Mississippian Specialization and Salt

1984 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 489-507 ◽  
Jon Muller

Despite a tendency to treat Mississippian production as involving specialization, little effort has been made to test these proposals in actual field work. A distinction between specialization at a site and specialization of producers is made in this article and applied to materials from the Great Salt Spring, a Mississippian salt production site in southern Illinois. Testing and excavations in 1981 and 1982 show that this was a true limited activity site. Nonetheless, the data on producer organization do not strongly support the conclusion of specialist production there and are consistent with simpler models of non-specialist production.

2021 ◽  
Niki Evelpidou ◽  
Anna Karkani ◽  
Apostolia Komi ◽  
Aikaterini Giannikopoulou ◽  
Maria Tzouxanioti ◽  

Abstract. Geoscience courses, such as geology and geomorphology, require not only classroom lessons and laboratory exercises, but field trips as well. However, the COVID-19 restrictions did not allow the prosecution of most planned field trips, and an alternative needed to be developed. The use of virtual field trips is one such alternative. Through them, one can not only visit any area of interest, but prepare themselves for any actual educational or exploratory field trip as well. Even though they do not, and should not, substitute any physical visit of a site of interest, they have many advantages when combined with a "live" field work, in comparison to a field trip for which no preparation has been made. Through this research, we compare the advantages and disadvantages of both virtual and real educational field trips based on the opinions of our students. We thus performed a virtual navigation on the island of Naxos, Cyclades (Aegean Sea, Greece) for a series of virtual field trips, which took place during webinars in the framework of Erasmus+ CIVIS. The virtual fieldtrip was also presented to the third-year students of the Faculty of Geology & Geo-environment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in the framework of the obligatory course of Geomorphology. Upon completion, all participating students were asked to fill in a questionnaire in order to evaluate the contribution of virtual field trips to their education regarding geomorphology and state their opinion as to whether they can supplement and/or substitute actual field trips. Most of them stated that virtual field trips can aid, but not substitute the actual field work. Most students mentioned that they would attend another virtual field trip in the future, both as an alternative to classroom lessons and as a means of preparation for an actual field trip, but not in order not to attend the actual one.

1909 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 212-216
F. P. Mennell

In a paper read at the 1903 meeting of the British Association and afterwards published in this Magazine, the method of calculating the chemical constitution of the igneous rocks by the collation of analyses was criticized, and the results were compared with those based on actual field-work in an area where such rocks were very abundant. Mr. F. W. Clarke, whose results and those of Mr. Harker had interested me in the problem, has recently published a fresh calculation of the results of the rock analyses made in the Laboratory of the United States Geological Survey. It is not proposed to discuss these results in detail, and it will suffice for my present purpose to take the question of silica percentage alone. Mr. Clarke's average for all the 1,358 rocks analyzed up to the end of 1903 works out at 60·91. Mr. Clarke, however, admits that the ‘salic’ rocks are more abundant than the other classes, and he further grants that my criticism of his previous results is entitled to some weight, though he thinks that a wider range of observation would probably modify my opinion that granite is practically the average igneous rock.

Ring ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-92
John Morgan

Wing lengths of Clamorous Reed Warblers Acrocephalus stentoreus in Israel Wing length measurements taken from first-year, pre- and post-moulting (annual, complete) Clamorous Reed Warblers were recorded at a site in northern Israel. The resulting data set was examined using a time-series of residuals (CUSUM). Results from this analysis can explain the reported heterogeneity found in a comparable data set by Merom et al. (1999). Further observations made in their paper are rebutted: (1) an implied assumption that Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) spring migration in Israel ends by 1 May is contrary to other publications; (2) the late autumn occurence in N Israel of longer-winged 1st cal. yr. Reed Warblers, unconvincingly explained as either delayed migration by larger individuals or post fledging feather growth, is most likely due to birds from different provenances origins moving at different seasons; (3) growth during adulthood in Reed Warbler is not a new discovery, though presented as such.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 2979
Maxime Fortin Faubert ◽  
Dominic Desjardins ◽  
Mohamed Hijri ◽  
Michel Labrecque

The Salix genus includes shrub species that are widely used in phytoremediation and various other phytotechnologies due to their advantageous characteristics, such as a high evapotranspiration (ET) rate, in particular when cultivated in short rotation intensive culture (SRIC). Observations made in past field studies suggest that ET and its impact on soil hydrology can also lead to increases in soil pollutant concentrations near shrubs. To investigate this, sections of a mature willow plantation (seven years old) were cut to eliminate transpiration (Cut treatment). Soil concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), aliphatic compounds C10–C50, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and five trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn) were compared between the Cut and the uncut plots (Salix miyabeana ‘SX61’). Over 24 months, the results clearly show that removal of the willow shrubs limited the contaminants’ increase in the soil surface, as observed for C10–C50 and of 10 PAHs under the Salix treatment. This finding strongly reinforces a hypothesis that SRIC of willows may facilitate the migration of contaminants towards their roots, thus increasing their concentration in the surrounding soil. Such a “pumping effect” in a high-density willow crop is a prominent characteristic specific to field studies that can lead to counterintuitive results. Although apparent increases of contaminant concentrations contradict the purification benefits usually pursued in phytoremediation, the possibility of active phytoextraction and rhizodegradation is not excluded. Moreover, increases of pollutant concentrations under shrubs following migration suggest that decreases would consequently occur at the source points. Some reflections on interpreting field work results are provided.

Antiquity ◽  
1954 ◽  
Vol 28 (110) ◽  
pp. 91-98 ◽  
H. S. Gracie

The barren hill-tops of Malta are scored in many places by ancient ruts cut deeply into the rock. They can be seen also on the slopes and on the lower plains, but less frequently because these areas are normally under agricultural soil. They always occur in pairs from 52 to 58 inches apart and were quite clearly used by vehicles. They have been discussed in print for 300 years but no agreement has been reached on how, when or why they were made or what vehicles used them. In fact, there are as many theories as there are authors. Of these writers only Captain E. G. Fenton and Professor Sir T. Zammit appear to have done any serious field work, and none has published a map. The present writer, therefore, decided to attempt the laborious task of plotting them, making such other observations and measurements as he could. Zammit, in the paper cited, reproduced some excellent photographs from both the ground and the air, to which the reader is referred.Time did not permit an examination of the whole island and few observations were made in the low-lying south-eastern part. A fairly intensive survey was made of the high ground as far north as the Baida Ridge, which joins the northern shores of Ghain Tuffieha Bay and St. Paul’s Bay. Two portions of the map are reproduced here. Where there are a number of parallel tracks in close proximity they are shown on the map as one on account of the necessarily small scale used. The gaps in the routes are mainly due to cultivated patches, and no attempt has been made to bridge them by conjecture.

2008 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-104 ◽  
Predrag Kolarz ◽  
Dusan Filipovic

Diurnal atmospheric air-ion concentrations have been investigated at a site where synchronous aerosol, ozone, temperature and relative humidity measurements were also made. Air-ions, temperature and relative humidity were measured with Gerdien type Cylindrical Detector of Air-Ions (CDI-06) made in the Institute of Physics, Belgrade. Ozone and aerosols were measured with commercial instruments owned by the Institute of Public Health, Belgrade. Typical daily variations of the measured parameters were analyzed and showed that air-ions of both signs and ozone are positively correlated, while aerosols show strong inverse correlation with air-ions. Also, concentrations of air-ions and ozone are decreasing with temperature while aerosol concentration and humidity are increasing. These processes could be explained concerning properties of the specified parameters, measuring place properties and weather conditions.

Antiquity ◽  
1963 ◽  
Vol 37 (147) ◽  
pp. 176-184 ◽  
Hsia Nai

Archaeology as a branch of historical science has made new headway in the thirteen years since the founding of the Chinese People's Republic. The scale of its work has expanded and methods of research have been improved. Large numbers of young archaeological workers have been trained. In the course of the nation's gigantic economic construction, remains of ancient settlements and tombs have been uncovered in many places, yielding numerous important relics which have provided abundant data for archaeological research. Throughout the country, hosts of archaeological workers from research institutes, universities, museums and institutions for the preservation of ancient monuments are carrying out both field work and academic study and have already attained considerable success in their efforts to explore the history of ancient China on the basis of archaeological finds. All this has given further impetus to the advance of Chinese archaeology.Archaeological finds made in New China are so rich that the present article can attempt to discuss only some of the most important problems.

Sociology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Aurora Vergara-Figueroa

Race and racism are key analytical constructs that express fundamental issues not only of power and inequality, but also of justice, democracy, equity, and emancipation. The study of race in the social sciences is an established, dynamic, multidisciplinary, and international field. Work began at the end of the 19th century. To study race with a global perspective, it is necessary to have a transdisciplinary view to read critically the phenomena that intersect with this variable. This field includes contributions from sociology, history, philosophy, legal studies, anthropology, cultural studies, political science, epidemiology, and journalism, among others. Several declarations have been made in recent years about the alleged end of racism or the end of a race-coded era. However, even though they are not new, every time they resurge these doxas underline new regimes of truth, reconfigure racisms, and strength inequality. The vast literature produced by scholars in this field provides evidence of how race is based on narratives created to enslave, subordinate, exploit, and exclude millions of human beings across the globe.

1989 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-103 ◽  
Shlomo Deshen ◽  
Hilda Deshen

The paper argues that discredit pertains not only to individuals, but also to the implements of aid that discredited persons use to overcome their situation. Focusing on the mobility aids of blind people, the paper demonstrates that as a consequence of the diffusion of discredit, the users of guide-dogs and long-canes mould their usage practices in particular ways. Namely, according to norms which the users conceive to be unobjectionable to sighted people. Thus cane-users considered the sound that their canes emitted to be embarassing, and tried to avoid causing it. Also guide-dog usage was inhibited as a result of traditional Middle-Eastern attitudes towards dogs. In concluding, the ambiguity of blind people toward their mobility aids is juxtaposed with their accepting attitude toward television sets in their homes. The latter are conceived by blind people as a natural element of the material culture of the sighted environment. Consequently, even blind people for whom television sets are manifestly unsuited introduce them into their lives. This leads to the conclusion that material artifacts are conceptualized in society generally, according to practices that are attuned to the dominant social stratum. The data are drawn from observations made in the course of ethnographic field-work in a population of blind people in Israel.

М. Н. Кокоев

Рассматривается технология изготовления строительным 3D-принтером стен малоэтажных зданий с архитектурным декором. Каждую стену здания изготавливают в горизонтальном положении на площадке, покрытой антиадгезионным материалом. Вначале строят на площадке с помощью 3D-принтера несъемную опалубку из бетона по периметру стены. На площадке размещают оконные и дверные коробки, закладные элементы для монтажа электропроводки и других устройств. Укладывают нижний и верхний слои бетона с арматурными сетками, а промежуточный слой из пенобетона или иного материала с малой теплопроводностью. На поверхности уложенного бетона выполняют с помощью 3D-принтера рельефный архитектурный декор с использованием обычного или цветного бетона. При сборке малоэтажного здания готовые стены ставят в вертикальное положение и угловые стыки армируют. Для этого связывают сваркой вертикальные арматурные стержни с концами сеток. Далее закрывают стык стен угловой опалубкой и полость в угловом стыке заполняют бетоном. The article discusses the manufacturing technology for building the walls of low-rise buildings with architectural décor using 3D construction printer. Each wall of the building is made in a lying position on a site covered with anti-adhesive material. Initially, a permanent concrete formwork is built on site along the perimeter of the wall with a 3D printer. Then window and door frames, electrical, and plumbing embedded elements are positioned. Lay the lower and upper layers of concrete include a reinforcing mesh, and the intermediate layer is made of foam concrete or other material with lower thermal conductivity. The surface of the wall module can be covered with a décor printed using ordinary or colored concrete. When assembling a low-rise building, the finished walls are placed in a vertical position and the corner joints are reinforced. For this, vertical reinforcing bars are connected by welding to the ends of the meshes. Next, the wall joint is closed with corner formwork and the cavity in the corner joint is filled with concrete.

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