RT of 1 day and the organic loading of 8.23 g Volatile Solid (VS)/ could produce Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) at an average value of 17.3 g/kg Operating the UASB reactor at the RT of 2 days and the organic loading (Chemical Oxygen Demand/COD) of 2.4 kg COD/ could produce biogas at an average value of 66.3 L/day, with an average methane content of 69.9%, methane rate of 0.17 L CH4/g COD reduction or 19.06 L CH4/kg VS. Furthermore, methanation could reduce COD at an average value of 51.2 %, resulting in the effluent average value of COD filtrate and COD total of 210.1 mg/L and 375.2 mg /L, respectively.Keywords: acidification, methanation, CSTR, UASB, biogas ABSTRAKPercobaan digestasi anaerobik lumpur IPAL biologi industri kertas secara kontinyu skala pilot telah dilakukan di industri kertas dengan tujuan mengkaji efektivitas proses digestasi anaerobik dalam mengolah lumpur tersebut. Lumpur yang digunakan memiliki total solids sekitar 0,53% – 1,1%, pH netral (7,20 – 7,32) dengan komponen utama senyawa organik sekitar 97%. Percobaan dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu asidifikasi dalam reaktor CSTR berkapasitas 3 m3 pada pH 5,5 – 6,0 dan metanasi dalam reaktor UASB berkapasitas 5 m3 pada pH 6,5 – 7,0. Percobaan dilakukan dengan waktu retensi yang dipersingkat secara bertahap dari 6 hari ke 1 hari untuk proses asidifikasi dan dari 8 hari ke 2 hari untuk proses metanasi. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pengoperasian reaktor CSTR dengan waktu retensi 1 hari dan beban organik 8,3 g VS/m3.hari dapat menghasilkan VFA rata-rata 17,3 g/kg VS.hari dengan kisaran 8,36 – 30,59 g/kg VS.hari, sedangkan pengoperasian reaktor UASB pada waktu retensi 2 hari dan beban organik 2,4 kg COD/m3.hari dapat menghasilkan biogas rata-rata 66,3 L/hari dengan kadar metana rata-rata 69,9% atau 0,17 L CH4/g COD reduksi atau 19,06 L CH4/kg VS. Selain itu proses metanasi dapat menurunkan COD terlarut rata-rata 51,2%, dengan konsentrasi efluen COD terlarut  rata-rata 210,1 mg/L dan COD total rata-rata 375,2 mg/L.Kata kunci: asidifikasi, metanasi, CSTR, UASB, biogas

2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-83 ◽  
Zhe Zhang ◽  
Eric R. Hall

Abstract Parameter estimation and wastewater characterization are crucial for modelling of the membrane enhanced biological phosphorus removal (MEBPR) process. Prior to determining the values of a subset of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters used in ASM No. 2 (ASM2), the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fractions of influent wastewater at the University of British Columbia (UBC) pilot plant were characterized. It was found that the UBC wastewater contained fractions of volatile acids (SA), readily fermentable biodegradable COD (SF) and slowly biodegradable COD (XS) that fell within the ASM2 default value ranges. The contents of soluble inert COD (SI) and particulate inert COD (XI) were somewhat higher than ASM2 default values. Mixed liquor samples from pilot-scale MEBPR and conventional enhanced biological phosphorus removal (CEBPR) processes operated under parallel conditions, were then analyzed experimentally to assess the impact of operation in a membrane-assisted mode on the growth yield (YH), decay coefficient (bH) and maximum specific growth rate of heterotrophic biomass (µH). The resulting values for YH, bH and µH were slightly lower for the MEBPR train than for the CEBPR train, but the differences were not statistically significant. It is suggested that MEBPR simulation using ASM2 could be accomplished satisfactorily using parameter values determined for a conventional biological phosphorus removal process, if MEBPR parameter values are not available.

1996 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 165-171 ◽  
J. Soares ◽  
S. A. Silva ◽  
R. de Oliveira ◽  
A. L. C. Araujo ◽  
D. D. Mara ◽  

Ammonia removal was monitored in a waste stabilisation pond complex comprising ponds of different geometries and depths under two different operational regimes. It was found that a high degree of ammonia removal commenced in the secondary maturation ponds, with the highest removals occurring in the shallowest ponds as a consequence of improved aerobic conditions. The tertiary maturation ponds produced effluents with mean ammonia concentrations of < 5 mg N/l, the maximum permitted recommended by Brazilian environmental legislation for the discharge of effluents of wastewater treatment plants into surface waters. Ammonia removal in the secondary facultative and maturation ponds could be modelled using equations based on the volatilization mechanism proposed by Middlebrooks et al. (1982).

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 145-152 ◽  
H. Heinonen-Tanski ◽  
P. Juntunen ◽  
R. Rajala ◽  
E. Haume ◽  
A. Niemelä

Municipal treated wastewater has been tertiary treated in a pilot-scale rapid sand filter. The filtration process was improved by using polyaluminium coagulants. The sand-filtered water was further treated with one or two UV reactors. The quality changes of wastewater were measured with transmittance, total phosphorus, soluble phosphorus, and somatic coliphages, FRNA-coliphages, FC, enterococci and fecal clostridia. Sand filtration alone without coagulants improved slightly some physico-chemical parameters and it had almost no effect on content of microorganisms. If coagulants were used, the filtration was more effective. The reductions were 88-98% for microbial groups and 80% for total phosphorus. The wastewater would meet the requirements for bathing waters (2,000 FC/100 ml, EU, 1976). UV further improved the hygiene level; this type of treated wastewater could be used for unrestricted irrigation (2.2 TC/100 ml, US.EPA 1992). The improvement was better if coagulants were used. The price for tertiary treatment (filtration + UV) would have been 0.036 Euro/m3 according to prices in 2001 in 22 Mm3/a. The investment cost needed for the filtration unit was 0.020 Euro/m3 (6%/15a). Filtration with coagulants is recommended in spite of its costs, since the low transmittance of unfiltered wastewater impairs the efficiency of the UV treatment.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 897
Neda Amanat ◽  
Bruna Matturro ◽  
Marta Maria Rossi ◽  
Francesco Valentino ◽  
Marianna Villano ◽  

The use of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) as slow-release electron donors for environmental remediation represents a novel and appealing application that is attracting considerable attention in the scientific community. In this context, here, the fermentation pattern of different types of PHA-based materials has been investigated in batch and continuous-flow experiments. Along with commercially available materials, produced from axenic microbial cultures, PHA produced at pilot scale by mixed microbial cultures (MMC) using waste feedstock have been also tested. As a main finding, a rapid onset of volatile fatty acids (VFA) production was observed with a low-purity MMC-deriving material, consisting of microbial cells containing 56% (on weight basis) of intracellular PHA. Indeed, with this material a sustained, long-term production of organic acids (i.e., acetic, propionic, and butyric acids) was observed. In addition, the obtained yield of conversion into acids (up to 70% gVFA/gPHA) was higher than that obtained with the other tested materials, made of extracted and purified PHA. These results clearly suggest the possibility to directly use the PHA-rich cells deriving from the MMC production process, with no need of extraction and purification procedures, as a sustainable and effective carbon source bringing remarkable advantages from an economic and environmental point of view.

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