scholarly journals PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, KUALITAS SDM, DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP OPTIMALISASI KINERJA PEGAWAI DI PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL RI JAKARTA (Studi Tentang Kepemimpinan, Kualitas SDM Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Optimalisasi Kinerja Pegawai Perpustakaan Nasional RI Jakarta)

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
Diana Toyang ◽  
Nunung Prajarto

Labor work performance provides the succers of organization. At the National Library in Jakarta, the labor work performance can be traced from the support of the leadership, human resources quality, and organization culture. The problem is to what extent the three factors influence on the work performance. This study focuses on the influence of leadership, quality of human resources and organization culture to the optimalization of officers performance. The research was conducted in the National Library of Indonesia in Jakarta in 2006. A survey with descriptive analysis and correlation analysis of product moment was applied. This includes 120 respondents of population amount counted 693 people and produces statistically positive and significant impacts of the independent variables on the officer performances. After testing the correlation by using double regression at the 95 % level of trust, it is found that Leadership (X,) is 13,4 %, Quality of Human Resource (X,) equalsto 14,6% and Culture of Organization (X,) 16,7 % to variable tied Optimalization Officer Performance (10 at 10,4 %. The influence at a time variable of X,, X2, X, to Y pass coefficient of regresi F,,,,,upd equals to 65 %. The result of the study indicates that each independent variables (X,, X2, X,) hasstatistically positive and significant effect on dependent variables tied (Y). This applied to all respondents worked at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. Key words : Leadership, quality of human resource, culture organizational, and of labor work performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 579-586
Subaidi Subaidi ◽  
Sudarmaji Sudarmaji ◽  
Moh Nasuka ◽  
Munasir Munasir

This article aims to describe the application of human resource management in improving the quality of teacher learning. The research used a qualitative approach, while the type of research was survey/field research. Collecting data using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, the collected data will be analyzed with data reduction techniques, data presentation, and finally drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that a) The application of human resource management in improving the quality of teacher learning: (1) Planning for Human Resource Needs (2) Procurement of Human Resources/Recruitment Staff. (3) Assessment of Work Performance and Compensation of Human Resources. (4) Human Resources Training and Development. (5) Creating and Fostering Effective Work Relationships. b) Supporting factors are support from student guardians, students, and school principals, leadership, human resources, facilities, culture. Inhibiting Factors are limited learning time, Less optimal education and teacher training development, Quality communication. c) The results of improving the quality of teacher learning through the application of human resource management are evidenced by the completeness and quality of teaching tools owned by teachers of SMK N 2 Jepara which include: RPP, journals, student attendance lists, question analysis, enrichment programs, and assessment instrument. So that each student has a Study Result Card, Value Transcript (report card), Portfolio, and Competency Certificate

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Yosep Hendaris ◽  
Andika Rachman Junianto ◽  
Abdul Rahpin ◽  
Santi Santi ◽  
Yusnita Ika Puspitarin ◽  

Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kepemimpinan dan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Usaha Keripik Pisang Pada Member Galery UMKM Rangkasbitung”. Setiap usaha yang dilakukan selain dari tekad yang kuat dalam membentuk usaha, juga membutuhkan sikap dalam kepemimpinan untuk usahanya. Dengan jiwa kepemimpinan, maka usaha yang ditekuni akan lebih terarah dan mudah dalam menjalankan usahanya. Kepemimpinan perlu dibentuk dalam sebuah usaha. Dalam mengontrol, mengelola dan juga menentukan hasil usahanya akan lebih efisien dan efektif jika ada yang memimpin dalam usahanya tersebut. Manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah pendekatan terencana untuk mengelola orang secara efektif demi kinerja. MSDM sebagai metode mengintegrasikan dan memelihara pekerja dalam suatu organisasi sehingga organisasi dapat mencapai tujuan dan memenuhi tujuan yang didirikan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membangun gaya manajemen yang lebih terbuka, fleksible dan peduli sehingga staf akan termotivasi, dikembangkan dan dikelola dengan cara yang dapat dan akan memberikan yang terbaik untuk mendukung misi organisasi. Kegiatan pelatihan atau konsultasi manajemen pengusaha keripik pisang sangat cocok dan relevan bagi pemeringkatan Galery UMKM, dan merupakan kegiatan bermanfaat yang dapat memperkuat kemampuan kelompok Galery UMKM untuk membentuk budaya kelompok yang lebih terbuka dan menjalankan usaha keripik pisang secara adil dan mandiri, dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat atau Kelompok Galery UMKM Karangsbitung.Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan, Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, UMKM, Usaha Keripik PisangCommunity Service entitled "Improving Leadership and Quality of Human Resources in Banana Chips Business at Rangkasbitung UMKM Gallery Members". Every effort made apart from a strong determination in forming a business, also requires an attitude in leadership for the business. With the spirit of leadership, the business that is occupied will be more focused and easier to run its business. Leadership needs to be formed in a business. In controlling, managing and also determining the results of the business, it will be more efficient and effective if someone takes the lead in the business. Human resource management is a planned approach to managing people effectively for the sake of performance. HRM as a method of integrating and maintaining workers in an organization so that the organization can achieve its goals and meet its established goals. It aims to build a management style that is more open, flexible and caring so that staff will be motivated, developed and managed in a way that can and will give their best to support the mission of the organization. Training activities or management consultations for banana chip entrepreneurs are very suitable and relevant for rating UMKM galleries, and are useful activities that can strengthen the ability of UMKM gallery groups to form a group culture that is more open and run a banana chip business fairly and independently. Karangsbitung UMKM Gallery Group.Keywords: Leadership, Quality of Human Resources, UMKM, Banana Chips Business

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Malik Ibrahim

This article describes the development and change of Religious court in Indonesia as a fruit of bureaucratic reform in the period of Reformation era. Concentrating on the reformation of the institution, human resource, and infrastructure, this article argues that the bureaucratic reformation of Religious Court has brought about some positive impact to the Religious Court of Indonesia. The Religious Court becomes more independent and professional. Its professionalism is indicated by the on time process of the court, the increasing quality of human resources, and better infrastructure. Meanwhile, its independency is strengthened by the implementation of one roof system which put the Religious Court merely under the coordination of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.Artikel ini berupaya mendeskripsikan perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan  Peradilan Agama (PA) melalui Program Reformasi Birokrasi yang dilaksanakan pada era Reformasi dengan fokus kajian tentang perbaikan layanan dan manajemen  dari aspek kelembagaan, sumber daya manusia, struktur organisasi, sarana dan prasarana, kesejahteraan aparat  serta peraturan perundangan yang mengatur tentang PA.  Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil dari reformasi birokrasi di lingkungan PA telah menjadikan PA sebagai sebuah lembaga yang lebih professional dan mandiri. Profesionalitas PA ditujukan dengan meningkatnya ketepatan waktu dalam proses peradilan, sumber daya manusia yang semakin berkualitas dan perbaikan sarana dan prasarana PA. Sedangkan kemandirian PA ditunjukkan dengan system peradilan satu atap dengan menempatkan kedudukan PA langsung di bawah Mahkamah Agung. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-147
Sahmin Noholo

This study aims to determine the effect of human resource competence on the quality of government financial reports with fraud prevention as an intervening variable. The approach in this research is quantitative with the expost facto method. The data in this study are primary data through a questionnaire. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis (SEM PLS). The results of this study indicate that (1) Human Resource Competence has a positive but not significant effect on Fraud Prevention. (2) Human Resource Competence has a positive and significant impact on the Quality of Government Financial Reports. (3) Fraud Prevention has a positive and significant effect on the Quality of Government Financial Reports. (4) Competence of Human Resources through Fraud Prevention has a positive but not significant effect on the Quality of Government Financial Reports.

2021 ◽  
pp. 224-237
Sahat Simbolon

This study aims to describe the effect of human resource quality, work discipline, and organizational culture on employee performance at Grand Cityhall Medan for 6 (six) months starting from May 2020 to November 2020. This study uses simple random sampling. The research subject was carried out on the employees of Grand Cityhall Medan. with a population of 439 people. The population study used a simple random sampling method. The instrument used was a questionnaire to collect data from the variables of the quality of human resources, work discipline, organizational culture, and employee performance. The data analysis technique used was the validity test, reliability test, descriptive analysis, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, T-test, F-test, and determination coefficient tests. The results of the descriptive analysis in the variables of human resource quality, work discipline, and organizational culture are in the very good category, while the employee performance variables are in the very good category. The results of the descriptive analysis for the variables of human resource quality, work discipline, organizational culture, and employee performance are in the very good category, at Grand Cityhall Medan. Based on a partial analysis, the quality of human resources, work discipline, and organization has a positive and significant impact on employee performance at Grand Cityhall Medan. Simultaneously, the quality of human resources, work discipline, and organization have a positive and significant influence on employee performance at Grand Cityhall Medan. The contribution of the quality of human resources, work discipline, and organizational culture to improve employee performance variables is 0.975 or 97,5%, while the remaining 0.025 or 2,5% is from other variables not examined by the authors in this study, work environment, ethos. work, leadership, and so on.

Neda Nikolić ◽  
Vladimir M. Cvetković ◽  
Miodrag Zečević ◽  
Rita Mano ◽  
Srđan Milašinović

Starting from the fact that the units of local self-government of the Republic of Serbia are not sufficiently oriented towards innovations related to human resources and the environment, the application of quantitative research tradition examines the positioning and understanding of certain procedures and decisions of human resources management regarding the functioning of the environmental protection system, on the one hand, and future strategies for changing the given system, on the other. A series of 105 face-to-face interviews were conducted during the whole of 2016 in 105 of the 191 municipalities in the Republic of Serbia. Examination of the attitudes of the local self-government was carried out using a specially designed closed electronic questionnaire. The results of the multivariate regressions show that the most important predictor of the possible improvement of the environment is the size of the municipality. The remaining variables (e.g., human resources policy, human resources service) did not have significant effects on the ability to improve the environment. In more than half of local self-governments, there was no clearly defined human resources strategy in the field of environmental protection, an environmental protection service, an Environmental Action Plan, as well as an employment plan for waste management in local governments, etc. The research has shown that top managers of local governments agree that the management of human resources in environmental protection represents a significant opportunity to improve the quality of the environment. The results of the research can be used to improve the organization of human resource competence in environmental protection and the quality of a working and sustainable environment in the area of local self-government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-72
Neda Nikolic ◽  
Vladimir Cvetkovic ◽  
Miodrag Zecevic

Starting from the fact that the units of local self-government of the Republic of Serbia are not sufficiently oriented towards innovations related to human resources and the environment, the application of quantitative research tradition examines the positioning and understanding of certain procedures and decisions of human resources management regarding the functioning of the environmental protection system, on the one hand, and future strategies for changing the given system, on the other. A series of 105 face-to-face interviews were conducted during the year of 2016 in 105 of the 191 municipalities in the Republic of Serbia. Examination of the attitudes of the local self-government was carried out using a specially designed closed electronic questionnaire. The results of the multivariate regressions show that the most important predictor of the possible improvement of the environment is the size of the municipality. The remaining variables (e.g., human resources policy, human resources service) did not have significant effects on the ability to improve the environment. In more than half of local self-governments, there was no clearly defined human resources strategy in the field of environmental protection, an environmental protection service, an Environmental Action Plan, as well as an employment plan for waste management in local governments, etc. The research has shown that top managers of local governments agree that the management of human resources in environmental protection represents a significant opportunity to improve the quality of the environment. The results of the research can be used to improve the organization of human resource competence in environmental protection and the quality of a working and sustainable environment in the area of local self-government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Jasmani Jasmani ◽  
Noryani Noryani ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Reni Hindriari ◽  
Lia Asmalah

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kewajiban dosen untuk melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Untuk itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi dosen berbagi pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui penyuluhan pengembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia agar senantiasa berupaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Dan juga bertujuan Karang Taruna Kampung serua poncol dapat menjalankan fungsi dan perannya secara optimal sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi Kampung serua poncol. Pengembangan juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga lebih positif dalam berkontribusi tenaga dan pikiran untuk memajukan Kampung serua poncol.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to fulfill the obligations of lecturers to do tridharma of higher education. For that reason, it has become an obligation for lecturers to share their knowledge and insights through counseling the development of human resource management so that they always strive to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. And also aims at Karang Taruna Kampung Serua Poncol can carry out its functions and roles optimally so that it brings benefits to Kampung Seronc Poncol. The development is also intended to improve the quality of human resources in carrying out their duties so that it is more positive in contributing energy and thoughts to advance the village of all poncol.Keywords: Human Resource Management 

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Muhammad Ridwan

Quality of human resources-civil servants, among others, which is determined by the recruitment processof seeking and finding HR activities-civil servant who has the motivation, ability, skills and knowledgerequired to carry out its duties in office. Organizational recruitment as human resource planning must becomprehensive programmed to be able to predict the needs of both quantity and quality as well asplanning professionals. Theoretically, many methods and selection techniques to evaluate applicantsaccording to a vacant position within the organizationKeywords: professionalism, recruitment, competence

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Bryan S Lempas ◽  
Treesje Runtu ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

Tax is a source of revenue to finance all State expenditures including expenditures for development and expenditure in improving the welfare and quality of Human Resources (HR). The tax contribution in funding State expenditures continues to increase and requires support in the form of raising public awareness to meet its tax obligations. This research was conducted in Manado City, where this study aims to examine the return of overpayment. The research method used is descriptive analysis research. Result of research indicate that KPP Pratama manado give good service for taxpayer individual who apply for restitution of amount of tax debt paid by public also must know that even if money have entered to treasury state if proved there is more pay then State treasury also willing to reverse or compensate for other types of taxes. The refund of the tax payment is a refund of tax overpayment that has been assumed is really a tax that is more paid.Keyword : Refund of overpayments, restitution, and compensation of individual taxpayers

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