2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Putu Devi Cahyaningsih ◽  
I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra ◽  
Gede Mahendrayana

This study aimed at finding out teaching strategies used by English teachers in an online learning. The subject of this study is English teachers at SMP Negeri 6 Singaraja. This study was qualitative research which uses a case study research design. The methods of data collection were observation and interview. This study used three instruments such as observation checklist, questionnaire, and interview guide. The findings showed that English teachers at SMP Negeri 6 Singaraja used learning by doing and learning by reflection in the online learning. Four English teachers were considering about aspects of learning by doing and learning by reflection. Besides, during the online learning, it was found five obstacles. The English teachers were also provided the solutions for the obstacles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Santi Komaladini ◽  
Popon Popon

This study aims to determine the application of the divergent semantic intervention method in motor transcortical aphasia clients after stroke, male gender aged 44 years at the Cibabat Regional General Hospital. The research method used is a case study research experiment which aims to determine the condition of the subject before and after intervention through therapy. Data collection was carried out through the WOTS stage, namely (1) interviews with the client's parents, (2) direct observation of the client, (3) conducting tests on the client, and (4) studying the patient's medical record document. The results of the research after doing therapy using the divergent semantic intervention method for 15 meetings obtained good results by assessing the level of words on nouns. The conclusion is that the divergent semantic intervention method has an effect on mentioning the level of objects

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Intan Intan Anggraeny ◽  
Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti ◽  
M Husni Tamrin

This study aims to explain and describe the interaction of policy actors in the implementation of online learning. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive case study approach. Data collection techniques in this study are through observation, documentation, and interviews. The instruments in this study were: a) the researcher himself, b) interview guidelines, c) supporting tools in the form of books, pens, and d) related documents. The results showed that actor interaction can occur if there is communication between implementing actors. Communication in the implementation of online learning can be seen in the accuracy or accuracy of communication and consistency of communication regarding online learning information from the principal to the teacher and finally to students and parents. Interaction between actors, namely principals, teachers, students, and parents in the implementation of online learning has not been carried out effectively. This is because the interaction between implementing actors is unresponsive to one party, namely students and parents. Apart from that, giving complicated and difficult assignments by the teacher, which makes it difficult for students and parents to understand, is also a factor in the existence of negligence or delay

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Rosada Rosada ◽  
Wawansyah Wawansyah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetaui: (1) Bagaimana persepsi masyarakat  terhadap ziarah kubur (2) motivasi yang mendorong masyarakat  melakukan ziarah   kubur (3) tata cara pelaksanaan ziarah kubur. penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analisis lapangan dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat tanjung karang yang diambil lewat sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data adalah analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian persepsi orang melakukan ziarah kubur adalah (1) untuk mendapatkan keselamatan, (2) adanya tradisi yang ada di masyarakat dan (3) menjadi ajang bisnis. Adapun motivasi orang berziarah kubur adalah (1) untuk mengingat kematian, (2) mendo’akan si mayit, (3) adanya keyakinan bahwa ziarah kubur dapat mendatangkan ketenangan batin dan (4) sebagai ibadah kepada Allah. Sedangkan tata cara pelaksanaan ziarah kubur ialah (1) bertindak sopan di area perkuburan, (2) mendo’akan si mayit, (3) mengucapkan salam dan (4) menghadap kiblat. This study aims to determine: (1) How is the society's perception of the grave pilgrimage (2) the motivation that encourages the community to make the grave pilgrimage (3) the procedure of pilgrimage pilgrimage. qualitative research with descriptive-field analysis approach with case study research type. Sources of data in this study is the community of coral captured by samples. Data collection techniques are conducted through interviews, observation and documentation studies. While the data analysis is thematic analysis. The results of perceptions of people performing the pilgrimage of the grave are (1) to obtain salvation, (2) existing traditions in society and (3) become business arena. The motivation of the pilgrims is (1) to remember death, (2) mendo'akan the dead, (3) the belief that the pilgrimage of the grave can bring peace of mind and (4) as worship to God. While the procedure of pilgrimage pilgrimage is (1) acting decently in the area of burial, (2) mendo'akan the dead, (3) say greeting and (4) facing Qiblah.

2022 ◽  
pp. 263208432110613
Kimberly Jamie ◽  
Adam Pattison Rathbone

This paper examines the place of theory in qualitative medical research. While theory’s place in research planning and data analysis has been well-established, the contribution of theory during qualitative data collection tends to be overlooked. Yet, data collection is not an asocial or apolitical process and requires reflection and analysis in and of itself. Therefore, drawing on an exemplar case study research project which focused on patients’ use of medicines, the paper argues that engaging with theory to think reflexively, throughout a project but particularly during the process of data collection can ensure the rigour and trustworthiness of qualitative data. In this case study, we draw on sociologist Erving Goffman’s theoretical framework of the dramaturgical metaphor to address the multiplicity of roles that healthcare practitioners undertaking qualitative research have to occupy and navigate. Rather than painting researchers out of their research through a naïve search for ‘objectivity’, reflexivity that is scaffolded by theory, offers a way through which researchers’ biases and subjectivities can be made explicit and their data analysis transparent. In making this argument, we encourage medical researchers to engage with, and be attuned to, theoretical perspectives outwith their own discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-260
Muhammad Nashir ◽  
Roudlotun Nurul Laili

Education is one of the sectors that is badly influenced by covid-19 pandemic where the learning process is carried out from home. This sudden pandemic requires teachers to switch from face-to-face learning into learning domain with technological network. The objective of this study was to describe English teachers’ perception toward the switch from offline to online teaching during lockdown in the midst of covid19 outbreak. The subject of study was 50 English teachers of Senior High School in Banyuwangi. The research method was case study with qualitative research approach. The data needed collected by distributing Google form questionnaire and interview. The result of study indicated that English teachers’ perception about online teaching have not been performed properly, they stated that only for about 35% students who were active and really serious in carrying out online learning and collecting the assignments given on time because of lacking flexibility and access from teachers in controlling students’ learning activities. 68% teachers felt that their workload was heavier if compared to face-to-face learning because they need additional time to operate appropriate online learning media and package interesting learning in order to be able to increase students’ motivation and desire in English lesson.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Ni Nengah Diah Handayani ◽  
Putu Eka Dambayana Suputra ◽  
Putu Adi Krisna Juniarta

The current study was carried out to identify the teaching writing strategies in remote teaching setting. This study was a case study. The study was conducted at SMK N 3 Singaraja. The participants of the current study were X grade English teachers of the 2020-2021 academic year, which consist of four teachers (2 females and 2 males).  In conducting the study, observation and interview guide were used. The data were analyzed with guidance of analyzing qualitative data by Miles, Huberman, & Saldana (2014). The findings showed that the teaching writing strategies implemented by English teachers were guided writing, mind mapping, scaffolding, and dictogloss. In this remote teaching setting, English teachers are encouraged to be more creative in designing instruction and carrying the teaching strategies for teaching writing. Further study is suggested to identify teaching strategies used by English teacher in remote teaching for different language skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yulius Wilfridus ◽  
Stefanus Notan Tupen ◽  
Maria Fatima Mei

This study aims to (1). To find out the process of learning mathematics during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2). To find out what the headmaster was doing in learning mathematical during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is using descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used interview techniques and documentation. The subject in this research is the principal, mathematics teacher and four students who are randomly selected. The results obtained from this study indicate (1). The process of learning mathematics during the Covid-19 pandemic described modules or material summaries and assigning assignments to student. (2). To see what the headmaster did in learning mathematical during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus suggested that teachers should able to prepare the material properly so that students do not get bored with online learning. Students must take advantage of their free time to always explore the material that the teacher has distributed. For subsequent researchers who conduct research related similar, we use a broader subject.

Soniya Putri Wulandari ◽  
Siti Umayaroh ◽  
Putri Mahanani

Abstract: This study is aimed to discover the negative impacts on the use of smartphone in children, their causing factors, and the means to minimalize them. This study used a qualitative research method with case study research type. The result of this study showed that the negative impacts of the use smartphone were: (1) addicted to play smartphones, (2) less discipline, (3) frequently told lies, (4) slower in understanding the lesson, and (5) influence on their behaviors. Factors that caused those negative impacts were (1) little supervision and limitation on the use of smartphones from parents, (2) the parents always obey all the students wishes, (3) addicted to online games , and (4) influence from the students’ environment. The means that can be done in order to minimize the negative impacts were (1) the teachers should give the clear schedule of online learning (2) the parents should give time limitation on the use of smartphones, and (3) the parents monitor the applications that used by the students. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak negatif penggunaan smartphone pada anak, faktor penyebab timbulnya dampak negatif tersebut, serta upaya meminimalisir timbulnya dampak negatif dari penggunaan smartphone pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dampak negatif dari penggunaan smartphone yaitu: (1) kecanduan bermain smartphone, (2) menurunnya kedisiplinan siswa, (3) siswa menjadi sering berbohong, (4) lambat dalam  menerima pembelajaran, dan (5) mempengaruhi perilaku siswa. Faktor yang menyebabkan timbulnya dampak negatif tersebut yaitu: (1) kurangnya pengawasan, pendampingan, dan pembatasan penggunaan smartphone dari orangtua, (2) orangtua selalu menuruti segala keinginan siswa, (3) kecanduan game online, dan (4) pengaruh dari lingkungan bermain siswa. Upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk meminimalisir timbulnya dampak negatif yaitu: (1) guru memberikan jadwal pembelajaran daring yang jelas, (2) orangtua memberi batasan waktu dalam penggunaan smartphone, dan (3) orangtua memantau aplikasi yang digunakan oleh siswa.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-100
Fitri Kusumawati

This study aims to look at the trends of the OYO Hotel in Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative research with a case study research design. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and literature review. Whereas data analysis uses an interactive analysis model. The results showed that the trend of OYO hotels is increasingly developing in Yogyakarta in line with the trend of travelling with a minimal budget. factors affecting tourists in choosing OYO are: cheap room rates, the number of room promotions, quality and service according to standards, adequate facilities, ease of application-based reservations, and payment can be done at the hotel

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Nurul Anam

The spread of radical or terrorist character values ​​has begun to occur in many Islamic educational institutions. This fact must be a concern for Islamic educational institutions, including the MTs Islamic Boarding School (IBS) which is under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools. The IBS-based MTs Al-Qodiri 1 Jember has made efforts to overcome this, one of which is by integrating Sufi values ​​in the subject curriculum. To describe the integration process in the institution, the researchers used a qualitative research approach and the type of case study research. The results of his research indicate that the integration of Sufistic values ​​in subjects at MTs IBS has been carried out well. Sufistic values ​​that have been integrated consist of the values ​​of sincerity, simplicity, ukhuwah Islamiyah, independence and discipline. This integration process is carried out by means of all Sufistic values ​​being internalized in several focus or sub-focus discussions related to other values. The integration of these character values ​​into the subject curriculum is carried out in three aspects, namely into the syllabus, lesson plans and the learning process. This integration model can make it easier for teachers to carry out the process of planting, forming and habituation of Sufi values ​​in the daily lives of students. Penyebaran nilai-nilai karakter radikalis atau teroris sudah mulai banyak terjadi di lembaga pendidikan Islam. Kenyataan ini harus menjadi perhatian bagi lembaga pendidikan Islam termasuk juga lembaga MTs Islamic Boarding School (IBS) yang berada di bawah nauangan pondok pesantren. MTs Unggulan Al-Qodiri 1 Jember yang berbasis IBS ini sudah melakukan upaya untuk mengatasi ini, salah satunya dengan cara mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai sufistikan dalam kurikulum mata pelajaran. Untuk mendiskripsikan proses integrasi di lembaga tersebut, maka peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa integrasi nilai-nilai sufistik dalam mata pelajaran di MTs IBS sudah dilakukan dengan baik. Nilai-nilai sufistik yang telah diintegrasikan terdiri dari nilai keikhlasan, kesederhanaan, ukhuwah Islamiyah, kemandirian dan kedisiplinan. Proses integrasi ini dilakukan dengan cara semua nilai sufistik diinternalisasikan dalam beberapa fokus atau sub fokus pembahasan yang berhubungan dengan nilai-nilai lainnya. Integrasi nilai-nilai karakter tersebut dalam kurikulum mata pelajaran dilakukan dalam tiga aspek yaitu kedalam silabus, RPP dan proses pembelajaran. Model integrasi ini dapat mempermudah guru untuk melakukan proses penanaman, pebentukan dan pembiasaan nilai-nilai sufistk dalam kehidupan sehari-hari peserta didik.

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