scholarly journals Gugatan Tidak Dapat Diterima (Niet Ontvankelijke Verklaard) dalam Gugatan Cerai Gugat di Pengadilan Agama Badung

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-309
I Gusti Agung Ketut Bagus Wira Adi Putra ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
Ni Made Puspasutari Uj

In the course of the household, there are always disputes between husband and wife that cannot be resolved and lead to divorce. This study aims to determine the legal consequences of an unacceptable lawsuit in a lawsuit divorce case in decision number 0063 / Pdt.G / 2017 / PA.Bdg and to find out that the judge's consideration in deciding a lawsuit cannot be accepted in a divorce suit in decision number 0063 / Pdt.G / 2017 / PA.Bdg. This study uses a normative legal research method with a case approach. The results of the study show that in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage in Article 39 paragraph (2) of the Marriage Law and its explanation it states that divorce can be carried out if it is in accordance with predetermined reasons. An unacceptable decision (NO) is a decision stating that a lawsuit cannot be accepted, because of formal defects. Then, the reasons that cause the lawsuit to be unacceptable due to formal defects are invalid power of attorney, lawsuit filed by parties who have no legal interest, in person error suit, lawsuit beyond competence, lawsuit against libel, premature lawsuit and lawsuit expired. Libel's lawsuit is vague or unclear and the cause of obscuur libel's lawsuit in this case is an incomplete petitum, therefore the lawsuit cannot be accepted

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Agustina Dewi Putri ◽  
Darmawan Darmawan ◽  
Teuku Muttaqin Mansur

Menurut Pasal 36 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974, mengenai harta bersama, suami atau isteri dapat bertindak atas persetujuan kedua belah pihak. Adanya ketentuan Pasal tersebut di atas, menunjukkan bahwa jika seorang suami atau isteri, bermaksud melakukan perbuatan hukum yang objeknya terkait dengan harta bersama (misalnya menjual, menghibahkan dan lain-lain), baik itu berupa barang bergerak atau barang tidak bergerak, maka perbuatan hukum tersebut harus didasarkan pada persetujuan kedua belah pihak (suami dan isteri). Untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan akibat hukum dari peralihan harta bersama melalui hibah tanpa izin dari salah satu pihak. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dan Ketiadaan persetujuan baik suami atau isteri memberi akibat hukum bahwa peralihan harta bersama tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum.As for article 36 paragraph (1) mentions that anything regarded to the shared-property should be with the consent of both parties. It is in line with Article 92 about Compilation of Islamic Law which mentions that either husband or wife without any consent of the other partner is not allowed to sell or transfer the ownerships of the shared-property. Provisionsof the article indicate that if the husband or wife intends to carry out a legal act whose object is related to a common asset (for example selling, granting, etc). whether it is movable or immovable property, the legal action must be based on agreement of both parties (husband and wife). To figure out and explain the legal consequences of share assets transfer throght a grant without permission from one of the parties. Research method used in this is normative juridical legal research. To find out and explain the comparison of provisions on the transfer of property with husband and wife based on Law Number 1 Year 1974 and Compilation of Islamic Law Absence of approval from both husband and wife gives legal consequences that transfer of shared property becomes null and void by law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 139-152
Khoirotin Nisa' ◽  
Muslih Muslih ◽  
Abu Hapsin

Islam exists in order to uphold justice. Likewise with families, where there are often unfair relationships between husband and wife, there are so many obstacles which can threaten the harmony of marriage. So far the issue of nusyūz is often connected to the wife and the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) confirms this. How Islamic law regulates nusyūz and how the perspective of qira'ah mubādalah about this nusyūz is are the main questions of this study. This study uses normative legal research method with descriptive technique. Data collection was carried out by literary study and then they were analyzed qualitatively by the deductive method. The results of this study are as follow: Nusyūz according to Islamic law (KHI) is conceptualized as a wife's disobedience to her husband, such as reluctance to have intercourse, surly in front of her husband, leaving the house without the husband's permission and others which make the husband dislike. If nusyūz occurs then it is resolved by: giving advice, separating beds, and hitting. Mubādalah as a method of interpretation of texts which is reciprocal, in terms of family relations between husband and wife, defines nusyūz as disobedience to household commitments so it applies to husband and wife. Nusyūz settlement by beating is considered as an act of violence so it should not be done. Inviting reconciliation to return to commitment is the best way according to QS. An Nisa': 128.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Ida Ayu Putu Kristanty Mahadewi ◽  
Dewa Nyoman Rai Asmara Putra

Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji akibat hukum serta penyelesaian terhadap harta bersama berdasarkan hukum perkawinan apabila terjadi perceraian dan pemisahan harta bersama karena suatu hal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative, yakni suatu penelitian yang berdasarkan pada pendekatan perundang-undangan, bahan pustaka, putusan pengadilan dan ketentuan yang sebagaimana mestinya. Serta teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya suatu perjanjian dalam perkawinan maka harta benda dan harta bersama dari kedua pihak akan memiliki kepastian hukum yang tetap jika dilihat dari perspektif hukum. Penyelesaian harta bersama biasanya dilakukan dengan cara pemisahan harta benda kedua belah pihak. Penyelesaian perkara mengenai pembagian harta bersama yang terbaik adalah dilakukan dengan cara kekeluargaan. Penyelesaian permasalahan mengenai pemisahan harta bersama melalui pengadilan, juga bisa diusulkan melalui pengajuan gugatan sendiri oleh pihak yang berperkara maupun perantara melalui pengacara hukum. Dan permohonan mengenai pemisahan harta bersama tidak bisa diajukan bersamaan dengan gugatan cerai. The purpose of this study is to examine the legal consequences and the settlement of joint assets based on marriage law if the event of divorce and separation of joint assets for some reason. This study uses a normative legal research method, which is a study based on a statutory approach, library materials, court decisions and appropriate provisions. As well as data collection techniques carried out by document study. The results of the study show that with agreement in marriage, the property and joint assets of the two parties will have permanent legal certainty from a legal perspective. Settlement of joint assets is usually carried out by familial way. The settlement of problems regarding the separation of joint assets through the court, can also be proposed through filing a lawsuit by the litigant or intermediary through a lawyer. And applications regarding the separation of joint assets cannot be filed at the same time as a divorce suit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-206
Pande Bagus Yoga Pratama Putra ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Desak Gde Dwi Arini

Electronic commerce (E-commerce is basically an act in which contact online transactions using the internet media, and also the existence of E-Commerce is a promising business alternative to be implemented today. This study aims to analyze the validity of the sale-purchase agreement through the media. electronic or internet according to Law No. 11 of 2008 and knowing the form of legal protection for parties in sale and purchase agreements through electronic media in the event of a failure. The research method used is normative legal research with a bullying approach. wan achievement, the party who is responsible for all legal consequences in the implementation of electronic transactions is if it is done alone, all legal consequences in the execution of the transaction are the responsibility of the transacting parties if it is done by granting power of attorney all legal consequences in the implementation of t Electronic transactions are the responsibility of the attorney if done through an electronic agent. All legal consequences in the implementation of electronic transactions are the responsibility of the electronic agent operators. It's simple if in this case an honest character is needed in good faith, where the seller and the buyer must be honest with each other, there are no parties and are harmed for their benefit only so that a valid agreement occurs, and also the goods being traded do not violate the law in Indonesia, such as sharp weapons, protected animals, human trafficking, and drugs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Fitria Agustin

Article 2 paragraph  (1) of Law Number 1 Year 1974 contains provisions that marriage shall be considered valid if done according to the law of their respective religion and belief. The above provision implies no marriage outside the law of each of his or her religion and belief. Intermarriages between people of different religions will obviously cause problems as a result of the law of their marriage, most of which include the rights and duties of each husband and wife, property in marriage, as well as the position of the child in a marriage relationship. Problems will arise when the child has been born starting from the pattern of upbringing until when the child is adult and ably performs legal acts such as marriage, inheritance, and so forth. This research is intended to get answers to the problems: (1) How the position of the Child from Marriage parents of different religions? 2) How does the child's relationship with her parents' parent if the child chooses a religion differently from both parents? The invention of the answer to this question is pursued by the Empirical Normative Legal Research Method. The law acts as a Norm (Legislation), with due regard to social reality. The results of the study are: (1) The marriage of religious differences according to the Marriage Law is considered invalid as well as the child born of the Marriage. (2) A child born of a different religious marriage only has a nasab with his mother.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-125
Putu Aditya Palguna Yoga ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana

The relationship between the ruler and the land is closely related to obligations in the form of ayahan for village karma for both the banjar and the village. This study aims to determine the control of village coral and the legal consequences if there is village karma that neglects its obligations. The research method used in this research is empirical legal research with a conceptual approach. Data that has been collected through interview techniques. The results of this study indicate that the right for village krama who has carried out their obligations is to legally obtain Karang Desa land protected by the village. If Krama Desa dies, he will receive land. Meanwhile, the obligation of the village manners who occupy the village reef is obliged to take part in the village temple during the odalan fee in the form of pepesan money (klangsah palpalan penjor) and must be present at the time of mutual cooperation activities. Through this research, it is hoped that the village officers will socialize more often about Karang Desa, especially regarding their rights and obligations so that one day the Krama Desa who violates them will not be given sanctions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-421
I Made Satria Wibawa Tangkeban ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Ni Made Sukaryati Karma

The internet is an electronic and information medium that is developing very rapidly. The internet is widely used in various activities, namely trade, trading activities that use the internet known as e-commerce. Trading on the internet itself raises many problems related to the law and all its risks. Problems that can arise include default. The research aims are to analyze the rights and obligations of the parties in buying and selling transactions via Instagram and the legal consequences that arise if the seller in the sale and purchase transaction through Instagram defaults. The research method used is normative legal research, with using statutory approach. Primary sources of legal materials, sources of secondary legal materials were analyzed using systematic interpretation techniques. The result shows that in the buying and selling activities carried out on Instagram, there are often deviations in rights and obligations that are no longer in accordance with existing norms in society and legal remedies that can be taken if there is a default from one of the parties, be it the seller. and buyers who make online transactions can be sued within the environment of the general court or outside the court and can be subject to direct fines for parties who do not perform in default.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
M Muhsin ◽  
Soleh Hasan Wahid

Abstract: Divorce is breaking the ties of marriage and ending the husband and wife relationship. According to Fiqh law, divorce is considered legally binding when a husband pronounces the word talaq to his wife clearly and figuratively. Meanwhile, according to the Marriage Law, it is explained that divorce can only be carried out before the court after the court concerned tries and fails to reconcile the two parties. The focus of the problem in this study is: (1) What is the status of divorce outside the court according to fiqh law and positive law? (2) Which is used as a guideline between the two divorce proceedings on the termination of marriage? The type of research conducted by the author is field research using qualitative methods. The analysis used is the descriptive analysis method. The number of respondents in this study was five people with the category of divorce outside the court. Based on the method used in the study, it was concluded that the divorce handed down out of court was legal, according to fiqh, so that the marriage broke up by fiqh rules. However, the divorce is not legal according to positive law in Indonesia, so that in the eyes of positive law, the marriage has not been broken, and the positive law that applies in Indonesia is used as a guide to the dissolution of marriage because the legal consequences arising after the divorce are more clearly regulated so that obligations and rights that arise after the divorce is more secure.Abstract: Talak adalah melepaskan ikatan pernikahan dan mengakhiri hubungan suami istri. Menurut hukum Fikih perceraian dianggap jatuh hukumnya ketika seorang suami mengucapkan kata talak kepada istrinya baik secara jelas maupun kiasan. Sedangkan menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan dijelaskan bahwa perceraian hanya dapat dilakukan di depan pengadilan setelah pengadilan yang bersangkutan berusaha dan tidak berhasil mendamaikan kedua belah pihak. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana status talak di luar pengadilan menurut hukum fikih dan hukum positif? (2) Manakah yang dijadikan pedoman antara dua proses perceraian terhadap putusnya perkawinan? Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan penulis merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan metode kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak lima orang dengan kategori melakukan penceraian di luar Pengadilan. Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa, talak yang dijatuhkan di luar pengadilan adalah sah menurut fikih, sehingga perkawinannya putus sesuai dengan aturan fikih. Namun perceraian tersebut tidak sah menurut hukum positif di Indonesia, sehingga di mata hukum positif perkawinannya belum putus dan hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman terhadap putusnya perkawinan, dikarenakan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih diatur dengan jelas, sehingga kewajiban dan hak yang timbul setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih terjamin.

Lalu Irawadi ◽  
Rodliyah ◽  
Muhammad Natsir

This research is conducted to find out and analyse the implementation of criminal law in motive element of planed murder perpetrator as well as to find out and analyse the vindication of motive of planed murder perpertator by applying normative legal research method. Aimed to analyze the implementation of positive law norms under statute, case and historical, comparative and conceptual approach. Research result shown that implementation of Article 340 KUHP depends on judge’s point of view poured in his legal considerations. The point of view can be Monistic where motive is not a significance consideration as long as the crime lead to certain legal consequences or dualistic where motive is important to consider in order to determine perpetrator’s grade of guilt (psychologically) since dualistis point of view differentiate between objective element and subjective element (guilt element). To proof that there is motive element in a planed murder, Judge shall apply vindication principle used in Indonesia’s criminal law procedure according to Article 184 KUHP and law number 48 of 2009 concerning judiciary power.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 421-425
I Made Ari Nurjaya ◽  
I Nyoman Sumardhika ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati

One of the legal products made by notary as a part of their authorities is a deed, both authentic deeds and underhand-made deeds. In addition to these deeds, a notary also has the authority to issue a certificate which is commonly referred to as a covernote. A certificate or covernote is a statement or note in the form of information confirming that a land ownership deed is in the process of a certificate making that is due to a process of roya, transfer of name of land ownership and splitting of one certificate into two. This study examines two issues related to notary authority, namely the basis for the notary’s authority in issuing a covernote and the legal consequences of making the covernote. This study uses a normative legal research method and a conceptual approach as well as a statutory approach. The results showed that the covernote issued by a notary was actually an ordinary certificate, not a legal product of a notary. Covernote only contains an explanation of the deed that is in the process of certification which has not been completed and will be completed within a period determined by the notary itself, so the covernote is not legally binding. The notary is authorized to make a covernote, but it is not regulated in the laws and regulations so that, if it is concluded, the covernote is not a legal product of a notary. The legal consequences for the notary if they fail to carry out the covernote, they can be held liable to solve them immediately. The legal consequence of not fulfilling the contents of the covernote is a violation of Article 1366 of the Criminal Code because notaries are considered negligent in carrying out their duties and authorities.

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