2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Henry Susanto ◽  
Rinaldo Adi Pratama ◽  
Yusuf Perdana ◽  
Valensy Rachmedita

A professional teacher must have four competencies, namely pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence. Professional competence, namely the ability of teachers to master knowledge in the field of science, technology or cultural arts that they teach. Mastery of these abilities should be expressed by the teacher, one of which is by making or writing scientific articles. There are many things that educators need to pay attention to in writing scientific books and articles in order to achieve proper scientific books and articles and become references for other educators. However, it cannot be denied that there are still many school teachers who do not know how to make textbooks and scientific articles. This unfavorable reality occurs not only as an error as educators who do not know or understand but because of limited knowledge, limited resources that make it difficult for them to make textbooks or scientific articles. In addition, the lack of training provided at whole level on how to make scientific books and articles makes it more difficult for educators to gain knowledge about these matters. Therefore, the team conducts training for elementary school teachers on how to write scientific books and articles whose material includes explanations of textbooks and scientific articles, ways of making, the structure of each compilation, the language used, how to find references and how to publish an article. scientific papers and examples of journals that can serve as a forum for publication of scientific articles. After community service was carried out regarding training on how to write books and scientific articles, there was an increase in the teacher's understanding of textbooks and articles, namely the average before service was 47.14% after training there was a significant increase in an average of 63.57%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Arrofa Acesta ◽  
Sulistyani Puteri Ramadhani

Abstrak: Faktanya, masih ada beberapa guru SD yang menulis artikel di koran atau mempresentasikan artikel mereka di seminar regional / nasional. Akibatnya, mereka akan menghadapi kendala dalam meningkatkan nilai mereka. Berdasarkan survei, kami menemukan bahwa banyak guru SD di Desa Sagaranten Kecamatan Ciwaru Kab.Kuningan masih belum tahu bagaimana membuat artikel yang bagus. Juga, tidak ada Jurnal untuk guru SD sebagai media bagi mereka dalam mengirimkan artikel mereka untuk memiliki beberapa kredit. Berdasarkan kasus itu, tim layanan masyarakat mencoba memberi mereka beberapa pelatihan bagaimana merancang penelitian kelas, dan bagaimana membuat artikel yang bagus. Dengan memiliki ini, mereka diharapkan dapat menemukan topik mereka dan merancang penelitian kelas mereka, kemudian mereka akan membuat artikelnya yang dapat dikirim ke surat kabar atau jurnal. Secara otomatis, mereka akan memiliki beberapa kredit untuk menaikkan nilai mereka dan mereka akan sejahtera. Pelatihan diberikan kepada 50 guru SD dari Desa Sagarenten. Kami menemukan bahwa sebenarnya ada satu guru yang memiliki pengalaman dalam melakukan penelitian kelas, tetapi masih ada banyak guru yang kurang dalam membuat penelitian dan artikel. Setelah memahami materi, mereka mencoba membuat penelitian di ruang kelas dan merancangnya menjadi sebuah artikel.Kata-kata kunci; menulis artikel, penelitian kelas, kreditAbstract: In fact, there are still some elementary school teachers who write articles in newspapers or present their articles at regional / national seminars. As a result, they will face obstacles in increasing their value. Based on the survey, we found that many elementary teachers in Sagaranten Village Ciwaru District Kab.Kuningan still do not know how to make a good article. Also, there is no Journal for elementary teachers as a medium for them in submitting their articles to have some credits. Based on the case, the community service team tried to give them some training on how to design classroom research, and how to create good articles. By having this, they are expected to find their topic and design their classroom research, then they will create an article that can be sent to a newspaper or journal. Automatically, they will have some credit to raise their value and they will prosper. Training was given to 50 elementary school teachers from Sagarenten Village. We found that there is actually one teacher who has experience in conducting classroom research, but there are still many teachers who are lacking in making research and articles. After understanding the material, they try to make research in the classroom and design it into an article.Keywords; writing articles, research classes, credit

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Rudi Ritonga ◽  
Rossi Iskandar

Salah satu aspek pengembangan kompetensi profesionalisme guru adalah dengan kemampuan guru membuat karya tulis ilmiah. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan oleh guru sekolah dasar dan kepala sekolah di kecamatan Klari Karawang. Dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar bagi para guru dalam melakukan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah, membekali guru-guru mengenai pengetahuan yang terkait dengan kegiatan menulis karya ilmiah dan melatih guru-guru untuk dapat mengungkapkan ide-idenya dalam bentuk tulisan. Hasil yang diharapkan dapat mengahsilkan produk artikel ilmiah yang layak diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah.Kata Kunci : Pelatihan, Karya Tulis IlmiahOne aspect of developing teacher professional competence is the ability of teachers to make scientific papers. This training activity is carried out by elementary school teachers and principals in Klari Karawang sub-district. With the aim of providing basic knowledge and skills for teachers in writing scientific papers, equipping teachers with knowledge related to the activities of writing scientific papers and training teachers to be able to express their ideas in writing. Results that are expected to produce scientific articles that are worth publishing in scientific journals.Keywords: Training, Scientific Writing

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-127
Nyoto Harjono ◽  
Firosalia Kristin

The professional problem that is considered unresolved until now in elementary school teachers is the low productivity of teachers in the field of writing and publishing scientific articles. To participate in solving this problem, community service is held in the Joko Tingkir Cluster Salatiga for three months from July to September 2021. The purpose of this service is to provide training in writing and publishing scientific papers, especially journal articles. Full online implementation model with the In – On method. From the results of the implementation, the majority of participants stated that they had understood how to compile research reports, especially Classroom Action Research (CAR), and had also understood how to write scientific articles and how to publish them in quality scientific journals. Participants have also practiced writing journal articles resulting from CAR, although the percentage who complete the articles is still low. The perceived obstacles are the impasse of ideas at the time of writing, limited references and research time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-266
Renny Dwijayanti ◽  
Novi Marlena ◽  
Finisica Dwijayati Patrikha

Professional teachers not only perform functions related to pedagogical competence, but also professional functions. Indicated by improve professional functions in writing scientific papers. This Community Service collaborates with two partners, which are teachers who are member of MGMP Office Administration and teachers in SMKN 1 Jombang. The aim of this Community Service is to train teachers to write scientific papers well, and publish their papers as well. These activities conducted in training activity, lecturing, question and answer, discuss and practice how to write scientific papers well. The result of these activities are 1) the implementation of this scientific writing training for vocational high school teachers is consistent to the steps that planned before, with two partners, which are teachers who are member of MGMP Office Administration and teachers in SMKN 1 Jombang, 2) the overall response from the participants of this scientific writing trainingare very satisfied, mainly because of the  aspects of activities, speakers aspects, and general aspects.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Oktarina Puspita Wardani ◽  
Turahmat Turahmat ◽  
Evi Chamalah ◽  
Aida Azizah ◽  
Leli Nisfi Setiana ◽  

AbstrakPendidikan dasar merupakan sekolah yang memiliki peran yang strategis dan fundamental bagi pembangunan bangsa. Sehingga penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah dasar harus diarahkan dan menunjang secara optimal demi mencapai tuuan pendidikan nasional. Peraturan baru yang mengharuskan syarat pernah melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas bagi guru sebagai syarat naik golongan menjadi sebuah kendala yang cukup berat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan guru SD tidak terbiasa menulis atau melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Guru harus membuat dalam memenuhi kewajibannya jika ingin naik golongan dan pangkat khususnya dari IV a ke IV b atau dari pangkat Pembina ke Pembina tingkat 1 ke atas. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini ialah menjadikan guru mampu membuat karya tulis ilmiah antara lain PTK agar mampu dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan profesi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru ialah bagaimana mengoptimalkan pembuatan penelitian tindakan kelas guru-guru SD di desa Geneng. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan workshop. Kegiatan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini mencapai target. Capaian tersebut ialah guru mampu menghasilkan penelitian tindakan kelas yang baik. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat diikuti oleh 25 guru. Ketercapaian target pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat diikuti oleh 25 guru dari target 30 guru. Sehingga, ketercapaian peserta 83% atau dapat dinilai baik. Simpulan dalam kegiatan ini ialah ketercapaian target materi yang telah direncanakan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat dinilai baik. Kata kunci: PTK; guru SD; karya tulis ilmiah. AbstractBasic education is a school that has a strategic and fundamental role for nation building. Related to the implementation of education in elementary schools must be aimed at optimally supporting and achieving national education. The new regulation which requires the requirement to carry out Classroom Action Research for teachers as a condition for boarding a class is a considerable obstacle. This is because elementary school teachers are not used to writing or conducting Classroom Action Research. The teacher must make it in fulfilling his obligations if he wants to rise in class and rank especially from IV a to IV b or from the rank of coach to coach level 1 and above. The purpose of this activity is to make teachers able to make scientific papers including PTK so that they can be utilized for professional development. The problem faced by the teacher is how to optimize the making of classroom action research for elementary school teachers in Geneng Village. Service activities are carried out using a Workshop approach. The activity uses lecture, discussion and practice methods. The results of this activity reach the target. The achievement is that the teacher is able to produce good classroom action research. The implementation of community service was followed by 25 teachers. The achievement of the target of implementing community service was followed by 25 teachers from the target of 30 teachers. So, the participants' achievement is 83% or can be considered good. The conclusions in this activity are the achievement of material targets planned for this service activity can be considered good. Keywords: PTK; elementary school teacher; scientific writing

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Renol Afrizon ◽  
Hidayati Hidayati ◽  
Relsas Yogica

Mentoring Activities of Applied Science to Improve the Competence of Natural Science Teachers in Prakarya Learning in Sijunjung RegencyAbstract. Junior high school natural science teachers in Sijunjung Regency are still not optimal in teaching of prakarya. This is due to the lack of application of natural science in prakarya learning. Prakarya subjects have four material aspects, namely: crafts, engineering, cultivation, and processing. The material aspect of crafts is more dominantly taught by science teachers in prakarya subjects even though this material aspect is more appropriate to be taught by arts / culture teachers. In addition, there are still very few natural science teachers who are able to compile prakarya student worksheets. The Community Partnership Program in the form of mentoring activities of applied natural science is very much needed by natural science teachers in learning prakarya. This activity aims to motivate and help natural science teachers to continue to improve their competencies, especially professional and pedagogical competencies. Community service activities in the form of mentoring activities use a method that consists of several stages. The initial stage is the orientation and discussion phase. The second stage is the preparation phase of the activity. The third stage is the mentoring stage 1 (in) with use the explanation, demonstration, and practice methods on mentoring activity. Data collection techniques with pre-test and post-test methods and analyzed using normalized gain. This activity has been carried out for 5 months from March to July 2019 at SMP Negeri 11 Sijunjung, Kamang Baru District, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra Province. The results of the activities showed that increasing the pedagogical competence of the Sijunjung district's natural science teachers in the prakarya learning was satisfactory. Meanwhile, increasing professional competence is quite satisfying. So, overall the improvement in the competence of Sijunjung district's natural science teachers in prakarya learning has been satisfactory.Keywords: Community service, applied natural science, prakarya, professional, pedagogicalAbstrak. Guru-guru IPA SMP di Kabupaten Sijunjung masih belum optimal dalam mengajarkan prakarya. Hal ini disebabkan karena masih kurangnya penerapan IPA dalam pembelajaran prakarya. Mata pelajaran prakarya memiliki empat aspek materi yaitu: kerajinan, rekayasa, budidaya, dan pengolahan. Aspek materi kerajinan lebih dominan diajarkan oleh guru IPA dalam mata pelajaran prakarya padahal aspek materi ini lebih tepat diajarkan oleh  guru seni budaya/keterampilan. Selain itu, masih sedikitnya guru IPA yang mampu menyusun bahan ajar prakarya. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat dalam bentuk pendampingan implementasi sains terapan sangat diperlukan guru IPA dalam pembelajaran prakarya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi dan membantu guru-guru IPA untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensinya terutama kompetensi professional dan pedagogik. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk kegiatan pendampingan ini menggunakan metode yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Tahap awal yang dilaksanakan adalah tahap orientasi dan diskusi. Tahap kedua berupa tahap persiapan kegiatan. Tahap ketiga adalah tahap pendampingan 1 (in) dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, demonstrasi, dan praktik pada kegiatan pendampingan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode pre-test dan post-test dan dianalisis menggunakan gain ternormalisasi. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2019 di SMP Negeri 11 Sijunjung Kecamatan Kamang Baru, Kabupaten Sijunjung Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru-guru IPA kabupaten Sijunjung dalam pembelajaran prakarya sudah memuaskan. Sedangkan, peningkatan kompetensi profesionalnya cukup memuaskan. Jadi, secara keseluruhan peningkatan kompetensi guru-guru IPA kabupaten Sijunjung dalam pembelajaran prakarya sudah memuaskan.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian, sains terapan, prakarya, profesional, pedagogik

2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-265 ◽  
Joëlle Morrissette

This research documented the know-how of five elementary-school teachers regarding formative assessment, working from their point of view on the question. Group interviews gave them the opportunity to negotiate their “ways of doing things,” by revisiting and elaborating upon assessment episodes that had been previously identified on classroom videotapes. An interactionist analysis served to describe the territory of formative assessment according to the range of their formal and informal “ways of doing things.”

1952 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-124 ◽  
James C. Stone

Qualified teachers, particularly elementary school teachers, are at a premium in every state. In California, the fastest growing state, which obtains one half its annual supply from other states, an effective cooperative program facilitates guidance, certification, and the continuous study of supply and demand, as described here by Mr. Stone, Consultant in Teacher Education, California State Department of Education.

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