Transmissibility and Epidemicity of COVID-19 in India: A Case Study

Bevish Y. Jinila ◽  
Prayla S. Shyry

Background: The global outbreak of COVID-19 incepted in Wuhan, China in the late 2019. It is still unclear about the origin of the infection. Over time, it has migrated geographically to 150 countries in the world and World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the infectious disease to be pandemic. Objective: Recently, COVID-19 has stepped into India by the travellers from other countries. The transmissibility and epidemicity of COVID-19 in India is exponential. So, in-order to understand the above characteristics, specifically COVID-19 status in India is analyzed. To analyze this into deeper, the state of Kerala is selected. The epidemiological characteristics of patients in Kerala, South India and the possible transmission of COVID-19 from asymptomatic members to other peers are shown using certain cases. Methods: The COVID-19 dataset is taken from Kaggle dataset. This dataset contains the details of the infected patients from different states of India. Statistical analysis techniques where used to analyze the distribution of the affected cases in a particular state. Results: The analysis shows that there is possibility of transmission of the infection even during incubation period. The recent trend in the number of infected cases in India is discussed. Conclusion: The transmissibility of COVID-19 and its epidemicity in India is discussed. In specific, a case study on COVID -19 cases in the state of Kerala relating the transmissibility is also summarized. Further, data related to patents on corona virus is also discussed. From the analysis, it can be concluded that there is a possibility of COVID-19 transmission even during incubation period. The preventive measures to overcome COVID-19 and methods to increase the immunity are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 862-869
Meena Kumari ◽  
Monika Agrawal ◽  
Rakesh Kumar Singh ◽  
Parameswarappa S Byadgi

Currently, the world is facing a health and socioeconomic crisis caused by the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this disease as a pandemic. The condition (COVID-19) is an infectious disorder triggered by a newly discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2. Most of the COVID-19 infected patients will experience mild to moderate respiratory symptoms and recover without any unique therapy. Assessment of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 cases suggests the infected patients will not be contagious until the onset of severe symptoms and affects the other organs. Well-differentiated cells of apical airway epithelia communicating with ACE2 were promptly infected to SARS-CoV-2 virus. But the expression of ACE 2 in poorly differentiated epithelia facilitated SARS spike (S) protein-pseudo typed virus entry and it is replicated in polarized epithelia and especially exited via the apical surface. Limiting the transmission of COVID-19 infection & its prevention can be regarded as a hierarchy of controls. In this article, we briefly discuss the most recent advances in respect to aetiology, pathogenesis and clinical progression of the disease COVID-19.

Children ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 195
Emma Woolley ◽  
Shirley Wyver

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continuation of breastfeeding for up to two years. Formal child care has an important role in supporting breastfeeding, as many Australian infants commence care before two years of age. Currently, little is known about support or barriers in child care contexts. The present qualitative instrumental case study explores practices which protect, promote and support breastfeeding at a child care centre located in the Australian Capital Territory’s outer suburbs. Extending from a previously published collective case study, a cultural-institutional focus of analysis was used to explore the roles of proximity, flexibility and communication in supporting breastfeeding within a child care centre located close to an infant’s home. Interviews with centre staff and mothers, triangulated with observations of the centre environment and policy documents provide insight into the environment. Affirming the roles of flexibility in routine and staff rostering and two-way communication, findings suggest longer-term benefits may be derived from selecting a child care centre close to an infant’s home, provided mothers can overcome barriers to breastmilk expression in the workplace. The study recognises the role of non-lactating caregivers in the transition to formal child care, and of the support culture for educators who breastfeed. This study extends the knowledge base of breastfeeding support interventions in the child care setting to inform future research and policy.

Mythri Halappa

AbstractMedications are one of the most important tools in public health practice. Since the 1980s, self‑medication is of prime public health importance as World Health Organization, in order to reduce the burden on health care professionals changed some prescription drugs to be sold over the counter. Each drug has its own advantages & disadvantages. Hence, always they have to be taken with caution. Considering this a recent trend has increased in surveying the prevalence of self medication. Hence, this review critically evaluated the studies to put a light on basic concept of self medication.Key words: Self medication, Drug abuse, Self care, Substance abuse, Antibiotic usage. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
N. Rahmanian ◽  
Siti Hajar Bt Ali ◽  
M. Homayoonfard ◽  
N. J. Ali ◽  
M. Rehan ◽  

The drinking water quality was investigated in suspected parts of Perak state, Malaysia, to ensure the continuous supply of clean and safe drinking water for the public health protection. In this regard, a detailed physical and chemical analysis of drinking water samples was carried out in different residential and commercial areas of the state. A number of parameters such as pH, turbidity, conductivity, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe, Cd, Pb, Cr, As, Hg, and Sn were analysed for each water sample collected during winter and summer periods. The obtained values of each parameter were compared with the standard values set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and local standards such as National Drinking Water Quality Standard (NDWQS). The values of each parameter were found to be within the safe limits set by the WHO and NDWQS. Overall, the water from all the locations was found to be safe as drinking water. However, it is also important to investigate other potential water contaminations such as chemicals and microbial and radiological materials for a longer period of time, including human body fluids, in order to assess the overall water quality of Perak state.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. e15 ◽  
Andreas Maercker ◽  
Rahel C Bachem ◽  
Louisa Lorenz ◽  
Christian T Moser ◽  
Thomas Berger

Background Adjustment disorders (also known as mental distress in response to a stressor) are among the most frequently diagnosed mental disorders in psychiatry and clinical psychology worldwide. They are also commonly diagnosed in clients engaging in deliberate self-harm and in those consulting general practitioners. However, their reputation in research-oriented mental health remains weak since they are largely underresearched. This may change when the International Statistical Classification of Diseases-11 (ICD-11) by the World Health Organization is introduced, including a new conceptualization of adjustment disorders as a stress-response disorder with positively defined core symptoms. Objective This paper provides an overview of evidence-based interventions for adjustment disorders. Methods We reviewed the new ICD-11 concept of adjustment disorder and discuss the the rationale and case study of an unguided self-help protocol for burglary victims with adjustment disorder, and its possible implementation as an eHealth intervention. Results Overall, the treatment with the self-help manual reduced symptoms of adjustment disorder, namely preoccupation and failure to adapt, as well as symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusions E-mental health options are considered uniquely suited for offering early intervention after the experiences of stressful life events that potentially trigger adjustment disorders.

2021 ◽  
Ayako Matsuda ◽  
Kei Asayama ◽  
Taku Obara ◽  
Naoto Yagi ◽  
Takayoshi Ohkubo

Abstract Background: Few reports have longitudinally investigated seasonal influenza epidemiological surveillance data of pediatric populations in the metropolitan areas of Japan. We aimed to provide descriptive characteristics of circulating influenza and to investigate the usefulness of setting thresholds for influenza in children (0–15 years old) in two satellite cities of a metropolitan area of Tokyo, Japan, for five consecutive seasons of the influenza epidemic.Methods: The survey was conducted annually during the influenza season, from 2014 to 2018 (ending March 2019), at preschools (kindergartens and nursery schools), elementary schools, and junior high schools located in Toda and Warabi cities, Saitama prefecture. We investigated the epidemiological characteristics and established thresholds using the World Health Organization method.Results: Of the 108,362 children (21,024 to 22,088 throughout five seasons) who received the questionnaire, 76,753 (70.8%; 14,652 to 15,808) responded. After exclusion of responses without basic information, 64,586 children were included in the analysis, of which 13,754 (21.3%) had tested positive for influenza. Influenza type A was generally dominant, whereas type B was responsible for a substantial share of all influenza cases (>40% in seasons 2015 and 2017, when type A circulated with low incidence). The weeks when the influenza epidemic peaked had no clear seasonal pattern among the surveyed years, i.e., the peaks appeared at week 51 (mid-December) or later, whereas the World Health Organization methods reported that the median period when a peak was observed was at 3 weeks (mid-January), regardless of school age group.Conclusions: The present information obtained from the epidemiological survey regarding seasonal influenza in children would be useful for general practitioners, health policymakers, and planners who establish prevention and control methods against influenza.

J. Raja Meenakshi

<p>Every human being has to face the ageing process and no one could escape from it. The understanding of ageing differs from culture to culture and it varies across nations. World Health Organization recognized that the developing world often defines old age, not by years, but by new roles, loss of previous roles, or inability to make active contribution to society. Women in India generally considered as a secondary citizens and the life of the aged women needs wide attention. Successful ageing refers to leading the life with good physical and psychological health and also with economical independence.Pre plan is highly required to lead a successful life. This study makes an attempt to study the life of elderly women and to understand how they lead a successful life. Case study method was used to study the successful life of the respondents.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-369
Putri Ananda Salsabilla ◽  
Ricky Riyanto Iksan ◽  
Sri Atun Wahyuningsih

ABSTRACT : APPLICATION OF FAMILY FUNCTIONS IN ABILITY TO CARE FOR MEMBERS FAMILIES WITH STROKES Background: Stroke is a non-communicable disease that is one of the leading causes of death and disability rates in the world. Stroke becomes a health threat due to impaired cerebral function, both focal and global, which lasts quickly and lasts more than 24 hours or ends in death without the discovery of the disease other than vascular disorders (World Health, 2017). World Health Organization (2018) stroke sufferers are increasing every year.. It shows that every year there are 13.7 million new cases of stroke, and about 5.5 million deaths occur from stroke. About 70% of strokes and 87% of stroke deaths and disabilities occur in low- and middle-income countries.Objective: Identified Application of Family Function Intervention in the Ability to Care for Family Members With Stroke in the Puskesmas Area of North Meruya Village of West JakartaMethod: This type of research is case studydesign research that according to Basuki Case Study is a form of research on a problem that has the nature of specificity with individual or group targets, even the wider community. In this study, researchers conducted family function interventions in four families with strokes, namely the same four sufferers were given family function interventions.Results: The results of research conducted the influence of affective function, socialization function, economic function, and health care function with the application of nursing care in stroke patients.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study results in the application of family functions in the ability to care for family members with stroke experienced significant changes to intervention. Keywords: Family Function, Caring Ability, Stroke INTISARI : PENERAPAN FUNGSI KELUARGA DALAM KEMAMPUAN MERAWAT ANGGOTA KELUARGA DENGAN STROKE Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi salah satu penyebab utama angka kematian dan kecacatan di dunia. Stroke menjadi ancaman kesehatan karena gangguan fungsi serebral, baik fokal maupun global, yang berlangsung dengan cepat dan lebih dari 24 jam atau berakhir dengan kematian tanpa ditemukannya penyakit selain dari pada gangguan vaskular (World Health Organization, 2017). World Health Organization (2018) penderita stroke semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Menunjukkan bahwa setiap tahunnya ada 13,7 juta kasus baru stroke, dan sekitar 5,5 juta kematian terjadi akibat penyakit stroke. Sekitar 70% penyakit stroke dan 87% kematian dan disabilitas akibat stroke terjadi pada negara berpendapatan rendah dan menengah.Tujuan: Teridentifikasi Penerapan Intervensi Fungsi Keluarga Dalam Kemampuan Merawat Anggota Keluarga Dengan Stroke di Wilayah Puskesmas Kelurahan Meruya Utara Jakarta BaratMetode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian case studydesign yaitu menurut Basuki Case Study adalah bentuk penelitian suatu masalah yang memiliki sifat kekhususan dengan sasaran perorangan ataupun kelompok, bahkan masyarakat luas.Pada penelitian ini Peneliti melakukan Intervensi Fungsi keluarga pada empat keluarga dengan stroke yaitu keempat penderita sama – sama diberikan Intervensi Fungsi Keluarga.Hasil: Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan adanya pengaruh fungsi afektif, fungsi sosialisasi, fungsi ekonomi, dan fungsi perawatan kesehatan dengan penerapan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien stroke.Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini hasil penerapan fungsi keluarga dalam kemampuan merawat anggota keluarga dengan stroke mengalami perubahan yang signifikan terhadap intervensi. Kata Kunci : Fungsi Keluarga, Kemampuan Merawat, Stroke

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