scholarly journals Metode tafsir kontemporer Abdullah Saeed

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-142
Sun Choirol Ummah

The Qur'an as an open book does not close the ongoing interpretation in accordance with the times, situations and conditions. This is important so that the Qur'an does not experience stagnation of meaning. The problem arises when some Muslim scholars do not have the courage to develop the meaning and interpretation of the Qur'an which is considered sinful and fears of changing the Qur'anic text. In other spaces, it turns out that the meaning of the Qur'an with the classical approach will be considered rigid, and untouchable. Abdullah Saeed captures how the efforts to interpret the Qur'an must continue and adapt to the times. Departing from the courage of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad in interpreting the verses about the law, it turns out that the law must be arrested in accordance with its laws, not just enforcing its laws. In line with Saeed, some scientists interpret the method and approach of the Qur'an to carry out concept renewals, from textual, semi-textual, contextual, and contextual progressive. Saeed defined himself to the interpreter with a contextual progressive approach. That is, the interpretive approach considers legal-legal ethics and value hierarchy. The reader should carry out a continuous process of interpretation of the text and be adapted to the socio-historical context.Alquran sebagai kitab terbuka tidak menutup interpretasi yang berkelanjutan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, situasi dan kondisi. Hal ini penting agar Alquran tidak mengalami kemandegan makna. Permasalahan muncul ketika sebagian sarjana Muslim tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mengembangkan makna dan penafsiran Alquran yang dinilai berdosa dan kekhawatiran merubah teks Alquran. Di ruang lainnya ternyata pemaknaan Alquran dengan pendekatan klasik akan dianggap kaku, rigit, dan tak tersentuh.Abdullah Saeed menangkap betapa upaya pemaknaan Alquran harus terus dilanjutkan dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman. Berangkat dari keberanian para sahabat Nabi Muhammad dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat tentang hukum, ternyata hukum harus ditangkap sesuai dengan etis-hukumnya, tidak justru menegakkan legal-hukumnya. Senada dengan Saeed beberapa ilmuwan metode dan pendekatan tafsir Alquran mengadakan pembaruan-pembaruan konsepnya, dari tekstualis, semi-tekstualis, kontekstualis, dan progesif kontekstualis. Saeed mendefinisikan dirinya pada penafsir dengan pendekatan progesif kontekstualis. Artinya, pendekatan tafsirnya mempertimbangkan etis-legal teks dan hirarki nilai. Pembaca seharusnya melakukan proses interpretasi secara berkesinambungan (a continous process) terhadap teks dan disesuaikan dengan socio-historical context-nya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-92
Suad Fikriawan

This study aims to outline how it should go back to the era when the charity in terms of its historical context by tracing regulations since the pre-colonial, Kolonia, the old order, a new order and until the era of reform. This study suggests that the zakat law positifikasi believed by many good scholars, Muslim scholars, and charity watchdog, as the best solution for the realization of the optimization of the collection and management of zaka, as one obligation for Muslims. Then the Law no. 38 of 1999 on Zakah Management is aimed at optimizing the distribution of zakat economic equality and development, but it needs to be supported by a business entity Zakah is a modern and professional. Zakah funds should be directed to small businesses run by the majority of the ummah, in this case agriculture, and the livelihoods of the majority of Muslims and people of Indonesia. Thus the charity will be able to influence the economic development of society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Husni Husni

This article studies the concept of Ihsan (good deed) in the thought of ulama mufassirs (Muslim scholars interpretering the Qur’an). The result of the study being carried out by the writer is that the concept of ihsan being too narrowly interpreted, proves that it has wide interpretation in the thought of muffasirs. If so far among society the concept of ihsan has been narrowly interpreted on the good deed or doing good deed, so according to mufassirs, the concept means: (1) carrying out all obligations, (2) being patient to receive all the obligation and anything forbidden by God, (3) being obedient and always perfects his obedience in quality as well as in the way, (4) forgiving, (5) being sincere, (6) realizing the existence of God, (7) emphasizing the esoteric aspect rather than exoteric world, (8) knowledge, (9) being firm in the truthfulness, (10) havng understanding about the true teachings of God, (11) having good comprehension about the law appropriately applied among the Islamic society. The wide meaning of this concept because this concept is really expressed by the Koran in context. This article tries to attach the concept of Ihsan in several meanings about the education world

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
Eva Jablonka ◽  
Ehud Lamm

<p class="p1"><span class="s1"><strong>Abstract </strong></span>| Lamarck has left many legacies for future generations of biologists<span class="s2"><strong>. </strong></span>His best known legacy was an explicit suggestion, developed in the <em>Philosophie zoologique </em>(PZ), that the effects of use and disuse (acquired characters) can be inherited and can drive species transformation.This suggestion was formulated as two laws, which we refer to as the law of biological plasticity and the law of phenotypic continuity<span class="s2"><strong>. </strong></span>We put these laws in their historical context and distinguish between Lamarck’s key insights and later neo-Lamarckian interpretations of his ideas<span class="s2"><strong>.</strong></span>We argue that Lamarck’s emphasis on the role played by the organization of living beings and his physiological model of reproduction are directly relevant to 21st-century concerns, and illustrate this by discussing intergenerational genomic continuity and cultural evolution.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-234
Muhammad Ishom El-Saha

Study on Islamic  jurisprudence in  Indonesian is very vigorous and developed in accord with the dynamics of society’s life in Indonesia. Starting from the study of Islamic jurisprudence on worship, marriage and even on social life in line with the revival of  shariah economy. However, although the study theme of Islamic jurisprudence is getting wider, it has not aroused the mark for the interest revival of Indonesian muslim scholars to  study in depth and width about the Quranic exegesis of the law yet. This writing is made to encourage those who may concern on this issue that it is advisable to those vigorously study the Islamic jurisprudence in Indonesia redesign the pattern of the study of Islamic jurisprudence to be more systematic by emphasizing its study on the Quranic exegesis of the law. This writing explains that the study of Islamic jurisprudence using the approach of the Quranic exegesis of the law will lead to the comprehensive undertanding on the problems of Islamic jurisprudence.

2007 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-224 ◽  

This article seeks a fresh answer to the difficult question of the meaning of the phrase τα στοιχεια του κοσμου in Gal 4.3. The answer is sought by paying close attention to (1) the argumentative context of Paul's use of the phrase in the letter (he posits some sort of equivalence between the veneration of τα στοιχεια του κοσμου and the observance of the Law; he does so for contextually relevant theological and rhetorical reasons), and (2) the cultural-historical context of the addressees, the Gentile believers in Galatia (τα στοιχεια are ‘the gods’ they once venerated; this veneration involved calendrical observances).

1872 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 756-758
J. A. Broun

The author gives the results derived from different discussions of nearly eighty thousand observations, made hourly during the eleven years 1854 to 1864. They are as follows:—1. That the lunar diurnal variation consists of a double maximum and minimum in each month of the year.2. That in December and January the maxima occur near the times of the moon's upper and lower passages of the meridian; while in June and July they occur six hours later, the minima then occurring near the times of the two passages.3. The change of the law for December and January to that for June and July does not happen, as in the case of the solar diurnal variations, by leaps in the course of a month (those of March and October), but more or less gradually for the different maxima and minima.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
M.K. Ridwan

Qur’anic exegesis occupies a central position in the development of the intellectual traditions of Muslims. As a primary source, the Qur’an for centuries have beenexplored and understood using a variety of approaches and methods to satisfy every need of the times. The dominance model of textual interpretation in the tradition of interpretation of the Qur’an throughout the history of Islam, has been moving Abdullah Saeed a Professor of Islamic Studies University of Melbourne, to offer an alternative model of “contextual interpretation” as a model approach in interpreting the Qur’an that more sensitive to context. Because textual interpretation models tend to ignore the socio-historical context period of revelation as well as the context of the interpretation of the period. This paper specifically focused to analyze methodological aspects of thought’s Abdullah Saeed in conducting the contextualize interpretation of the Qur’an. In General, Saeed offers four contextual interpretation of operational steps, that is: 1) identify initial considerations by understanding the interpreter subjectivity, language and construct meaning, and the world of the Qur’an (encounter with the world of the text); 2) start the task of interpretation by means of identifying the meaning of the original text and convinced of the authenticity and reliability of the text (critical analysis of texts independently); 3) identify the meaning of the text by exploring each context (meaning for the first recipient); 4) hooking the interpretation of the text with the current context (process ofcontextualize, meaning for the present).

2021 ◽  
Peter Kappert

<p>This thesis is concerned with both the direction and the appropriateness of the recently adopted standards-based approach in post-compulsory education and training in New Zealand, while particularly focusing on the implications this might have in formal post-school trades training. It evaluates the developments, the tenets, and the early results of the 'standards' movement within a socio-historical context and against the development of relevant policy formations and legislative changes. The central focus in this work is on the National Qualifications Framework, which is currently being developed under the auspices of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. This outcomes-focussed model, and related government-initiatives, represent a radial shift away from established learning and teaching practices in New Zealand, a move which is not uncontested for both pedagogical and pragmatical reasons. An analysis of these developments is discussed with reference to those in apprenticeship training and policy in the Federal Republic of Germany, which includes the intention, as expressed by the major role players in the Republic, to develop an educational framework model. The principles, scope, and structure, as they relate to these framework models, are analysed from a comparative perspective, and certain points are highlighted. This thesis contends that despite fundamental divergence in training cultures and systems in the two countries, it is recognised that the common aim of the framework approaches is to improve the correspondence between the world of education and work as well as to enhance the educational pathways for students. This, it is argued, are commendable and valuable aims; not in the least because it has also the potential to bridge the 'vocational/academic' divide - an increasingly invalid division in modern-day societies. This is reflected in a strong focus in these framework models on the promotion, and implementation, of an integrated learning and teaching approach which is supported by the notion introduced by Michael Young that qualifying is a continuous process. This concept is now generally endorsed by the major role players in both Germany and New Zealand as being an important one, in that it is supportive of the macro aim of furthering national economic progress. The author, however, contends that educational, progress cannot simply be assumed because a new educational, or qualifications, framework is being introduced. Its foundation needs to be pedagogically sound and based on sufficient research while an (over)reliance on a single assessment strategy for application to all of post-compulsory education and training cannot be accepted as valid from an educational viewpoint. The thesis concludes with advocacy for more critical research into the NQF.</p>

1963 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-603 ◽  
Wallace Mendelson

A generation ago “legal realists” led by Jerome Frank and Karl Llewellyn dismissed law as a myth—a function of what judges had for breakfast. The important thing, they insisted, was what a court did, not what it said. No doubt this was good medicine for the times. Yet, however broad Frank's 1930 language, later on the bench he loyally acknowledged the compulsive force of legal rules. As a lower court judge, he decided cases in accordance with what he found the law to be—and on occasion he made clear in addenda what he thought it ought to be.Llewellyn, too, changed his mind. In 1934 he had said, “The theory that rules decide cases seems for a century to have fooled, not only library-ridden recluses, but judges.” Seventeen years later he confessed that his earlier behavioral descriptions of law contained “unhappy words when not more fully developed, and they are plainly at best a very partial statement of the whole truth.”In short, after their initial enthusiasm, these and other legal realists recognized that there is and must be law in the judicial process, as well as discretion. This was inevitable, for society can no more dispense with order and coherence than it can deny the demands of changing circumstance. We must have stability, yet we cannot stand still; and so the legal system inevitably has both static and dynamic qualities. Holmes put it in a thimble: “The … law is always approaching, and never reaching, consistency. It is forever adopting new principles from life at one end, and it always retains old ones from history at the other, which have not been absorbed or sloughed off. It will become entirely consistent only when it ceases to grow.”

1998 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 495-510 ◽  

Queen Victoria, her court, the embassy in Paris, the prime minister, and the press, led by The Times, were early and impassioned sympathizers with Alfred Dreyfus and bitter critics of his persecutors. This article traces the development of their views and the information available to them, analyses the principal themes as they saw them, and attempts to explain how and why they formed their opinions. It considers why the Dreyfusard position was so congenial to them. It argues that their own principles and prejudices – conservative, patriotic, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant – were confirmed by a critique of French political culture, seen as corrupted by a combined heritage of absolutism, revolution, Catholicism, and demagoguery. This appears to be confirmed by contrast with the few dissenting voices in Britain, on one hand Catholic and Irish, on the other, anti-Semitic socialist, who showed little sympathy with the Dreyfusards, and even less with the views of their British supporters.

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