2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Zainab Abdul Latiff ◽  
Maheran Mohd Yaman

In the field of garden history, Mughal gardens represent a prominent chapter of what is often called the Islamic garden tradition. Most previous studies have discussed on its theories and principles. However, it is essential to establish the physical characteristics of the Mughal garden as representing Islamic garden tradition. The method of content analysis has been applied in this study. The study found that Mughal garden design is much influenced by the Persian’s ChāhārBāgh, Hindu mythology and Quranic paradise imagery. To conclude, Mughal garden design needs to be assimilated into the current culture of local people within the established principles of environment in Islam.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Zainab Abdul Latiff ◽  
Maheran Mohd Yaman

In the field of garden history, Mughal gardens represent a prominent chapter of what is often called the Islamic garden tradition. Most previous studies have discussed on its theories and principles. However, it is essential to establish the physical characteristics of the Mughal garden as representing Islamic garden tradition. The method of content analysis has been applied in this study. The study found that Mughal garden design is much influenced by the Persian’s ChāhārBāgh, Hindu mythology and Quranic paradise imagery. To conclude, Mughal garden design needs to be assimilated into the current culture of local people within the established principles of environment in Islam.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 11
Haza Hanurhaza Md Jani ◽  
Nor Zalina Harun ◽  
Mazlina Mansor ◽  
Ismawi Zen

This paper aims to investigate the values and the characteristics of the Islamic garden design. It reviews several dimensions of studies that are significant to understand the Islamic garden concept and its characteristics. The outcomes of this research assist in strengthening the understanding towards the importance of protecting and continuing the legacy of the Muslim civilisation.2398-4295 © 2017 The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK.. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UniversitiTeknologi MARA, Malaysia.Keywords: Values; Garden; Islamic garden; Physical characteristics

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Zainab Abdul Latiff ◽  
Maheran Mohd Yaman

Andalusian garden is one of the historical gardens in the Muslim world. It appears that the garden designers at the time managed to emulate the spiritual and sacred essence of the paradisiacal environment on earth. The method of content analysis and library search was applied in this study. The findings of this study reveal that the Andalusian garden has been built in accordance with Islamic principles of environment and has crystallized the Quranic paradise description in reality. To conclude, the physical attributes of the Andalusian garden made an essential reference for a contemporary Islamic garden design.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 367
Seif Hamza Moh’d ◽  
Ahmad Kanyama

<p><em>This paper examines the challenges of</em><em> addressing environmental challenges arising from aggregates quarrying at Uwandani Ward in Pemba, Zanzibar. Specifically, the study examines i) the socio-economic importance of quarrying</em><em>,</em><em> ii) the environmental impacts</em><em>,</em><em> iii) the interventions done to address environmental problems</em><em>,</em><em> and iv) the constraints over interventions. Data collection methods included household questionnaire survey, key informants interviews and participant observations. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and content analysis techniques were used in the analysis and processing of quantitative and qualitative data. The findings showed that although the revenue generated from quarrying operation is crucial for the livelihood of the local people, persistent environmental problems have been difficult to address due to lack of education, poverty, rapid increase of quarrying operations, drought and climate change variability, apathy in the community and inferior technology used in the quarrying operations. Furthermore, the challenges of tackling environmental problems are contributed by unsuccessful piecemeal interventions of the government because of the lack of clear recognition and appreciation of the artisanal quarrying operation contribution in the livelihood of local people. This paper recommends that the government recognizes and appreciates informal quarrying operations in order to put effective policies to develop the sector and address its environmental problems. This should be accompanied by the participation of all stakeholders in planning and implementation to address environmental problems through bottom-up approaches.</em><em></em></p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Arporn Ukrit ◽  
Narumon Arunotai ◽  
Piboon Doungchan

This study aims to study how Lanta Islanders in southern Thailand can maintain their traditions and culture under globalization. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 30 islanders on Lanta Island and used content analysis to analyze the resulting data. The researchers found that, after the tourism boom and globalization came to Lanta Island, many foreign travelers have visited the island, causing local people to change their own way of life to support tourism. However, with government support, the local culture is still alive. The local people have maintained their culture in many ways, such as transmitting their culture to their children and mixing with Thai. We conclude that the Lanta Islanders still maintain their traditions and culture while learning about the world outside the island by adapting themselves in various ways to develop a mixed culture to live under globalization.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Langen Bronto Sutrisno

Setrek adalah jenis kesenian tradisional terbangan atau slawatan yang berfungsi sebagai media dakwah agamaIslam. Sebagai jenis kesenian tradisional slawatan, perpaduan unsur-unsur estetis seni yang bernafaskan Islamdengan unsur-unsur estetis kesenian rakyat tradisional merupakan akulturasi budaya yang mencerminkan bentukkreativitas lokal. Pengaruh seni Islam tidak dimaksudkan untuk merubah wujud keseluruhan koreografi nya, tetapilebih merupakan formalitas nilai Islam dalam wajah kesenian tradisional untuk tujuan dakwah. Oleh karena itubentuk penyajiannya tetap dalam format tradisi dengan sedikit sentuhan nafas Islam. Misalnya penyajian gerak tarihampir tidak dijumpai nafas Islam kecuali gerak takbiratul ihram Allohu Akbar, tokoh Kyai Ba’in yang merupakanrefresentasi seorang ulama dengan tata busana khas Islam, iringan diberi nafas Islam dengan syair-syair kitab AlBarjanzi dilengkapi instrumen terbang dan jidor mewakili musik Islam. Nafas Islam sebenarnya lebih merupakanlegalitas spirit Islam dalam kesenian setrek dengan harapan semua pemain dan penonton dapat mengamalkan agamaIslam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu media dakwah dapat dilihat dalam setiap ungkapan nilainilaiajaran Islam berkait dengan Tuhan Allah SWT dan Rosul-Nya Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dengan demikiansetiap gerak dan musik iringan atau syair dalam kesenian setrek harus dijiwai nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Ikon-ikondemikian penting untuk dipahami agar mereka dapat selamat hidup di dunia dan di akhirat. Kehadiran agama Islamdalam nafas perkembangan kesenian setrek tampak memperkaya penampilannya, sehingga kehadiran kesenian inidalam kehidupan masyarakat semakin menumbuhkan kualitas dalam beragama Islam, meskipun disadari sisa-sisakepercayaan kuno masih mewarnai kesenian setrek, seperti atraksi ndas-ndasan yang berupa atraksi mengimitasibinatang. Variasi atraksi arak-arakan ndas-ndasan dengan mengelilingi dusun bertujuan untuk mengusir pengaruhroh-roh jahat.Keywords: setrek, kesenian Islam, slawatan.ABSTRACTIslam infl uence on Setrek art in Magelang. Setrek is a type of traditional terbangan art or slawatan (Islamicsong) that serves as a medium for preaching Islam. As a kind of traditional slawatan art, it seems to blend Islamic aestheticelements with aesthetic traditional elements which become a form of cultural acculturation refl ecting the local creativity.The infl uence of Islamic art is not intended to change the overall form of the choreography, but the Islamic elements aremore of Islamic value formality in the form of traditional arts for the purpose of preaching Islam religion. Therefore, theform of presentation remains in the format of Islamic tradition. For example, the presentation of dance movement hardlyfi nds Islam infl uence except takbiratul ihram Allohu Akbar, KyaiBa’in as the representation of Islam priest wearing typicalIslamic outfi t; the music is also Islamic with given poems from Al Barjanzi’s book equipped with terbang and jidor. Islaminfl uence is actually more of a Islamic spirit legacy in setrek art with the hope that all the players and audience can practiceIslam in their daily lives. Therefore, the preaching media of Islam can be seen in any expression of Islamic values in relationto Allah SWT and His diciplesNabi Muhammad SAW. Thus every movement and musical accompaniment or poem insetrek art should be imbued the values of Islam. Icons, thus, are important to understand so that the people can live safelyin this world and in the hereafter. The presence of Islam in the breath of the setrek artistic development looks enriching itsperformance, so the presence of this art among the people living in Kedungan III improves the quality of embracing Islam,although there are the remnants of ancient beliefs which still characterize setrek art, such as ndas-ndasan attraction in theform of imitating animal . Variations in ndas-ndasan attraction parade around the village aims to expel the infl uence ofevil spirits.Keywords: setrek, Islam music, slawatan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-196
Afry Adi Chandra ◽  
Herman J Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

This article describes the educational value of the religious character in the novel of Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees (Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran) by Mashdar Zainal based on the perspective of the Islam Nusantara tradition. The existence of the value of religious character education is a very important aspect to internalize the students, as an effort to shape the distinctive character of the Indonesian nation. The acculturation between Javanese culture and Islamic tradition has had a major impact on the life of the Javanese people. The acculturation process had a positive impact on both, both for the development of Islam and Javanese culture. The main data source of this research is the text in the novel of Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees (Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran) which relates to the value of character education based on the perspective of the Islamic Nusantara tradition. Data collection techniques use content analysis. Data validity techniques using data source triangulation and method triangulation. The flow models of Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification are used as techniques for analyzing data. The results of the study show in the novel of Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees (Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran) by Mashdar Zainal there are various manifestations of the value of religious character education based on the perspective of the Islamic Nusantara tradition, namely (1) love God’s creatures, (2) believe in God’s destiny, (3) spread kindness to others, and (4) attitude of gratitude for God’s giving.Keywords: novel, the value of religious character education, Islam Nusantara Artikel ini mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter religius novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran karya Mashdar Zainal berdasarkan perspektif tradisi Islam Nusantara. Keberadaan nilai pendidikan karakter religius merupakan aspek yang amat penting untuk diinternalisasikan ke­pada peserta didik, sebagai upaya membentuk karakter khas dari bangsa Indonesia. Adanya akulturasi antara budaya Jawa dengan tradisi Islam, membawa dampak besar bagi kehidupan masyarakat Jawa. Proses akul­turasi tersebut membawa dampak positif bagi keduanya, baik bagi per­kembangan Islam maupun budaya Jawa. Sumber data utama penelitian ini berupa teks di dalam novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran yang terkait nilai pendidikan karakter berdasarkan perspektif tradisi Islam Nusantara. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunaan analisis konten (content analysis). Teknik validitas data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode. Model alir Miles dan Huberman, yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi digunakan sebagai teknik untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa dalam novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran karya Mashdar Zainal terdapat berbagai wujud nilai pendidikan karakter religius ber­dasarkan perspektif tradisi Islam Nusantara, yaitu (1) mengasihi sesama ciptaan Tuhan, (2) percaya terhadap takdir Tuhan, (3) menebar kebaikan kepada sesama, dan (4) sikap syukur atas pemberian Tuhan.Kata Kunci: novel, nilai pendidikan karakter religius, Islamic Nusantara

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Arie Zella Putra Ulni

Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate, tropical climate caused so much rain during the year compared to the dry season. With the tropical climate of Indonesia has a region dominated by forests that are the lungs of the world. One of the existing forests are forests located in the District Lung Nagari Sijunjung Sijunjung or better known by local people with the name Rimbo Prohibition. This study aims to find out about the physical karaksteristik land (slope, landform, hydrology) in Rimbo Prohibition in Nagari Lung District of Sijunjung Sijunjung, knowing how the utilization of land by the community around Rimbo Prohibition. This type of research is descriptive. The results showed that the physical characteristics of the land is very varied Prohibition Rimbo, Rimbo height of Prohibition highly variable, then the slope in Rimbo Laranagn also vary. Landform in Rimbo ban can be divided into three parts, namely the karst hills, alluvial plains and natural levee. Hydrological conditions in the sub-basins of lung depends on the streams flowing from Rimbo Prohibition. Land use specially designated as forests. With Prohibition Rimbo characteristics that vary widely made public memamfaatkan forest products as needed to make Rimbo Prohibition awake d beauty.Keywords: physical characteristics of the land, the use of Rimbo Prohibition

2005 ◽  
Vol 115 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-108 ◽  
Jacqui Ewart ◽  
Brian L. Massey

The intersections between journalism and democracy are explored in this paper through an analysis of the ‘voices’ through which the news is ‘told’ by specific segments of the Australian print media. We argue that evidence of the extent to which a newspaper fulfils its roles to democracy and society is partially found in the range of sources quoted in the news stories it publishes, and in the prominence and dominance it gives to various types of sources in those stories. Our goal was to quantify the validity of the widely held assumption that, in Australia, regional newspapers are closer than metropolitan newspapers to their readers. This suggestion guided our content analysis of the types of news story sources quoted or paraphrased in the general news published in four regional newspapers and one metropolitan newspaper in one Australian state. The assumption of closeness to readers for Australian regional newspapers did not hold up well in this test.

2014 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-91 ◽  
Kaye Wierzbicki

Kaye Wierzbicki, “The Formal and the Foreign: Sarah Orne Jewett’s Garden Fences and the Meaning of Enclosure” (pp. 56-91) This essay argues that Sarah Orne Jewett theorizes garden design—particularly the question of whether or not a garden should be fenced—in order to theorize the aesthetic and social implications of her local color genre. Specifically, Jewett’s polemical defense of the garden fence is central to her ability to incorporate foreignness into her fictional landscapes. By placing Jewett’s garden-centric writing into the context of American garden history, this essay counters the prevailing notion that garden fences are transhistorical symbols of rigid protectionism and cultural exclusivity. Instead, Jewett’s garden fences should also be read as theoretically loaded and historically specific sites in the late-nineteenth-century debate between the fence-dismantling garden naturalists and the Colonial Revivalists who sought to preserve or re-erect these fences. As Jewett’s participation in this debate reveals, a garden fence can become a mechanism for defining “the local” as a formal practice that embraces foreignness, in contrast to competing definitions of “the local” that privilege native plants and native persons. Ultimately, Jewett uncovers new theoretical possibilities in the fenced, formal, Colonial Revivalist garden in order to make a case for the cultural expansiveness permitted by local color writing.

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