2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1/4) ◽  
pp. 17-23 ◽  
Cândida Caniçali Primo ◽  
Chalini Cassaro Trevizani ◽  
Jaodethe Cândida Tedesco ◽  
Franciéle Marabotti Costa Leite ◽  
Márcia Valéria de Sousa Almeida ◽  

Introdução: O uso do processo de enfermagem favorece o desenvolvimento dos sistemas de classificação para documentaçãodos registros clínicos de enfermagem. Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil das gestantes atendidas na consulta pré-natal deenfermagem; identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem mais freqüentes e elaborar as intervenções utilizando a ClassificaçãoInternacional para as Práticas de Enfermagem-CIPE/Versão1.0. Método: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo realizado no hospitaluniversitário em Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Os dados foram extraídos dos 84 prontuários de gestantes atendidas dejaneiro de 2007 a outubro de 2008. Resultados: foram elaborados 84 diagnósticos de enfermagem, sendo os mais frequentes:52,38% ingestão de alimentos prejudicada, 50% ingestão de líquidos baixa, 46,42% risco para hipertensão, 34,52% risco parahiperglicemia, 33,33% edema nas pernas, 30,95% dor pélvica e 30,95% eliminação urinária aumentada. Conclusão: utilizar aCIPE pode colaborar na autonomia da enfermagem ao planejar as ações do cuidado com a gestante utilizando uma linguagemespecífica.Descritores: Cuidado pré-natal, Diagnóstico de enfermagem, Processos de enfermagem, Classificação, Terminologia.INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NURSING PRACTICE IN PRENATAL CAREIntroduction: The use of the nursing process promotes the development of classification systems for documentation of clinicalrecords of nursing. Objective: To characterize the profile of pregnant women in antenatal care nursing, identifying the mostfrequent nursing diagnosis and develop interventions using the International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP®version1.0. Method: Descriptive, retrospective study conducted at University Hospital in Vitoria, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Data wereextracted from clinical records of 84 pregnant women from January 2007 to October 2008. Results: developed 84 nursingdiagnoses, the most frequent: 52.38% Impaired food intake, 50% Low fluid intake, 46.42% Risk for hypertension, 34.52% Riskfor hyperglycaemia, 33.33% Oedema in legs, 30.95% Pelvic pain , and 30.95% Increased urination. Conclusion: using ICNP cancollaborate on the autonomy of the nursing to plan activities with the pregnant woman care using a specific language.Descriptors: Perinatal care, Nursing diagnosis, Nursing process, Classification, Terminology.CLASIFICACIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA LA PRÁCTICA DE ENFERMERÍA EN LA ATENCIÓN PRENATALIntroducción: El uso del proceso de enfermería favorece el desarrollo de los sistemas de clasificación para la documentaciónde los registros clínicos de enfermería. Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil de las mujeres embarazadas en control prenatal deenfermería, identificando los diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes y desarrollar intervenciones utilizando la ClasificaciónInternacional para la Práctica de Enfermería-CIPE/versión1.0. Método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo realizado en elHospital Universitario en Vitória / ES. Los datos fueron extraídos de los registros clínicos de 84 mujeres embarazadas entreenero de 2007 octubre de 2008. Resultados: desarrollado 84 diagnósticos de enfermería, los más frecuentes: 52,38% deteriorode la ingesta de alimento, 50% ingesta de líquidos baja, 46,42% riesgo de hypertension, 34,52% riesgo de hiperglucemia, 33,33%edema en la pierna, 30.95% dolor en la pelvis y 30.95% micción aumentada. Conclusión: el uso de la ICNP puede colaborar enla autonomía de la enfermería para planificar actividades en el cuidado de la mujer embarazada usando un lenguaje específico.Descriptores: Atención Perinatal, Diagnóstico de enfermería, Procesos de enfermería, Clasificación, Terminología.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41
Isadora Marques Barbosa ◽  
Cássia Fernandes Coelho ◽  
Priscila De Souza Aquino ◽  
Ana Karina Bezerra Pinheiro

Desde tempos remotos, as prostitutas sofrem preconceitos. Esse fato pode acarretar dificuldades de atendimento às necessidades peculiares. Utilizar teoria de enfermagem no atendimento a prostitutas faz-se relevante por proporcionar maior comunicação terapêutica, adequando-se à problemática da paciente. Objetivou-se aplicar o processo de enfermagem utilizando a Teoria de Orem a prostitutas. Estudo descritivo, realizado por meio de três visitas domiciliárias a cinco prostitutas, utilizando um formulário estruturado. Os resultados mostraram os diagnósticos mais prevalentes: estilo de vida sedentário, 5 (26,3%), manutenção ineficaz da saúde, 4 (21%), e risco de solidão, 3 (15,7%). Por meio da utilização da teoria, pôde-se investigar, detalhadamente, as alterações encontradas e traçar um plano de cuidados, bem como avaliar melhorias encontradas pós-intervenção. Concluiu-se que a associação de instrumentos da prática de enfermagem ao cuidado a essas mulheres é de grande valia para a promoção de sua saúde nas distintas interfaces.Descritores: Autocuidado, Diagnóstico de Enfermagem, Prostituição.Self-Care practice in prostitutes: applying the nursing process according to the Orem’s theorySince the inception of the profession, the prostitutes suffer prejudice. This may cause difficulties in meeting the unique needs. Using the theory of nursing care to prostitutes becomes relevant because it provides greater therapeutic communication, adapting it to the problem of the patient. The objective was to apply the nursing process using the Orem’s theory to prostitutes. A descriptive study was carried out by means of three home visits to five prostitutes, using a structured form. The results showed the most prevalent diagnosis: Sedentary lifestyle 5 (26.3%), Ineffective health maintenance 4 (21%) and Risk for loneliness 3 (15.7%). By using the theory, it was possible to investigate the changes, draw a plan of care and evaluate improvements after the intervention. It was concluded that the combination of instruments of nursing practice in caring for these women is of great value to the promotion of their health in different visions.Descriptors: Self Care, Nursing Diagnosis, Prostitution.Practica del autocuidado en prostitutas: aplicacion del proceso de enfermería según la teoría de OremDesde el inicio de la profesión, las prostitutas fueron víctimas de los prejuicios. Esto puede causar dificultades para atender sus necesidades. Usar la teoría de los cuidados de enfermería a las prostitutas se vuelve relevante porque proporciona mayor comunicación terapéutica y adaptación al problema del paciente. El objetivo fue aplicar el proceso de enfermería utilizando la teoría de Orem a prostitutas. Estudio descriptivo, hecho en el periodo de febrero a abril de 2009, a través de tres visitas a domicilio a cinco prostitutas, utilizando un formulario estructurado. Los resultados mostraron los diagnósticos más frecuentes: Estilo de vida sedentario 5 (26,3%), Mantenimiento de la salud ineficaces 4 (21%) y Riesgo de soledad 3 (15,7%). Mediante el uso de la teoría puede ser investigado en detalle los cambios observados, elaborar un plan de atención, y evaluar mejoras después de la intervención. Se concluyó que la combinación de instrumentos de la práctica de enfermería en el cuidado de estas mujeres es de gran valor para la promoción de su salud en diferentes interfaces.Descriptores: Autocuidado, Diagnóstico de Enfermería, Prostitución.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 801-808 ◽  
Telma Ribeiro Garcia ◽  
Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega

ABSTRACT Objective: to recount the story of the Simpósio Nacional de Diagnóstico de Enfermagem (National Nursing Diagnosis Symposium), from 1991 to 2018, describing the official themes and main recommendations; and reflect on the construction, in this process, of a specific field of knowledge for Nursing. Results: the manuscript became a historical study, using official documents resulting from the thirteen Symposiums conducted in the period from 1991 to 2018 as the primary source of empirical data. The outcomes were divided into two stages, from 1991 to 1992, when the event was linked to Interest Groups in Nursing Diagnosis; and from 1996 to 2018, when ABEn Nacional took over the organization and execution of the event. Final considerations: the socialization and exchange of knowledge about systematization of care, Nursing Process and nursing terminologies, themes focused on SINADEn, contributed decisively to the construction of a fruitful field of knowledge for Nursing.

2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 668-676 ◽  
Lucia Helena Mello de Lima ◽  
Maria Carmen Viana

Sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy pose a major risk to the fetus due to vertical transmission. The study's objective was to determine the prevalence of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, and HTLV-I/II infection among low-income postpartum and pregnant women treated in Greater Metropolitan Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, and the risk factors associated with these infections. A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to October 1999 assessing postpartum and pregnant women from the maternity ward of the Vitória Mercy Hospital and the Carapina Outpatient Referral Unit in the Municipality of Serra, respectively. Patients were systematically interviewed and had blood samples drawn for serological tests (HIV 1&2, VDRL, HbsAg, anti-HCV, and HTLV-I/II). A total of 534 patients (332 postpartum and 202 pregnant women) were assessed. Seroprevalence rates for the target infections in postpartum and pregnant women and the overall sample were as follows, respectively: HIV 0.9%, 0%, and 0.6%; syphilis 2.1%, 3.6%, and 2.7%; HBV 1.2%, 1%, and 1.1%; HCV 1.8%, 0.6%, and 1.4%; and HTLV-I/II 1.7%, 0.6%, and 1.3%. Factors associated with the various infections are presented and analyzed in light of other research findings from the literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-290
Renata Pereira Ferro ◽  
Laylla Ribeiro Macedo ◽  
Mariana Ribeiro Macedo ◽  
Ionar Cilene De Oliveira Cosson ◽  
Jaçamar Aldenora Dos Santos ◽  

Introduction: Syphilis is still a worldwide problem; with approximately 12 million people infected every year. Over the last decade, Brazil had an increment in the number of cases. The year 2016 reported 37,436 cases of syphilis in pregnant women and 20,474 cases of congenital syphilis, with 185 deaths. The Southeast region reached the highest numbers, especially in the state of Espírito Santo with high rates in pregnant women, being the third highest incidence rate in the country with 10.4 cases/1,000 live births, above the national average of 6.8 cases/1,000 live births. Objective: Describe the therapeutic treatment of children affected with congenital syphilis as well as the clinical, radiological and laboratory changes associated to this disease. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, exploratory, quantitative study, based on 204 notification forms of congenital syphilis from January 2016 to December 2017. Results: The findings showed that 88.7% of the puerperal women performed prenatal care. Regarding newborns, 85.3% were asymptomatic. When analyzing the therapeutic regimen instituted, 22.5% used procaine Penicillin G, 22.5% crystalline Penicillin G and 20.6% benzathine Penicillin G.  Conclusion: The treatment instituted by this philanthropic maternity for newborns with congenital syphilis is in line with the guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Health. The clinical symptoms do not represent a frequent finding during the neonatal period, however, they can occur later.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 107 ◽  
Rosa Del Socorro Morales-Aguilar ◽  
Alba Cecilia Pardo-Vásquez

ABSTRACTIntroduction: the theoretical and methodological components are the proper expertise in nursing, and it refers to models, theories, care process, taxonomy of nursing diagnoses, system of nursing intervention classification, and system of outcomes classification, which base nursing care into professional practice. Methodology: research was performed on Google Scholar, reviewing the databases of Scielo, Ciberindex, Index Enfermería, Dialnet, Redalyc, Medline, identifying 70 published articles between 2005-2015, and selecting 52 of them. The keywords used were: nurse care, nursing diagnostic, classification, nursing theory, in spanish and portuguese. Results: training students, receive knowledge in the nursing process, NANDA International, classification of the interventions, nurse results and theoretical components. The Dorothea Orem, Callista Roy, Nola Pender, Virginia Henderson, Florence Nightingale, and Betty Neuman theories are applied. The application of the nursing process is limited and low familiarity with the international taxonomy by nurse professionals in the assistance area is noticed. Conclusions: the challenge of nursing is to continue to solidify the scientific knowledge and to undo the gap between theory and practice.KEY WORDS: nursing care, nursing diagnosis, classification, nursing theory.Aplicación de los elementos teóricos y metodológicos del cuidado de enfermeríaRESUMENIntroducción: los elementos teóricos y metodológicos son conocimientos propios de enfermería y se refieren a modelos, teorías, proceso de atención, taxonomía de diagnósticos de enfermería, el sistema de clasificación de intervenciones de enfermería, y el sistema de clasificación de resultados, los cuales fundamentan el cuidado de enfermería en la práctica profesional. Metodología: se realizó búsqueda en Google Chrome,  revisando las bases de datos de Scielo, Ciberindex, Index Enfermería, Dialnet, Redalyc y Medline, identificando 70 artículos publicados entre 2005-2015, seleccionándose 52. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: cuidado de enfermería, diagnóstico de enfermería, clasificación, teoría de enfermería, , en idiomas español y portugués. Resultados: los estudiantes en formación reciben conocimientos en el proceso de enfermería, NANDA Internacional, clasificación de las intervenciones, resultados enfermeros y elementos teóricos. Las teóricas aplicadas fueron Dorotea Orem, Callista Roy, Nola Pender, Virginia Henderson, Florence Nigthingale y Betty Neuman. La aplicación del proceso de enfermería es limitada y hay escasa familiaridad con la taxonomía internacional por parte de los profesionales de enfermería en el área asistencial. Conclusiones: el reto de enfermería es continuar dando solidez al cuerpo de conocimiento científico y deshacer la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica. PALABRAS CLAVE: cuidado de enfermería, diagnóstico de enfermería, clasificación, teoría de enfermería. Aplicação de elementos teóricos e metodológicos dos cuidados de enfermagem RESUMOIntrodução: os elementos teóricos e metodológicos são os conhecimentos próprios em enfermagem, e se referem a modelos, teorias, processos de atendimento, taxonomia de diagnósticos de enfermagem, o sistema de classificação de intervenções de enfermagem, e o sistema de classificação de resultados, os quais fundamentam os cuidados de enfermagem na prática professional. Materiais e métodos: realizou-se busca em Google Acadêmico, revisando as bases de dados de Scielo, Ciberindex, Index Enfermagem, Dialnet, Redalyc, Medline, identificando 70 artigos publicados entre 2005-2015, selecionando-se 52. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram cuidados de enfermagem , diagnóstico de enfermagem , classificação, teoria de enfermagem, processo de atendimento, intervenção e resultados de enfermagem, nas línguas espanhol e português. Resultados: os estudantes em formação, recebem conhecimentos no processo de enfermagem, NANDA Internacional, classificação das intervenções, resultados enfermeiros e elementos teóricos. Se aplicam as teorias de Dorotea Orem, Callista Roy, Nola Pender, Virginia Henderson, Florence Nigthingale e Betty Neuman. A aplicação do processo de enfermagem é limitado e é percebida falta de familiaridade com a taxonomia internacional, principalmente pelos professionais de enfermagem na área assistencial. Conclusão: o desafio da enfermagem é de continuar a solidificar ao corpo de conhecimento científico e desfazer a lacuna entre a teoria e prática. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: cuidados de enfermagem , diagnóstico de enfermagem, classificação, teoria de enfermagem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1.ESP) ◽  
Anderson Reis de Sousa ◽  
George Luiz Alves Santos ◽  
Rudval Souza Da Silva ◽  
Evanilda Souza de Santana Carvalho

Objetivo: refletir sobre a  aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem na organização do cuidado profissional  no enfrentamento da COVID-19 no Brasil. Método: estudo de reflexão teórica apoiado na Resolução Cofen nº 358/2009 que dispõe sobre o Processo de Enfermagem. Resultados: são apresentadas considerações sobre a aplicabilidade do Processo de Enfermagem direcionado pelo saber/fazer profissional da equipe de enfermagem sob a liderança da enfermeira. Conclusão: o Processo de Enfermagem se mostra essencial na organização da prática profissional da enfermeira possibilitando sistematizar as ações no enfrentamento da COVID-19 no cenário nacional, subsidiar o registro dos achados clínicos de enfermagem, que possibilitarão gerar dados epidemiológicos, além de refletir o pensamento crítico-reflexivo da enfermeira.Descritores: Cuidados de Enfermagem; Processo de Enfermagem; Teoria de Enfermagem; Pandemias; Infecções por Coronavírus. REFLECTIONS ON THE NURSING PROCESS IN THE WORK OF NURSES IN FRONT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMICObjective: To reflect on the application of the Nursing Process in the organization of professional care in coping with Covid-19 in Brazil. Method: Theoretical reflection study supported by Resolution COFEN nº 358/2009, which provides for the Nursing Process. Results: Considerations arepresented about the applicability of the Nursing Process guided by the professional knowledge/practice of the nursing team under the leadership of the nurse. Conclusion: The Nursing Process proves to be essential in the organization of professional nursing practice, making it possible to systematize actions in the fight against Covid-19in the national scenario, to subsidize the registration of clinical nursing findings, which will make it possible to generate epidemiological data, in addition to reflecting the thinking critical-reflective of the nurse.Descriptors: Nursing Care; Nursing Process; Nursing Theory; Pandemics; Coronavirus Infections. REFLEXIONES SOBRE EL PROCESO DE ENFERMERÍA EN EL TRABAJO DE ENFERMERAS FRENTE A LA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre la aplicación del Proceso de Enfermería en la organización de la atención profesional para hacer frente a Covid-19en Brasil. Método: Estudio de reflexión teórica respaldado por la Resolución Cofen nº 358/2009, que prevé el Proceso de Enfermería. Resultados: Se presentan consideraciones sobre la aplicabilidad del Proceso de Enfermería guiado por el conocimiento/práctica profesional del equipo de enfermería bajo el liderazgo de la enfermera. Conclusión: El Proceso de Enfermería demuestra ser esencial en la organización de la práctica profesional de enfermería, permitiendo sistematizar acciones en la lucha contra Covid-19 en el escenario nacional, para subsidiar el registro de hallazgos clínicos de enfermería, lo que permitirá generar datos epidemiológicos, además de reflejar el pensamiento. crítico-reflexivo de la enfermera.Descriptores: Atención de Enfermería; Proceso de Enfermería; Teoría de Enfermería; Pandemias; Infecciones por Coronavírus. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were required to provide nursing practice within the university. This study presents details of a substitute program of practice in adult nursing (chronic care nursing) developed to meet this challenge. The program consisted of three components: (1) training in identifying problems from limited information, (2) situation-based training (implementation of the nursing process for patients with chronic disease), and (3) training in handling unforeseen developments. It was considered that nursing students could experience and learn about nursing with patients living with chronic diseases, in a similar manner to clinical practice, through a substitute practice at the university. Results indicated that students could clarify the challenges they faced and share what they learned seamlessly, highlighting the program’s potential as a new educational method. In the future, it is necessary to analyze student learning in the substitute practice and continue to deliver educational content and methods that generate positive learning effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Glícia Chierici Baptista ◽  
Wanêssa Lacerda Poton

Abstract Objectives: analyze neonatal mortality causes, highlighting the pteventable ones from 2008 to 2017, in Espírito Santo State and health regions. Methods: ecological study of temporal series on neonatal mortality using data from Mortality Information System and from Live Birth Information System. The death causes were classified based on the List of Avoidable Causes of Deaths due to Interventions of the Brazilian Health System. The temporal tendency was analyzed using linear regression. Results: the neonatal mortality rate reduced, approximately 5%, with a reduction of almost 27% in the late neonatal component. Approximately, 70% of neonatal deaths were preventable, with a higher frequency of reducible causes by adequate care at pregnancy, childbirth and to the newborn. The reduction was significant for adequate care for pregnant women in Espírito Santo and in Metropolitan Region and due to adequate care to the newborn in the South Region. Conclusions: the main causes of neonatal deaths were due inadequate care for women during pregnancy, at childbirth and to the newborn, despite the reduction in neonatal mortality over the past 10 years. This study may contribute to the planning of health policies to improve care for pregnant women, parturient and to the newborn.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 832-837
Rafaela Alves Pereira-Silva ◽  
Sarah Maria Athiê-Souza ◽  
André Laurênio de Melo ◽  
W. Scott Armbruster

Abstract—A new species of Dalechampia from southeastern Brazil, belonging to Dalechampia sect. Dioscoreifoliae, is described and illustrated here. Dalechampia margarethiae is a twining vine occurring exclusively in Espírito Santo state. Its pseudanthia are similar to those of D. peckoltiana and D. pentaphylla, but D. margarethiae differs in a set of important characters, including having cylindrical, down-curved style tips, staminate flowers at anthesis having unreflexed sepals with stamens born on unelongated columns, whitish floral resin, and simple, entire, cordate leaves.

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