scholarly journals Beneficios de la notación de Peirce para los conectivos proposicionales binarios

Respuestas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Oscar Abel Cardona-Hurtado

Antecedentes: En la notación tradicional para los conectivos proposicionales binarios son tenidos en cuenta solamente algunos de estos. A lo largo del siglo XX fueron propuestas varias notaciones que subsanan esa falencia, dando lugar al planteamiento de interesantes problemas matemáticos. Objetivo: En este escrito se presenta la notación creada por el norteamericano Charles Peirce, se muestran algunas propiedades de las cuales goza esta simbología, y se evidencian sus ventajas con respecto a la tradicional. Método: Se describe la notación propuesta por Peirce, y se verifican algunas propiedades de carácter lógico geométrico y algebraico entre sus conectivos; también se analiza la posible actuación de estas propiedades en la notación usual. Resultados: Además de varias propiedades individuales y de múltiples relaciones entre los conectivos, las simetrías del sistema completo de los conectivos proposicionales binarios se evidencian de manera visual en los signos propuestos por Peirce. Conclusión: Diversas bondades de las cuales goza la notación propuesta por Peirce, permiten afirmar que la notación usual es superada de manera clara por la simbología diseñada por el científico norteamericano.Abstract Background: In traditional binary notation for propositional connectives only some of these ones are taken into account. Throughout the twentieth century several notations were proposed which overcome this flaw, leading to the proposal of interesting mathematical problems. Objective: This paper presents the notation created by the American Charles Peirce, showing some of the properties of this symbols, and evidencing the advantages of these compared to the traditional. Method: the notation proposed by Peirce is described, and some properties of the geometric and algebraic logical character among its connective are verified; also, the possible role of these properties in the traditional notation is analyzed. Results: In addition to several individual properties and multiple relations between the connectives, the symmetries of the full set of binary propositional connective is visually evident in the signs proposed by Peirce. Conclusion: Different benefits of the notation proposed by Peirce, support the conclusion that the usual notation is clearly surpassed by the symbolism designed by the American scientist.Palabras clave: Conectivo proposicional, Charles S. Peirce, operación, simetría, tabla de verdad.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 252
Mónica Fernández Pais

En este artículo abordaremos algunas cuestiones relacionadas con la Educación Inicial y el protagonismo de las mujeres en la misma en los albores de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Nos interesa analizar cómo se constituye un modo de ser “maestra jardinera” y para ello debemos remontarnos a los aportes de los primeros pensadores que advertían sobre el lugar protagónico de la madre en la construcción de una sociedad nombrada como educada. Las prescripciones para ser mujer y madre parecen influir de modo decisivo en las representaciones acerca del ser “maestra jardinera".. MULHERES E EDUCAÇÃO DA PRIMEIRA INFÂNCIA NA ARGENTINA NA DÉCADA DE 1960 Neste artigo, abordaremos algumas questões relacionadas à Educação Infantil e o papel da mulher no início da segunda metade do século XX. Interessa-nos analisar como se constitui um modo de ser "jardineiro mestre" e, para isso, devemos voltar às contribuições dos primeiros pensadores que alertaram sobre o lugar protagônico da mãe na construção de uma sociedade denominada de educada. As prescrições de ser mulher e mãe parecem ter influência decisiva sobre as representações de ser professora dos mais jovens, registradas nas fontes primárias e testemunhos da história oral. Palavras-chave: Mulher; Professor de jardim de infância; Jardim de infância. WOMEN AND EDUCATION OF FIRST CHILDHOOD IN ARGENTINA IN THE 1960S Abstract: in this article we will address some issues related to Early Education and the role of women in it at the dawn of the second half of the twentieth century. We are interested in analyzing how a way of being "master gardener" is constituted and, for that, we must go back to the contributions of the first thinkers who warned about the protagonic place of the mother in the construction of a society named as educated. The prescriptions for being a woman and a mother seem to have a decisive influence on the representations about being a teacher of the youngest ones, as recorded in the primary sources and testimonies of oral history. Keywords: Woman; Kindergarten teacher; Kindergarten.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 203-236
Rigoberto Gil Montoya

El presente artículo indaga por la producción, contenido y circulación de algunos de los primeros periódicos publicados en Pereira (Risaralda, Colombia) en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX, con el fin de rastrear en ellos las imágenes iniciales de ciudad y la forma como opera el discurso de la prensa en la composición de unos roles sociales. Así, se destaca el papel del periodista frente a la administración local y la sutil emergencia de unos actores modernos: el suscriptor, como receptor comprometido con la circulación de unos impresos, y el lector, como el usuario que empieza a hacer uso de las primeras bibliotecas locales. Aquí se pregunta por la primera memoria escrita que se teje en la ciudad y por sus implicaciones en la construcción de una dinámica social, donde el registro periodístico contempla un proceso histórico, convirtiéndose en documento esencial para comprender una noción de vida en comunidad, a propósito de los procesos de modernización que tempranamente asumió Pereira en el siglo XX, en una época en que, en términos administrativos, estaba adscrita al llamado Gran Caldas.First Readers Written and First Memory Pereira (Risaralda, Colombia) in the Early Twentieth Century: Entry into Modern LifeAbstractThe present article enquires into the production, content, and circulation of some of the first journals published in Pereira (Risaralda, Colombia) in the first two decades of the 20th Century, with the aim of tracking in them the initial images of the city, and the way the press discourse operates in the composition of some social roles. Thus, we highlight the role of the journalist in front of the local administration, and the subtle emergence of some modern actors: the subscriber, as a receptor committed with the circulation of printed material, and the reader, as the user who begins to make use of the first local libraries. Two questions emerge concerning the first written memories interwoven in the city, and the implications in the construction of a social dynamics, where the journalistic register implies a historic process which then turns into a document of primary importance for the understanding of a notion of life in community, with regard to the processes of modernization early assumed by Pereira in the 2oth century, in a period in which, in administrative terms, the city was ascribed to the Great Caldas. Keywords: local press, subscriber, printing press, reader, journalism, Pereira

Natalia Tielve García

Se trata a través de este breve artículo dar a conocer la doble labor como pintor y crítico de arte de un artista gijonés que desarrolla su obra en la primera mitad del siglo XX, Juan Menéndez Arranz de la Torre, que es para el público actual casi un completo desconocido. Sus tareas son estudiadas desde un punto de vista biográfico, diferenciando la presencia de dos fases bien diferenciadas: una primera etapa formativa como pintor y becario de la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de Madrid y un segundo momento, mucfio más fructífero, como crítico de las Bellas Artes y de la Literatura. De un modo sencillo y ameno se recogen los aspectos más interesantes del pensamiento estético de este autor, en relación con los intereses artísticos vigentes en su tiempo.The object of this brief article is to bring to light the donble role of artist and critic of a Gijón painter, Juan Menéndez Arranz de la Torre, whose world: was carried out during the first half of the twentieth century and who remains an almost complete finknown to today's public. His work is studied from a biographical viewpoint, differentianting the presence of two weli-defined phases: an initial formative stage as painter and scholarship holder at the Madrid HIgher School of Fine Arts, and a second, much more fruitful stage, as fine art and literatura critic. The most interesting aspects of this aflthor's aesthetic thinking are presentad In a simple and readable manner and are relatad to the prevailing artlstic interests of his time.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Jorge Rasner Casa

ABSTRACTCommunication studies have evolved since the mid-twentieth century from a standard "transmitter-receiver" frame to more complex forms that reassess the role of the receiver insert in the communication flow as mediator and producer of content. This step emphasizes the role of interaction, favored over one that merely considered the transmission of information from a few centers to multiple receivers. However, to this important step we should incorporate the experience and knowledge that comes built in different communication practices, including art, in order to consider the communication phenomenon from within the polyphony that characterizes it. This process certainly complicates the approaches of communication phenomenon but, instead, try to perceive its richness in permanent evolution and, mainly, through the creativity of its own. From this perspective I aim to provide a conceptualization of the phenomenon to bring the radical incompleteness of it, its resistance to fit into paradigmatic proposals, and the peculiarities and oddities that make the study of communication a peculiar discipline that, however, it is possible to register in the field of humanities and social sciences.RESUMENLos estudios sobre comunicación han evolucionado desde mediados del siglo XX desde una forma estándar “emisor-receptor” a formas más complejas que revalorizan el papel del receptor inserto en el flujo comunicacional como mediador y productor de contenidos. Esta etapa destaca el papel de la interacción sobre aquella que privilegiaba meramente la trasmisión de información de unos pocos centros a una multiplicidad de receptores. No obstante, a este relevante paso adelante cabe incorporar la experiencia y el saber construido que proviene de diversas prácticas comunicacionales, inclui-das las artísticas, a efectos de considerar al fenómeno comunicacional desde la polifonía propia que lo caracteriza. Este proceso complejiza por cierto los abordajes del fenómeno comunicacional pero, a cambio, trata de percibirlo en su riqueza, en su evolución permanente y, fundamentalmente, a través de la creatividad que le es propia. Desde esta perspectiva se aspira a proporcionar una conceptualización del fenómeno que señale la radical incompletud del mismo, su resistencia a encuadrarse en propuestas paradigmáticas, y las particularidades y singularidades que hacen del estudio sobre la comuni-cación una disciplina peculiar que, no obstante, es posible inscribir en el campo de las ciencias humanas y sociales.

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-123 ◽  
Muzaffar Iqbal

This article attempts to present a comparative study of the role of two twentieth-century English translations of the Qur'an: cAbdullah Yūsuf cAlī's The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'ān and Muḥammad Asad's The Message of the Qur'ān. No two men could have been more different in their background, social and political milieu and life experiences than Yūsuf cAlī and Asad. Yūsuf 'Alī was born and raised in British India and had a brilliant but traditional middle-class academic career. Asad traversed a vast cultural and geographical terrain: from a highly-disciplined childhood in Europe to the deserts of Arabia. Both men lived ‘intensely’ and with deep spiritual yearning. At some time in each of their lives they decided to embark upon the translation of the Qur'an. Their efforts have provided us with two incredibly rich monumental works, which both reflect their own unique approaches and the effects of the times and circumstances in which they lived. A comparative study of these two translations can provide rich insights into the exegesis and the phenomenon of human understanding of the divine text.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-259
Joseph Acquisto

This essay examines a polemic between two Baudelaire critics of the 1930s, Jean Cassou and Benjamin Fondane, which centered on the relationship of poetry to progressive politics and metaphysics. I argue that a return to Baudelaire's poetry can yield insight into what seems like an impasse in Cassou and Fondane. Baudelaire provides the possibility of realigning metaphysics and politics so that poetry has the potential to become the space in which we can begin to think the two of them together, as opposed to seeing them in unresolvable tension. Or rather, the tension that Baudelaire animates between the two allows us a new way of thinking about the role of esthetics in moments of political crisis. We can in some ways see Baudelaire as responding, avant la lettre, to two of his early twentieth-century readers who correctly perceived his work as the space that breathes a new urgency into the questions of how modern poetry relates to the world from which it springs and in which it intervenes.

باي زكوب عبد العالي ◽  
سوهيرين محمد صوليحين

الملخّصيعدّ عبد الحميد بن باديس أحد العلماء الجزائريين المبرزين بالإصلاح الاجتماعي والدّيني والسّياسي والتربوي، عاش خمسين سنة في القرن العشرين الميلادي، حيث كانت ولادته سنة 1889م، وكانت وفاته سنة 1940م، ولقد فرض الواقع الجزائري إبّان فترة الاحتلال الفرنسي الذي كان يسعى إلى طمس ثوابت الأمّة الجزائرية، وخرق تاريخها، وهُويّتها، وثقافتها، ووحدتها الدينيّة، واللّغوية على ابن باديس أن يسلك نهج التربية والتعليم، قاصداً بذلك مواجهة الاحتلال الفرنسي الغاشم من خلال عدّة جبهات ومجالات كمثل مجال الصحافة، ومجال التربية والتعليم، ومجال الجمعيات، ومجال السياسة وغير ذلك، يهدف هذا البحث إلى إبراز دور عبد الحميد بن باديس في النّهوض بالأمّة الجزائريّة نحو تربيّة أفضل، وحياة أسعد، فيبدأ أوّلاً وبشكل موجز، بالتعرّف على الفترة الصعبة التي عايشها ابن باديس والمتمثلة في فترة الاحتلال الفرنسي الغاشم، وآثاره السلبية على الصعيد السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والثقافي والديني الجزائري وقتذاك، ثم يقوم ثانياً بتسليط الضّوء على حياة ابن باديس وتكوينه العلمي ورحلاته الداخلية وأسفاره الخارجية؛ ثم يسعى ثالثاً وبتعمّق، التعرّف على أعمال ابن باديس الاجتماعيّة وجهوده التربويّة التي أخذت حظّاً وافراً من حياته اليومية، والتي تركّزت على منبرين رئيسين، هما: منبر الصّحافة، ومنبر التربيّة والتعليم.الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الإمام عبد الحميد بن باديس، الاحتلال الفرنسي، التربية، الجزائر، الإصلاح.             AbstractImÉm ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs is an Algerian scientist, and eminent social, religious, political and educational reformer. He lived fifty years in the twentieth century. He was born in 1889 and died in 1940, and lived during the French occupation that attempted to distort and undermine the foundations of the Algerian nation by destroying its history, identity, culture, and religious and linguistic unity. Ibn BÉdÊs pursued an educational approach to face the brutal French occupation on several fronts, including journalism, education, civil associations, politics, etc. This paper highlights the role of ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs in the advancement of the Algerian nation toward better education and a happier life. The paper begins with a brief canvas of the difficult times in which Ibn BÉdÊs lived, and the negative effects of the brutal French occupation from political, economic, social, cultural and religious angles, besides highlighting the life of Ibn BÉdÊs, his education and his local and international travels. The focus of this research is an in-depth examination of Ibn BÉdÊs’ social and educational efforts that consumed much of his daily routine: journalism, and education.Keywords: ImÉm ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs, the French Occupation, Education, Algeria, Reform.

Marius Daraškevičius

The article discusses the causes of emergence and spreading of a still room (Lith. vaistinėlė, Pol. apteczka), the purpose of the room, the location in the house planning structure, relations to other premises, its equipment, as well as the role of a still room in everyday culture. An examination of the case of a single room, the still room, in a noblemen’s home is also aimed at illustrating the changes in home planning in the late eighteenth – early twentieth century: how they adapted to the changing hygiene standards, perception of personal space, involvement of the manor owners in community treatment, and changes in dining and hospitality culture. Keywords: still room, household medicine cabinet, manor house, interior, sczlachta culture, education, dining culture, modernisation, Lithuania.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-45 ◽  
Marcia Hermansen

This article provides an overview of the history and current situation of the academic study of Sufism (Islamic mysticism) at American universities. It examines Sufism’s place within the broader curriculum of Islamic studies as well as some of the main themes and approaches employed by American scholars. In addition, it explains both the academic context in which Sufi studies are located and the role of contemporary positions in Islamic and western thought in shaping its academic study.1 Topics and issues of particular interest to a Muslim audience, as well as strictly academic observations, will be raised. In comparison to its role at academic institutions in the traditional Muslim world,2 Sufi studies has played a larger role within the western academic study of Islam during the twentieth century, especially the later decades. I will discuss the numerous reasons for this in the sections on the institutional, intellectual, and pedagogical contexts.

Piero Ignazi

Chapter 3 investigates the process of party formation in France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy, and demonstrates the important role of cultural and societal premises for the development of political parties in the nineteenth century. Particular attention is paid in this context to the conditions in which the two mass parties, socialists and Christian democrats, were established. A larger set of Western European countries included in this analysis is thoroughly scrutinized. Despite discontent among traditional liberal-conservative elites, full endorsement of the political party was achieved at the beginning of the twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of the interwar totalitarian party, especially under the guise of Italian and German fascism, when ‘the party’ attained its most dominant influence as the sole source and locus of power. The chapter concludes by suggesting hidden and unaccounted heritages of that experience in post-war politics.

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