scholarly journals Quiet Contributions: Re-Examining the Benefits of a Restorative Approach to Sentencing in the Aboriginal Context

2008 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Lauren Wihak

Restorative justice challenges the traditional outcomes and processes of the criminal justice system. While as a unified theory of punishment restorative justice is notably problematic, elements of it have been incorporated within sentencing regimes around the world. Responding to increasing incarceration rates and disproportionate Aboriginal incarceration rates and in articulating the fundamental purpose and principles of sentencing, Parliament included principles of restorative justice, thanks in part to a belief in its particular application to Aboriginal offenders. The Canadian approach to restorative justice is focused entirely on securing non-custodial outcomes. However, other principles of sentencing, Canadian appellate jurisprudence, further legislative amendment, and the growth of penal populism demonstrate that the Canadian sentencing regime, taken as a whole, precludes this very goal. The author demonstrates that the statutory adoption of restorative justice through the Criminal Code has not had its intended effect: Aboriginal offenders are just as likely to face a term in custody as they were prior to the 1996 amendments. That said, there remains a role for restorative justice. The author argues for a shift to restorative processes. This shift would allow for a continued commitment to restorative justice while alleviating the obstacles associated with an outcome-centered approach. Importantly, it reflects the recognition that the Aboriginal offender can benefit from actively participating in the determination of how best to address his offending. Finally, this approach recognizes that there is a disconnect between the criminal justice system and traditional Aboriginal justice, and reflects factors shown to increase voluntary compliance with the law.La justice réparatrice met en question les résultats et les processus traditionnels du système de justice pénale. Quoique en tant que théorie unifiée de châtiment, la justice réparatrice est notamment problématique, certains de ses éléments ont été incorporés aux systèmes de détermination des peines partout au monde. En réaction aux taux croissants d’incarcération et des taux disproportionnés d’incarcération d’autochtones et en énonçant le but fondamental et les principes de la détermination des peines, le Parlement a inclus des principes de justice réparatrice, en partie à cause de la croyance en son application particulière aux contrevenants autochtones. L’approche canadienne à la justice réparatrice porte entièrement sur l’obtention de résultats sans privation de liberté. Toutefois, d’autres principes de détermination des peines, la jurisprudence des cours d’appel, de nouveaux amendements législatifs et la croissance du sentiment populaire par rapport aux peines démontrent que le système canadien de détermination des peines, dans son ensemble, empêche justement l’atteinte de cet objectif. L’auteur fait voir que l’adoption statutaire de la justice réparatrice dans le Code criminel n’a pas eu l’effet voulu : les contrevenants autochtones ont les mêmes chances de se voir imposer une période de détention qu’ils avaient avant les amendements de 1996. Cela dit, un rôle demeure pour la justice réparatrice. L’auteur argumente en faveur d’un virage vers les processus réparateurs. Ce virage permettrait de maintenir l’engagement envers la justice réparatrice tout en allégeant les obstacles associés à l’approche centrée sur les résultats. Il importe de noter que cela reflète la reconnaissance que le contrevenant autochtone peut bénéficier de participer activement à la détermination de la meilleure façon de traiter de son infraction. Finalement, cette approche reconnaît la discordance entre le système de justice pénale et la justice autochtone traditionnelle, et reflète des facteurs qui ont manifestement augmenté le respect volontaire de la loi.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Hamidah Abdurrachman ◽  
Fajar Ari Sudewo ◽  
Dyah Irma Permanasari

Upaya memberikan perlindungan terhadap Anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat berarti. Selama ini terhadap anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, ditangani secara umum seperti orang dewasa. Anak-anak tersebut melewati proses hukum tanpa ada pendampingan bahkan segera dilakukan upaya paksa berupa penangkapan dan penahanan sehingga anak mengalami putus sekolah. Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak meletakkan fondasi perlindungan anak dengan pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif yaitu dalam penyelesaian perkara melibatkan pelaku, korban, keluarga pelaku/korban dan pihak lain yang terkait untuk bersama-sama mencari penyelesaian yang adil dengan menekankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula dan bukan pembalasan. Keadilan restoratif ini diwujudkan melalui Diversi yaitu pengalihan penyelesaian perkara anak dari proses peradilan pidana ke proses ke luar pengadilan pidana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di Jawa Tengah kasus anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum secara umum diselesaikan melalui jalur diversi dan sebagian lainnya diproses menggunakan berdasarkan KUHAP atau jalur pidana. Hal lainnya meskipun sudah menerapkan jalur diversi terhadap anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum namun belum ada keseragaman atau kesamaan model diversi sebagaimana yang diamanatkan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak.<br /><br /><br /><em>Efforts to provide protection against Children in conflict with the law in the Criminal Justice System Child shows a very significant development. During against children in conflict with the law, generally handled as an adult. These children pass through the legal process without immediate assistance even forceful measures in the form of arrest and detention so that children have dropped out of school. Law No. 11 Year 2012 on the Criminal Justice System Child laid the foundation of child protection approach Restorative Justice that in settling disputes involving offenders, victims, family offender/victim and other relevant parties to work together to find a fair settlement with the emphasis on restoring back to its original state and not retaliation. Restorative justice is realized through the transfer of settling disputes Diversion namely children from the criminal justice process to a process outside the criminal court. The results of this research showed that in Central Java case of children in conflict with the law are generally resolved through the diversion and some processed using by the Criminal Code or the criminal path. Another thing despite applying diversion path towards children in conflict with the law but there is no uniformity or sameness models of diversion as mandated in Law No. 11 Year 2012 on Child Criminal Justice System</em><br /><br />

I Made Wahyu Chandra Satriana

The discussion on this journal raised regarding policy formulation RestorativeJustice in the Criminal Justice System Children . The objectives of this research thatin order to properly analyze the basic ideas contained in restorative justice , to dowith children in conflict with the law and to analyze policy formulation set forth in the Law. 112012 on the Criminal Justice System Kids for restorative justice to children inconflict with the law . While this type of research used in scientific journals this isthe kind of normative legal research , because it is based on the assessment thatthere is a conflict between the norms of Law. 11 of 2012 on the Criminal JusticeSystem Children with the norms contained in the draft - Criminal Code ( CriminalCode ) . In this case the unlawful act committed by the child who has not reached theage of 18 (eighteen years ) diversion efforts which have the purpose for the creationof a balance between the interests of focus and attention to the perpetrator and thevictim also impact the completion of the criminal case that happens in thecommunity to ensure and protecting children and their rights in order to live , grow,develop and participate optimally in accordance with the dignity of humanity , aswell as protection from violence and discrimination .

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
I Ketut Arjuna Satya Prema ◽  
Masruchin Ruba'i ◽  
Nurini Aprilianda

This article aims to discuss the age of criminal responsibility of children according to statutory regulations in Indonesia and the legis ratio of determining the age of child responsibility according to Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children. The study uses normative legal research with a statutory approach. The results of the study show that three regulations are governing the age limit for a child to be held criminally responsible, namely the Criminal Code Act, Law Number 3 of 1997 concerning Juvenile Court, Law Number 11 of 2011 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children. These three regulations differ in determining the minimum limit for a child to be held liable for criminal liability. Psychological, sociological, and pedagogical aspects are the base for the ratio of the legal determination of the minimum age of 12 years in the Criminal Justice System for Children. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Yoyok Ucuk Suyono , SH. , MHum ◽  

Restorative justice perspective in this paper sees a penal mediation as a non-penal means within the Law. This institution has been utilised as an alternative in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to deliver dignified justice in criminal cases. Although this model appeared as vague, since stipulated only between the lines in the Indonesia Criminal Code (KUHP) and the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), the concept of restorativejustice has been existing in the Indonesian Volksgeist (the Spirit of the Indonesian, i.e. Pancasila) from the begining of time. This author would argue bellow that penal mediation has been used to mitigate penal cases by law enforcement institutions in order to achieve dignified justice in the concept of restorative justice, to serve human as human beings recognised by the Law in the Pancasila Legal System. The police may use penal mediation basing upon their discretionary power and the public prosecutors may also use their own prerogative power or the what so called prosecutors power of opportunity in place of the due process and make creative innovations, beginign from misdemeanor or complaint offenses. Even Indonesian judges have broad discretionary authority to use penal mediation in solving criminal cases so that the dignified justice, can be obtained, particularly by victims de lege lata.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-82
Michaela Mary McGuire ◽  
Ted Palys

Canada has oppressed Indigenous peoples capacity for true sovereignty through colonialism, genocide and attempted assimilation. This devastation manifests in the disproportionate social ills facing Indigenous peoples and their overrepresentation at all levels of the imposed criminal justice system (CJS). Trauma and internalized colonialism have constrained the capacity of Indigenous Nations to reclaim their place in the world as self-governing peoples. Canada has attempted to ‘fix’ this problem through creating parallel systems, trying to fit ‘Indigenous’ conceptions of justice into existing systems, and problematically adopting restorative justice as synonymous with Indigenous justice. The rhetoric of reconciliation and apology mask the continual genocidal, assimilative goals of the state. With these caveats in mind, the need to reject internalized colonialism and develop capacity for the development of sovereign Indigenous justice systems will be examined.  

2003 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-76 ◽  
Kate Warner ◽  
Jenny Gawlik

Increased recognition of the need for victims of crime to be integrated into the criminal justice system and to receive adequate reparation has led, in a number of jurisdictions, to legislative measures to encourage the greater use of compensation orders. The Sentencing Act 1997 (Tas) (which came into force on 1 August 1998) went further and made compensation orders compulsory for property damage or loss resulting from certain crimes. This article shows that this measure has failed victims and argues that they have been used in the service of other ends. Mandatory compensation orders are a token gesture repackaged as restorative justice to gain public support for the administration of the criminal justice system.Ways in which compensation orders could be made more effective and the possibilities of accommodating restorative compensation into a conventional criminal justice system are explored.

2009 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 238
Rena Yulia

AbstractThe victim of domestic violence had needed of protection concept thatdifferent with another victim of violent crime. Participation of victim haswant to give justice for all. It is, because punishment to offender brings theimpact for victim. Restorative justice is a concept in criminal justice systemwhich is participation victim with it. The present of criminal justice system isthe offender oriented. Victim has not position to considerate offenderpunishment. Only offender can get the right and the victim hopeless. In thedomestic violence, victim and offender have relationship. Because there area family. · So, probability they have some interest in economic and relation.When wife become a victim and husband as offender, his wife hasdependency economic from her husband. It means, if husband get a decisionfrom judge, his wife will be suffer. Domestic violence is different crime. So, itis necessQ/y to made some different concept. In this article, will discussedabout alternative of legal protection for victim of domestic violence incriminal justice system to protect the victim

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