scholarly journals Item Analysis of a Critical Thinking Skills Test on PLC Programming for Prospective Teachers

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-252
Puput Wanarti Rusimamto ◽  
Munoto Munoto ◽  
Muchlas Samani ◽  
Lilik Anifah

This study aimed at developing a test instrument to asses prospective vocational teachers’ critical thinking skills on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming. This research and development study produced the test instrument that had been trialled to 68 Indonesian electrical engineering education prospective teachers at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The method used was Research and Development by referring to the revised Bloom method and the adjusted Facione model. The instrument consisted of 40 items that were further analyzed using a classical test and item response approaches. Students' responses were analyzed using the computer program of a Test Analysis Program and ConQest. The item difficulty of classical test theory was represented by p value revealed based on prospective teachers’ correct answers. Parameter b referred to location parameter that conveyed the position of the item’s characteristic curve in relation to the ability scales. The benefit of this study was it can measure the level of critical skills, especially on the subject of PLC programming. The existing instruments only measure PLC programming skills in general but have not yet specifically reached the measurement of critical skills level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-270
Ririn Febriana ◽  
Mukarramah Mustari

Abstract:This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model Think Thalk Write on the ability of critical thinking among students of class X SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung. Research by the author is Quasi Experiment study. The study involved two groups of learners who totaled 31 students to a class experiment and 30 learners to grade control. The collection of data obtained using a test instrument. Shaped test instrument shaped essay test critical thinking skills. The results show that there are significant research critical thinking skills of learners after using cooperative learning model Think Talk Write. T test obtained tcoll > t table is 2.930 > 2.00 with a significance level of 5%. So H1 received, which indicates that there are significant cooperative learning model Think Talk Write mode on the ability of critical thinking among students of Class X. Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Thalk Write terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis pada peserta didik kelas X SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung. Penelitian yang penulis lakukan merupakan penelitian Quasi Eksperimen. Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kelompok belajar peserta didik yang berjumlah 31 peserta didik untuk kelas Eksperimen  dan 30 peserta didik untuk kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrument tes. Instrument tes berbentuk essay berbentuk test kemampuan berpikir kritis. Diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa terdapat pengaruh kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Talk Write. Uji t diperoleh t hitung > ttabel yaitu 2,930 > 2,00 dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Jadi H1 diterima, yang menandakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis pada peserta didik Kelas X . 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Uus Toharudin ◽  
Iwan Setia Kurniawan

This study aims to determine the critical thinking skills of prospective teachers of biology at Pasundan University in the course of educational psychology. Implementation of Problem Based Learning learning model aims to measure students' critical thinking skills. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental design with Randomized Control Group Posttest, data obtained based on the analysis, the data is described to obtain information or a description of the results of this research. The population in this study were 104 students, the sample in this study were 39 students for the experimental group-1 and 39 students for the experimental group-2. Data collected test data obtained from the test results of students who are given a score based on the indicators. results of research show that the critical thinking skills of prospective teachers of biology in educational psychology courses including category sufficient for the experimental group-1 and category well for the experimental group-2. The average score of the experimental group-1 amounted to 2.73, and the average score of the experimental group-2 by 3.05. Indicators of critical thinking skills at the highest indicator 3 (I-3) with an average of 3.38 for the experimental group-1 and 3.41 for the experimental group-2. Indicators of critical thinking skills are the lowest in two indicators (I-2) that is equal to 2.23 for the experimental group-1 and 2.74 for the experimental group-2. The average percentage of absorption problems in the experimental group-1 amounted to 51.25%, while the experimental group-2 amounted to 57.21%. The results of significance test p-value (0.008). Based on the significance of the test results can be concluded that the experimental group-2 has the critical thinking skills is better than the experimental group-1.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Dedy Dwi Setyawan ◽  
Ali Mustadi

The condition of the students’ critical thinking skills in the Kowangbinangun State Elementary School has impacted their learning results. Departing from this situation, a study for improving the students’ critical thinking skills and learning results by using hidrorium as the media should be conducted. Within the conduct of the study, the approach that had been adopted was the classroom action research. Then, the instruments that had been implemented were the test instrument, namely the test items for measuring the achievement of the students’ learning results, and the non-test instrument, namely the assignment assessment rubric for measuring the students’ critical thinking skills level. Furthermore, the data analysis method that had been adopted was the descriptive-comparativee method. Within the first cycle, 4% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category, 14% of the students belonged to the “High” category, and 82% of the students belonged to the “Low” category; as a result, 33% of the students met the passing grade while 67% of the students did not meet the passing grade. The research in the first cycle improved the students’ critical thinking skills and thus 14% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category, 57% of the students belonged to the “High” category, and 29% of the students belonged to the “Low” category. Following up the improvement, the learning results of the students showed that 64% of the students met the passing grade whereas 36% of the students did not meet the passing grade. In the second cycle, the students’ critical thinking skills also improved since 86% of the students belonged to the “Very High” category and 14% of the students belonged to the “High” category. Thus, the students’ learning results improved as well with 82% of the students met the passing grade and 18% of the students did not meet the passing grade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-163
Shem Unger ◽  
Mark Rollins ◽  

Evaluating the veracity and reliability of online media in science is an integral part of developing critical skills in science. Moreover, the 1st year biology courses should provide an avenue for students to acquire these skills for academic success. This study evaluated whether students (n = 90) exposed to an apparently credible website were able to distinguish whether a species existed as part of two short online activities. Surprisingly, a high number of students did not question the species in the initial activity and assumed it was real. However, most as part of the second assessment did report it was false. Some students failed to recognize the species as fake and thought the species was real even after watching a parody or satirical video on YouTube. All students agreed that critical thinking in science was important and the majority of students gave positive feedback on the activity. Potential explanations for students’ inability to adequately assess information included students completing the assignment quickly and lack of further research. This kind of activity is recommended to expose the 1st year biology majors to critical thinking skills and accurate assessment of online information in science.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 18

<p class="5abstrak">The purposes of this research were: 1) development of students worksheet Problem Based Learning (PBL) based on Local Potential; 2) test feasibility of the PBL model; 3) determine the effectiveness of PBL model. Analysis of the data used for research and development are qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis, as well as the percentage techniques. Research and development of PBL models based on local potential uses 4-D model. The results of research and development showed: 1) product of PBL-based models are developed based on the stages of the Local Potential PBL syntax that uses indicators of critical thinking skills, 2) feasibility of the model PBL-based Local Potential according to experts is very well qualified with average of 92,1 %, qualified by education practition is very well with average of 94,5 %, whereas according to qualified students an excellent with average of 88,2 %; 3) student’s worksheet PBL-based Local Potential effectively improve critical thinking skills and learning results with gain value 9 and N-gain value 0.28 at low category. Based on result of t scores obtainable gain value 9.06 and N-gain value 0.420 at medium category.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nukhbatul Bidayati Haka ◽  
Putri Ayu Suryaasih ◽  
Bambang Sri Anggoro ◽  
Abdul Hamid

Abstrak: Pemanfaatan teknologi kurang direalisasikan padahal penggunaan media teknologi seperti multimedia interaktif android dapat menjadikan pembelajaran lebih efektif dan bermakna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia interaktif terintegrasi nilai sains yang dilihat dari segi kelayakan dan keefektifan multimedia interaktif terintegrasi nilai sains sebagai solusi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D) Borg and Gall dengan 9 tahapan. Subjek riset meliputi tiga ahli validator yaitu ahli media, materi, dan ahli bahasa. Dan peserta didik kelas XI MIPA sebagai sampel penelitian yang terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas kontrol (XI MIPA 6) dan kelas eksperimen (XI MIPA 4). �Hasil data penelitian pada kelayakan produk yang terlihat dari persentasi validator yaitu ahli media sebesar 87,10%, ahli materi sebesar 83,00% dan ahli bahasa 83,08% dengan kriteria �Sangat Layak� serta respon peserta didik sebesar 85,33 % yang menunjukkan kriteria �Sangat Menarik�. Efektivitas dari multimedia interaktif dari hasil tes kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik dengan uji t Independen menghasilkan thitung sebesar 7,95 dan ttabel sebesar 1,70 yang artinya thitung > ttabel dan H1 diterima dan hasil rata-rata nilai N-Gain kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,66 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,29. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia interaktif terintegrasi nilai sains sangat layak dan efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran biologi sebagai solusi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik dikelas XI MIPA Di SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung.Kata Kunci: Biologi; Kemampuan berpikir kritis; Multimedia interaktif; Nilai sains.�Abstract: Utilization of technology is not realized even though the use of technological media such as android interactive multimedia can make learning more effective and effective. This study was designed to develop interactive multimedia that is integrated with the value of science seen in terms of the feasibility and effectiveness of interactive multimedia integrated with the value of science as a solution to improve students' critical thinking skills. Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D) Method with 9 stages. The research subjects added three validator experts namely media, materials, and linguists. And students of class XI MIPA as a research sample consisting of two classes, namely the control class (XI MIPA 6) and the experimental class (XI MIPA 4). The results of research data on the feasibility of the product seen from the percentage validator were media experts at 87.10%, material experts at 83.00% and linguists 83.08% with the criteria "Very Eligible" and the response of students at 85.33% which shows the "Very Attractive" criteria. The effectiveness of interactive multimedia from the students' critical ability test results with the Independent t test resulted in tcount of 7.95 and ttable of 1.70 which means tcount> ttable and H1 were received and the average value of the N-Gain value of the research class was 0, 66 and control class 0.29.Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that interactive multimedia integrated with the value of science is very feasible and effective as a medium of learning biology as a solution to improve critical thinking skills of students in the XI MIPA class of students in SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung.Keyword: Biology; Critical thinking skills; Interactive multimedia; The value of science

Jurnal PGSD ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Suryaman Suryaman ◽  
Fitria Ningsih

This research aims to produce student worksheets scientific based on the demands of the 2013 curriculum to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school V students on thematic learning worthy of use in the learning process. This type of research is research and development of research and development (R & D) By using Borg and gall procedures which produce a certain product and test the feasibility of the developed product. The subject of this research is a grade V student elementary School. The data collection techniques conducted by researchers is a poll and a test. This research findings in the form of learning media is a scientific-based student worksheet to improve the skills of critical thinking on thematic learning. Based on the validation results of the media expert, the percentage of eligibility gained as much as 94% with the category very worthy. Results obtained from validation by the material members as much as 95% with the category very worthy. The results of the student response poll as much as 97% with the category very worthy. Based on the results of the pretests the average critical thinking skill of 35, in the postest result of an average score of 96.66. While the N-gain score increased critical thinking skills of 0.95 with the category high. Thus, it can be concluded that the students ' critical thinking skills have increased based on five critical thinking skill indicators of 0.95 with the "high" category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-262
Isnaini Hasyim Harahap ◽  
Nirwana Anas ◽  
Melfa Aisyah Hutasuhut ◽  

Student worksheet contains various activities that are used to facilitate and practice students' skills in learning activities. This research aims to determine the development of student worksheet based on critical thinking skills that are valid, practical, and effective on the excretory system. This is a research and development of ADDIE model. The validity of student worksheet was measured using a validation sheet. The validity of student worksheet is 78% categorized as valid. Material validity of 82% is categorized as very valid, media validity of 81% is categorized as very valid, and language validity of 71% is categorized as valid. The practicality of the student worksheet was measured using a practitioner validation sheet and student response questionnaires. The practicality of worksheet is 87% categorized as very practical. Based on practitioner validation, the result of worksheet practicality of 89% is categorized as very practical and student response questionnaire of 85% is categorized as very practical. worksheet effectiveness was measured by normalized gain test. The control class N-Gain score of 0.2 is categorized as low and the experimental class N-Gain score of 0.5 is categorized as moderate. Keywords: Effectiveness, Practicality, Critical Thinking Skills, Student Worksheet, Validity.

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