scholarly journals Eficácia da suspensão da segurança no tratamento da repetitividade recursal - o caso fosfoetanolamina

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Fernando Muniz Shecaira

<p><strong>RESUMO:</strong></p><p>A Suspensão da Segurança é um incidente processual de titularidade do Poder Público que visa à suspensão (i) da ordem de segurança concedida em mandados de segurança, ou de (ii) antecipações de tutela e liminares concedidas em ações de obrigação de fazer, bem como em (iii) cautelares em que figure como parte o Poder Público. Ao longo do presente artigo será estudado se há eficácia na utilização desse instrumento processual para o tratamento da litigância repetitiva. A modalidade de estudo de caso foi escolhida como metodologia de pesquisa. O caso foi estudado à luz dos acórdãos que versavam sobre o uso da fosfoetanolamina e a obrigatoriedade de o Poder Público fornecê-la à população. Para tanto, realizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. O resultado foi que o direito material foi muito mais marcante na fundamentação dos acórdãos do que o julgamento da Suspensão da Segurança, apesar de ter havido certa adstrição à decisão do Órgão Especial do TJSP que julgou definitivamente o pedido de Suspensão da Segurança.</p><p> <strong>ABSTRACT:</strong></p><p>The Suspension of Security is a procedural incident that may be presented by the Public Authorities and that aims at suspending the (i) security order granted in writs, (ii) preliminary rulings granted in actions of obligation to do, as well as in (iii) precautionary measures that the Public Power appear as a part of the process. Throughout the present article it will be studied if the use of this procedural instrument is effective for the treatment of repetitive litigation. The modality of case study was chosen as a research methodology. The case was studied in light of the rulings on the use of phosphoethanolamine and the obligation of the Public Power to provide it to the population. For this, a qualitative and quantitative approach was carried out. The study showed that in the grounds of the judgments, the substantive law was discussed much more than the judgement of the Suspension of Security, although there was some adherence with the decision of the Special Body of the São Paulo Estate Court that ruled the request for Suspension of Security.</p>

Viswa Nadham N.

The study explored both the advantages of transparency and challenges facing finance departments of local government authorities in the course of preparing and presenting financial information. The study employed an explanatory case study,cross-sectional survey  and applied a triangulation of methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The participants were all selected based on the opportunity to learn and the typicality of Dodoma municipality. A total of 80 respondents were involved. Data analysis was done through SPSS. Figures, tables, pattern matching, comparison and strong explanation building all aided in simplifying the analyses of findings.Key findings of the study unveiled that participation of the public in finance affairs of local governments heightened transparency in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Furthermore, the finding reveal that International Finnancial Report Standards (IFRS) was rarely applicable during  the preparation of financial statement. It was also found out that tansparency in financial matters reduced fraudulent behaviours in the allocation and expenditure of local government funds.Key words: Financial statements, IFRS, IAS, Financial transperancy.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-165 ◽  
Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen ◽  
Carmelo Mazza

Film festivals have become a widespread phenomenon over the last fifty years and are leading events establishing the reputation of film professionals and constitute a well-established field in itself. Studying the cities of Copenhagen and Rome the authors are asking why the public authorities of these cities establish their own film festivals in an lready saturated field of international film festivals? The focus is on the strategic responses and work made by two late adopters of film festivals – Copenhagen and Rome and their international film festivals, CIFF and ’Festa del Cinema di Roma’ (FCR). The comparative case study is based on qualitative data and methods. It investigates how the two festivals establish, legitimate and position themselves within the existing, institutionalised field of international film festivals. Combining the classical work on early and late adopters in the diffusion of ideas and practices (Tolbert & Zucker 1983) with forms of legitimacy (Suchman 1995) and institutional work (Lawrence & Suddaby 2006), it is demonstrated how different and sometimes conflicting demands from various stakeholders, like public authorities and the film industry, have shaped the frames used to position and legitimize the film festivals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 44-65
Osmar Oliveira de Moura ◽  
Ana Caroline Pereira dos Santos ◽  
Silvania Reis de Araújo ◽  
Maurício Ferreira Mendes

Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a importância do Mercado Municipal de Araguaína/TO como propulsor de alimentos do cerrado, gerando segurança alimentar e nutricional aos feirantes e aos consumidores, visto que acontece primeiramente o autoconsumo e posteriormente a comercialização, garantindo renda e sustento às famílias. O delineamento utilizado foi o estudo de caso. Foram aplicados questionários semiestruturados junto aos feirantes do Mercado Municipal, no período de setembro à novembro de 2019, além de levantamento de material bibliográfico e registro fotográfico. Os resultados mostram que houveram diversos conflitos entre feirantes e comerciantes para posterior implementação pelo poder público do Mercado Municipal de Araguaína, o que aconteceu em 1978, garantindo assim, inclusão social e renda, fortalecimento da cadeia produtiva dos frutos do cerrado, além da promoção da segurança alimentar entre feirantes e consumidores locais. Porém, esses alimentos estão ameaçados com o avanço da soja e pecuária sobre o bioma cerrado, comprometendo a diversidade de produtos ofertados pelos feirantes do Mercado Municipal em Araguaína. Palavras-chave: Espaço público. Mercado municipal. Araguaína.   THE MUNICIPAL MARKET OF ARAGUAÍNA/TO AS A FOOD DRIVER IN THE CERRADO ABSTRACT This study aimed to understand the importance of the Municipal Market of Araguaína/TO as a propellant of food in the cerrado, generating food and nutritional security for marketers and consumers, since self-consumption and then commercialization take place, guaranteeing income and sustenance for the families. The design used was the case study. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to market vendors in the Municipal Market, from September to November 2019, in addition to a survey of bibliographic material and photographic record. The results show that there were several conflicts between marketers and traders for subsequent implementation by the public authorities of the Araguaína Municipal Market, which happened in 1978, thus guaranteeing social inclusion and income, strengthening the productive chain of cerrado fruits, in addition to promoting food security between marketers and local consumers. However, these foods are threatened by the advance of soy and livestock over the cerrado biome, compromising the diversity of products offered by market vendors in the Municipal Market in Araguaína.  Keywords: Public place. Municipal market. Araguaína.    EL MERCADO MUNICIPAL DE ARAGUAÍNA/TO COMO CONDUCTOR DE ALIMENTOS EN EL CERRADO RESUMEN Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la importancia del Mercado Municipal de Araguaína/TO como propulsor de alimentos en el cerrado, generando seguridad alimentaria y nutricional para comercializadores y consumidores, ya que se produce el autoconsumo y luego la comercialización, garantizando ingresos y sustento para las familias de la familia. El diseño utilizado fue el estudio de caso. Se aplicaron cuestionarios semiestructurados a vendedores de mercado en el Mercado Municipal, de septiembre a noviembre de 2019, además de una encuesta de material bibliográfico y registro fotográfico. Los resultados muestran que hubo varios conflictos entre comercializadores y comerciantes para la posterior implementación por parte de las autoridades públicas del Mercado Municipal de Araguaína, que ocurrió en 1978, garantizando así la inclusión social y los ingresos, fortaleciendo la cadena productiva de frutos cerrados, además de promover seguridad alimentaria entre comercializadores y consumidores locales. Sin embargo, estos alimentos están amenazados por el avance de la soya y el ganado sobre el bioma cerrado, lo que compromete la diversidad de productos ofrecidos por los vendedores en el Mercado Municipal de Araguaína.  Palabras-clave: Espacio público. Mercado municipal. Araguaína.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-38
Muhammad Afzal

The ratio of suicide incidents is increasing in males and females; many reasons are coupled with such incidents, to be discussed in this research article. My research is limited to Sindh Province, Pakistan. The Pakistan Penal Code, (1860) does not recognize or defines the definition of suicide, as an offense punishable under the respective offense. The wisdom behind is that the person who commits the suicide dies, the wrongful act of person also dies with the wrong doer. The ratio is more in youngsters, so, in this alarming situation, we are losing our young talented precious lives, it is not the loss of individual but whole society including our homeland (Pakistan), for the reasons that the persons those who committed suicide could have been our today’s Businessman, Economists, Scientists, Engineers, Doctors and Experts in their respective fields, includes other professionals or common persons of the society. Keeping in view increasing rate of suicide incidents, it has become mandatory to save the loss of society. The suicide is massive menace for the developing society, an analytical study is conducted on such incidents for exploring the reasons, and particularly protective and precautionary measures are suggested for taking the practical steps in the province and to implement the law in letter in sprits. The study will serve larger interest of the public and would help in eradicating self- homicide incidents this, recommendations will address the problems. The stake holders of this province and Federal Government of Pakistan may cater and redress with this recurring issue in the light of recommendations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147078532110356
Kimberley Ferguson

This case study explores how a leading charity, the British Heart Foundation (BHF), used research to ensure that the focus of its marketing and communications contributed to a story that people found engaging and were compelled to support. Amongst some staff, there was a view that the methodology of some of the BHF’s previous market research was not robust enough and that studies often lacked the quantitative data needed to develop marketing and communication strategies with confidence. Behavioural economics shows that there is usually a disconnect between what people say they will do and what they do in real life, the BHF wanted to develop a methodology that would interrogate this paradox. In doing so, it hoped to identify the areas of its work the public found most engaging and which would encourage people to support them. This insight would then be used to inform their new marketing communications plans. This note explains what the BHF learnt from involving explicit and implicit testing via a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques.

Jérémy Mercier

This chapter underlines how administrative law has taken a much greater significance in France since the period 1890–1910. This period is not only symbolic of a full development of administrative law around the notion of public power (puissance publique) or public service (service public) but also of the ramifications given to the very notion of State and public administration. The chapter deals with different theories (Hauriou, Duguit, etc.) related to a redefinition of the State and public services. It discusses four specific aspects: the institutional context, the case law of the Conseil d’État, the innovative orientations concerning the action of the public authorities, and the creative role of this case law.

sjesr ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 354-363
Dr. Muhammad Ahsan ◽  
Dr. Noshaba Younus ◽  
Dr. Zahoor Hussain

The prime focus of this research was exploring the role of classroom situation in hampering L2 communicative interaction at the public sector colleges, universities, and the sub-campuses of these universities located in the South Punjab, Pakistan. The present study was duly prearranged to employ a mixed-method technique that utilizes both the qualitative and quantitative data. The outcomes of the study determined that 86.5% of learners claimed that their classmates are not interested in communicative interaction. Similarly, 47.5% viewed outdated syllabus, 52.5% classroom atmosphere, 69.5% learners' prohibited participation during L2 lecture, 37.5% badly imitation by classmates and 95.5% teachers' use of grammar-translation method as communicative barriers and these barriers ruin L2 learners’ communicative ability. This paper also reinforces the outlook that the teachers have to expose the students to the interactive communication so that the learners can easily perform their various roles in the L2 atmosphere. At this point, it is the most crucial duty of the teacher to encourage and motivate his students to practice and to have more communicative interaction in the EFL classroom because most of the non-native countries students don't have the chance to use it outside the classroom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 168-172
Т. О. Tour

The article, based on the methodology of system analysis, considers the application of measures to ensure the claim in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. Judicial protection includes various components, including procedures for reviewing decisions and actions or inaction of public authorities. The institute of securing a claim on an administrative claim, which was formed in administrative proceedings, is the result of a discussion on the formation of a European system of administrative justice in Ukraine. It is established that the mechanism of securing a lawsuit in an administrative lawsuit has a pronounced positive effect on achieving the key goal and objectives of administrative proceedings. This applies to ensuring legality and discipline in the system of public administration, elimination of violations by officials of public authorities. The applied mechanism promotes full realization of the right of subjects directly involved in public legal relations to judicial protection from illegal actions and decisions accepted by the public power and its officials, on realization of full and effective protection of the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of physical and legal persons. The institute of securing the claim can be considered as a logical conclusion of the procedure of establishing the public-law specialization of the procedural provision of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the plaintiff. It is determined that the allocation of security of the claim as a special institution in the system of administrative proceedings is explained by the following factors: security measures, typical for the exercise of judicial power; the specifics of the legal environment, where the prerequisites for the existence of institutions of administrative law, for the emergence of public disputes, the further development of which occurs in the implementation of administrative powers of public authorities in relation to all other persons involved in administrative relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 108-130
Francisca Janete Da Silva Adelino ◽  
Lauricélia Lima da Silva

Este estudo objetiva investigar as atividades desenvolvidas por estagiários do curso de Secretariado Executivo Bilíngue da UFPB, durante as disciplinas de estágio supervisionado II, III e IV. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória e documental, conduzida sob abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de relatórios de estágio, produzidos por discentes, nos períodos de 2017.1 e 2017.2. Entre os resultados encontrados, constatou-se que as atividades desenvolvidas pelos estagiários estão mais voltadas para o campo da assessoria e da consultoria. Observou-se que trinta empresas/instituições ofereceram oportunidades de estágio supervisionado. Destacou-se o âmbito público como aquele que mais oferta oportunidade de estágio. ABSTRACTThis study aims to investigate the activities developed by trainees of the Bilingual Executive Secretariat course of UFPB, during the disciplines of supervised internship II, III and IV. For this, an exploratory and documentary research was carried out, conducted under a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data were collected through internship reports, produced by students, in the periods of 2017.1 and 2017.2. Among the results found, it was found that the activities developed by the trainees are more focused on the field of advisory and consulting. It was observed that thirty companies/institutions offered supervised internship opportunities. The public scope stood out as the one that most offer internship opportunity. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 221
Henry Reza Novianto ◽  
Muhammad Nafik HR

The purpose of research is to find out Why Public Choose Paying Zakat in Mosque Rather than Institute of Zakat in Kramat Jegu Village.The research methodology used was a qualitative approach, the case study strategy. Data was collected by interviewing nine muzakki zakat payers in Kramat Jegu village Taman sub-disctric who four of them are related to the management of the mosque.The technique used is descriptive analysis.The result showed that the public would prefer to pay zakat in the mosque than zakat institutions. The motivation of public to pay Zakat at mosques fortified with three reasons are take into account the distance of the place of payment of zakat, more public believe to staff management mosque of zakat, and the public awareness to help the surrounding community.

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