scholarly journals Assessment of grasslands remediation effectiveness in different periods after the Chernobyl accident

V.K. Kuznetsov ◽  
N.N. Isamov ◽  
A.V. Panov ◽  

The paper presents the impact of remedial actions on 137Cs content in agricultural lands affected by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. The remediation of Cs-137 – contaminated of hayfields and pastures in the vicinity of the Veprin village, located in the Bryansk region, was car-ried out in 2004. Remediation of greenlands aimed at reduction of soil-forage-milk transfer of 137Cs involved deep ploughing of the soil, liming, introducing high doses of mineral fertilizers and sowing grass mixtures. Evaluation of remedial actions effectiveness after the first three years and 15 years later is discussed in the paper. Undertaken agrotechnical measures resulted in reduc-tion of soil surface layer density contamination with 137Cs by 1.8 times. Due to remediation of the pasture in the river flood-plain the soil surface layer density contamination with 137Cs was re-duced by 2.7 times and dose rate by 1.9 times. It is to be noted that lower geomorphological ele-ments of the landscape with prevailing peat soils are critical for accumulation of 137Cs in the grass stand and accumulation of radionuclides in the river floodplain. In the first three years after the remediation 137 Cs soil-grass transfer was reduced by 3 times, and in cultivated hayfield soils the 137Cs transfer was reduced by 8 times. While the land reclamation effectiveness weakened signif-icantly in 15 years after the remediation, accumulation of 137Cs in grass stand grown on cultivated hayfields was 1.6 time lower than in the grass grown in uncultivated lands. The radionuclide con-tent in cultivated pastures is 1.8 times lower than in uncultivated ones. The content of 137Cs in milk was reduced by 3.3 times in the first years after grasslands reclamation, in 15 years the reduction factor was 1.5. Outcomes of long-term follow-up of radioecological situation in grasslands, af-fected by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident, following land remediation and the as-sessment of its effectiveness can be used as the motivation for and benefits of remedial actions ensuring radiation safety of agricultural products from radioactively contaminated areas. The ob-tained results can be used for clarification and adjustment of the strategies of reclamation of ra-dioactively contaminated lands and optimal use of grasslands after their restoration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-85
O.V. Dmytrenko ◽  
M.A. Tkachenko ◽  
A.I. Pavlichenko ◽  

The results of research in a stationary study, based in 1992 on gray forest coarse-grained loamy soil, on the impact of long-term chemical reclamation and0,0 various supply systems (mineral, organic, organo-mineral) on the nitrogen regime. Nitrogen is extremely important in agriculture, as all processes, photosynthesis, volume of substances and distribution of the level of yield and its quality are impossible without this element. In the total coverage of the country, the share of soils of forest origin exceeds 33 %, and among agricultural lands – 25 %. Given the content of humus and its total reserves, the integrated indicator of soil formation and the most important characteristic that determines the overall habit of the soil, in the articles above, change it from the above factors. It can also be shown that the content of gross nitrogen reflects the humus content, which is determined and differs from the humus content of the residual. There is a high density correlation between these indicators for all different studies (r = 0,991). The obtained data indicate that only with the use of greens and by-products of precursors and measured doses of mineral fertilizers with the use of liming achieved by the size of the total nitrogen to the initial level. The growth of the composition is 0,36 – 0,45 t / ha and in this case we can state the expansion of its reproduction. Only after mineralization nitrogen of organic compounds becomes available to plants. The form of nitrogen, which is easily hydrolyzed, is a fairly reliable indicator of the provision of this element. To classify the test content with the content of mobile compounds 81,2 – 103 mg / kg belong to the user groups with a very high degree of supply, but the degree hydrolyzes organic substances in high quantities (9,6 – 10,2 %). With the combined use of green manures, non-marketable plant products, single doses of mineral fertilizers in a combination of lime achieved growth of 27,5 % on the restoration to control of this form of nitrogen. For the above complex of nutrients at an increased content of 16,5 mg/kg to control the amount of N-NO3- + N-NH4 +, as well as 7,4 mg / kg of nitrifying capacity of the soil. The studied gray forest soils belong to the group of soils with low humus content and its total reserves, which are inherited from the original pedogenesis and modern soil formation processes. Under the influence of a set of agronomic measures for a long time the type of humus does not change, which indicates the invariability of the direction of soil formation

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-30
V. M. Smychenko ◽  
M. M. Miroshnychenko ◽  

The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of the depth of local application of mineral fertilizers on the nutrient content in the arable layer of soil and the yield of spring barley. The studies were carried out during 2018 - 2020 in a temporary small-plot experiment. Soil – chernozem podzolized loamy (Luvic Chernic Phaeozem). The application of N60P60K60 in the form of nitroammophoska or a mixture of ammophos, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride was compared to a depth of 10-12 cm and 20-22 cm from the soil surface. The row spacing of barley crops was 15 cm; the fertilizer tape was placed at a distance of 4-5 cm away from the row. Mixed soil samples were taken from fertilizer tapes twice during the growing season of barley (in the first half of the growing season and after harvesting). The weather conditions were quite contrasting: in 2018 it was dry at the beginning of the growing season and during grain ripening, in 2019 was dry only during the formation of grain, and in 2020 - rather humid and relatively cool during almost the entire growing season. At the beginning of the growing season of barley in 2018, the highest content of mineral nitrogen in the soil was found with a shallow location of the fertilizers, but in 2019-2020 - in case fertilizer tapes at 20-22 cm from the surface. Location of fertilizer at a depth of 20-22 cm also provided a higher level of mobile phosphorus and potassium in the soil than applying at a depth of 10-12 cm. After the barley harvest, the highest accumulation of mineral nitrogen in the soil in 2018 was found with shallow application and in 2019-2020 - with deeper application. A tendency of more accumulation of chlorophyll in plants was observed with an increase in the depth of fertilization. Local application of fertilizers gave a reliable increase in yield in all variants of the experiment. However, the increase was twice as high when placing the fertilizer tape was at a depth of 20-22 cm as at a depth of 10-12 cm. Application of nitroammophoska to a depth of 20-22 cm was more effective than mixtures of simple and complex fertilizers. It was concluded that the hydrothermal conditions of the growing season and the depth of the location of fertilizers mutually affect the nutrient regime of the soil. The advantage of deep fertilization is more significant under insufficient moisture.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 348-356
P. L. Paleev ◽  
L. I. Khudyakova

Environmental pollution creates problems for health of people living in residential areas near pollution sources. Studies aimed at developing methods for investigating the impact of industrial facilities on the air is of interest. The purpose of this work is to analyze the methodology for assessing the risk of exposure of a technosphere object to the atmosphere. It was assumed that the enterprise in emergency mode emits pollutants through the source of emissions at the maximum single concentration of the substance exceeding the maximum permissible concentration. To calculate the impact on a human, various scenarios of an emergency situation are taken into account. These are constructing failure trees and using well-known health risk assessment techniques. The calculation took into account the wind rose for a specific enterprise location and wind speed projections obeying the normal distribution law. These assumptions allowed us to develop a method for calculating the risk of exceeding the concentration of a pollutant at a given point (x, y) during the year. Isolines of surface concentrations were built. Three toxic substances were taken for analysis. The method for calculating the dispersion of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances in the atmospheric airwas used; maps of the dispersion of isolines of pollutants in residential areas were constructed. When solving the inverse problem, emergency emission intensities at which excess of permissible concentrations occurred were determined. In the range of multiplicities exceeding the maximum single maximum permissible concentration from 1 to 5, the dependence was well approximated by a straight line. This technique can be used to determine the risk of diseases caused by carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic substances and minimize the risk of exposure to harmful substances. Ash and slag wastes are the source of negative impact on the environment. This area is studied by a number of researchers. The article aims to systematize the data on possible applications, accumulated practical experience of using ash and slag waste in agriculture both in Russia and abroad. The analysis showed that waste from the fuel and energy industry can be widely used in various areas of agriculture. It can be used as ameliorants, zeolite-based mineral fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides for treating horticultural crops, microfertilizers, as well as for soil remediation and land reclamation. The use of ash and slag waste in agriculture and other sectors of the national economy can reduce the ecological load on the environment. The number of overfilled ash dumps can be reduced, and there will be no need to build new ones.

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Valery Genadievich Popov ◽  
Andrey Vladimirovich Panfilov ◽  
Yuriy Vyacheslavovich Bondarenko ◽  
Konstantin Mikhailovich Doronin ◽  
Evgeny Nikolaevih Martynov ◽  

The article analyzes the experience of the impact of the system of forest belts and mineral fertilizers on the yield of spring wheat, including on irrigated lands. Vegetation irrigation is designed to maintain the humidity of the active soil layer from germination to maturation at the lower level of the optimum-70-75%, and in the phases of tubulation-earing - flowering - 75-80% NV. However, due to the large differences in zones and microzones of soil and climate conditions and due to the weather conditions of individual years, wheat irrigation regimes require a clear differentiation. In the Volga region in the dry autumn rainfalls give the norm of 800-1000 m3/ha, and in saline soils – 1000-1300 and 3-4 vegetation irrigation at tillering, phases of booting, earing and grain formation the norm 600-650 m3/ha. the impact of the system of forest belts, mineral fertilizers on the yield of spring wheat is closely tied to the formation of microclimate at different distances from forest edges.

А. М. Grebennikov ◽  
А. S. Frid ◽  
V. P. Belobrov ◽  
V. А. Isaev ◽  
V. М. Garmashоv ◽  

The article assesses the relationships between the morphological properties of agrochernozems and yield of peas on the plots, experience with different methods of basic treatment (moldboard plowing at the depth of 20 - 22, 25 - 27 and 14 - 16 cm, moldboard plowing to a depth of 14 - 16 cm, combined midwater moldboard, mid-water subsurface, surface to a depth of 6 - 8 cm and zero tillage) is inherent in V.V. Dokuchaev Research Institute of Agriculture of the Central Black Earth strip, in the fall of 2014. The research was conducted in 2015 - 2016, with the application of mineral fertilizers (N60Р60К60) and unfertilized background. The highest pea yields in the fertilized as the background, and without the use of fertilizers was observed in dumping plowing and especially in the variant with deep moldboard plowing, which creates in comparison with other ways of handling the best conditions for the growth and development of peas. The lowest yield of pea was obtained with zero processing. Apparently legalistic migrational-mizelial agrochernozems the Central Chernozem zone of minimum tillage in the cultivation of peas are not effective, what is evident already in the first year after the laying of experience with different basic treatments. As shown by the results of applying multifactor analysis of variance studied the mapping properties of the soil can have the same significant impact on the yield of agricultural crops, as options for the field experiments aimed at assessing the impact of various treatments on yield.

N. Maidanovych ◽  

The purpose of this work is to review and analyze the main results of modern research on the impact of climate change on the agro-sphere of Ukraine. Results. Analysis of research has shown that the effects of climate change on the agro-sphere are already being felt today and will continue in the future. The observed climate changes in recent decades have already significantly affected the shift in the northern direction of all agro-climatic zones of Europe, including Ukraine. From the point of view of productivity of the agro-sphere of Ukraine, climate change will have both positive and negative consequences. The positives include: improving the conditions of formation and reducing the harvesting time of crop yields; the possibility of effective introduction of late varieties (hybrids), which require more thermal resources; improving the conditions for overwintering crops; increase the efficiency of fertilizer application. Model estimates of the impact of climate change on wheat yields in Ukraine mainly indicate the positive effects of global warming on yields in the medium term, but with an increase in the average annual temperature by 2 ° C above normal, grain yields are expected to decrease. The negative consequences of the impact of climate change on the agrosphere include: increased drought during the growing season; acceleration of humus decomposition in soils; deterioration of soil moisture in the southern regions; deterioration of grain quality and failure to ensure full vernalization of grain; increase in the number of pests, the spread of pathogens of plants and weeds due to favorable conditions for their overwintering; increase in wind and water erosion of the soil caused by an increase in droughts and extreme rainfall; increasing risks of freezing of winter crops due to lack of stable snow cover. Conclusions. Resource-saving agricultural technologies are of particular importance in the context of climate change. They include technologies such as no-till, strip-till, ridge-till, which make it possible to partially store and accumulate mulch on the soil surface, reduce the speed of the surface layer of air and contribute to better preservation of moisture accumulated during the autumn-winter period. And in determining the most effective ways and mechanisms to reduce weather risks for Ukrainian farmers, it is necessary to take into account the world practice of climate-smart technologies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 1281-1284
Petar Petrov ◽  
Bojan Mitrovski

Due to the great economic significance of the sugar beet, the new production trends are aimed at improving the quantitative and qualitative properties and one of the basic agro technical measures that is directly dependent on the yield and quality of the turnip is the properly conducted plant nutrition. Exporting high quantities of nutrients from the soil, the sugar beet requires application of advanced agro-technology, primarily application of adequate and controlled nutrition and irrigation. Application of this measure, in combination with soil processing, has sustained influence over the following cultures in the crop rotation in terms of nutrients regiment and fight against weeds.In order to determine the effects of mineral fertilizers on sugar beet, field experiment was conducted on fluvisol soil. The experiment is set according to a random block system, following the standard methods of agricultural chemistry for conducting field trials. The experiment includes eight variants, as follows: 1. Control (non-fertilized), 2. NP, 3. NK, 4. PK, 5. NPK, 6. N2PK, 7. N2P2K, 8. N3PK.In the phase of technological maturity of sugar beet, collection of the vegetative material and measurement of the height of the biological yield of the turnips was carried out. Based on the survey results, it can be concluded that the variant N2P2K has achieved the highest yield of swollen roots, i.e. 69.330 kg/ha. The highest yield of leafy greens was achieved in the variant N3PK, i.e. 41.920 kg/ha, which indicates the fact that nitrogen has direct influence over the vegetation mass of sugar beet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Cui Wang ◽  
Ling Cai ◽  
Yaojian Wu ◽  
Yurong Ouyang

AbstractIntegrated renovation projects are important for marine ecological environment protection. Three-dimensional hydrodynamics and water quality models are developed for the Maowei Sea to assess the hydrodynamic environment base on the MIKE3 software with high resolution meshes. The results showed that the flow velocity changed minimally after the project, decreasing by approximately 0.12 m/s in the east of the Maowei Sea area and increasing by approximately 0.01 m/s in the northeast of the Shajing Port. The decrease in tidal prism (~ 2.66 × 106 m3) was attributed to land reclamation, and accounted for just 0.86% of the pre-project level. The water exchange half-life increased by approximately 1 day, implying a slightly reduced water exchange capacity. Siltation occurred mainly in the reclamation and dredging areas, amounting to back-silting of approximately 2 cm/year. Reclamation project is the main factor causing the decrease of tidal volume and weakening the hydrodynamics in Maowei Sea. Adaptive management is necessary for such a comprehensive regulation project. According to the result, we suggest that reclamation works should strictly prohibit and dredging schemes should optimize in the subsequent regulation works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 79
Nuno M. M. Ramos ◽  
Joana Maia ◽  
Andrea R. Souza ◽  
Ricardo M. S. F. Almeida ◽  
Luís Silva

Near-infrared (NIR) reflective materials are being developed for mitigating building cooling needs. Their use contributes to broadening the range of colours, responding to the urban aesthetic demand without compromising the building performance. Despite the increase in NIR reflective pigments investigation, there is still a knowledge gap in their applicability, impact, and durability in multilayer finishing coatings of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS). Hence, the main goal of this work consists of evaluating the impact of incorporating NIR reflective pigments (NRP) in the solar reflectance of the surface layer of ETICS, without affecting the colour perception, as well as their influence on the colour durability and surface temperature. As such, colour, solar reflectance, and surface temperature were monitored for 2 years in dark-coloured specimens of ETICS, with and without NRP and a primer layer. It was confirmed that the main contribution of NRP is the increase of solar reflectance and, consequently, the decrease in surface temperature, especially for high exterior temperatures (around 30 ºC). Moreover, these pigments highly increase the NIR reflectance without affecting the visible colour. In addition, they contribute to maintaining the colour characteristics. The application of primer increased the surface temperature, especially for higher exterior temperatures. However, it contributes to a lower colour difference and solar reflectance variation, which is an important achievement for durability purposes.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2015
Iwona Jaskulska ◽  
Kestutis Romaneckas ◽  
Dariusz Jaskulski ◽  
Piotr Wojewódzki

Conservation agriculture has three main pillars, i.e., minimum tillage, permanent soil cover, and crop rotation. Covering the soil surface with plant residues and minimum mechanical soil disturbance can all result from introducing a strip-till one-pass (ST-OP) system. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the ST-OP technology on the management of plant residues, soil properties, inputs, and emissions related to crop cultivation. We compared the effect of a ST-OP system against conventional tillage (CT) using a plough, and against reduced, non-ploughing tillage (RT). Four field experiments were conducted for evaluating the covering of soil with plant residues of the previous crop, soil loss on a slope exposed to surface soil runoff, soil structure and aggregate stability, occurrence of soil organisms and glomalin content, soil moisture and soil water reserve during plant sowing, labour and fuel inputs, and CO2 emissions. After sowing plants using ST-OP, 62.7–82.0% of plant residues remained on the soil surface, depending on the previous crop and row spacing. As compared with CT, the ST-OP system increased the stability of soil aggregates of 0.25–2.0 mm diameter by 12.7%, glomalin content by 0.08 g·kg−1, weight of earthworms five-fold, bacteria and fungi counts, and moisture content in the soil; meanwhile, it decreased soil loss by 2.57–6.36 t·ha−1 year−1, labour input by 114–152 min·ha−1, fuel consumption by 35.9–45.8 l·ha−1, and CO2 emissions by 98.7–125.9 kg·ha−1. Significant favourable changes, as compared with reduced tillage (RT), were also found with respect to the stability index of aggregates of 2.0–10.0 mm diameter, the number and weight of earthworms, as well as bacteria and fungi counts.

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