Alexey F Dremov

The article presents some of the results of systematic studies of the functions of the cases in a simple Russian sentence. Primarily, the systemic interpretation of the simplest and simple sentences as syntactic units is postulated, which possess not only different compositions and structures, but also reveal different grammatical meanings and categorial senses. Alongside, the notion of an event is defined and determined; the concept of predication is clarified and redefined; the concept of a dialectic, or causal, syllogism is introduced as a meaning caused by the internal form of a simple sentence. Consecutively, the ostensive definition of the internal determinants of the Russian language is given.

D. V. Isyutin-Fedotkov

The article considers and analyzes various opinions on the category "forensic study of personality". From the point of view of the Russian language, the various meanings of the term "study" fully and in a multifaceted way reflect the activities of the investigator in the study of the person in the course of sufficient disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is concluded that forensic study of personality can be considered as a process, theory (doctrine) and part of criminalistics (educational discipline, special course). In this connection, the definition of the term "forensic study of personality" depends on understanding of its essence. Forensic study of personality as a process for the study of personality is associated with activity. Forensic study of the personality as a theory (doctrine) is associated with the objective laws that constitute the subject of criminalistics. Forensic study of the personality as a section of criminalistics (academic discipline, special course) is based on a theoretical basis, on the basis of which methods, approaches to studying personality are considered. The ultimate goal of forensic study of personality is solving the problems of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Author's definitions of the term "forensic study of personality" are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Galina I. Panova ◽  
Tatiana V. Viktorina ◽  
Antonina E. Kuzmina

The concept of “morphological / grammatical means” is widely used in studies on the Russian language, although there is no generally accepted interpretation. This work analyzes the reflection of this concept in Russian studies and clarifies the status of those linguistic units that are traditionally referred to as morphological means: form-building affixes, alternating sounds (internal inflection), stress, supplementary word stems, auxiliary words, intonation, as well as word order. Our research has shown that these linguistic units have different functional status in the morphological structure of the Russian language. First, these are categorical, or actually morphological, means, represented by formative affixes and auxiliary words. They are carriers of morphological meanings in the structure of abstracted morphological forms – the basic units of inflectional Russian morphology. Secondly, a non-categorical means, syncretic and accidental for morphology, are supplementary stems that contain not only lexical, but also morphological meaning and thus duplicate the expression of morphological information in a word form with a form-building affix. Thirdly, these are linguistic units that are not elements of the morphological structure, but have morphological significance, which is manifested in their ability to differentiate homonymous morphological forms in the structure of word forms (alternating sounds and stress) or utterances (intonation). Word order can also perform a similar function. The study allows us to clarify the definition of the concept under consideration: morphological means are linguistic units that are carriers of morphological meanings and constituents of morphological forms.

Natalya Vasilievna Artamonova ◽  

Communion as part of speech occupies a special place in the structure of the Russian language, since it represents a problematic aspect of grammar. Already when determining the grammatical status of participle, the first difficulties appear, which is associated with hybrid features of participle, since it combines the features of two independent parts of speech - the adjective and the verb. The works of linguists describe different approaches to determining the status of communion. At present, it is possible to state the existence in Russian grammar of several points of view on the definition of the nature of communion.

2018 ◽  
Андрей Пантелеев ◽  
Andrey Panteleev

This monograph is devoted to the study of the functioning of concrete and abstract nouns as bearers of secondary predication and proposition in the folded non-elementary simple sentences in the Russian language. At the level of non-elementary simple sentences, there are specific means of updating the procedural semantics of specific nouns, specific ways of language representation of functional-semantic categories of personality, temporality and taxis. A high degree of compression of the statements suggests a closer relationship to secondary predicates with context and background knowledge speaking

2020 ◽  
pp. 165-171
Юрий Михайлович Асанов

Представлены первые результаты совместной работы таджикских и российских преподавателей в учебных заведениях Республики Таджикистан в процессе реализации программы «Русские учителя в Таджикистане». Актуальность темы обусловлена растущей ролью сотрудничества в сфере образования и подготовки кадров, которые лежат в основе абсолютно всех направлений стратегического взаимодействия этих стран. На примере Раштского района Республики Таджикистан отмечается уникальность для новейшей истории российско-таджикских отношений опыта одновременной взаимодополняющей работы преподавателей двух стран как в школе, так и в педагогическом институте. Уделено внимание роли русского языка и русскоязычного образования в Таджикистане, дается анализ нынешней ситуации с функционированием русского языка в республике. Предлагаются пути и способы его дальнейшего совершенствования для того, чтобы существенно расширить возможности практического использования русского языка. Вводится и дается определение новому научному понятию «самовоспроизводящая система». Обосновывается авторское толкование этого термина. Предложены возможности и подходы дальнейшего развития программы «Русские учителя в Таджикистане». The article discusses the role of the Russian language and Russian education in Tajikistan. The analysis of the current situation with the functioning of the Russian language in the republic is given. The author suggests the ways and the opportunities of its further improvement of significantly expand the possibilities of practical use of the Russian language. Determined the relevance of the article. The article notes that cooperation in the field of education and training lies at the heart of absolutely all areas of strategic cooperation between our countries. The author considers the first results of the joint work of Tajik and Russian teachers in educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. On the example of the Rasht district of the Republic of Tajikistan, the uniqueness of the experience of the simultaneous complementary work of teachers of the two countries both at school and at the pedagogical institute for the recent history of Russian-Tajik relations is noted. The definition of a new scientific concept “self-reproducing system” is introduced and given. The author’s interpretation of this term is substantiated, in contrast to the generally accepted ones. The expediency of attracting non-profit organizations of the two countries to the development of Russian-Tajik educational cooperation is noted. A number of other practical proposals for the development of joint teaching activities in educational institutions of Tajikistan, namely, that the construction of Russian schools will provide an opportunity to create effective centers of culture and education in the regions.

Nadezhda Trofimova ◽  
Olga Shchitova

Введение. В настоящее время сфера строительства является одной из самых стремительно развивающихся. С развитием новых строительных технологий в русском языке появляются новые наименования данных инноваций. Актуальность работы обусловливается необходимостью изучения иноязычной профессиональной лексики в русском языке, обозначающей активно развивающиеся современные строительные технологии. Целью является выявление и описание новейшей профессиональной лексики иноязычного происхождения, относящейся к сфере инновационных строительных технологий и заимствованной в русский язык в XXI в. Материал и методы. Материалом для исследования послужила новейшая иноязычная терминология профессиональной сферы строительства, появившаяся в русском языке в XXI в. и функционирующая в профессиональном интернет-дискурсе (профессиональных и информационных порталах для строителей). Для уточнения времени заимствования номинаций использованы данные Национального корпуса русского языка. Основу методологии статьи составляют общенаучные и лингвистические приемы описательного и сравнительно-сопоставительного методов исследования. Результаты и обсуждение. В работе дан краткий обзор истории вопроса. Установлено, что целый ряд иноязычных обозначений новейших строительных технологий заимствован из другого языка вместе с самой технологией. Выявлены источники заимствования новейших номинаций строительных технологий в русском языке. Данные наименования являются заимствованными преимущественно из английского языка и представляют собой лексические заимствования, кальки и полукальки. Приведенные примеры функционирования новейших иноязычных номинаций в профессиональном интернет-дискурсе свидетельствуют о вхождении данных терминологических единиц в лексический состав профессиональной сферы строительства, хотя многие из них не зафиксированы в лексикографических источниках. Заключение. Новейшая строительная терминология XXI в. широко представлена лексикой иноязычного происхождения, прежде всего заимствованиями-англицизмами, среди которых выявлены следующие типы: лексические и семантические заимствования (кальки и полукальки). Впервые проанализированы термины, не зафиксированные в нормативных словарях иноязычных слов и терминологических словарях русского языка, а также в Национальном корпусе русского языка. Полученные результаты представляют интерес для терминоведения и могут быть использованы в учебной и лексикографической практиках.Introduction. Nowadays the sphere of construction engineering is one of the fast-developing fields. Owing to the advanced construction technology development new words appear in the Russian language. The purpose of the article is to discover and describe the latest professional borrowings related to the field of innovative construction technologies and introduced into Russian in the 21st century. The objectives of the paper are the material selection, the definition of the sources and time of borrowings being analyzed, and creating the classification of foreign terminological units. Material and methods. The material for the study is the latest borrowings in the sphere of construction engineering appeared in the Russian language in the 21st century and used in the professional discourse (web-sites for construction professionals). The basis of the methodology lies in the descriptive and comparative methods. Results and discussion. The article contains a short theoretical overview of borrowings in Russian. The study shows that most of the terminological units denoting advanced construction technologies are borrowed from other languages with the technology itself. The major part of the given terminological units is borrowed from English and represents loanwords, calques and partial calques. Moreover, with the purpose of stating the time of borrowings all terminological units were searched for in the National Corpus of the Russian Language. It appeared that the majority of terms are not recorded either in the National Corpus of the Russian Language or in terminological dictionaries. Conclusion. Modern construction vocabulary of the 21st century is represented mostly by anglicisms among which there are lexical and semantic borrowings (calques and partial calques). The article has analyzed terminological units not previously recorded in either terminological dictionaries or National Corpus of the Russian Language. The practical value enables to use the article materials for academic and lexicographical purposes.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Natalia Yudina

The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most important terms in modern linguistic usage – the definition of a language personality. It was introduced in Russian-language scientific use in the 1930s by academician V. Vinogradov, and has been related to the ever-increasing interest in the anthropocentric factor in language, as well as to changes in the scientific linguistic paradigm, since the 1980s. Resuming some terminological and conceptual descriptions of language personality, as represented in the Russian-language linguistic literature, this article comes to the conclusion that language personality theory is presently reviewed in linguodidactics, linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguoculturology, psycholinguistics, lexicography, stylistics, pragmatics, and other intra- and extralinguistic disciplines.The complex analysis makes it possible to identify verbal-semantic (lexicon), linguocognitive (thesaurus), motivational (pragmaticon; cf.Y. N. Karaulov), stylistic, communicative-pragmatic, linguoculturological, emotional, articulatory, and other levels. In addition to language personality, the terms verbal and communicative personality must also be specified and systematized. Further conceptual and terminological research in the description of language personality seems highly necessary for modern linguistics. The process of developing and establishing a language personality appears to be an essential component of the objective and subjective transformations of the information society. Further inquiry into the study of language personality will contribute to a better understanding of the social-political, economic, socio-cultural and linguistic processes occurring in the 21st century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 340-347
U. Zhanpeis ◽  
N. Ozekbayeva ◽  
Zh. Kuanyshbayevа ◽  

The article deals with issues related to the system structure of the language and the system relations between language units. The authors proceed from the modern understanding of the definition of the lexical-semantic system, which is generally accepted. Three main dimensions of lexical consistency are described: paradigmatic, syntagmatic, and derivational. the basic elements of the linguistic term system are the terms “syntagmatics” and “paradigmatics”. The essence of paradigmatic relations is the similarity of units under one family and opposites - for others. Syntagmatic relations in the vocabulary are manifested in the vocabulary in the rules of word combination, in their connection with other lexical units within specific utterances. The article offers a model of lexical presentation taking into account intra-lexical consistency. The functional level of the lexical unit implementation is conditionally accepted as the activity form of the word. Indicators of word assimilation in the process of its gradual transition from the subject form to the activity form were lexical operations that are part of the actions for the perception and generation of speech utterance. The authors describe the experience of developing and using training tasks for the C1 level in accordance with the requirements of the new standard curriculum.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 64-71

Статья посвящена характеристике явления коннотативного значения слова в русском языке. Дается определение термина «коннотация», описываются структурные элементы коннотативного значения слова, так как несмотря на большое количество работ по данной теме эти вопросы до сих пор остаются открытыми. Актуальность темы исследования определяется современными тенденциями развития языка. Показано, что коннотативные значения присущи общеупотребительным словам с конкретно-предметным значением, что обусловливает необходимость расширения границ словарных статей в толковых словарях путем дополнения их переносными значениями слов. Отдельное внимание уделяется видовому разнообразию коннотаций у слов с конкретно-предметным значением. Констатируется, что коннотативные значения присущи общеупотребительным словам с конкретно-предметным значением, при этом существуют разные виды коннотаций. В этой связи исследование коннотативных значений слов с конкретно-предметным значением целесообразно осуществлять в разрезе лексико-семантических групп. На примере лексико-семантической группы показано, что такой подход согласуется с принципами системного подхода, результаты исследования обладают достаточной степенью обобщенности и позволяют выявлять определенные закономерности. Дополнительных значений стилистического, эмоционально-оценочного, экспрессивного, социального и профессионального характера. В современную эпоху информационного общества происходит активное развитие живой русской речи. У общеупотребительных слов появляются значения, не закрепленные в толковых словарях, но имеющие значимость для восприятия речи говорящего, как конкретной личностью, так и группами лиц (обществами). В этой связи можно с уверенностью говорить о том, что в живую разговорную речь все активнее проникает явление коннотации, которое ранее было свойственно, преимущественно, художественной литературе и публицистике. The article is devoted to the refinement of the methodological approach to the study of the phenomenon of connotation in the Russian language. There is the definition of the term «connotation», the structural elements of the connotative meaning of the word are since despite the large number of works on this topic, these issues still remain open. It is stated that connotative meanings are inherent in common words with a specific subject meaning, while there are different types of connotations. It is shown that connotative meanings are inherent in common words with a specific subject meaning, which makes it necessary to expand the boundaries of dictionary entries in explanatory dictionaries by supplementing them with figurative meanings of words. Special attention is paid to the species diversity of connotations in words with a specific subject meaning In this regard, it is advisable to study the connotative meanings of words with a specific subject meaning in the context of lexical and semantic groups. On the example of the lexical-semantic group of zoonyms, it is shown that this approach is consistent with the principles of the systematic approach, the results of the study have a sufficient degree of generality and allow us to identify certain patterns.

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