abstract nouns
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2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Jakub Lubomir Banasiak

Habitual Verbs Expressing Pure Causativity in the Bulgarian Language: A Syntactic-Lexicographic ApproachThis article presents the semantics and syntax of habitual verbs expressing pure causativity in Bulgarian. The linguistic data is modelled according to the predicate-argument theory with a particular focus on syntactic condensation processes. The lexical units under investigation are presented in the form of a semantic-syntactic dictionary with examples of different types of formalisations of the two opened argument positions (“cause” and “effect”). The latter of the two positions is less compatible with non-abstract nouns as the only formal exponent of the proposition. The following units were selected for the study: Bul. води, довежда, докарва, идва от (причината), предизвиква, причинява, произлиза, произтича. Habitualne czasowniki wyrażające czystą kauzację w języku bułgarskim: w ujęciu syntaktyczno-leksykograficznymW artykule omówiono semantykę i składnię habitualnych czasowników wyrażających czystą kauzację w języku bułgarskim. Dane językowe zostały wymodelowane w oparciu o teorię predykatowo-argumentową ze szczególnym naciskiem położonym na procesy kondensacji syntaktycznej. Zbadane jednostki zostały zaprezentowane w formie semantyczno-syntaktycznego słownika z przykładami różnych typów formalizacji obu otwartych pozycji argumentowych („przyczyny” i „skutku”). Druga z omawianych pozycji jest mniej kompatybilna z rzeczownikami nieabstrakcyjnymi w funkcji jedynego wykładnika propozycji. Do badania wybrano następujące jednostki: bg. води, довежда, докарва, идва от (причината), предизвиква, причинява, произлиза, произтича.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 207-227
Bartosz Wiland

Wedle tradycyjnego opisu, polskie abstrakcyjne rzeczowniki odprzymiotnikowe (nomina essendi), takie jak np. lekkość czy jasność, są zbudowane z przymiotnikowego tematu i przyrostka -ość. Artykuł rozważa alternatywną analizę, wedle której -o-ść jest przyrostkiem złożonym, a tworzone z nim rzeczowniki odprzymiotnikowe przechodzą przez etap przysłówkowy, czyniąc je formami o strukturze [[[ A ] Adv ] N ]. Możliwość złożoności -o-ść sugeruje fakt, że -o jest przyrostkiem tworzącym przysłówki. ABSTRACT The traditional description of Polish abstract nouns such as lekkość‘ lightness’or jasność ‘brightness’ holds that they are formed with an adjectival root and the nominalizing suffix -ość. The paper considers an alternative analysis where -o-ść is a complex marker and such nominals go through an adverbial stage in their formation, rendering them [[[ A ] Adv ] N ] structures, a possibility suggested by the fact that the -o itself is an adverbial marker.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-242
Lyubov P. Vodyasova

Introduction. The article analyzes abstract nouns based on the material of the modern Erzya language, which in various contexts can be concretized, becoming the basis for the formation of their plural. These lexemes begin to express a real quantitative meaning, in other words, they acquire the ability to quantify. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the contexts in which abstract plural nouns denote quantifiable relations. Materials and Methods. The main method is structural-semantic description, used for direct observation of contexts when abstract nouns express quantitative relations. The material of the study is based on 1 500 examples extracted from the texts of Mordovian writers written their works in the Erzya language. Results and Discussion. It has been determined that in the modern Erzya language the plural forms of abstract nouns are capable of expressing quantitative relations in those cases when they denote a real quantitative meaning. It defines two quantification ways, namely: discrete way, which conveys the semantics of the internal quantity, is based on the peripheral components of the abstract noun, and unitary way, which expresses the semantics of the external quantity, based on the central components of the abstract lexeme. The main contexts are briefly characterized, when abstract nouns denote quantifiable relations. Conclusion. In the modern Erzya language abstract nouns that have the ability to quantify, carried out discretely or unitarily are often encountered. The contexts with such nouns are often found in the texts of Mordovian writers, who use them as a source of speech expression, a means of creating artistic expression, shaping, interpreting and evaluating images and events.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-96

The object of analysis here are the deverbal abstract nouns with roots of Greek origin and Bulgarian suffix. Most of them are motivated by fully adapted verbs borrowed from Greek and of particular interest from the perspective of word formation are the secondary derivatives formed from denominative verbs motivated by Greek nous and adjectives. The transformation of borrowed words into productive bases, which are combined with local word-forming suffixes, is the final stage of the complex process of lexical borrowing, which follows the stage of morphological adaptation of borrowed words, i. e. their grouping into a certain lexical-grammatical type. Many of them have formed large groups of derivatives. Being composed of elements of different languages, the new lexemes are hybrid in nature regarding their word-formation and their separation into a special category reflects the new status of the Greek bases of the borrowings. The hybrid formations of this type are the final result of the assimilation of the Greek loan words into the Bulgarian language, which is why they occupy a specific position in the Bulgarian lexical und. The use of some of them is dialect or archaic, but they all contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the ways of expression in Bulgarian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (PR) ◽  
pp. 13-29

Language changes, their types, causes, emergence and demise as well as their spread in the variants of the different languages make up a very intricate complex of problems. Only some of them will be touched upon here: the appearance of innovations motivated by various pragmatic factors within specific social groups: the in-creased use of diminutives from abstract nouns in the internet speech of younger generations, the use of forms of address such as brat mi (брат ми), mayka mi (майка ми) in oral speech, the substitution of the vocative forms of nouns with non-vocative forms under foreign influence, the formation of causative verbs through dereflexivization, e.g. usmihvam se (усмихвам се) – usmihvam (усмихвам). The main reasons for failed or incomplete grammaticalizations are also discussed. Keywords: grammaticalization, successful/unsuccessful grammaticalization, W. Croft, interaction of linguistic, social and pragmatic factors in grammaticalization, Bulgarian language

Helen Hint ◽  
Piia Taremaa ◽  
Maria Reile ◽  
Renate Pajusalu

Kokkuvõte. Artiklis analüüsime eesti keele demonstratiivide referentsiaalseid omadusi sellistes konstruktsioonides, kus demonstratiivid kuuluvad definiitse määratlejana nimisõnafraasi koosseisu. Otsime vastust küsimusele, mille poolest erinevad demonstratiivadverb (nt siin, seal) ning demonstratiivpronoomen (see, too), kui need esinevad määratlejana koos kohakäändes nimisõnafraasiga (vrd siin koolis ja selles koolis). Oleme püstitanud hüpoteesi, et demonstratiivadverbid seostuvad ruumitähendust väljendavate substantiividega, demonstratiivpronoomenid esinevad aga nende substantiividega, mille referent on mitteruumiline. Uurimuse andmestik pärineb 2017. aasta eesti keele ühendkorpusest, kust oleme võtnud 100 lauset iga demonstratiivi kohta igas kohakäändes, seega kokku 2400 lauset. Materjali analüüsime kvantitatiivselt (tingimuslike otsustuspuude ja juhumetsadega) ning kvalitatiivselt. Uurimuse tulemused kinnitavad, et substantiivi semantilised omadused, täpsemalt substantiivi semantiline klass ning konkreetsus, on seotud määratleja valikuga. Kohatähenduses substantiividega esineb määratlejana sagedamini demonstratiivadverb, mittekoha tähenduses substantiivide määratlejana kasutatakse aga demonstratiivpronoomenit. Mittekohta tähistavate substantiivide korral mõjutab määratleja valikut omakorda sõna konkreetsus. Seega on võimalik demonstratiivseid määratlejaid eesti keeles kasutada referenti looval viisil. Abstract. Helen Hint, Piia Taremaa, Maria Reile, Renate Pajusalu: Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs as determiners in Estonian: why are we in “here world” in “this situation”? We investigate the variation of definite determiner constructions in Estonian: noun phrases with a demonstrative pronoun (see ‘this’, too ‘that’) or demonstrative adverb (siin ‘here’, seal ‘there’) as a determiner are contrasted. The question is what differentiates the use of a demonstrative pronoun and a demonstrative adverb if used in a determiner position in an NP. The data from Estonian National Corpus 2017 were tagged for semantic class of a noun, noun concreteness, and verb type. We collected 100 clauses for each sub-construction (six spatial cases crossed with four determiner forms), 2400 clauses in total. For statistical analysis, we used conditional random forests and inference trees. We show that nouns expressing spatial meaning prefer demonstrative adverbs as determiners, while non-spatial nouns combine with demonstrative pronouns. Spatiality-wise polysemous nouns exhibit more varied preferences. Adverbial determiners are more probably used with concrete nouns, and abstract nouns co-occur with pronominals. Overall, the frequency of demonstrative adverbs as NP attributes confirms that demonstrative adverbs are productive determiners in Estonian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-535

In not-negated English sentences with indefinite expressions following the verb, there is variation between the indefinite article and any as determiners of nouns. The standard view is that singular count nouns take the indefinite article and singular non-count and plural nouns take any. However, it is possible to encounter examples like it isn't any threat, there isn't any lock or I don't have any problem.The article studies variation between the indefinite article and any as post-verbal determiners of singular nouns in 21,084 not-negated sentences in the spoken component of The Corpus of Contemporary American English, COCA SPOK. The indefinite article is dominant with 90 per cent of the tokens. Variation is extremely rare in sentences with copular be and much more frequent in sentences with existential be and have. Among the reasons for variation between verb types is the use of do-support with have (but not with be). Expressions such as have a job/car/home or there's not a/an with uncontracted not may also prevent the use of any. Variation occurs mostly with abstract nouns such as problem, choice, way, place, reason. This finding is surprising as abstract nouns have rarely been discussed in the literature on varying countability of nouns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 150
- Lugaoqiang ◽  
Zhang Liu ◽  
Xiao Han

Songs, along with poetry, short stories, novels, and dramas, belong to the language of humanity (literary language). As an art form that began to be popular in the last century, it has come into the view of linguists more frequently today.Between its lines, vivid expressions such as “city can sleep”, “animals can talk to each other” and “memory can dance” often appear. This abnormal writing skill refers to a unique linguistic phenomenon ------ Selective Restriction Violation(SRV) explained by Noam Chomsky and is often associated with “metaphor” according to generative grammarians and cognitive linguists. In this research article, 10 representative sentences from popular musics’ list in recent years were selected in order to explore more about this phenomenon in music field. After a detailed analysis, it is found that it appears frequently and The author prefers to use the technique of “replacing concrete nouns with abstract nouns”(9 from all 10 sentences) although it is a special linguistic phenomenon. The underlying reason for writing in this way might be that metaphorical expressions can not only make the sentence more vivid, but also help readers more accurately understand the ideas which authors want to express.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Madalina Bucur ◽  
Costanza Papagno

AbstractSeveral clinical studies have reported a double dissociation between abstract and concrete concepts, suggesting that they are processed by at least partly different networks in the brain. However, neuroimaging data seem not in line with neuropsychological reports. Using the ALE method, we run a meta-analysis on 32 brain-activation imaging studies that considered only nouns and verbs. Five clusters were associated with concrete words, four clusters with abstract words. When only nouns were selected three left activation clusters were found to be associated with concrete stimuli and only one with abstract nouns (left IFG). These results confirm that concrete and abstract words processing involves at least partially segregated brain areas, the IFG being relevant for abstract nouns and verbs while more posterior temporoparietal-occipital regions seem to be crucial for processing concrete words, in contrast with the neuropsychological literature that suggests a temporal anterior involvement for concrete words. We investigated the possible reasons that produce different outcomes in neuroimaging and clinical studies.

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